blob: 2de4c53868ab24207fce0459c8d4a46a346fdc34 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tsickle from 'tsickle';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {FileLoader, isNonHermeticInput} from './file_cache';
import * as perfTrace from './perf_trace';
import {BazelOptions} from './tsconfig';
export type ModuleResolver =
(moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost) =>
* Narrows down the type of some properties from non-optional to required, so
* that we do not need to check presence before each access.
export interface BazelTsOptions extends ts.CompilerOptions {
rootDirs: string[];
rootDir: string;
outDir: string;
export function narrowTsOptions(options: ts.CompilerOptions): BazelTsOptions {
if (!options.rootDirs)
throw new Error(`compilerOptions.rootDirs should be set by tsconfig.bzl`);
if (!options.rootDir)
throw new Error(`compilerOptions.rootDirs should be set by tsconfig.bzl`);
if (!options.outDir)
throw new Error(`compilerOptions.rootDirs should be set by tsconfig.bzl`);
return options as BazelTsOptions;
* CompilerHost that knows how to cache parsed files to improve compile times.
export class CompilerHost implements ts.CompilerHost, tsickle.TsickleHost {
* Lookup table to answer file stat's without looking on disk.
private knownFiles = new Set<string>();
* rootDirs relative to the rootDir, eg "bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin"
private relativeRoots: string[];
getCancelationToken?: () => ts.CancellationToken;
googmodule: boolean;
es5Mode: boolean;
prelude: string;
untyped: boolean;
typeBlackListPaths: Set<string>;
transformDecorators: boolean;
transformTypesToClosure: boolean;
addDtsClutzAliases: boolean;
options: BazelTsOptions;
host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost = this;
public inputFiles: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions,
readonly bazelOpts: BazelOptions, private delegate: ts.CompilerHost,
private fileLoader: FileLoader,
private readonly allowNonHermeticReads: boolean,
private moduleResolver: ModuleResolver = ts.resolveModuleName) {
this.options = narrowTsOptions(options);
this.relativeRoots = => path.relative(this.options.rootDir, r));
inputFiles.forEach((f) => {
// getCancelationToken is an optional method on the delegate. If we
// unconditionally implement the method, we will be forced to return null,
// in the absense of the delegate method. That won't match the return type.
// Instead, we optionally set a function to a field with the same name.
if (delegate && delegate.getCancellationToken) {
this.getCancelationToken = delegate.getCancellationToken.bind(delegate);
this.googmodule = bazelOpts.googmodule;
this.es5Mode = bazelOpts.es5Mode;
this.prelude = bazelOpts.prelude;
this.untyped = bazelOpts.untyped;
this.typeBlackListPaths = new Set(bazelOpts.typeBlackListPaths);
this.transformDecorators = bazelOpts.tsickle;
this.transformTypesToClosure = bazelOpts.tsickle;
this.addDtsClutzAliases = bazelOpts.addDtsClutzAliases;
* Workaround
* We use the `rootDirs` property both for module resolution,
* and *also* to flatten the structure of the output directory
* (as `rootDir` would do for a single root).
* To do this, look for the pattern outDir/relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file
* or relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file
* and replace that with path/to/file
flattenOutDir(fileName: string): string {
let result = fileName;
// outDir/relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file -> relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file
if (fileName.startsWith(this.options.rootDir)) {
result = path.relative(this.options.outDir, fileName);
for (const dir of this.relativeRoots) {
if (result.startsWith(dir + '/')) {
// relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file -> path/to/file
result = path.relative(dir, result);
// relativeRoots is sorted longest first so we can short-circuit
// after the first match
return result;
/** Avoid using tsickle on files that aren't in srcs[] */
shouldSkipTsickleProcessing(fileName: string): boolean {
return this.bazelOpts.compilationTargetSrc.indexOf(fileName) === -1;
/** Whether the file is expected to be imported using a named module */
shouldNameModule(fileName: string): boolean {
return this.bazelOpts.compilationTargetSrc.indexOf(fileName) !== -1;
/** Allows suppressing warnings for specific known libraries */
shouldIgnoreWarningsForPath(filePath: string): boolean {
return this.bazelOpts.ignoreWarningPaths.some(
p => !!filePath.match(new RegExp(p)));
fileNameToModuleId(fileName: string): string {
return this.flattenOutDir(fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')));
* TypeScript SourceFile's have a path with the rootDirs[i] still present, eg.
* /build/work/bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/path/to/file
* @return the path without any rootDirs, eg. path/to/file
private rootDirsRelative(fileName: string): string {
for (const root of this.options.rootDirs) {
if (fileName.startsWith(root)) {
// rootDirs are sorted longest-first, so short-circuit the iteration
// see tsconfig.ts.
return path.relative(root, fileName);
return fileName;
* Massages file names into valid goog.module names:
* - resolves relative paths to the given context
* - resolves non-relative paths which takes module_root into account
* - replaces '/' with '.' in the '<workspace>' namespace
* - replace first char if non-alpha
* - replace subsequent non-alpha numeric chars
pathToModuleName(context: string, importPath: string): string {
// tsickle hands us an output path, we need to map it back to a source
// path in order to do module resolution with it.
// outDir/relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file ->
// rootDir/relativeRoots[i]/path/to/file
if (context.startsWith(this.options.outDir)) {
context = path.join(
this.options.rootDir, path.relative(this.options.outDir, context));
// Try to get the resolved path name from TS compiler host which can
// handle resolution for libraries with module_root like rxjs and @angular.
let resolvedPath: string|null = null;
const resolved =
this.moduleResolver(importPath, context, this.options, this);
if (resolved && resolved.resolvedModule &&
resolved.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName) {
resolvedPath = resolved.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName;
// /build/work/bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/path/to/file ->
// path/to/file
resolvedPath = this.rootDirsRelative(resolvedPath);
} else {
// importPath can be an absolute file path in google3.
// Try to trim it as a path relative to bin and genfiles, and if so,
// handle its file extension in the block below and prepend the workspace
// name.
const trimmed = this.rootDirsRelative(importPath);
if (trimmed !== importPath) {
resolvedPath = trimmed;
if (resolvedPath) {
// Strip file extensions.
importPath = resolvedPath.replace(/(\.d)?\.tsx?$/, '');
// Make sure all module names include the workspace name.
if (importPath.indexOf(this.bazelOpts.workspaceName) !== 0) {
importPath = path.join(this.bazelOpts.workspaceName, importPath);
// Remove the __{LOCALE} from the module name.
if (this.bazelOpts.locale) {
const suffix = '__' + this.bazelOpts.locale.toLowerCase();
if (importPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(suffix)) {
importPath = importPath.substring(0, importPath.length - suffix.length);
// Replace characters not supported by goog.module and '.' with
// '$<Hex char code>' so that the original module name can be re-obtained
// without any loss.
// See goog.VALID_MODULE_RE_ in Closure's base.js for characters supported
// by google.module.
const escape = (c: string) => {
return '$' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
const moduleName = importPath.replace(/^[^a-zA-Z_/]/, escape)
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z_0-9_/]/g, escape)
.replace(/\//g, '.');
return moduleName;
* Converts file path into a valid AMD module name.
* An AMD module can have an arbitrary name, so that it is require'd by name
* rather than by path. See
* "However, tools that combine multiple modules together for performance need
* a way to give names to each module in the optimized file. For that, AMD
* allows a string as the first argument to define()"
amdModuleName(sf: ts.SourceFile): string|undefined {
if (!this.shouldNameModule(sf.fileName)) return undefined;
// /build/work/bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/path/to/file.ts
// -> path/to/file.ts
let fileName = this.rootDirsRelative(sf.fileName);
let workspace = this.bazelOpts.workspaceName;
// Workaround
// When the file comes from an external bazel repository,
// and TypeScript resolves runfiles symlinks, then the path will look like
// output_base/execroot/local_repo/external/another_repo/foo/bar
// We want to name such a module "another_repo/foo/bar" just as it would be
// named by code in that repository.
// As a workaround, check for the /external/ path segment, and fix up the
// workspace name to be the name of the external repository.
if (fileName.startsWith('external/')) {
const parts = fileName.split('/');
workspace = parts[1];
fileName = parts.slice(2).join('/');
// path/to/file.ts ->
// myWorkspace/path/to/file
return path.join(workspace, fileName.replace(/(\.d)?\.tsx?$/, ''));
/** Loads a source file from disk (or the cache). */
fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget,
onError?: (message: string) => void) {
return perfTrace.wrap(`getSourceFile ${fileName}`, () => {
const sf = this.fileLoader.loadFile(fileName, fileName, languageVersion);
if (this.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD ||
this.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.UMD) {
const moduleName = this.amdModuleName(sf);
if (sf.moduleName === moduleName || !moduleName) return sf;
if (sf.moduleName) {
throw new Error(
`ERROR: ${sf.fileName} ` +
`contains a module name declaration ${sf.moduleName} ` +
`which would be overwritten with ${moduleName} ` +
`by Bazel's TypeScript compiler.`);
// Setting the moduleName is equivalent to the original source having a
// ///<amd-module name="some/name"/> directive
sf.moduleName = moduleName;
return sf;
fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError: ((message: string) => void) | undefined,
sourceFiles: ReadonlyArray<ts.SourceFile>): void {
`writeFile ${fileName}`,
() => this.writeFileImpl(
fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles || []));
fileName: string, content: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
onError: ((message: string) => void) | undefined,
sourceFiles: ReadonlyArray<ts.SourceFile>): void {
// Workaround
if ((this.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD ||
this.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.UMD) &&
fileName.endsWith('.d.ts') && sourceFiles && sourceFiles.length > 0 &&
sourceFiles[0].moduleName) {
content =
`/// <amd-module name="${sourceFiles[0].moduleName}" />\n${content}`;
fileName = this.flattenOutDir(fileName);
if (!this.bazelOpts.es5Mode) {
// Write ES6 transpiled files to *.closure.js.
if (this.bazelOpts.locale) {
// i18n paths are required to end with __locale.js so we put
// the .closure segment before the __locale
fileName = fileName.replace(/(__[^\.]+)?\.js$/, '.closure$1.js');
} else {
fileName = fileName.replace(/\.js$/, '.closure.js');
// Prepend the output directory.
fileName = path.join(this.options.outDir, fileName);
// Our file cache is based on mtime - so avoid writing files if they
// did not change.
if (!fs.existsSync(fileName) ||
fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8') !== content) {
fileName, content, writeByteOrderMark, onError, sourceFiles);
* Performance optimization: don't try to stat files we weren't explicitly
* given as inputs.
* This also allows us to disable Bazel sandboxing, without accidentally
* reading .ts inputs when .d.ts inputs are intended.
* Note that in worker mode, the file cache will also guard against arbitrary
* file reads.
fileExists(filePath: string): boolean {
// Allow moduleResolution=node to behave normally.
if (this.allowNonHermeticReads && isNonHermeticInput(filePath) &&
this.delegate.fileExists(filePath)) {
return true;
return this.knownFiles.has(filePath);
getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string {
if (this.bazelOpts.nodeModulesPrefix) {
return path.join(
this.bazelOpts.nodeModulesPrefix, 'typescript/lib',
ts.getDefaultLibFileName({target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5}));
return this.delegate.getDefaultLibFileName(options);
// Delegate everything else to the original compiler host.
getCanonicalFileName(path: string) {
return this.delegate.getCanonicalFileName(path);
getCurrentDirectory(): string {
return this.delegate.getCurrentDirectory();
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean {
return this.delegate.useCaseSensitiveFileNames();
getNewLine(): string {
return this.delegate.getNewLine();
getDirectories(path: string) {
return this.delegate.getDirectories(path);
readFile(fileName: string): string|undefined {
return this.delegate.readFile(fileName);
trace(s: string): void {
realpath(s: string): string {
return ts.sys.realpath!(s);