blob: d20343a1cb0a01401b386de0267705b89635bf61 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as ts from 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary';
import * as pluginApi from '../tsc_wrapped/plugin_api';
import {Checker} from './checker';
import {registerRules} from './runner';
// Installs the Tsetse language server plugin, which checks Tsetse rules in your
// editor and shows issues as semantic errors (red squiggly underline).
function init() {
return {
create(info: ts.server.PluginCreateInfo) {
const oldService = info.languageService;
const program = oldService.getProgram();
// Signature of `getProgram` is `getProgram(): Program | undefined;` in ts 3.1
// so we must check if the return value is valid to compile with ts 3.1.
if (!program) {
throw new Error('Failed to initialize tsetse language_service_plugin: program is undefined');
const checker = new Checker(program);
// Add disabledRules to tsconfig to disable specific rules
// "plugins": [
// {"name": "...", "disabledRules": ["equals-nan"]}
// ]
registerRules(checker, info.config.disabledRules || []);
const proxy = pluginApi.createProxy(oldService);
proxy.getSemanticDiagnostics = (fileName: string) => {
const result = [...oldService.getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName)];
.map(failure => failure.toDiagnostic()));
return result;
return proxy;
export = init;