blob: 90b61fa3399f04ec7a4e8f28dc55d9a392424ee9 [file] [log] [blame]
package analyze
import (
appb ""
// pkgCacheEntry represents a set of loaded rules and a mapping from alias
// to rules from a package.
type pkgCacheEntry struct {
// rules is all rules in a package.
rules []*appb.Rule
// aliases is a map from an alias label to the actual rule of the alias.
aliases map[string]*appb.Rule
// QueryBasedTargetLoader uses Bazel query to load targets from BUILD files.
type QueryBasedTargetLoader struct {
workdir string
bazelBinary string
// pkgCache is a mapping from a package to all of the rules in said
// package along with a map from aliases to actual rules.
// Keys are of the form of "<visibility>|<package>" where visibility
// is the package that rules in package must be visible to and package
// is the actual package that has been loaded and cached.
// Since a new target loader is constructed for each directory being
// analyzed in the "-recursive" case, these caches will be garbage
// collected between directories.
pkgCache map[string]*pkgCacheEntry
// labelCache is a mapping from a label to its loaded target.
labelCache map[string]*appb.Target
// queryCount is the total number of queries executed by the target loader.
queryCount int
// NewQueryBasedTargetLoader constructs a new QueryBasedTargetLoader rooted
// in workdir.
func NewQueryBasedTargetLoader(workdir, bazelBinary string) *QueryBasedTargetLoader {
return &QueryBasedTargetLoader{
workdir: workdir,
bazelBinary: bazelBinary,
pkgCache: make(map[string]*pkgCacheEntry),
labelCache: make(map[string]*appb.Target),
// LoadRules uses Bazel query to load rules associated with labels from BUILD
// files.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) LoadRules(pkg string, labels []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
labelToTarget, err := q.LoadTargets(pkg, labels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
labelToRule := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, label := range labels {
target := labelToTarget[label]
if target.GetType() == appb.Target_RULE {
labelToRule[label] = target.GetRule()
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("target %s contains object of type %q instead of type %q", label, target.GetType(), appb.Target_RULE)
return labelToRule, nil
// LoadTargets uses Bazel query to load targets associated with labels from BUILD
// files.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) LoadTargets(pkg string, labels []string) (map[string]*appb.Target, error) {
var labelCacheMisses []string
for _, label := range labels {
if _, ok := q.labelCache[labelCacheKey(pkg, label)]; !ok {
labelCacheMisses = append(labelCacheMisses, label)
if len(labelCacheMisses) > 0 {
var queries []string
if pkg == "" {
queries = labelCacheMisses
} else {
for _, label := range labelCacheMisses {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf("visible(%s:*, %s)", pkg, label))
r, err := q.batchQuery(queries)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
label, err := q.targetLabel(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
q.labelCache[labelCacheKey(pkg, label)] = target
for _, label := range labelCacheMisses {
key := labelCacheKey(pkg, label)
if _, ok := q.labelCache[key]; !ok {
// Set to nil so the result exists in the cache and is not
// loaded again. If the nil is not added at the appropriate
// cache key, LoadLabels will attempt to load it again when
// next requested instead of getting a cache hit.
q.labelCache[key] = nil
labelToTarget := make(map[string]*appb.Target)
for _, label := range labels {
labelToTarget[label] = q.labelCache[labelCacheKey(pkg, label)]
return labelToTarget, nil
func labelCacheKey(currentPkg, label string) string {
return currentPkg + "^" + label
// possibleFilepaths generates the possible filepaths for the ts import path.
// e.g. google3/foo/bar could be foo/bar.ts or foo/bar.d.ts or foo/bar/index.ts, etc.
// Also handles special angular import paths (.ngfactory and .ngsummary).
func possibleFilepaths(importPath string) []string {
// If the path has a suffix of ".ngfactory" or ".ngsummary", it might
// be an Angular AOT generated file. We can infer the target as we
// infer its corresponding ngmodule target by simply stripping the
// ".ngfactory" / ".ngsummary" suffix
importPath = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSuffix(importPath, ".ngsummary"), ".ngfactory")
importPath = strings.TrimPrefix(importPath, workspace.Name()+"/")
var possiblePaths []string
possiblePaths = append(possiblePaths, pathWithExtensions(importPath)...)
possiblePaths = append(possiblePaths, pathWithExtensions(filepath.Join(importPath, "index"))...)
return possiblePaths
// LoadImportPaths uses Bazel Query to load targets associated with import
// paths from BUILD files.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) LoadImportPaths(ctx context.Context, targetToAnalyze *appb.Rule, currentPkg, workspaceRoot string, paths []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
debugf("loading imports visible to %q relative to %q: %q", currentPkg, workspaceRoot, paths)
results := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
addedPaths := make(map[string]bool)
var possibleFilePaths []string
possiblePathToPaths := make(map[string][]string)
// for all the normalized typescript import paths, generate all the possible
// corresponding file paths
for _, path := range paths {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "goog:") {
// 'goog:' imports are resolved using an sstable.
results[path] = nil
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "@") {
if _, ok := addedPaths[path]; !ok {
addedPaths[path] = true
// there isn't a one to one mapping from ts import paths to file
// paths, so look for all the possible file paths
pfs := possibleFilepaths(path)
possibleFilePaths = append(possibleFilePaths, pfs...)
// map the file paths back to the import paths so we can map the file
// labels back to the import paths
for _, pf := range pfs {
possiblePathToPaths[pf] = append(possiblePathToPaths[pf], path)
// query for all the possible filepaths, to determine which ones are real
r, err := q.batchQuery(possibleFilePaths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var fileLabels, packages []string
fileToGeneratorLabel := make(map[string]string)
pathToLabels := make(map[string][]string)
// get the labels for all the files which exist
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
label, err := q.fileLabel(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch target.GetType() {
case appb.Target_GENERATED_FILE:
file := target.GetGeneratedFile()
generator := file.GetGeneratingRule()
label = file.GetName()
fileLabels = append(fileLabels, label)
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(label)
packages = append(packages, pkg)
// a generated file can be included as a source by referencing the label
// of the generated file, or the label of the generating rule, so check
// for both
fileToGeneratorLabel[labelToPath(label)] = labelToPath(generator)
// map file label back to the import paths so that they can be looked for
// in the srcs of the rules
for _, path := range possiblePathToPaths[labelToPath(label)] {
pathToLabels[path] = append(pathToLabels[path], label)
case appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE:
fileLabels = append(fileLabels, label)
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(label)
packages = append(packages, pkg)
// map file label back to the import paths so that they can be looked for
// in the srcs of the rules
for _, path := range possiblePathToPaths[labelToPath(label)] {
pathToLabels[path] = append(pathToLabels[path], label)
// load all the rules in all the packages files were found in, so we can look
// for aliases and reexporting libraries in the same package
pkgToAllRules, pkgToActualToAlias, err := q.loadAllRulesInPackages("", packages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, path := range paths {
// look up the corresponding file label(s) for the normalized typescript
// import path
for _, label := range pathToLabels[path] {
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(label)
// get the file path that corresponds to the normalized typescript import
// path
filePath := labelToPath(label)
var matchingDeps []*appb.Rule
allRules := pkgToAllRules[pkg]
actualToAlias := pkgToActualToAlias[pkg]
for _, candidate := range typeScriptRules(allRules) {
// check if the rule has the file or the generator of the file in its
// srcs
possibleSources := []string{filePath}
if gl, ok := fileToGeneratorLabel[filePath]; ok {
possibleSources = append(possibleSources, gl)
provides, err := q.ruleProvidesImports(candidate, srcsContainsAnyFilePath(possibleSources))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !provides {
if alias, ok := actualToAlias[candidate.GetName()]; ok {
candidate = alias
matchingDeps = append(matchingDeps, candidate)
if len(matchingDeps) > 0 {
canonicalRule, err := q.chooseCanonicalDep(currentPkg, targetToAnalyze, matchingDeps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results[path] = canonicalRule
return results, nil
// chooseCanonicalDep chooses between rules which include the imported file as
// a source (ie the rule that includes the file as a src, and any reexporting
// libraries).
// It filters the rules in a 3 stage process:
// 1. If only one of the rules is visible, choose that one, since the rule
// creator intended it to be imported.
// 2. If all or none of the rules are visible, choose the rule that directly
// includes the file as a src, since that reduces the chance of introducing
// circular dependencies.
// 3. Choose the rule that is already included as a dep.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) chooseCanonicalDep(currentPkg string, targetToAnalyze *appb.Rule, deps []*appb.Rule) (*appb.Rule, error) {
// check for visibility
filterForVisibility := func(deps []*appb.Rule) ([]*appb.Rule, error) {
var labels []string
for _, d := range deps {
labels = append(labels, d.GetName())
visibleDepsMap, err := q.LoadRules(currentPkg, labels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var visibleDeps []*appb.Rule
for _, d := range visibleDepsMap {
if d != nil {
visibleDeps = append(visibleDeps, d)
return visibleDeps, nil
// if there's a visible reexporting lib and a visible lib with the src, favor
// the lib with the src, to reduce the chance of introducing a circular
// dependency
filterForBaseLibs := func(deps []*appb.Rule) ([]*appb.Rule, error) {
var baseDeps []*appb.Rule
for _, d := range deps {
if !isReexportingLib(d) {
baseDeps = append(baseDeps, d)
return baseDeps, nil
// favor the dep that's already on the rule
filterForExistingDeps := func(deps []*appb.Rule) ([]*appb.Rule, error) {
var existingDeps []*appb.Rule
for _, d := range deps {
for _, existing := range listAttribute(targetToAnalyze, "deps") {
if d.GetName() == existing {
existingDeps = append(existingDeps, d)
return existingDeps, nil
filters := []func(deps []*appb.Rule) ([]*appb.Rule, error){
// for each filter, return if it returned a single rule, narrow the set of deps if
// it discarded some, but not all, and try the full set with the next filter if it
// discarded them all
for _, filter := range filters {
filteredDeps, err := filter(deps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(filteredDeps) == 1 {
return filteredDeps[0], nil
} else if len(filteredDeps) > 0 {
deps = filteredDeps
// no filter got down to a single rule, just return the first
return deps[0], nil
// ruleLabel returns the label for a target which is a rule. Returns an error if
// target is not a rule.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) ruleLabel(target *appb.Target) (string, error) {
if t := target.GetType(); t != appb.Target_RULE {
return "", fmt.Errorf("target contains object of type %q instead of type %q", t, appb.Target_RULE)
return target.GetRule().GetName(), nil
// fileLabel returns the label for a target which is a file. Returns an error if
// target is not a source file or a generated file.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) fileLabel(target *appb.Target) (string, error) {
switch t := target.GetType(); t {
case appb.Target_GENERATED_FILE:
return target.GetGeneratedFile().GetName(), nil
case appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE:
return target.GetSourceFile().GetName(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("target contains object of type %q instead of type %q or %q", t, appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE, appb.Target_GENERATED_FILE)
// targetLabel returns the label for a target. Returns an error if target is an
// unknown type.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) targetLabel(target *appb.Target) (string, error) {
switch t := target.GetType(); t {
case appb.Target_GENERATED_FILE:
return target.GetGeneratedFile().GetName(), nil
case appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE:
return target.GetSourceFile().GetName(), nil
case appb.Target_RULE:
return target.GetRule().GetName(), nil
case appb.Target_PACKAGE_GROUP:
return target.GetPackageGroup().GetName(), nil
case appb.Target_ENVIRONMENT_GROUP:
return target.GetEnvironmentGroup().GetName(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("target contains object of unknown type %q", t)
// batchQuery runs a set of queries with a single call to Bazel query and the
// '--keep_going' flag.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) batchQuery(queries []string) (*appb.QueryResult, error) {
// Join all of the queries with a '+' character according to Bazel's
// syntax for running multiple queries.
return q.query("--keep_going", strings.Join(queries, "+"))
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) query(args ...string) (*appb.QueryResult, error) {
n := len(args)
if n < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected at least one argument")
query := args[n-1]
if query == "" {
// An empty query was provided so return an empty result without
// making a call to Bazel.
return &appb.QueryResult{}, nil
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
args = append([]string{"query", "--output=proto"}, args...)
debugf("executing query #%d in %q: %s %s %q", q.queryCount, q.workdir, q.bazelBinary, strings.Join(args[:len(args)-1], " "), query)
cmd := exec.Command(q.bazelBinary, args...)
cmd.Dir = q.workdir
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
startTime := time.Now()
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
// Exit status 3 is a direct result of one or more queries in a set of
// queries not returning a result while running with the '--keep_going'
// flag. Since one query failing to return a result does not hinder the
// other queries from returning a result, ignore these errors.
// Herb prints "printing partial results" to indicate the same as bazel's
// exit status 3
if err.Error() != "exit status 3" && !strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "printing partial results") {
// The error provided as a result is less useful than the contents of
// stderr for debugging.
return nil, fmt.Errorf(stderr.String())
debugf("query #%d took %v", q.queryCount, time.Since(startTime))
var result appb.QueryResult
if err := proto.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil
// ruleProvidesImports checks if the rule directly provides the import, or if
// it's a reexporting lib, if one of its deps does.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) ruleProvidesImports(rule *appb.Rule, srcMatcher func(rule *appb.Rule) bool) (bool, error) {
if srcMatcher(rule) {
return true, nil
if !isReexportingLib(rule) {
return false, nil
// if the rule is a reexporting library, load all the rules that the rule
// reexports, and check if they provide the imported paths. This only handles
// one level of reexport.
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(rule.GetName())
// TODO(alexeagle): Batch calls to LoadLabels. Batching calls to ruleProvidesImport
// would also be required.
exportedRules, err := q.LoadRules(pkg, exportedLabels(rule))
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, exportedRule := range exportedRules {
if srcMatcher(exportedRule) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// exportedLabels returns the labels exported by rule. Exported labels are the
// deps of a rule if the rule is an alias.
func exportedLabels(rule *appb.Rule) []string {
var exported []string
if isReexportingLib(rule) {
exported = append(exported, listAttribute(rule, "deps")...)
return exported
// isReexportingLib checks if a library has no sources, which the TS rules use a
// way to mark a library as an alias.
func isReexportingLib(rule *appb.Rule) bool {
return len(listAttribute(rule, "srcs")) == 0
// srcsContainsPath returns a function, which takes a rule, which returns true
// if the rule has a src which matches one of the possible filepaths for the
// provided typescript import path.
func srcsContainsPath(path string) func(rule *appb.Rule) bool {
return func(rule *appb.Rule) bool {
resolvedImportPath := resolveAgainstModuleRoot(rule, path)
// enumerate all the possible filepaths for the resolved import path, and
// compare against all the srcs
possibleImportPaths := possibleFilepaths(resolvedImportPath)
for _, src := range listAttribute(rule, "srcs") {
for _, mi := range possibleImportPaths {
if mi == labelToPath(src) {
return true
return false
// srcsContainsFilePath returns a function which takes a rule, which returns
// true if the rule has a src which, if pathified, equals one of the filePaths.
func srcsContainsAnyFilePath(filePaths []string) func(rule *appb.Rule) bool {
return func(rule *appb.Rule) bool {
for _, filePath := range filePaths {
for _, src := range listAttribute(rule, "srcs") {
if filePath == labelToPath(src) {
return true
return false
// loadAllRulesInPackages loads all rules in all packages.
// If an alias or aliases are present in the package, the rules for each alias'
// 'actual' attribute are loaded and a map from each 'actual' rule to its alias
// rule is constructed.
// loadAllRulesInPackages returns two maps. The first map is a map from a package
// label to all of the rules in the package. The second map is a map from a
// package to the map of 'actual' rules to alias rules for that package.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) loadAllRulesInPackages(currentPkg string, packages []string) (map[string][]*appb.Rule, map[string]map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
var missingPackages []string
for _, pkg := range packages {
if _, ok := q.pkgCache[pkgCacheKey(currentPkg, pkg)]; !ok {
missingPackages = append(missingPackages, pkg)
if len(missingPackages) > 0 {
// Load any packages not already available in the cache.
var queries []string
pkgToRules := make(map[string][]*appb.Rule)
pkgToAliasToRule := make(map[string]map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, pkg := range missingPackages {
if currentPkg != "" {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf("visible(%s:*, %s:*)", currentPkg, pkg))
} else {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf("%s:*", pkg))
pkgToAliasToRule[pkg] = make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
r, err := q.batchQuery(queries)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
actualToAlias := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
pkgToActuals := make(map[string][]string)
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
if target.GetType() == appb.Target_RULE {
rule := target.GetRule()
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(rule.GetName())
if rule.GetRuleClass() == "alias" {
// if the package contains an alias, derefence it (but only one layer
// of aliases)
actual := stringAttribute(rule, "actual")
if actual == "" {
// probably an alias with a select statement as the value for
// 'actual' - just ignore
platform.Infof(`alias %q has non-string "actual" attribute`, rule.GetName())
actualToAlias[actual] = rule
pkgToActuals[pkg] = append(pkgToActuals[pkg], actual)
} else {
pkgToRules[pkg] = append(pkgToRules[pkg], rule)
for pkg, actuals := range pkgToActuals {
// Load all the aliased targets, checking if they're visible from the
// package where they're aliased from
resolvedActuals, err := q.LoadTargets(pkg, actuals)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for actual, target := range resolvedActuals {
// aliases can be for anything, but deps can only be rules, so ignore
// other aliased targets
if target.GetType() != appb.Target_RULE {
rule := target.GetRule()
alias := actualToAlias[actual]
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(alias.GetName())
pkgToAliasToRule[pkg][rule.GetName()] = alias
pkgToRules[pkg] = append(pkgToRules[pkg], rule)
for _, pkg := range missingPackages {
q.pkgCache[pkgCacheKey(currentPkg, pkg)] = &pkgCacheEntry{
rules: pkgToRules[pkg],
aliases: pkgToAliasToRule[pkg],
pkgToRules := make(map[string][]*appb.Rule)
pkgToRuleToAlias := make(map[string]map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, pkg := range packages {
cacheEntry := q.pkgCache[pkgCacheKey(currentPkg, pkg)]
pkgToRules[pkg] = cacheEntry.rules
pkgToRuleToAlias[pkg] = cacheEntry.aliases
return pkgToRules, pkgToRuleToAlias, nil
func pkgCacheKey(currentPkg, pkg string) string {
return currentPkg + "|" + pkg
// dedupeLabels returns a new set of labels with no duplicates.
func dedupeLabels(labels []string) []string {
addedLabels := make(map[string]bool)
var uniqueLabels []string
for _, label := range labels {
if _, added := addedLabels[label]; !added {
addedLabels[label] = true
uniqueLabels = append(uniqueLabels, label)
return uniqueLabels
// typeScriptRules returns all TypeScript rules in rules.
func typeScriptRules(rules []*appb.Rule) []*appb.Rule {
var tsRules []*appb.Rule
for _, rule := range rules {
for _, supportedRuleClass := range []string{
} {
if rule.GetRuleClass() == supportedRuleClass {
tsRules = append(tsRules, rule)
return tsRules
// resolveAgainstModuleRoot resolves imported against moduleRoot and moduleName.
func resolveAgainstModuleRoot(rule *appb.Rule, imported string) string {
moduleName := stringAttribute(rule, "module_name")
if moduleName == "" {
return imported
if !pathStartsWith(imported, moduleName) {
return imported
// if module root is a file, remove the file extension, since it'll be added
// by possibleFilepaths below
moduleRoot := stripTSExtension(stringAttribute(rule, "module_root"))
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(rule.GetName())
// resolve the import path against the module name and module root, ie if
// the import path is @foo/bar and there's a moduleName of @foo the resolved
// import path is location/of/foo/bar, or if there's also a moduleRoot of
// baz, the resolved import path is location/of/foo/baz/bar
// using strings.TrimPrefix for trimming the path is ok, since
// pathStartsWith already checked that moduleName is a proper prefix of
// i.importPath
return platform.Normalize(filepath.Join(pkg, moduleRoot, strings.TrimPrefix(imported, moduleName)))
// pathStartsWith checks if path starts with prefix, checking each path segment,
// so that @angular/core starts with @angular/core, but @angular/core-bananas
// does not
func pathStartsWith(path, prefix string) bool {
pathParts := strings.Split(path, "/")
prefixParts := strings.Split(prefix, "/")
if len(prefixParts) > len(pathParts) {
return false
for i, prefixPart := range prefixParts {
if prefixPart != pathParts[i] {
return false
return true
// parsePackageName parses and returns the scope and package of imported. For
// example, "@foo/bar" would have a scope of "@foo" and a package of "bar".
func parsePackageName(imported string) (string, string) {
firstSlash := strings.Index(imported, "/")
if firstSlash == -1 {
return imported, ""
afterSlash := imported[firstSlash+1:]
if secondSlash := strings.Index(afterSlash, "/"); secondSlash > -1 {
return imported[:firstSlash], afterSlash[:secondSlash]
return imported[:firstSlash], afterSlash