blob: ae82d562d9fe0ad72c909b007c05225c768b3267 [file] [log] [blame]
package analyze
import (
appb ""
arpb ""
var (
testTmpDir = os.Getenv("TEST_TMPDIR")
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if err := createWorkspaceFile(); err != nil {
platform.Fatalf("failed to create WORKSPACE file: %q", err)
const (
testDirectory = "a"
type fakeTargetLoader struct {
targetsByLabels map[string]string
targetsByImportPaths map[string]string
func newFakeTargetLoader() *fakeTargetLoader {
return &fakeTargetLoader{
targetsByLabels: make(map[string]string),
targetsByImportPaths: make(map[string]string),
func (bl *fakeTargetLoader) LoadLabels(labels []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
return bl.loadTargets(bl.targetsByLabels, labels)
func (bl *fakeTargetLoader) byLabel(label, value string) {
bl.targetsByLabels[label] = value
func (bl *fakeTargetLoader) LoadImportPaths(_ string, paths []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
return bl.loadTargets(bl.targetsByImportPaths, paths)
func (bl *fakeTargetLoader) byImportPath(importPath, value string) {
bl.targetsByImportPaths[importPath] = value
func (bl *fakeTargetLoader) loadTargets(source map[string]string, keys []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
targets := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, key := range keys {
value, ok := source[key]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
var target appb.Rule
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(strings.Trim(value, " \n\r\t"), &target); err != nil {
return nil, err
targets[key] = &target
return targets, nil
type file struct {
path string
contents []string
// testTarget represents a target with a label, a proto literal, and any import
// paths that should resolve to the target.
type testTarget struct {
label, protoLiteral string
importPaths []string
func analyzeTargets(t *testing.T, labels []string, targets []*testTarget, files []*file) []*arpb.DependencyReport {
for _, file := range files {
path := filepath.Join(testDirectory, file.path)
if err := createFile(path, file.contents...); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to create file %q: %q", file.path, err)
return nil
defer os.Remove(path)
for i, label := range labels {
labels[i] = fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", testDirectory, label)
loader := newFakeTargetLoader()
for _, t := range targets {
label := t.label
if !strings.HasPrefix(label, "//") {
label = fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", testDirectory, label)
r := fmt.Sprintf("name: %q\n%s", label, t.protoLiteral)
loader.byLabel(label, r)
for _, i := range t.importPaths {
loader.byImportPath(i, r)
r, err := New(loader).Analyze(testTmpDir, labels)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to generate reports: %q", labels, err)
return nil
if len(r) != len(labels) {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): got %d reports, wanted %d", labels, len(r), len(labels))
return nil
return r
func TestUnresolvedImports(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
filepath, fileContents string
expectedImports []string
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from './path';", []string{"a/b/path"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from 'absolute/path';", []string{"absolute/path"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from '../../root';", []string{"root"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from './multi/subpath';", []string{"a/b/multi/subpath"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from '/rooted';", []string{"/rooted"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from 'absolute/path';\nimport Y from './path';", []string{"absolute/path", "a/b/path"}},
{"b/importer.ts", "import X from 'some/path'; // from //target:location", nil},
{"importer.d.ts", "import y from 'some/thing/missing';", []string{"some/thing/missing"}},
for _, test := range tests {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:b/importer.ts"
string_list_value: "//a:importer.d.ts"
type: 5
>`, nil},
}, []*file{{test.filepath, []string{test.fileContents}}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(r[0].GetUnresolvedImport(), test.expectedImports); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to detect unresolved imports: (-got, +want)\n%s", test.fileContents, diff)
func TestUnnecessaryDependencies(t *testing.T) {
tests := [][]string{
[]string{"/* nothing */"},
for _, test := range tests {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:importer.ts"
type: 5
attribute: <
name: "deps"
string_list_value: "//a:b_lib"
type: 5
>`, nil},
{"b_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"`, nil},
}, []*file{{"t/importer.ts", test}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(r[0].GetUnnecessaryDependency(), []string{"//a:b_lib"}); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to detect unnecessary dependencies: (-got, +want)\n%s", test, diff)
func TestNecessaryDependencies(t *testing.T) {
tests := [][]string{
[]string{"import x from 'b/target';"},
[]string{"// ts_auto_deps: x from //b:b_lib"},
[]string{"export x from 'b/target';"},
for _, test := range tests {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:importer.ts"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "deps"
string_list_value: "//b:b_lib"
>`, nil},
{"//b:b_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//b:target.ts"
>`, []string{"b/target"}},
}, []*file{{"importer.ts", test}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(r[0].GetNecessaryDependency(), []string{"//b:b_lib"}); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to detect necessary deps: (-got, +want)\n%s", test, diff)
func TestMissingDependencies(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
fileContents string
missingDeps []string
{"import x from 'b/c';\nimport y from 'angular';", []string{"//b/c:b_lib", "//third_party/javascript/typings/angular"}},
{"import * as angular from 'angular';\ndeclare module 'angular' { /* reopen */ }", []string{"//third_party/javascript/typings/angular"}},
for _, test := range tests {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:x.ts"
>`, nil},
{"//b/c:b_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//b/c:index.ts"
>`, []string{"b/c"}},
{"//third_party/javascript/typings/angular:angular", `
rule_class: "ts_declaration"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//third_party/javascript/typings/angular:index.d.ts"
>`, []string{"angular"}},
}, []*file{{"x.ts", []string{test.fileContents}}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(missingDeps(r[0]), test.missingDeps); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to detect missing dependencies: (-got, +want)\n%s", test.fileContents, diff)
func TestMissingSourceFile(t *testing.T) {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:f1.ts"
string_list_value: "//a:f2.ts"
string_list_value: "//a:p/f3.ts"
>`, nil},
}, []*file{{"f1.ts", []string{"/* nothing */"}}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(r[0].GetMissingSourceFile(), []string{"//a:f2.ts", "//a:p/f3.ts"}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Analyze: failed to detect missing source files: (-got, +want)\n%s", diff)
func TestMultipleLabels(t *testing.T) {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib", "b_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:a/importer.ts"
>`, nil},
{"b_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:b/importer.ts"
>`, nil},
}, []*file{
{"a/importer.ts", []string{"import X from './path';"}},
{"b/importer.ts", []string{"import X from './path';"}},
if r == nil {
tests := []struct {
label string
unresolvedImports []string
{"a_lib", []string{"a/a/path"}},
{"b_lib", []string{"a/b/path"}},
for i, test := range tests {
report := r[i]
if diff := pretty.Compare(report.GetUnresolvedImport(), test.unresolvedImports); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Analyze(%q): failed to detect unresolved imports: (-got, +want)\n%s", test.label, diff)
func TestMultipleSourceFiles(t *testing.T) {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:importer.ts"
string_list_value: "//a:exporter.ts"
>`, nil},
}, []*file{
{"importer.ts", []string{"import {x} from 'a/exporter';"}},
{"exporter.ts", []string{"export let x = 12;"}},
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(missingDeps(r[0]), []string{}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Analyze: failed to detect missing dependencies: (-got, +want)\n%s", diff)
func TestRedirectTag(t *testing.T) {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//a:x.ts"
>`, nil},
{"dlib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "deps"
string_list_value: "//b:clib"
>`, nil},
{"clib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "//clib:c.ts"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "tags"
string_list_value: "alt_dep=//d:dlib"
>`, []string{"b/c"}},
}, []*file{{"x.ts", []string{"import x from 'b/c';"}}})
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(missingDeps(r[0]), []string{"//d:dlib"}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Analyze: failed to detect missing dependencies: (-got, +want)\n%s", diff)
func TestCircularImport(t *testing.T) {
r := analyzeTargets(t, []string{"a_lib"}, []*testTarget{
{"a_lib", `
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "f1.ts"
string_list_value: "f2.ts"
>`, []string{"a/f1", "a/f2"}},
}, []*file{
{"f1.ts", []string{"import {x} from 'a/f1';", "export let y = x + 1;"}},
{"f2.ts", []string{"import {y} from 'a/f2';", "export let x = y + 0;"}},
if r == nil {
if diff := pretty.Compare(missingDeps(r[0]), []string{}); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Analyze: failed to detect missing dependencies: (-got, +want)\n%s", diff)
func TestListAttribute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
value []string
{"srcs", []string{"a.ts", "b.ts"}},
{"deps", []string{":core"}},
result, err := createResult(`
target: <
type: 1
rule: <
name: "//tmp:tmp"
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "srcs"
string_list_value: "a.ts"
string_list_value: "b.ts"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "deps"
string_list_value: ":core"
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create result: %q", err)
for _, test := range tests {
attrValue := listAttribute(result.GetTarget()[0].GetRule(),
if attrValue == nil {
t.Errorf("listAttribute(%q): failed to find attribute",
if diff := pretty.Compare(attrValue, test.value); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("listAttribute(%q): failed to get correct attribute values: (-got, +want)\n%s",, diff)
func TestStringAttribute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name, value string
{"module_name", "@angular/core"},
{"module_root", ""},
result, err := createResult(`
target: <
type: 1
rule: <
name: "//tmp:tmp"
rule_class: "ts_library"
attribute: <
type: 5
name: "module_name"
string_value: "@angular/core"
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create result: %q", err)
for _, test := range tests {
attrValue := stringAttribute(result.GetTarget()[0].GetRule(),
if diff := pretty.Compare(attrValue, test.value); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("stringAttribute(%q): failed to get correct attribute values: (-got, +want)\n%s",, diff)
func missingDeps(report *arpb.DependencyReport) []string {
var deps []string
for _, group := range report.GetMissingDependencyGroup() {
deps = append(deps, group.GetDependency()...)
return deps
func createResult(str string) (*appb.QueryResult, error) {
var result appb.QueryResult
return &result, proto.UnmarshalText(strings.Trim(str, " \n\r\t"), &result)
func createFile(path string, content ...string) error {
if !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
path = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(testTmpDir), path)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0777); err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(strings.Join(content, "\n")), 0666)
// This method creates a WORKSPACE file in the root of the Bazel test
// directory. This allows the tests to resolve the root path of the
// workspace by looking for the WORKSPACE file on disk.
func createWorkspaceFile() error {
path := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(testTmpDir), "WORKSPACE")
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte("workspace(name = 'foo')"), 0666)