| load("//:defs.bzl", "ts_devserver", "ts_library") |
| tsconfig = "//examples:tsconfig.json", |
| additional_root_paths = [ |
| "npm/node_modules/tslib", |
| "build_bazel_rules_typescript/examples/devserver/", |
| serving_path = "/bundle.js", |
| # Files you want to import from the "additional_root_paths", still need to be explicitly specified |
| # as files that should be served. The root paths just make it more convenient to import those dependencies. |
| # Dependencies that produce JavaScript output will be automatically picked up by ConcatJS and will be |
| # part of the serving_path bundle. |
| cmd = "echo 'console.log(\"Hello!\")' > $@", |
| outs = ["test/print-host.js"], |
| cmd = "echo 'console.log(location.host)' > $@", |