blob: e9a188aee1b5a18f7eb120742d8214b515622455 [file] [log] [blame]
// tslint:disable
function emptySet() {
const set = new Set();
function noConstructorArgs() {
const set = new Set;
function nonStringSet() {
const set = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
// This is an allowable way to create a set of strings
function setOfStrings() {
const set = new Set(['abc']);
function setOfChars() {
const set = new Set('abc'.split(''));
function explicitlyAllowString() {
const set = new Set('abc' as Iterable<string>);
// checks that just a property called 'Set' doesn't trigger the error
function justAKeyCalledSet(obj: {Set: {new (s: string): any}}) {
const set = new obj.Set('abc');
function destructuredConstructorCalledSet(obj: {Set: {new (s: string): any}}) {
const {Set} = obj;
const set = new Set('abc');
function locallyDeclaredSet() {
class Set {
constructor(private s: string) {}
const set = new Set('abc');