blob: 59d725b23efed22d2d84dd104cf8ae79343c2273 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as path from 'path';
import {ModulesManifest} from 'tsickle';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {UncachedFileLoader} from './cache';
import {CompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
import {constructManifest} from './manifest';
import {writeTempFile} from './test_support';
import {BazelOptions} from './tsconfig';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any mock for testing.
const throwingCompilerHostFake: ts.CompilerHost = null as any;
const testFileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();
const relativeOutputPath = (f: string) => f;
type ModuleResolver =
(moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost) =>
describe('tsc wrapped', () => {
function f(
res: ModulesManifest, fname: string, module: string, deps: string[]) {
res.addModule(fname, module);
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
res.addReferencedModule(fname, deps[i]);
return res;
it('produces a topo-sorted manifest', () => {
const res = new ModulesManifest();
f(res, 'src/f3.js', 'test$f3', ['test$f2', 'test$f1']);
f(res, 'src/f2.js', 'test$f2',
['external$ts_source_not_included', 'test$f1']);
f(res, 'src/f1.js', 'test$f1', []);
expect(constructManifest(res, {relativeOutputPath})).toBe([
'src/f1.js\n', 'src/f2.js\n', 'src/f3.js\n'
it('reports cyclical dependencies', () => {
const res = new ModulesManifest();
f(res, 'src/f2', 'src$f2', ['src$f3']);
f(res, 'src/f3', 'src$f3', ['src$f1']);
f(res, 'src/f1', 'src$f1', ['src$f2']);
expect(() => constructManifest(res, {relativeOutputPath}))
.toThrowError(/src\/f2 -> src\/f3 -> src\/f1 -> src\/f2/g);
it('toposorts diamonds', () => {
// t
// l r
// b
const res = new ModulesManifest();
f(res, 'bottom.js', 'bottom', ['left', 'right']);
f(res, 'right.js', 'right', ['top']);
f(res, 'left.js', 'left', ['top']);
f(res, 'top.js', 'top', []);
expect(constructManifest(res, {relativeOutputPath})).toBe([
// Create something that looks like CompilerOptions.
const COMPILER_OPTIONS: ts.CompilerOptions = {
rootDirs: [
// Sorted by inverse length, as done by tsconfig.ts in production.
outDir: '/root/google3/blaze-out/k8-fastbuild/bin',
rootDir: '/root/google3'
const defaultBazelOpts = {
googmodule: true,
workspaceName: 'google3',
} as BazelOptions;
describe('compiler host', () => {
const bazelOpts = {
es5Mode: false,
} as BazelOptions;
it('looks up files', () => {
const fn = writeTempFile('file_lookup', 'let x: number = 123;');
const fn2 = writeTempFile('file_lookup2', 'let x: number = 124;');
const host = new CompilerHost(
[fn /* but not fn2! */], COMPILER_OPTIONS, bazelOpts,
throwingCompilerHostFake, testFileLoader);
describe('file writing', () => {
let writtenFiles: {[key: string]: string};
beforeEach(() => writtenFiles = {});
const delegateHost = {
writeFile: (fn: string, d: string) => {
writtenFiles[fn.replace(/\\/g, '/')] = d;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any mock for testing.
} as any;
function createFakeModuleResolver(
moduleRoots: {[moduleName: string]: string}): ModuleResolver {
return (moduleName: string, containingFile: string,
compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions,
host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost) => {
if (moduleName[0] === '.') {
moduleName =
path.posix.join(path.dirname(containingFile), moduleName);
for (const moduleRoot in moduleRoots) {
if (moduleName.indexOf(moduleRoot) === 0) {
const resolvedFileName = moduleRoots[moduleRoot] +
moduleName.substring(moduleRoot.length) + '.d.ts';
return {
resolvedModule: {resolvedFileName, extension: ts.Extension.Dts},
failedLookupLocations: []
return {
{resolvedFileName: moduleName, extension: ts.Extension.Dts},
failedLookupLocations: []
function createFakeGoogle3Host({
es5 = false,
moduleRoots = {} as {[moduleName: string]: string},
isJsTranspilation = false,
transpiledJsOutputFileName = undefined as string | undefined,
transpiledJsInputDirectory = undefined as string | undefined,
transpiledJsOutputDirectory = undefined as string | undefined,
} = {}) {
const bazelOpts = {
es5Mode: es5,
} as BazelOptions;
return new CompilerHost(
[], COMPILER_OPTIONS, bazelOpts, delegateHost, testFileLoader,
describe('converts path to module names', () => {
let host: CompilerHost;
beforeEach(() => {
host = createFakeGoogle3Host({
moduleRoots: {
'module': 'path/to/module',
'module2': 'path/to/module2',
'path/to/module2': 'path/to/module2',
function expectPath(context: string, path: string) {
return expect(host.pathToModuleName(context, path));
it('mangles absolute paths', () => {
expectPath('whatever/context', 'some/absolute/module')
it('escapes special symbols', () => {
expectPath('', 'some|123').toBe('google3.some$7c123');
expectPath('', '1some|').toBe('google3.1some$7c');
expectPath('', 'bar/foo.bam.ts').toBe('$2ebam');
expectPath('', '-foo-').toBe('google3.$2dfoo$2d');
// Underscore is unmodified, because it is common in google3 paths.
expectPath('', 'foo_bar').toBe('google3.foo_bar');
it('resolves paths', () => {
const context = 'path/to/module';
expectPath(context, './module2').toBe('');
expectPath(context, '././module2').toBe('');
expectPath(context, '../to/module2').toBe('');
expectPath(context, '../to/.././to/module2')
it('ignores extra google3 sections in paths', () => {
expectPath('', 'google3/foo/bar').toBe('');
it('resolves absolute paths', () => {
const context = 'path/to/module/dir/file';
expectPath(context, '/root/google3/some/file.ts')
expectPath(context, '/root/google3/path/to/some/file')
context, '/root/google3/blaze-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/some/file')
context, '/root/google3/blaze-out/k8-fastbuild/genfiles/some/file')
describe('uses module name for resolved file paths', () => {
it('for goog.module module names', () => {
expectPath('', 'module/dir/file2')
expectPath('', 'module2/dir/file2')
it('for imports of files from the same module', () => {
const context = 'path/to/module/dir/file';
expectPath(context, 'module/dir/file2')
expectPath(context, './foo/bar')
expectPath(context, '../foo/bar')
expectPath(context, 'path/to/module/dir/file2')
it('for imports of files from a different module', () => {
const context = 'path/to/module/dir/file';
expectPath(context, 'module2/dir/file')
expectPath(context, '../../module2/dir/file')
expectPath(context, 'path/to/module2/dir/file')
describe('output files', () => {
it('writes to .closure.js in ES6 mode', () => {
es5: false,
}).writeFile('a.js', 'some.code();', false, undefined, []);
it('writes to .js in ES5 mode', () => {
es5: true,
}).writeFile('a/b.js', 'some.code();', false, undefined, []);
describe('transpiled JS', () => {
it('writes to transpiledJsOutputFileName', () => {
const host = createFakeGoogle3Host({
isJsTranspilation: true,
transpiledJsOutputFileName: 'foo/bar/a/b.dev_es5.js',
host.writeFile('a/b.js', 'some.code();', false, undefined, []);
it('writes to transpiledJsOutputDirectory', () => {
const host = createFakeGoogle3Host({
isJsTranspilation: true,
transpiledJsInputDirectory: 'foo/bar/jsinputdir',
transpiledJsOutputDirectory: 'foo/bar/jsoutputdir',
'foo/bar/jsinputdir/a/b.js', 'some.code();', false, undefined,