| # Configuration file for https://circleci.com/gh/bazelbuild/rules_typescript |
| |
| # Note: YAML anchors allow an object to be re-used, reducing duplication. |
| # The ampersand declares an alias for an object, then later the `<<: *name` |
| # syntax dereferences it. |
| # See http://blog.daemonl.com/2016/02/yaml.html |
| # To validate changes, use an online parser, eg. |
| # http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ |
| |
| # If you change the `docker_image` version, also change the `cache_key` suffix |
| var_1: &docker_image circleci/node:10.12-browsers |
| var_2: &cache_key rules_typescript-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-internal/karma:node:{{ checksum "internal/karma/yarn.lock" }}-10.12-browsers |
| var_3: &setup-bazel-remote-cache |
| run: |
| name: Start up bazel remote cache proxy |
| command: ~/bazel-remote-proxy -backend circleci:// |
| background: true |
| |
| # Settings common to each job |
| anchor_1: &job_defaults |
| working_directory: ~/ts |
| # Use a docker image with bazel already installed |
| docker: |
| - image: *docker_image |
| |
| # After checkout, rebase on top of master. |
| # Similar to travis behavior, but not quite the same. |
| # See https://discuss.circleci.com/t/1662 |
| anchor_2: &post_checkout |
| post: git pull --ff-only origin "refs/pull/${CI_PULL_REQUEST//*pull\//}/merge" |
| |
| version: 2 |
| jobs: |
| build: |
| <<: *job_defaults |
| steps: |
| - checkout: |
| <<: *post_checkout |
| - run: .circleci/setup_cache.sh |
| - run: sudo cp .circleci/bazel.rc /etc/bazel.bazelrc |
| - *setup-bazel-remote-cache |
| - restore_cache: |
| key: *cache_key |
| |
| - run: yarn install |
| - run: yarn bazel info release |
| - run: yarn bazel build ... |
| - run: yarn bazel test ... |
| - run: 'cd internal/karma && |
| yarn install && |
| yarn bazel build ...' |
| - run: yarn bazel build @disable_tsetse_for_external_test//... |
| |
| # This job tests the same stuff, but without the .bazelrc file. |
| # It disables worker mode, for example. |
| build_no_bazelrc: |
| <<: *job_defaults |
| steps: |
| - checkout: |
| <<: *post_checkout |
| - run: .circleci/setup_cache.sh |
| - run: sudo cp .circleci/bazel.rc /etc/bazel.bazelrc |
| - *setup-bazel-remote-cache |
| - restore_cache: |
| key: *cache_key |
| |
| - run: yarn install |
| - run: yarn bazel --bazelrc=/dev/null info release |
| # We cherry pick the memory utilization options from .circleci/bazel.rc here. |
| # Since the default CircleCI container has only 4G, limiting the memory |
| # is required to keep Bazel from exhausting the memory. |
| - run: yarn bazel --bazelrc=/dev/null --host_jvm_args=-Xmx3g build ... --local_resources=2560,1.0,1.0 |
| - run: yarn bazel --bazelrc=/dev/null --host_jvm_args=-Xmx3g test ... --local_resources=2560,1.0,1.0 |
| - run: 'cd internal/karma && |
| yarn install && |
| yarn bazel --bazelrc=/dev/null --host_jvm_args=-Xmx3g build ... --local_resources=2560,1.0,1.0' |
| - run: yarn bazel --bazelrc=/dev/null --host_jvm_args=-Xmx3g build @disable_tsetse_for_external_test//... --local_resources=2560,1.0,1.0 |
| |
| - save_cache: |
| key: *cache_key |
| paths: |
| - "node_modules" |
| - "internal/karma/node_modules" |
| |
| # Runs end-to-end browser tests. |
| test: |
| <<: *job_defaults |
| resource_class: xlarge |
| environment: |
| CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG: --versions.chrome 2.41 |
| steps: |
| - checkout: |
| <<: *post_checkout |
| - run: .circleci/setup_cache.sh |
| - run: sudo cp .circleci/bazel.rc /etc/bazel.bazelrc |
| - *setup-bazel-remote-cache |
| - restore_cache: |
| key: *cache_key |
| |
| - run: yarn install |
| - run: xvfb-run -a yarn e2e |
| |
| lint: |
| <<: *job_defaults |
| steps: |
| - checkout: |
| <<: *post_checkout |
| |
| - run: yarn install |
| |
| # Run the skylark linter to check our Bazel rules |
| # Note, this is not yet enforced, because |
| # - buildifier doesn't exit non-zero in the presence of lint warnings: https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/issues/470 |
| # - false positive for rule docstrings: https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/issues/471 |
| - run: 'yarn bazel:lint || |
| (echo -e "\n.bzl files have lint errors. Please run ''yarn bazel:lint-fix''"; exit 1)' |
| |
| # Enforce that BUILD files are formatted. |
| - run: 'yarn bazel:format -mode=check || |
| (echo "BUILD files not formatted. Please run ''yarn bazel:format''" ; exit 1)' |
| |
| workflows: |
| version: 2 |
| # Run the two builds in parallel, reporting separate status to github PRs. |
| default_workflow: |
| jobs: |
| - build |
| - build_no_bazelrc |
| - test |
| - lint |