blob: 082291bdf19a364c88c21e5a648c2357b3bec32c [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
import 'jasmine';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CachedFileLoader, FileCache} from './file_cache';
import {invalidateFileCache, writeTempFile} from './test_support';
function fauxDebug(...args: any[]) {
console.error.apply(console, args);
describe('FileCache', () => {
let fileCache: FileCache;
let fileLoader: CachedFileLoader;
beforeEach(() => {
fileCache = new FileCache(fauxDebug);
fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(fileCache);
function load(name: string, fn: string) {
return fileLoader.loadFile(name, fn, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
function setCurrentFiles(...fileName: string[]) {
// Give all files the same digest, so that the file cache allows reading
// them, but does not evict them.
const digests =
new Map( [string, string] => [fn, 'digest']));
function expectCacheKeys() {
// Strip the long /tmp paths created by writeTempFile.
return expect(
fileCache.getCacheKeysForTest().map(fn => fn.replace(/.*\./, '')));
it('caches files', () => {
const fn = writeTempFile('file_cache_test', 'let x: number = 12;\n');
invalidateFileCache(fileCache, fn);
// Caches.
const sourceFile = fileLoader.loadFile('fileName', fn, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
let sourceFile2 = fileLoader.loadFile('fileName', fn, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
expect(sourceFile).toBe(sourceFile2); // i.e., identical w/ ===
// Invalidate the file.
invalidateFileCache(fileCache, fn);
sourceFile2 = fileLoader.loadFile('fileName', fn, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
// New file after write/mtime change.
it('caches in LRU order', () => {
let free = false;
fileCache.shouldFreeMemory = () => free;
const fn1 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test1', 'let x: number = 1;\n');
const fn2 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test2', 'let x: number = 2;\n');
const fn3 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test3', 'let x: number = 3;\n');
const fn4 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test4', 'let x: number = 4;\n');
const fn5 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test5', 'let x: number = 5;\n');
setCurrentFiles(fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, fn5);
// Populate the cache.
const f1 = load('f1', fn1);
const f2 = load('f2', fn2);
const f3 = load('f3', fn3);
const f4 = load('f4', fn4);
// Load f1 from cache again. Now f1 is the most recently used file.
expect(load('f1', fn1)).toBe(f1, 'f1 should be cached');
// Now load f5 and pretend memory must be freed.
// length / 2 == 2 files must be cleared.
// f2 + f5 are pinned because they are part of the compilation unit.
// f1, f3, f4 are eligible for eviction, and f1 is more recently used than
// the others, so f1 shoud be retained, f3 + f4 dropped.
setCurrentFiles(fn2, fn5);
free = true;
const f5 = load('f5', fn5);
setCurrentFiles(fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, fn5);
expect(load('f1', fn1))
.toBe(f1, 'f1 should not be dropped, it was recently used');
expect(load('f2', fn2)).toBe(f2, 'f2 should be pinned');
expect(load('f3', fn3)).not.toBe(f3, 'f3 should have been dropped');
expect(load('f4', fn4)).not.toBe(f4, 'f4 should have been dropped');
expect(load('f5', fn5)).toBe(f5, 'f5 should be pinned');
it('degenerates to cannotEvict mode', () => {
// Pretend to always be out of memory.
fileCache.shouldFreeMemory = () => true;
const fn1 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test1', 'let x: number = 1;\n');
const fn2 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test2', 'let x: number = 2;\n');
const fn3 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test3', 'let x: number = 3;\n');
const fn4 = writeTempFile('file_cache_test4', 'let x: number = 4;\n');
setCurrentFiles(fn1, fn2, fn3);
load('fn1', fn1),
load('fn2', fn2);
load('fn3', fn3);
expect(fileCache['cannotEvict']).toBe(true, 'all files are pinned');
setCurrentFiles(fn1, fn4);
expect(fileCache['cannotEvict']).toBe(false, 'pinned files reset');
load('fn4', fn4);