| # Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| "Unit testing with Karma" |
| |
| load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//internal/js_library:js_library.bzl", "write_amd_names_shim") |
| load( |
| "@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//internal:node.bzl", |
| "expand_path_into_runfiles", |
| "sources_aspect", |
| ) |
| load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web/internal:constants.bzl", "DEFAULT_WRAPPED_TEST_TAGS") |
| load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:web.bzl", "web_test_suite") |
| load(":web_test.bzl", "COMMON_WEB_TEST_ATTRS") |
| |
| _CONF_TMPL = "//:karma.conf.js" |
| _DEFAULT_KARMA_BIN = "@npm//@bazel/karma/bin:karma" |
| |
| # Attributes for karma_web_test that are shared with ts_web_test which |
| # uses Karma under the hood |
| "bootstrap": attr.label_list( |
| doc = """JavaScript files to include *before* the module loader (require.js). |
| For example, you can include Reflect,js for TypeScript decorator metadata reflection, |
| or UMD bundles for third-party libraries.""", |
| allow_files = [".js"], |
| ), |
| "karma": attr.label( |
| doc = "karma binary label", |
| default = Label(_DEFAULT_KARMA_BIN), |
| executable = True, |
| cfg = "target", |
| allow_files = True, |
| ), |
| "static_files": attr.label_list( |
| doc = """Arbitrary files which are available to be served on request. |
| Files are served at: |
| `/base/<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<path-to-file>`, e.g. |
| `/base/build_bazel_rules_typescript/examples/testing/static_script.js`""", |
| allow_files = True, |
| ), |
| "runtime_deps": attr.label_list( |
| doc = """Dependencies which should be loaded after the module loader but before the srcs and deps. |
| These should be a list of targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`. |
| The files will be loaded in the same order they are declared by that rule.""", |
| allow_files = True, |
| aspects = [sources_aspect], |
| ), |
| "_conf_tmpl": attr.label( |
| default = Label(_CONF_TMPL), |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| ), |
| }) |
| |
| # Attributes for karma_web_test that are specific to karma_web_test |
| "config_file": attr.label( |
| doc = """User supplied Karma configuration file. Bazel will override |
| certain attributes of this configuration file. Attributes that are |
| overridden will be outputted to the test log.""", |
| allow_single_file = True, |
| aspects = [sources_aspect], |
| ), |
| }) |
| |
| # Helper function to convert a short path to a path that is |
| # found in the MANIFEST file. |
| def _short_path_to_manifest_path(ctx, short_path): |
| if short_path.startswith("../"): |
| return short_path[3:] |
| else: |
| return ctx.workspace_name + "/" + short_path |
| |
| # Write the AMD names shim bootstrap file |
| def _write_amd_names_shim(ctx): |
| amd_names_shim = ctx.actions.declare_file( |
| "_%s.amd_names_shim.js" % ctx.label.name, |
| sibling = ctx.outputs.executable, |
| ) |
| write_amd_names_shim(ctx.actions, amd_names_shim, ctx.attr.bootstrap) |
| return amd_names_shim |
| |
| # Generates the karma configuration file for the rule |
| def _write_karma_config(ctx, files, amd_names_shim): |
| configuration = ctx.actions.declare_file( |
| "%s.conf.js" % ctx.label.name, |
| sibling = ctx.outputs.executable, |
| ) |
| |
| config_file = "" |
| if hasattr(ctx.file, "config_file"): |
| config_file = ctx.file.config_file |
| if hasattr(ctx.attr.config_file, "typescript"): |
| config_file = ctx.attr.config_file.typescript.es5_sources.to_list()[0] |
| |
| # The files in the bootstrap attribute come before the require.js support. |
| # Note that due to frameworks = ['jasmine'], a few scripts will come before |
| # the bootstrap entries: |
| # jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js |
| # karma-jasmine/lib/boot.js |
| # karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js |
| # This is desired so that the bootstrap entries can patch jasmine, as zone.js does. |
| bootstrap_entries = [ |
| expand_path_into_runfiles(ctx, f.short_path) |
| for f in ctx.files.bootstrap |
| ] |
| |
| # Explicitly list the requirejs library files here, rather than use |
| # `frameworks: ['requirejs']` |
| # so that we control the script order, and the bootstrap files come before |
| # require.js. |
| # That allows bootstrap files to have anonymous AMD modules, or to do some |
| # polyfilling before test libraries load. |
| # See https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/issues/699 |
| # `NODE_MODULES/` is a prefix recogized by karma.conf.js to allow |
| # for a priority require of nested `@bazel/typescript/node_modules` before |
| # looking in root node_modules. |
| bootstrap_entries += [ |
| "NODE_MODULES/requirejs/require.js", |
| "NODE_MODULES/karma-requirejs/lib/adapter.js", |
| "/".join([ctx.workspace_name, amd_names_shim.short_path]), |
| ] |
| |
| # Next we load the "runtime_deps" which we expect to contain named AMD modules |
| # Thus they should come after the require.js script, but before any srcs or deps |
| runtime_files = [] |
| for d in ctx.attr.runtime_deps: |
| if not hasattr(d, "typescript"): |
| # Workaround https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/issues/57 |
| # We should allow any JS source as long as it yields something that |
| # can be loaded by require.js |
| fail("labels in runtime_deps must be created by ts_library") |
| for src in d.typescript.es5_sources.to_list(): |
| runtime_files.append(expand_path_into_runfiles(ctx, src.short_path)) |
| |
| # Finally we load the user's srcs and deps |
| user_entries = [ |
| expand_path_into_runfiles(ctx, f.short_path) |
| for f in files.to_list() |
| ] |
| |
| # Expand static_files paths to runfiles for config |
| static_files = [ |
| expand_path_into_runfiles(ctx, f.short_path) |
| for f in ctx.files.static_files |
| ] |
| |
| # root-relative (runfiles) path to the directory containing karma.conf |
| config_segments = len(configuration.short_path.split("/")) |
| |
| # configuration_env_vars are set using process.env() |
| env_vars = "" |
| for k in ctx.attr.configuration_env_vars: |
| if k in ctx.var.keys(): |
| env_vars += "process.env[\"%s\"]=\"%s\";\n" % (k, ctx.var[k]) |
| |
| ctx.actions.expand_template( |
| output = configuration, |
| template = ctx.file._conf_tmpl, |
| substitutions = { |
| "TMPL_bootstrap_files": "\n".join([" '%s'," % e for e in bootstrap_entries]), |
| "TMPL_config_file": expand_path_into_runfiles(ctx, config_file.short_path) if config_file else "", |
| "TMPL_env_vars": env_vars, |
| "TMPL_runfiles_path": "/".join([".."] * config_segments), |
| "TMPL_runtime_files": "\n".join([" '%s'," % e for e in runtime_files]), |
| "TMPL_static_files": "\n".join([" '%s'," % e for e in static_files]), |
| "TMPL_user_files": "\n".join([" '%s'," % e for e in user_entries]), |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| return configuration |
| |
| def run_karma_web_test(ctx): |
| """Creates an action that can run karma. |
| |
| This is also used by ts_web_test_rule. |
| |
| Args: |
| ctx: Bazel rule execution context |
| |
| Returns: |
| The runfiles for the generated action. |
| """ |
| files = depset(ctx.files.srcs) |
| for d in ctx.attr.deps + ctx.attr.runtime_deps: |
| if hasattr(d, "node_sources"): |
| files = depset(transitive = [files, d.node_sources]) |
| elif hasattr(d, "files"): |
| files = depset(transitive = [files, d.files]) |
| |
| amd_names_shim = _write_amd_names_shim(ctx) |
| |
| configuration = _write_karma_config(ctx, files, amd_names_shim) |
| |
| ctx.actions.write( |
| output = ctx.outputs.executable, |
| is_executable = True, |
| content = """#!/usr/bin/env bash |
| # Immediately exit if any command fails. |
| set -e |
| |
| if [ -e "$RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE" ]; then |
| while read line; do |
| declare -a PARTS=($line) |
| if [ "${{PARTS[0]}}" == "{TMPL_karma}" ]; then |
| readonly KARMA=${{PARTS[1]}} |
| elif [ "${{PARTS[0]}}" == "{TMPL_conf}" ]; then |
| readonly CONF=${{PARTS[1]}} |
| fi |
| else |
| readonly KARMA=../{TMPL_karma} |
| readonly CONF=../{TMPL_conf} |
| fi |
| |
| export HOME=$(mktemp -d) |
| |
| # Print the karma version in the test log |
| echo $($KARMA --version) |
| |
| ARGV=( "start" $CONF ) |
| |
| # Detect that we are running as a test, by using well-known environment |
| # variables. See go/test-encyclopedia |
| # Note: in Bazel 0.14 and later, TEST_TMPDIR is set for both bazel test and bazel run |
| # so we also check for the BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY which is set only for bazel run |
| if [[ ! -z "${{TEST_TMPDIR}}" && ! -n "${{BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY}}" ]]; then |
| ARGV+=( "--single-run" ) |
| fi |
| |
| $KARMA ${{ARGV[@]}} |
| """.format( |
| TMPL_workspace = ctx.workspace_name, |
| TMPL_karma = _short_path_to_manifest_path(ctx, ctx.executable.karma.short_path), |
| TMPL_conf = _short_path_to_manifest_path(ctx, configuration.short_path), |
| ), |
| ) |
| |
| config_sources = [] |
| if hasattr(ctx.file, "config_file"): |
| if ctx.file.config_file: |
| config_sources = [ctx.file.config_file] |
| if hasattr(ctx.attr.config_file, "node_sources"): |
| config_sources = ctx.attr.config_file.node_sources.to_list() |
| |
| runfiles = [ |
| configuration, |
| amd_names_shim, |
| ] |
| runfiles += config_sources |
| runfiles += ctx.files.srcs |
| runfiles += ctx.files.deps |
| runfiles += ctx.files.runtime_deps |
| runfiles += ctx.files.bootstrap |
| runfiles += ctx.files.static_files |
| runfiles += ctx.files.data |
| |
| return ctx.runfiles( |
| files = runfiles, |
| transitive_files = files, |
| ).merge(ctx.attr.karma[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles) |
| |
| def _karma_web_test_impl(ctx): |
| runfiles = run_karma_web_test(ctx) |
| |
| return [DefaultInfo( |
| files = depset([ctx.outputs.executable]), |
| runfiles = runfiles, |
| executable = ctx.outputs.executable, |
| )] |
| |
| _karma_web_test = rule( |
| implementation = _karma_web_test_impl, |
| test = True, |
| executable = True, |
| ) |
| |
| def karma_web_test( |
| srcs = [], |
| deps = [], |
| data = [], |
| configuration_env_vars = [], |
| bootstrap = [], |
| runtime_deps = [], |
| static_files = [], |
| config_file = None, |
| tags = [], |
| **kwargs): |
| """Runs unit tests in a browser with Karma. |
| |
| When executed under `bazel test`, this uses a headless browser for speed. |
| This is also because `bazel test` allows multiple targets to be tested together, |
| and we don't want to open a Chrome window on your machine for each one. Also, |
| under `bazel test` the test will execute and immediately terminate. |
| |
| Running under `ibazel test` gives you a "watch mode" for your tests. The rule is |
| optimized for this case - the test runner server will stay running and just |
| re-serve the up-to-date JavaScript source bundle. |
| |
| To debug a single test target, run it with `bazel run` instead. This will open a |
| browser window on your computer. Also you can use any other browser by opening |
| the URL printed when the test starts up. The test will remain running until you |
| cancel the `bazel run` command. |
| |
| This rule will use your system Chrome by default. In the default case, your |
| environment must specify CHROME_BIN so that the rule will know which Chrome binary to run. |
| Other `browsers` and `customLaunchers` may be set using the a base Karma configuration |
| specified in the `config_file` attribute. |
| |
| Args: |
| srcs: A list of JavaScript test files |
| deps: Other targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library` |
| data: Runtime dependencies |
| configuration_env_vars: Pass these configuration environment variables to the resulting binary. |
| Chooses a subset of the configuration environment variables (taken from ctx.var), which also |
| includes anything specified via the --define flag. |
| Note, this can lead to different outputs produced by this rule. |
| bootstrap: JavaScript files to include *before* the module loader (require.js). |
| For example, you can include Reflect,js for TypeScript decorator metadata reflection, |
| or UMD bundles for third-party libraries. |
| runtime_deps: Dependencies which should be loaded after the module loader but before the srcs and deps. |
| These should be a list of targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`. |
| The files will be loaded in the same order they are declared by that rule. |
| static_files: Arbitrary files which are available to be served on request. |
| Files are served at: |
| `/base/<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<path-to-file>`, e.g. |
| `/base/build_bazel_rules_typescript/examples/testing/static_script.js` |
| config_file: User supplied Karma configuration file. Bazel will override |
| certain attributes of this configuration file. Attributes that are |
| overridden will be outputted to the test log. |
| tags: Standard Bazel tags, this macro adds tags for ibazel support |
| **kwargs: Passed through to `karma_web_test` |
| """ |
| |
| _karma_web_test( |
| srcs = srcs, |
| deps = deps, |
| data = data, |
| configuration_env_vars = configuration_env_vars, |
| bootstrap = bootstrap, |
| runtime_deps = runtime_deps, |
| static_files = static_files, |
| config_file = config_file, |
| tags = tags + [ |
| # Users don't need to know that this tag is required to run under ibazel |
| "ibazel_notify_changes", |
| ], |
| **kwargs |
| ) |
| |
| def karma_web_test_suite( |
| name, |
| browsers = ["@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//browsers:chromium-local"], |
| args = None, |
| browser_overrides = None, |
| config = None, |
| flaky = None, |
| local = None, |
| shard_count = None, |
| size = None, |
| tags = [], |
| test_suite_tags = None, |
| timeout = None, |
| visibility = None, |
| web_test_data = [], |
| wrapped_test_tags = None, |
| **remaining_keyword_args): |
| """Defines a test_suite of web_test targets that wrap a karma_web_test target. |
| |
| This macro also accepts all parameters in karma_web_test. See karma_web_test docs |
| for details. |
| |
| Args: |
| name: The base name of the test |
| browsers: A sequence of labels specifying the browsers to use. |
| args: Args for web_test targets generated by this extension. |
| browser_overrides: Dictionary; optional; default is an empty dictionary. A |
| dictionary mapping from browser names to browser-specific web_test |
| attributes, such as shard_count, flakiness, timeout, etc. For example: |
| {'//browsers:chrome-native': {'shard_count': 3, 'flaky': 1} |
| '//browsers:firefox-native': {'shard_count': 1, 'timeout': 100}}. |
| config: Label; optional; Configuration of web test features. |
| flaky: A boolean specifying that the test is flaky. If set, the test will |
| be retried up to 3 times (default: 0) |
| local: boolean; optional. |
| shard_count: The number of test shards to use per browser. (default: 1) |
| size: A string specifying the test size. (default: 'large') |
| tags: A list of test tag strings to apply to each generated web_test target. |
| This macro adds a couple for ibazel. |
| test_suite_tags: A list of tag strings for the generated test_suite. |
| timeout: A string specifying the test timeout (default: computed from size) |
| visibility: List of labels; optional. |
| web_test_data: Data dependencies for the web_test. |
| wrapped_test_tags: A list of test tag strings to use for the wrapped test |
| **remaining_keyword_args: Arguments for the wrapped test target. |
| """ |
| |
| # Check explicitly for None so that users can set this to the empty list |
| if wrapped_test_tags == None: |
| wrapped_test_tags = DEFAULT_WRAPPED_TEST_TAGS |
| |
| size = size or "large" |
| |
| wrapped_test_name = name + "_wrapped_test" |
| |
| _karma_web_test( |
| name = wrapped_test_name, |
| args = args, |
| flaky = flaky, |
| local = local, |
| shard_count = shard_count, |
| size = size, |
| tags = wrapped_test_tags, |
| timeout = timeout, |
| visibility = ["//visibility:private"], |
| **remaining_keyword_args |
| ) |
| |
| web_test_suite( |
| name = name, |
| launcher = ":" + wrapped_test_name, |
| args = args, |
| browsers = browsers, |
| browser_overrides = browser_overrides, |
| config = config, |
| data = web_test_data, |
| flaky = flaky, |
| local = local, |
| shard_count = shard_count, |
| size = size, |
| tags = tags + [ |
| # Users don't need to know that this tag is required to run under ibazel |
| "ibazel_notify_changes", |
| ], |
| test = wrapped_test_name, |
| test_suite_tags = test_suite_tags, |
| timeout = timeout, |
| visibility = visibility, |
| ) |