blob: f3a3fefde35462591b956140ed84a142750808f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview extensions to TypeScript functionality around error handling
* (ts.Diagnostics).
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {BazelOptions} from './tsconfig';
* If the current compilation was a compilation test expecting certain
* diagnostics, filter out the expected diagnostics, and add new diagnostics
* (aka errors) for non-matched diagnostics.
export function filterExpected(
bazelOpts: BazelOptions, diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[],
formatFn = format): ts.Diagnostic[] {
if (!bazelOpts.expectedDiagnostics.length) return diagnostics;
// The regex contains two parts:
// 1. Optional position: '\(5,1\)'
// 2. Required TS error: 'TS2000: message text.'
// Need triple escapes because the expected diagnostics that we're matching
// here are regexes, too.
const ERROR_RE = /^(?:\\\((\d*),(\d*)\\\).*)?TS(\d+):(.*)/;
const incorrectErrors =
bazelOpts.expectedDiagnostics.filter(e => !e.match(ERROR_RE));
if (incorrectErrors.length) {
const msg = `Expected errors must match regex ${ERROR_RE}\n\t` +
`expected errors are "${incorrectErrors.join(', ')}"`;
return [{
file: undefined!,
start: 0,
length: 0,
messageText: msg,
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
code: 0,
// ExpectedDiagnostics represents the "expected_diagnostics" users provide in
// the BUILD file. It is used for easier comparsion with the actual
// diagnostics.
interface ExpectedDiagnostics {
line: number;
column: number;
expected: string;
code: number;
regexp: RegExp;
matched: boolean;
const expectedDiags: ExpectedDiagnostics[] = => {
const m = expected.match(/^(?:\\\((\d*),(\d*)\\\).*)?TS(\d+):(.*)$/);
if (!m) {
throw new Error(
'Incorrect expected error, did you forget character escapes in ' +
const [, lineStr, columnStr, codeStr, regexp] = m;
const [line, column, code] = [lineStr, columnStr, codeStr].map(str => {
const i = Number(str);
if (Number.isNaN(i)) {
return 0;
return i;
return {
regexp: new RegExp(regexp),
matched: false,
const unmatchedDiags = diagnostics.filter(diag => {
let line = -1;
let character = -1;
if (diag.file && diag.start) {
({line, character} =
ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diag.file, diag.start));
let matched = false;
const msg = formatFn(, [diag]);
// checkDiagMatchesExpected checks if the expected diagnostics matches the
// actual diagnostics.
const checkDiagMatchesExpected =
(expDiag: ExpectedDiagnostics, diag: ts.Diagnostic) => {
if (expDiag.code !== diag.code || === -1) {
return false;
// line and column are optional fields, only check them if they
// are explicitly specified.
// line and character are zero based.
if (expDiag.line !== 0 && expDiag.line !== line + 1) {
return false;
if (expDiag.column !== 0 && expDiag.column !== character + 1) {
return false;
return true;
for (const expDiag of expectedDiags) {
if (checkDiagMatchesExpected(expDiag, diag)) {
expDiag.matched = true;
matched = true;
// continue, one diagnostic may match multiple expected errors.
return !matched;
const unmatchedErrors = expectedDiags.filter(err => !err.matched).map(err => {
const file = ts.createSourceFile(, '/* fake source as marker */',
const messageText =
`Expected a compilation error matching ${JSON.stringify(err.expected)}`;
return {
start: 0,
length: 0,
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
code: err.code,
return unmatchedDiags.concat(unmatchedErrors);
* Formats the given diagnostics.
* @param target The bazel target, e.g. //my/package:target
export function format(
target: string, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<ts.Diagnostic>): string {
const diagnosticsHost: ts.FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
getCurrentDirectory: () => ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine,
// Print filenames including their relativeRoot, so they can be located on
// disk
getCanonicalFileName: (f: string) => f
let formatter = ts.formatDiagnostics;
// TODO(b/68225357): remove the as any case once TS 2.6 has landed.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any Working around a TS 2.5 vs 2.6 difference.
return formatter(diagnostics as any, diagnosticsHost);