blob: b5371a9a8a2942cc8784ef4de20dfa13ca85f368 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as perfTrace from './perf_trace';
* An entry in FileCache consists of blaze's digest of the file and the parsed
* ts.SourceFile AST.
export interface CacheEntry {
digest: string;
value: ts.SourceFile;
* Default memory size, beyond which we evict from the cache.
const DEFAULT_MAX_MEM_USAGE = 1024 * (1 << 20 /* 1 MB */);
* FileCache is a trivial LRU cache for bazel outputs.
* Cache entries are keyed off by an opaque, bazel-supplied digest.
* This code uses the fact that JavaScript hash maps are linked lists - after
* reaching the cache size limit, it deletes the oldest (first) entries. Used
* cache entries are moved to the end of the list by deleting and re-inserting.
// TODO(martinprobst): Drop the <T> parameter, it's no longer used.
export class FileCache<T = {}> {
private fileCache = new Map<string, CacheEntry>();
* FileCache does not know how to construct bazel's opaque digests. This
* field caches the last (or current) compile run's digests, so that code
* below knows what digest to assign to a newly loaded file.
private lastDigests = new Map<string, string>();
* FileCache can enter a degenerate state, where all cache entries are pinned
* by lastDigests, but the system is still out of memory. In that case, do not
* attempt to free memory until lastDigests has changed.
private cannotEvict = false;
cacheStats = {
hits: 0,
reads: 0,
evictions: 0,
* Because we cannot measuse the cache memory footprint directly, we evict
* when the process' total memory usage goes beyond this number.
private maxMemoryUsage = DEFAULT_MAX_MEM_USAGE;
constructor(private debug: (...msg: Array<{}>) => void) {}
setMaxCacheSize(maxCacheSize: number) {
if (maxCacheSize < 0) {
throw new Error(`FileCache max size is negative: ${maxCacheSize}`);
this.debug('FileCache max size is', maxCacheSize >> 20, 'MB');
this.maxMemoryUsage = maxCacheSize;
resetMaxCacheSize() {
* Updates the cache with the given digests.
* updateCache must be called before loading files - only files that were
* updated (with a digest) previously can be loaded.
updateCache(digests: {[k: string]: string}): void;
updateCache(digests: Map<string, string>): void;
updateCache(digests: Map<string, string>|{[k: string]: string}) {
// TODO(martinprobst): drop the Object based version, it's just here for
// backwards compatibility.
if (!(digests instanceof Map)) {
digests = new Map(Object.keys(digests).map(
(k): [string, string] => [k, (digests as {[k: string]: string})[k]]));
this.debug('updating digests:', digests);
this.lastDigests = digests;
this.cannotEvict = false;
for (const [filePath, newDigest] of digests.entries()) {
const entry = this.fileCache.get(filePath);
if (entry && entry.digest !== newDigest) {
'dropping file cache entry for', filePath, 'digests', entry.digest,
getLastDigest(filePath: string): string {
const digest = this.lastDigests.get(filePath);
if (!digest) {
throw new Error(
`missing input digest for ${filePath}.` +
`(only have ${Array.from(this.lastDigests.keys())})`);
return digest;
getCache(filePath: string): ts.SourceFile|undefined {
const entry = this.fileCache.get(filePath);
let value: ts.SourceFile|undefined;
if (!entry) {
this.debug('Cache miss:', filePath);
} else {
this.debug('Cache hit:', filePath);
// Move a used file to the end of the cache by deleting and re-inserting
// it.
this.fileCache.set(filePath, entry);
value = entry.value;
return value;
putCache(filePath: string, entry: CacheEntry): void {
const dropped = this.maybeFreeMemory();
this.fileCache.set(filePath, entry);
this.debug('Loaded', filePath, 'dropped', dropped, 'cache entries');
* Returns true if the given filePath was reported as an input up front and
* has a known cache digest. FileCache can only cache known files.
isKnownInput(filePath: string): boolean {
return this.lastDigests.has(filePath);
inCache(filePath: string): boolean {
return !!this.getCache(filePath);
resetStats() {
this.cacheStats = {
hits: 0,
reads: 0,
evictions: 0,
printStats() {
let percentage;
if (this.cacheStats.reads === 0) {
percentage = 100.00; // avoid "NaN %"
} else {
percentage =
(this.cacheStats.hits / this.cacheStats.reads * 100).toFixed(2);
this.debug('Cache stats:', percentage, '% hits', this.cacheStats);
traceStats() {
// counters are rendered as stacked bar charts, so record cache
// hits/misses rather than the 'reads' stat tracked in cacheSats
// so the chart makes sense.
perfTrace.counter('file cache hit rate', {
'hits': this.cacheStats.hits,
'misses': this.cacheStats.reads - this.cacheStats.hits,
perfTrace.counter('file cache evictions', {
'evictions': this.cacheStats.evictions,
perfTrace.counter('file cache size', {
'files': this.fileCache.size,
* Returns whether the cache should free some memory.
* Defined as a property so it can be overridden in tests.
shouldFreeMemory: () => boolean = () => {
return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed > this.maxMemoryUsage;
* Frees memory if required. Returns the number of dropped entries.
maybeFreeMemory() {
if (!this.shouldFreeMemory() || this.cannotEvict) {
return 0;
// Drop half the cache, the least recently used entry == the first entry.
this.debug('Evicting from the cache...');
const originalSize = this.fileCache.size;
let numberKeysToDrop = originalSize / 2;
if (numberKeysToDrop === 0) {
this.debug('Out of memory with an empty cache.');
return 0;
// Map keys are iterated in insertion order, since we reinsert on access
// this is indeed a LRU strategy.
for (const key of this.fileCache.keys()) {
if (numberKeysToDrop === 0) break;
// Do not attempt to drop files that are part of the current compilation
// unit. They are hard-retained by TypeScript compiler anyway, so they
// cannot be freed in either case.
if (this.lastDigests.has(key)) continue;
const keysDropped = originalSize - this.fileCache.size;
this.cacheStats.evictions += keysDropped;
this.debug('Evicted', keysDropped, 'cache entries');
if (keysDropped === 0) {
// Freeing memory did not drop any cache entries, because all are pinned.
// Stop evicting until the pinned list changes again. This prevents
// degenerating into an O(n^2) situation where each file load iterates
// through the list of all files, trying to evict cache keys in vain
// because all are pinned.
this.cannotEvict = true;
return keysDropped;
getCacheKeysForTest() {
return Array.from(this.fileCache.keys());
export interface FileLoader {
loadFile(fileName: string, filePath: string, langVer: ts.ScriptTarget):
fileExists(filePath: string): boolean;
* Load a source file from disk, or possibly return a cached version.
export class CachedFileLoader implements FileLoader {
/** Total amount of time spent loading files, for the perf trace. */
private totalReadTimeMs = 0;
// TODO(alexeagle): remove unused param after usages updated:
// angular:packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped/index.ts
constructor(private readonly cache: FileCache, unused?: boolean) {}
fileExists(filePath: string) {
return this.cache.isKnownInput(filePath);
loadFile(fileName: string, filePath: string, langVer: ts.ScriptTarget):
ts.SourceFile {
let sourceFile = this.cache.getCache(filePath);
if (!sourceFile) {
const readStart =;
const sourceText = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, langVer, true);
const entry = {
digest: this.cache.getLastDigest(filePath),
value: sourceFile
const readEnd =;
this.cache.putCache(filePath, entry);
this.totalReadTimeMs += readEnd - readStart;
perfTrace.counter('file load time', {
'read': this.totalReadTimeMs,
return sourceFile;
/** Load a source file from disk. */
export class UncachedFileLoader implements FileLoader {
fileExists(filePath: string): boolean {
return ts.sys.fileExists(filePath);
loadFile(fileName: string, filePath: string, langVer: ts.ScriptTarget):
ts.SourceFile {
const sourceText = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
return ts.createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, langVer, true);