blob: 52d06f968c71fd4a8fe730f012142604b38f8e10 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Checker contains all the information we need to perform source
* file AST traversals and report errors.
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Failure, Fix} from './failure';
* A Handler contains a handler function and its corresponding error code so
* when the handler function is triggered we know which rule is violated.
interface Handler {
handlerFunction(checker: Checker, node: ts.Node): void;
code: number;
* Tsetse rules use on() and addFailureAtNode() for rule implementations.
* Rules can get a ts.TypeChecker from checker.typeChecker so typed rules are
* possible. Compiler uses execute() to run the Tsetse check.
export class Checker {
* nodeHandlersMap contains node to handlers mapping for all enabled rules.
private nodeHandlersMap = new Map<ts.SyntaxKind, Handler[]>();
private failures: Failure[] = [];
private currentSourceFile: ts.SourceFile|undefined;
// currentCode will be set before invoking any handler functions so the value
// initialized here is never used.
private currentCode = 0;
* Allow typed rules via typeChecker.
typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker;
constructor(program: ts.Program) {
// Avoid the cost for each rule to create a new TypeChecker.
this.typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
* This doesn't run any checks yet. Instead, it registers `handlerFunction` on
* `nodeKind` node in `nodeHandlersMap` map. After all rules register their
* handlers, the source file AST will be traversed.
on<T extends ts.Node>(
nodeKind: T['kind'], handlerFunction: (checker: Checker, node: T) => void,
code: number) {
const newHandler: Handler = {handlerFunction, code};
const registeredHandlers: Handler[]|undefined =
if (registeredHandlers === undefined) {
this.nodeHandlersMap.set(nodeKind, [newHandler]);
} else {
* Add a failure with a span. addFailure() is currently private because
* `addFailureAtNode` is preferred.
private addFailure(
start: number, end: number, failureText: string, fix?: Fix) {
if (!this.currentSourceFile) {
throw new Error('Source file not defined');
if (start >= end || end > this.currentSourceFile.end || start < 0) {
// Since only addFailureAtNode() is exposed for now this shouldn't happen.
throw new Error(
`Invalid start and end position: [${start}, ${end}]` +
` in file ${this.currentSourceFile.fileName}.`);
const failure = new Failure(
this.currentSourceFile, start, end, failureText, this.currentCode, fix);
addFailureAtNode(node: ts.Node, failureText: string, fix?: Fix) {
// node.getStart() takes a sourceFile as argument whereas node.getEnd()
// doesn't need it.
node.getStart(this.currentSourceFile), node.getEnd(), failureText, fix);
* Walk `sourceFile`, invoking registered handlers with Checker as the first
* argument and current node as the second argument. Return failures if there
* are any.
execute(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Failure[] {
const thisChecker = this;
this.currentSourceFile = sourceFile;
this.failures = [];
return this.failures;
function run(node: ts.Node) {
const handlers: Handler[]|undefined =
if (handlers !== undefined) {
for (const handler of handlers) {
thisChecker.currentCode = handler.code;
handler.handlerFunction(thisChecker, node);
ts.forEachChild(node, run);