blob: 0bdb04cef550d50fae6e029352f7139d8c5acd60 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as path from 'path';
import * as protobufjs from 'protobufjs';
// Equivalent of running node with --expose-gc
// but easier to write tooling since we don't need to inject that arg to
// nodejs_binary
if (typeof global.gc !== 'function') {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-require-imports
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-require-imports
global.gc = require('vm').runInNewContext('gc');
* Whether to print debug messages (to console.error) from the debug function
* below.
export const DEBUG = false;
/** Maybe print a debug message (depending on a flag defaulting to false). */
export function debug(...args: Array<unknown>) {
if (DEBUG) console.error.apply(console, args);
* Write a message to stderr, which appears in the bazel log and is visible to
* the end user.
export function log(...args: Array<unknown>) {
console.error.apply(console, args);
* runAsWorker returns true if the given arguments indicate the process should
* run as a persistent worker.
export function runAsWorker(args: string[]) {
return args.indexOf('--persistent_worker') !== -1;
* workerProto declares the static type of the object constructed at runtime by
* protobufjs, based on reading the protocol buffer definition.
declare namespace workerProto {
/** Input represents the blaze.worker.Input message. */
interface Input extends protobufjs.Message<Input> {
path: string;
* In Node, digest is a Buffer. In the browser, it's a replacement
* implementation. We only care about its toString(encoding) method.
digest: {toString(encoding: string): string};
/** WorkRequest repesents the blaze.worker.WorkRequest message. */
interface WorkRequest extends protobufjs.Message<WorkRequest> {
arguments: string[];
inputs: Input[];
// tslint:disable:variable-name reflected, constructable types.
const WorkRequest: protobufjs.Type;
const WorkResponse: protobufjs.Type;
// tslint:enable:variable-name
* loadWorkerPb finds and loads the protocol buffer definition for bazel's
* worker protocol using protobufjs. In protobufjs, this means it's a reflection
* object that also contains properties for the individual messages.
function loadWorkerPb() {
const protoPath =
// Use node module resolution so we can find the .proto file in any of the
// root dirs
let protofile;
try {
// Look for the .proto file relative in its @bazel/typescript npm package
// location
protofile = require.resolve(protoPath);
} catch (e) {
if (!protofile) {
// If not found above, look for the .proto file in its rules_typescript
// workspace location
// This extra lookup should never happen in google3. It's only needed for
// local development in the rules_typescript repo.
protofile = require.resolve(
const protoNamespace = protobufjs.loadSync(protofile);
if (!protoNamespace) {
throw new Error('Cannot find ' + path.resolve(protoPath));
const workerpb = protoNamespace.lookup('blaze.worker');
if (!workerpb) {
throw new Error(`Cannot find namespace blaze.worker`);
return workerpb as protobufjs.ReflectionObject & typeof workerProto;
* workerpb contains the runtime representation of the worker protocol buffer,
* including accessor for the defined messages.
const workerpb = loadWorkerPb();
* runWorkerLoop handles the interacton between bazel workers and the
* TypeScript compiler. It reads compilation requests from stdin, unmarshals the
* data, and dispatches into `runOneBuild` for the actual compilation to happen.
* The compilation handler is parameterized so that this code can be used by
* different compiler entry points (currently TypeScript compilation, Angular
* compilation, and the contrib vulcanize worker).
* It's also exposed publicly as an npm package:
export async function runWorkerLoop(
runOneBuild: (args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}) =>
boolean | Promise<boolean>) {
// Hook all output to stderr and write it to a buffer, then include
// that buffer's in the worker protcol proto's textual output. This
// means you can log via console.error() and it will appear to the
// user as expected.
let consoleOutput = '';
process.stderr.write =
(chunk: string|Buffer, ...otherArgs: Array<unknown>): boolean => {
consoleOutput += chunk.toString();
return true;
// Accumulator for asynchronously read input.
// protobufjs uses node's Buffer, but has its own reader abstraction on top of
// it (for browser compatiblity). It ignores Buffer's builtin start and
// offset, which means the handling code below cannot use Buffer in a
// meaningful way (such as cycling data through it). The handler below reads
// any data available on stdin, concatenating it into this buffer. It then
// attempts to read a delimited Message from it. If a message is incomplete,
// it exits and waits for more input. If a message has been read, it strips
// its data of this buffer.
let buf: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
stdinLoop: for await (const chunk of process.stdin) {
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, chunk as Buffer]);
try {
const reader = new protobufjs.Reader(buf);
// Read all requests that have accumulated in the buffer.
while (reader.len - reader.pos > 0) {
const messageStart = reader.len;
const msgLength: number = reader.uint32();
// chunk might be an incomplete read from stdin. If there are not enough
// bytes for the next full message, wait for more input.
if ((reader.len - reader.pos) < msgLength) continue stdinLoop;
const req = workerpb.WorkRequest.decode(reader, msgLength) as
// Once a message has been read, remove it from buf so that if we pause
// to read more input, this message will not be processed again.
buf = buf.slice(messageStart);
debug('=== Handling new build request');
// Reset accumulated log output.
consoleOutput = '';
const args = req.arguments;
const inputs: {[path: string]: string} = {};
for (const input of req.inputs) {
inputs[input.path] = input.digest.toString('hex');
debug('Compiling with:\n\t' + args.join('\n\t'));
const exitCode = (await runOneBuild(args, inputs)) ? 0 : 1;
output: consoleOutput,
})).finish() as Buffer);
// Force a garbage collection pass. This keeps our memory usage
// consistent across multiple compilations, and allows the file
// cache to use the current memory usage as a guideline for expiring
// data. Note: this is intentionally not within runOneBuild(), as
// we want to gc only after all its locals have gone out of scope.
// All messages have been handled, make sure the invariant holds and
// Buffer is empty once all messages have been read.
if (buf.length > 0) {
throw new Error('buffer not empty after reading all messages');
} catch (e) {
log('Compilation failed', e.stack);
.encodeDelimited({exitCode: 1, output: consoleOutput})
.finish() as Buffer);
// Clear buffer so the next build won't read an incomplete request.
buf = Buffer.alloc(0);