blob: f11d78aa6066af78ed09af6a6084e77529855d69 [file] [log] [blame]
package analyze
import (
// ts_auto_depsImport represents a single import in a TypeScript source.
type ts_auto_depsImport struct {
// importPath can be an ES6 path ('./foo/bar'), but also a namespace ('goog:...').
// This is the import path as it appears in the TypeScript source.
importPath string
// knownTarget is the (fully qualified) bazel target providing importPath.
// It's either found by locateMissingTargets or taken from a ts_auto_deps comment.
knownTarget string
location sourceLocation
// resolvedPath is the path to the import relative to the root of the
// workspace. For example, an import of './foo' in the 'bar/baz' directory
// would have a path from root of 'bar/baz/foo'.
// Absolute imports have no resolvedPath since the physical location of
// these imports depends on the dependencies of the target the source
// location is a member of. For example, an import of 'foo/bar' would have
// no resolvedPath.
func (i *ts_auto_depsImport) resolvedPath() string {
if strings.HasPrefix(i.importPath, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(i.importPath, "../") {
// If the import is relative to the source location, use the source
// location to form a "canonical" path from the root.
return filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(i.location.sourcePath), i.importPath))
} else if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(i.importPath, workspace.Name()+"/"); trim != i.importPath {
return trim
// The import is an absolute import and therefore does not have a definite
// resolved path.
return i.importPath
// sourceLocation points to a position in a source file.
type sourceLocation struct {
// Workspace root relative source path.
sourcePath string
// offset and length are byte offsets, line is the 1-indexed source line (considering only \n as breaks).
offset, length, line int
// extractAllImports extracts the TypeScript imports from paths.
// paths should be relative to root. The root will be joined to each path
// to construct a physical path to each file.
func extractAllImports(root string, paths []string) (map[string][]*ts_auto_depsImport, []error) {
debugf("extracting imports from TypeScript files relative to %q: %q", root, paths)
allImports := make(map[string][]*ts_auto_depsImport)
var (
errors []error
mutex sync.Mutex
group sync.WaitGroup
for _, path := range paths {
go func(path string) {
defer group.Done()
imports, err := extractImports(root, path)
// Lock the mutex to prevent concurrent writes.
defer mutex.Unlock()
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
allImports[path] = imports
return allImports, errors
// extractImports extracts the TypeScript imports from a single file. path
// should be a path from the root to the file.
func extractImports(root, path string) ([]*ts_auto_depsImport, error) {
d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(root, path))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parseImports(path, d), nil
const (
ts_auto_depsFrom = `^[ \t]*//[ \t]+ts_auto_deps:[^\n]*?from[ \t]+(?P<Target>//\S+)$`
importPreface = `^[ \t]*(?:import|export)\b\s*`
wildcardTerm = `\*(?:\s*as\s+\S+)?` // "as..." is optional to match exports.
identifiersClause = `(?:\{[^}]*\}|\S+|` + wildcardTerm + `)`
symbolsTerm = `(?:` + identifiersClause + `(?:,\s*` + identifiersClause + `)?\s*\bfrom\b\s*)?`
url = `['"](?P<URL>[^'";]+)['"]\s*;?`
namespaceComment = `(?:\s*//[ \t]*from[ \t]+(?P<Target>//\S+)$)?`
var importRE = regexp.MustCompile("(?ms)" +
"(?:" + ts_auto_depsFrom + ")|" +
"(?:" + importPreface + symbolsTerm + url + namespaceComment + ")")
// parseImports scans contents for imports (ES6 modules, ts_auto_deps comments), and
// returns a list of ts_auto_depsImports. knownTarget is already filled in for imports
// that have ts_auto_deps comments.
func parseImports(sourcePath string, contents []byte) []*ts_auto_depsImport {
var imports []*ts_auto_depsImport
lastOffset := 0
line := 1
column := 1
for _, matchIndices := range importRE.FindAllSubmatchIndex(contents, -1) {
imp := &ts_auto_depsImport{}
imports = append(imports, imp)
// matchIndices[0, 1]: full RE match
imp.location.sourcePath = sourcePath
for lastOffset < matchIndices[1] {
// Iterate to the *end* of the import statement.
// The ts_auto_deps comment must be placed at the end of the "import" statement.
// This offset has to be exactly the end of the import for ts_auto_deps later on
// to insert the '// from' comment in the correct line.
if contents[lastOffset] == '\n' {
column = 1
imp.location.offset = matchIndices[0]
imp.location.length = matchIndices[1] - matchIndices[0]
imp.location.line = line
if matchIndices[2] >= 0 {
// matchIndices[2, 3]: Target for a // ts_auto_deps: ... from ... comment.
imp.knownTarget = string(contents[matchIndices[2]:matchIndices[3]])
} else {
// matchIndices[4, 5]: URL in import x from 'url';
imp.importPath = string(contents[matchIndices[4]:matchIndices[5]])
if matchIndices[6] >= 0 {
// matchIndices[6, 7]: Target for a // from comment
imp.knownTarget = string(contents[matchIndices[6]:matchIndices[7]])
return imports