blob: 8323e3ecd3023afa29df6e175353c53ebd50f7f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Bridge between Xcode and Bazel for the "build" action.
NOTE: This script must be executed in the same directory as the Xcode project's
main group in order to generate correct debug symbols.
import atexit
import collections
import errno
import fcntl
import io
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import zipfile
from apfs_clone_copy import CopyOnWrite
import bazel_build_events
import bazel_options
from bootstrap_lldbinit import BootstrapLLDBInit
from bootstrap_lldbinit import TULSI_LLDBINIT_FILE
from execroot_path import BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT
import tulsi_logging
from update_symbol_cache import UpdateSymbolCache
# List of frameworks that Xcode injects into test host targets that should be
# re-signed when running the tests on devices.
_logger = None
def _PrintXcodeWarning(msg):
sys.stdout.write(':: warning: %s\n' % msg)
def _PrintXcodeError(msg):
sys.stderr.write(':: error: %s\n' % msg)
# Function to be called atexit to clean up the BEP file if one is present.
# This is especially useful in cases of abnormal termination (such as what
# happens when Xcode is killed).
def _BEPFileExitCleanup(bep_file_path):
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Failed to remove BEP file from %s. Error: %s' %
(bep_file_path, e.strerror))
def _InterruptHandler(signum, frame):
"""Gracefully exit on SIGINT."""
del signum, frame # Unused.
sys.stdout.write('Caught interrupt signal. Exiting...\n')
class Timer(object):
"""Simple profiler."""
def __init__(self, action_name, action_id):
"""Creates a new Timer object.
action_name: A human-readable action name, shown in the build log.
action_id: A machine-readable action identifier, can be used for metrics.
A Timer instance.
RuntimeError: if Timer is created without initializing _logger.
if _logger is None:
raise RuntimeError('Attempted to create Timer without a logger.')
self.action_name = action_name
self.action_id = action_id
self._start = None
def Start(self):
self._start = time.time()
return self
def End(self):
end = time.time()
seconds = end - self._start
_logger.log_action(self.action_name, self.action_id, seconds)
# Function to be called atexit to release the file lock on script termination.
def _LockFileExitCleanup(lock_file_handle):
def _LockFileAcquire(lock_path):
"""Force script to wait on global file lock to serialize build target actions.
lock_path: Path to the lock file.
# TODO(b/74119354): Add lockfile timer back and lazily instantiate logger.
sys.stdout.write('Queuing Tulsi build...\n')
# TODO(b/69414272): See if we can improve this for multiple WORKSPACEs.
lockfile = open(lock_path, 'w')
# Register "fclose(...)" as early as possible, before acquiring lock.
atexit.register(_LockFileExitCleanup, lockfile)
while True:
fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError as err:
if err.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
class CodesignBundleAttributes(object):
"""Wrapper class for codesigning attributes of a signed bundle."""
# List of codesigning attributes that this script requires.
_ATTRIBUTES = ['Authority', 'Identifier', 'TeamIdentifier']
def __init__(self, codesign_output):
self.attributes = {}
pending_attributes = list(self._ATTRIBUTES)
for line in codesign_output.split('\n'):
if not pending_attributes:
for attribute in pending_attributes:
if line.startswith(attribute):
value = line[len(attribute) + 1:]
self.attributes[attribute] = value
for attribute in self._ATTRIBUTES:
if attribute not in self.attributes:
'Failed to extract %s from %s.\n' % (attribute, codesign_output))
def Get(self, attribute):
"""Returns the value for the given attribute, or None if it wasn't found."""
value = self.attributes.get(attribute)
if attribute not in self._ATTRIBUTES:
'Attribute %s not declared to be parsed. ' % attribute +
'Available attributes are %s.\n' % self._ATTRIBUTES)
return value
class _OptionsParser(object):
"""Handles parsing script options."""
# Key for options that should be applied to all build configurations.
ALL_CONFIGS = '__all__'
# The build configurations handled by this parser.
KNOWN_CONFIGS = ['Debug', 'Release', 'Fastbuild']
def __init__(self, sdk_version, platform_name, arch, main_group_path):
self.targets = []
self.startup_options = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.build_options = collections.defaultdict(
_OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS: [
'Debug': [
'Release': [
'Fastbuild': [
# Options specific to debugger integration in Xcode.
xcode_version_major = int(os.environ['XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR'])
if xcode_version_major < 800:
xcode_lldb_options = [
'--copt=-Xclang', '--copt=-fdebug-compilation-dir',
'--copt=-Xclang', '--copt=%s' % main_group_path,
'--objccopt=-Xclang', '--objccopt=-fdebug-compilation-dir',
'--objccopt=-Xclang', '--objccopt=%s' % main_group_path,
self.sdk_version = sdk_version
self.platform_name = platform_name
if self.platform_name.startswith('watch'):
config_platform = 'watchos'
elif self.platform_name.startswith('iphone'):
config_platform = 'ios'
elif self.platform_name.startswith('macos'):
config_platform = 'darwin'
elif self.platform_name.startswith('appletv'):
config_platform = 'tvos'
config_platform = 'ios'
'--config=%s_%s' % (config_platform, arch))
self.verbose = 0
self.bazel_bin_path = 'bazel-bin'
self.bazel_executable = None
def _UsageMessage():
"""Returns a usage message string."""
usage = textwrap.dedent("""\
Usage: %s <target> [<target2> ...] --bazel <bazel_binary_path> [options]
Where options are:
--verbose [-v]
Increments the verbosity of the script by one level. This argument
may be provided multiple times to enable additional output levels.
--bazel_startup_options <option1> [<option2> ...] --
Provides one or more Bazel startup options.
--bazel_options <option1> [<option2> ...] --
Provides one or more Bazel build options.
--bazel_bin_path <path>
Path at which Bazel-generated artifacts may be retrieved.
""" % sys.argv[0])
usage += '\n' + textwrap.fill(
'Note that the --bazel_startup_options and --bazel_options options may '
'include an optional configuration specifier in brackets to limit '
'their contents to a given build configuration. Options provided with '
'no configuration filter will apply to all configurations in addition '
'to any configuration-specific options.', 120)
usage += '\n' + textwrap.fill(
'E.g., --bazel_options common -- --bazel_options[Release] release -- '
'would result in "bazel build common release" in the "Release" '
'configuration and "bazel build common" in all other configurations.',
return usage
def ParseOptions(self, args):
"""Parses arguments, returning (message, exit_code)."""
bazel_executable_index = args.index('--bazel')
self.targets = args[:bazel_executable_index]
if not self.targets or len(args) < bazel_executable_index + 2:
return (self._UsageMessage(), 10)
self.bazel_executable = args[bazel_executable_index + 1]
return self._ParseVariableOptions(args[bazel_executable_index + 2:])
def GetStartupOptions(self, config):
"""Returns the full set of startup options for the given config."""
return self._GetOptions(self.startup_options, config)
def GetBuildOptions(self, config):
"""Returns the full set of build options for the given config."""
options = self._GetOptions(self.build_options, config)
version_string = self._GetXcodeVersionString()
if version_string:
self._AddDefaultOption(options, '--xcode_version', version_string)
if self.sdk_version:
if self.platform_name.startswith('watch'):
elif self.platform_name.startswith('iphone'):
self._AddDefaultOption(options, '--ios_sdk_version', self.sdk_version)
elif self.platform_name.startswith('macos'):
self._AddDefaultOption(options, '--macos_sdk_version', self.sdk_version)
elif self.platform_name.startswith('appletv'):
self._AddDefaultOption(options, '--tvos_sdk_version', self.sdk_version)
self._AddDefaultOption(options, '--ios_sdk_version', self.sdk_version)
return options
def _AddDefaultOption(option_list, option, default_value):
matching_options = [opt for opt in option_list if opt.startswith(option)]
if matching_options:
return option_list
option_list.append('%s=%s' % (option, default_value))
return option_list
def _GetOptions(option_set, config):
"""Returns a flattened list from options_set for the given config."""
options = list(option_set[_OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS])
if config != _OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS:
return options
def _WarnUnknownPlatform(self):
sys.stdout.write('Warning: unknown platform "%s" will be treated as '
'iOS\n' % self.platform_name)
def _ParseVariableOptions(self, args):
"""Parses flag-based args, returning (message, exit_code)."""
verbose_re = re.compile('-(v+)$')
while args:
arg = args[0]
args = args[1:]
if arg.startswith('--bazel_startup_options'):
config = self._ParseConfigFilter(arg)
args, items, terminated = self._ParseDoubleDashDelimitedItems(args)
if not terminated:
return ('Missing "--" terminator while parsing %s' % arg, 2)
duplicates = self._FindDuplicateOptions(self.startup_options,
if duplicates:
return (
'%s items conflict with common options: %s' % (
arg, ','.join(duplicates)),
elif arg.startswith('--bazel_options'):
config = self._ParseConfigFilter(arg)
args, items, terminated = self._ParseDoubleDashDelimitedItems(args)
if not terminated:
return ('Missing "--" terminator while parsing %s' % arg, 2)
duplicates = self._FindDuplicateOptions(self.build_options,
if duplicates:
return (
'%s items conflict with common options: %s' % (
arg, ','.join(duplicates)),
elif arg == '--bazel_bin_path':
if not args:
return ('Missing required parameter for %s' % arg, 2)
self.bazel_bin_path = args[0]
args = args[1:]
elif arg == '--verbose':
self.verbose += 1
match = verbose_re.match(arg)
if match:
self.verbose += len(
return ('Unknown option "%s"\n%s' % (arg, self._UsageMessage()), 1)
return (None, 0)
def _ParseConfigFilter(arg):
match ='\[([^\]]+)\]', arg)
if not match:
return _OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS
def _ConsumeArgumentForParam(param, args):
if not args:
return (None, 'Missing required parameter for "%s" option' % param)
val = args[0]
return (args[1:], val)
def _ParseDoubleDashDelimitedItems(args):
"""Consumes options until -- is found."""
options = []
terminator_found = False
opts = args
while opts:
opt = opts[0]
opts = opts[1:]
if opt == '--':
terminator_found = True
return opts, options, terminator_found
def _FindDuplicateOptions(options_dict, config, new_options):
"""Returns a list of options appearing in both given option lists."""
allowed_duplicates = [
def ExtractOptionNames(opts):
names = set()
for opt in opts:
split_opt = opt.split('=', 1)
if split_opt[0] not in allowed_duplicates:
return names
current_set = ExtractOptionNames(options_dict[config])
new_set = ExtractOptionNames(new_options)
conflicts = current_set.intersection(new_set)
if config != _OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS:
current_set = ExtractOptionNames(options_dict[_OptionsParser.ALL_CONFIGS])
conflicts = conflicts.union(current_set.intersection(new_set))
return conflicts
def _GetXcodeVersionString():
"""Returns Xcode version info from the environment as a string."""
reported_version = os.environ['XCODE_VERSION_ACTUAL']
match = re.match(r'(\d{2})(\d)(\d)$', reported_version)
if not match:
sys.stdout.write('Warning: Failed to extract Xcode version from %s\n' % (
return None
major_version = int(
minor_version = int(
fix_version = int(
fix_version_string = ''
if fix_version:
fix_version_string = '.%d' % fix_version
return '%d.%d%s' % (major_version, minor_version, fix_version_string)
class BazelBuildBridge(object):
"""Handles invoking Bazel and unpacking generated binaries."""
BUILD_EVENTS_FILE = 'build_events.json'
def __init__(self):
self.verbose = 0
self.build_path = None
self.bazel_bin_path = None
self.codesign_attributes = {}
self.codesigning_folder_path = os.environ['CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH']
self.xcode_action = os.environ['ACTION'] # The Xcode build action.
# When invoked as an external build system script, Xcode will set ACTION to
# an empty string.
if not self.xcode_action:
self.xcode_action = 'build'
self.xcode_version_major = int(os.environ['XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR'])
self.xcode_version_minor = int(os.environ['XCODE_VERSION_MINOR'])
self.tulsi_version = os.environ.get('TULSI_VERSION', 'UNKNOWN')
self.swift_dependency = os.environ.get('TULSI_SWIFT_DEPENDENCY',
'NO') == 'YES'
self.apfs_clone = os.environ.get('TULSI_APFS_CLONE', 'NO') == 'YES'
self.preserve_tulsi_includes = os.environ.get(
# TODO(b/69857078): Remove this when wrapped_clang is updated.
self.direct_debug_prefix_map = os.environ.get('TULSI_DIRECT_DBG_PREFIX_MAP',
'NO') == 'YES'
if (self.swift_dependency or
# Disable the normalized debug prefix map as swiftc doesn't support it.
# In addition, use of the direct_debug_prefix_map preempts the usage of
# the normalized debug prefix map.
self.normalized_prefix_map = False
self.normalized_prefix_map = os.environ.get('TULSI_NORMALIZED_DEBUG_INFO',
'NO') == 'YES'
self.generate_dsym = os.environ.get('TULSI_MUST_USE_DSYM', 'NO') == 'YES'
update_dsym_cache = os.environ.get('TULSI_UPDATE_DSYM_CACHE',
'NO') == 'YES'
if update_dsym_cache:
self.update_symbol_cache = UpdateSymbolCache()
# Target architecture. Must be defined for correct setting of
# the --config flag
self.arch = os.environ.get('CURRENT_ARCH')
if not self.arch:
_PrintXcodeError('Tulsi requires env variable CURRENT_ARCH to be '
'set. Please file a bug against Tulsi.')
# Path into which generated artifacts should be copied.
self.built_products_dir = os.environ['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR']
# Path where Xcode expects generated sources to be placed.
self.derived_sources_folder_path = os.environ.get('DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR')
# Full name of the target artifact (e.g., "" or "Test.xctest").
self.full_product_name = os.environ['FULL_PRODUCT_NAME']
# Target SDK version.
self.sdk_version = os.environ.get('SDK_VERSION')
# TEST_HOST for unit tests.
self.test_host_binary = os.environ.get('TEST_HOST')
# Whether this target is a test or not.
self.is_test = os.environ.get('WRAPPER_EXTENSION') == 'xctest'
# Target platform.
self.platform_name = os.environ['PLATFORM_NAME']
# Type of the target artifact.
self.product_type = os.environ['PRODUCT_TYPE']
# Path to the parent of the xcodeproj bundle.
self.project_dir = os.environ['PROJECT_DIR']
# Path to the xcodeproj bundle.
self.project_file_path = os.environ['PROJECT_FILE_PATH']
# Path to the directory containing the WORKSPACE file.
self.workspace_root = os.path.abspath(os.environ['TULSI_WR'])
# Set to the name of the generated bundle for bundle-type targets, None for
# single file targets (like static libraries).
self.wrapper_name = os.environ.get('WRAPPER_NAME')
self.wrapper_suffix = os.environ.get('WRAPPER_SUFFIX', '')
# Path where Xcode expects the artifacts to be written to. This is not the
# codesigning_path as device vs simulator builds have different signing
# requirements, so Xcode expects different paths to be signed. This is
# mostly apparent on XCUITests where simulator builds set the codesigning
# path to be the .xctest bundle, but for device builds it is actually the
# UI runner app (since it needs to be codesigned to run on the device.) The
# FULL_PRODUCT_NAME variable is a stable path on where to put the expected
# artifacts. For static libraries (objc_library, swift_library),
# FULL_PRODUCT_NAME corresponds to the .a file name, which coincides with
# the expected location for a single artifact output.
# TODO(b/35811023): Check these paths are still valid.
self.artifact_output_path = os.path.join(
# Path to where Xcode expects the binary to be placed.
self.binary_path = os.path.join(
os.environ['TARGET_BUILD_DIR'], os.environ['EXECUTABLE_PATH'])
self.is_simulator = self.platform_name.endswith('simulator')
# Check to see if code signing actions should be skipped or not.
if self.is_simulator:
self.codesigning_allowed = False
self.codesigning_allowed = os.environ.get('CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED') == 'YES'
if self.codesigning_allowed:
platform_prefix = 'iOS'
if self.platform_name.startswith('macos'):
platform_prefix = 'macOS'
entitlements_filename = '%sXCTRunner.entitlements' % platform_prefix
self.runner_entitlements_template = os.path.join(self.project_file_path,
self.main_group_path = os.getcwd()
self.bazel_executable = None
def Run(self, args):
"""Executes a Bazel build based on the environment and given arguments."""
if self.xcode_action != 'build':
sys.stderr.write('Xcode action is %s, ignoring.' % self.xcode_action)
return 0
parser = _OptionsParser(self.sdk_version,
timer = Timer('Parsing options', 'parsing_options').Start()
message, exit_code = parser.ParseOptions(args[1:])
if exit_code:
_PrintXcodeError('Option parsing failed: %s' % message)
return exit_code
self.verbose = parser.verbose
self.bazel_bin_path = os.path.abspath(parser.bazel_bin_path)
self.bazel_executable = parser.bazel_executable
# Until wrapped_clang is updated, use -fdebug-prefix-map to have debug
# symbols match Xcode-visible sources.
# NOTE: Use of -fdebug-prefix-map leads to producing binaries that cannot be
# reused across multiple machines by a distributed build system, unless the
# absolute paths to files visible to Xcode match perfectly between all of
# those machines.
# For this reason, -fdebug-prefix-map is provided as a default for non-
# distributed purposes.
if self.direct_debug_prefix_map:
source_map = self._ExtractTargetSourceMap(False)
if source_map:
prefix_map = '--copt=-fdebug-prefix-map=%s=%s' % source_map
self.build_path = os.path.join(self.bazel_bin_path,
os.environ.get('TULSI_BUILD_PATH', ''))
# Path to the Build Events JSON file uses pid and is removed if the
# build is successful.
filename = '%d_%s' % (os.getpid(), BazelBuildBridge.BUILD_EVENTS_FILE)
self.build_events_file_path = os.path.join(
(command, retval) = self._BuildBazelCommand(parser)
if retval:
return retval
timer = Timer('Running Bazel', 'running_bazel').Start()
exit_code, outputs = self._RunBazelAndPatchOutput(command)
if exit_code:
_PrintXcodeError('Bazel build failed.')
return exit_code
if not os.path.exists(BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT):
_PrintXcodeError('No Bazel execution root was found at %s. Debugging '
'experience will be compromised. Please report a Tulsi '
return 404
# This needs to run after `bazel build`, since it depends on the Bazel
# workspace directory
exit_code = self._LinkTulsiWorkspace()
if exit_code:
return exit_code
exit_code, outputs_data = self._ExtractAspectOutputsData(outputs)
if exit_code:
return exit_code
# We expect artifact installation to take longer than header installation,
# so we spawn the genfiles installation subprocess first, spawn and wait on
# artifact installation, and then finally wait on genfiles installation
# (which is hopefully already done). Note that this makes the timer for
# genfiles installation inaccurate (it will always be longer than the
# artifact installation timer).
genfiles_timer = Timer('Installing generated headers',
genfiles_process = self._StartInstallingGeneratedHeaders(outputs)
timer = Timer('Installing artifacts', 'installing_artifacts').Start()
exit_code = self._InstallArtifact(outputs_data)
if exit_code:
return exit_code
exit_code, dsym_paths = self._InstallDSYMBundles(
self.built_products_dir, outputs_data)
if exit_code:
return exit_code
if not dsym_paths:
# Clean any bundles from a previous build that can interfere with
# debugging in LLDB.
for path in dsym_paths:
# Starting with Xcode 9.x, a plist based remapping exists for dSYM
# bundles that works with Swift as well as (Obj-)C(++).
# This solution also works for Xcode 7.x and 8.x for (Obj-)C(++) but
# not for Swift.
timer = Timer('Adding remappings as plists to dSYM',
exit_code = self._PlistdSYMPaths(path)
if exit_code:
_PrintXcodeError('Remapping dSYMs process returned %i, please '
'report a Tulsi bug and attach a full Xcode '
'build log.' % exit_code)
return exit_code
# Starting with Xcode 7.3, XCTests inject several supporting frameworks
# into the test host that need to be signed with the same identity as
# the host itself.
if (self.is_test and self.xcode_version_minor >= 730 and
not self.platform_name.startswith('macos') and
exit_code = self._ResignTestArtifacts()
if exit_code:
return exit_code
# Starting with Xcode 8, .lldbinit files are honored during Xcode debugging
# sessions. This allows use of the target.source-map field to remap the
# debug symbol paths encoded in the binary to the paths expected by Xcode.
# This will not work with dSYM bundles, or a direct -fdebug-prefix-map from
# the Bazel-built locations to Xcode-visible sources.
if self.xcode_version_major >= 800:
timer = Timer('Updating .lldbinit', 'updating_lldbinit').Start()
clear_source_map = dsym_paths or self.direct_debug_prefix_map
exit_code = self._UpdateLLDBInit(clear_source_map)
if exit_code:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Updating .lldbinit action failed with code %d' %
return 0
def _BuildBazelCommand(self, options):
"""Builds up a commandline string suitable for running Bazel."""
bazel_command = [options.bazel_executable]
configuration = os.environ['CONFIGURATION']
# Treat the special testrunner build config as a Debug compile.
test_runner_config_prefix = '__TulsiTestRunner_'
if configuration.startswith(test_runner_config_prefix):
configuration = configuration[len(test_runner_config_prefix):]
elif os.environ.get('TULSI_TEST_RUNNER_ONLY') == 'YES':
_PrintXcodeError('Building test targets with configuration "%s" is not '
'allowed. Please use the "Test" action or "Build for" > '
'"Testing" instead.' % configuration)
return (None, 1)
if configuration not in _OptionsParser.KNOWN_CONFIGS:
_PrintXcodeError('Unknown build configuration "%s"' % configuration)
return (None, 1)
# Do not follow symlinks on __file__ in case this script is linked during
# development.
tulsi_package_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'Bazel'))
'--build_event_json_file=%s' % self.build_events_file_path,
'--bes_outerr_buffer_size=0', # Don't buffer Bazel output at all.
'--aspects', '@tulsi//tulsi:tulsi_aspects.bzl%tulsi_outputs_aspect',
'--override_repository=tulsi=%s' % tulsi_package_dir,
'--tool_tag=tulsi_v%s:bazel_build' % self.tulsi_version])
if self.generate_dsym:
# A normalized path for -fdebug-prefix-map exists for keeping all debug
# information as built by Clang consistent for the sake of caching within
# a distributed build system.
# This is handled through a wrapped_clang feature flag via the CROSSTOOL.
# The use of this flag does not affect any sources built by swiftc. At
# present time, all Swift compiled sources will be built with uncacheable,
# absolute paths, as the Swift compiler does not present an easy means of
# similarly normalizing all debug information.
if self.normalized_prefix_map:
extra_options = bazel_options.BazelOptions(os.environ)
return (bazel_command, 0)
def _RunBazelAndPatchOutput(self, command):
"""Runs subprocess command, patching output as it's received."""
self._PrintVerbose('Running "%s", patching output for main group path at '
'"%s" with project path at "%s".' %
(' '.join(command),
# Xcode translates anything that looks like ""<path>:<line>:" that is not
# followed by the word "warning" into an error. Bazel warnings and debug
# messages do not fit this scheme and must be patched here.
bazel_warning_line_regex = re.compile(
r'(?:DEBUG|WARNING): ([^:]+:\d+:(?:\d+:)?)\s+(.+)')
def PatchBazelWarningStatements(output_line):
match = bazel_warning_line_regex.match(output_line)
if match:
output_line = '%s warning: %s' % (,
return output_line
patch_xcode_parsable_line = PatchBazelWarningStatements
if self.main_group_path != self.project_dir:
# Match (likely) filename:line_number: lines.
xcode_parsable_line_regex = re.compile(r'([^/][^:]+):\d+:')
def PatchOutputLine(output_line):
output_line = PatchBazelWarningStatements(output_line)
if xcode_parsable_line_regex.match(output_line):
output_line = '%s/%s' % (self.main_group_path, output_line)
return output_line
patch_xcode_parsable_line = PatchOutputLine
def HandleOutput(output):
for line in output.splitlines():
def WatcherUpdate(watcher):
"""Processes any new events in the given watcher.
watcher: a BazelBuildEventsWatcher object.
A list of new tulsiout file names seen.
new_events = watcher.check_for_new_events()
new_outputs = []
for build_event in new_events:
if build_event.stderr:
if build_event.stdout:
if build_event.files:
outputs = [x for x in build_event.files if x.endswith('.tulsiouts')]
return new_outputs
# Make sure the BEP JSON file exists and is empty. We do this to prevent
# any sort of race between the watcher, bazel, and the old file contents.
open(self.build_events_file_path, 'w').close()
# Start Bazel without any extra files open besides /dev/null, which is
# used to ignore the output.
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
process = subprocess.Popen(command,
# Register atexit function to clean up BEP file.
atexit.register(_BEPFileExitCleanup, self.build_events_file_path)
with, 'r', -1, 'utf-8', 'ignore'
) as bep_file:
watcher = bazel_build_events.BazelBuildEventsWatcher(bep_file,
output_locations = []
while process.returncode is None:
if process.returncode == 0 and not output_locations:
_PrintXcodeError('Unable to find location of the .tulsiouts file.'
'Please report this as a Tulsi bug, including the'
'contents of %s.' % self.build_events_file_path)
return 1, output_locations
return process.returncode, output_locations
def _ExtractAspectOutputsData(self, output_files):
"""Converts aspect output from paths to json to a list of dictionaries.
output_files: A list of strings to files representing Bazel aspect output
in UTF-8 JSON format.
return_code, [dict]: A tuple with a return code as its first argument and
for its second argument, a list of dictionaries for
each output_file that could be interpreted as valid
JSON, representing the returned Bazel aspect
return_code, None: If an error occurred while converting the list of
files into JSON.
outputs_data = []
for output_file in output_files:
output_data = json.load(open(output_file))
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to load output map ""%s". '
'%s' % (output_file, e))
return 600, None
return 0, outputs_data
def _InstallArtifact(self, outputs_data):
"""Installs Bazel-generated artifacts into the Xcode output directory."""
xcode_artifact_path = self.artifact_output_path
if not outputs_data:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to load top level output file.')
return 600
primary_output_data = outputs_data[0]
if 'artifact' not in primary_output_data:
'Failed to find an output artifact for target %s in output map %r' %
(xcode_artifact_path, primary_output_data))
return 601
primary_artifact = primary_output_data['artifact']
artifact_archive_root = primary_output_data.get('archive_root')
bundle_name = primary_output_data['bundle_name']
# The PRODUCT_NAME used by the Xcode project is not trustable as it may be
# modified by the user and, more importantly, may have been modified by
# Tulsi to disambiguate multiple targets with the same name.
self.bazel_product_name = bundle_name
# We need to handle IPAs (from {ios, tvos}_application) differently from
# ZIPs (from the other bundled rules) because they output slightly different
# directory structures.
is_ipa = primary_artifact.endswith('.ipa')
is_zip = primary_artifact.endswith('.zip')
if is_ipa or is_zip:
expected_bundle_name = bundle_name + self.wrapper_suffix
# The directory structure within the IPA is then determined based on
# Bazel's package and/or product type.
if is_ipa:
bundle_subpath = os.path.join('Payload', expected_bundle_name)
# If the artifact is a ZIP, assume that the bundle is the top-level
# directory (this is the way in which Skylark rules package artifacts
# that are not standalone IPAs).
bundle_subpath = expected_bundle_name
# Prefer to copy over files from the archive root instead of unzipping the
# ipa/zip in order to help preserve timestamps. Note that the archive root
# is only present for local builds; for remote builds we must extract from
# the zip file.
if self._IsValidArtifactArchiveRoot(artifact_archive_root, bundle_name):
source_location = os.path.join(artifact_archive_root, bundle_subpath)
exit_code = self._RsyncBundle(os.path.basename(primary_artifact),
exit_code = self._UnpackTarget(primary_artifact,
if exit_code:
return exit_code
elif os.path.isfile(primary_artifact):
# Remove the old artifact before copying.
if os.path.isfile(xcode_artifact_path):
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to remove stale output file ""%s". '
'%s' % (xcode_artifact_path, e))
return 600
exit_code = self._CopyFile(os.path.basename(primary_artifact),
if exit_code:
return exit_code
# No return code check as this is not an essential operation.
return 0
def _IsValidArtifactArchiveRoot(self, archive_root, bundle_name):
"""Returns true if the archive root is valid for use."""
if not archive_root or not os.path.isdir(archive_root):
return False
# The archive root will not be updated for any remote builds, but will be
# valid for local builds. We detect this by using an implementation detail
# of the rules_apple bundler: archives will always be transformed from
# <name> (locally or remotely) to <name>.archive-root.
# Thus if the mod time on the archive root is not greater than the mod
# time on the on the zip, the archive root is not valid. Remote builds
# will end up copying the <name> but not the
# <name>.archive-root, making this a valid temporary solution.
# In the future, it would be better to have this handled by the rules;
# until then this should suffice as a work around to improve build times.
unprocessed_zip = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(archive_root),
'' % bundle_name)
if not os.path.isfile(unprocessed_zip):
return False
return os.path.getmtime(archive_root) > os.path.getmtime(unprocessed_zip)
def _InstallEmbeddedBundlesIfNecessary(self, output_data):
"""Install embedded bundles next to the current target's output."""
# In order to find and load symbols for the binary installed on device,
# Instruments needs to "see" it in Spotlight index somewhere on the local
# filesystem. This is only needed for on-device instrumentation.
# Unfortunatelly, it does not seem to be possible to detect when a build is
# being made for profiling, thus we can't exclude this step for on-device
# non-profiling builds.
if self.is_simulator or ('embedded_bundles' not in output_data):
timer = Timer('Installing embedded bundles',
for bundle_info in output_data['embedded_bundles']:
name = bundle_info['bundle_full_name']
# TODO(b/68936732): See if copying just the binary (not the whole bundle)
# is enough to make Instruments work.
source_path = os.path.join(bundle_info['archive_root'], name)
output_path = os.path.join(self.built_products_dir, name)
self._RsyncBundle(name, source_path, output_path)
def _StartInstallingGeneratedHeaders(self, outputs):
"""Invokes to install generated Bazel files."""
# Resolve the path to the script.
# It should be in the same directory as this script.
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
args = [path, BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT, str(self.preserve_tulsi_includes)]
self._PrintVerbose('Spawning subprocess to copy '
'generated files in the background...')
process = subprocess.Popen(args)
return process
def _InstallBundle(self, source_path, output_path):
"""Copies the bundle at source_path to output_path."""
if not os.path.isdir(source_path):
return 0, None
if os.path.isdir(output_path):
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to remove stale bundle ""%s". '
'%s' % (output_path, e))
return 700, None
exit_code = self._CopyBundle(os.path.basename(source_path),
return exit_code, output_path
def _RsyncBundle(self, source_path, full_source_path, output_path):
"""Rsyncs the given bundle to the given expected output path."""
self._PrintVerbose('Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, output_path))
# rsync behavior changes based on presence of a trailing slash.
if not full_source_path.endswith('/'):
full_source_path += '/'
# Use -c to check differences by checksum, -v for verbose,
# and --delete to delete stale files.
# The rest of the flags are the same as -a but without preserving
# timestamps, which is done intentionally so the timestamp will
# only change when the file is changed.
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Rsync failed. %s' % e)
return 650
return 0
def _CopyBundle(self, source_path, full_source_path, output_path):
"""Copies the given bundle to the given expected output path."""
self._PrintVerbose('Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, output_path))
if self.apfs_clone:
CopyOnWrite(full_source_path, output_path, True)
if os.path.exists(output_path):
shutil.copytree(full_source_path, output_path)
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Copy failed. %s' % e)
return 650
return 0
def _CopyFile(self, source_path, full_source_path, output_path):
"""Copies the given file to the given expected output path."""
self._PrintVerbose('Copying %s to %s' % (source_path, output_path))
output_path_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path)
if not os.path.exists(output_path_dir):
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to create output directory "%s". '
'%s' % (output_path_dir, e))
return 650
if self.apfs_clone:
CopyOnWrite(full_source_path, output_path)
shutil.copy2(full_source_path, output_path)
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Copy failed. %s' % e)
return 650
return 0
def _UnpackTarget(self, bundle_path, output_path, bundle_subpath):
"""Unpacks generated bundle into the given expected output path."""
self._PrintVerbose('Unpacking %s to %s' % (bundle_path, output_path))
if not os.path.isfile(bundle_path):
_PrintXcodeError('Generated bundle not found at "%s"' % bundle_path)
return 670
if os.path.isdir(output_path):
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to remove stale output directory ""%s". '
'%s' % (output_path, e))
return 600
# We need to handle IPAs (from {ios, tvos}_application) differently from
# ZIPs (from the other bundled rules) because they output slightly different
# directory structures.
is_ipa = bundle_path.endswith('.ipa')
with zipfile.ZipFile(bundle_path, 'r') as zf:
for item in zf.infolist():
filename = item.filename
# Support directories do not seem to be needed by the debugger and are
# skipped.
basedir = filename.split(os.sep)[0]
if basedir.endswith('Support') or basedir.endswith('Support2'):
if len(filename) < len(bundle_subpath):
attributes = (item.external_attr >> 16) & 0o777
self._PrintVerbose('Extracting %s (%o)' % (filename, attributes),
if not filename.startswith(bundle_subpath):
# TODO(abaire): Make an error if Bazel modifies this behavior.
_PrintXcodeWarning('Mismatched extraction path. Bundle content '
'at "%s" expected to have subpath of "%s"' %
(filename, bundle_subpath))
dir_components = self._SplitPathComponents(filename)
# Get the file's path, ignoring the payload components if the archive
# is an IPA.
if is_ipa:
subpath = os.path.join(*dir_components[2:])
subpath = os.path.join(*dir_components[1:])
target_path = os.path.join(output_path, subpath)
# Ensure the target directory exists.
target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_path)
if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
except OSError as e:
'Failed to create target path "%s" during extraction. %s' % (
target_path, e))
return 671
# If the archive item looks like a file, extract it.
if not filename.endswith(os.sep):
with as src, file(target_path, 'wb') as dst:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
# Patch up the extracted file's attributes to match the zip content.
if attributes:
os.chmod(target_path, attributes)
return 0
def _InstallDSYMBundles(self, output_dir, outputs_data):
"""Copies any generated dSYM bundles to the given directory."""
# Indicates that our aspect reports a dSYM was generated for this build.
has_dsym = outputs_data[0]['has_dsym']
if not has_dsym:
return 0, None
# Start the timer now that we know we have dSYM bundles to install.
timer = Timer('Installing DSYM bundles', 'installing_dsym').Start()
# Declares the Xcode-generated name of our main target's dSYM.
# This environment variable is always set, for any possible Xcode output
# that could generate a dSYM bundle.
target_dsym = os.environ.get('DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME')
if target_dsym:
dsym_to_process = set([(self.build_path, target_dsym)])
# Collect additional dSYM bundles generated by the dependencies of this
# build such as extensions or frameworks.
child_dsyms = set()
for data in outputs_data:
for bundle_info in data.get('embedded_bundles', []):
if not bundle_info['has_dsym']:
# Uses the parent of archive_root to find dSYM bundles associated with
# app/extension/df bundles. Currently hinges on implementation of the
# build rules.
dsym_path = os.path.dirname(bundle_info['archive_root'])
dsym_filename = '%s.dSYM' % bundle_info['bundle_full_name']
child_dsyms.add((dsym_path, dsym_filename))
dsyms_found = []
for dsym_path, dsym_filename in dsym_to_process:
input_dsym_full_path = os.path.join(dsym_path, dsym_filename)
output_full_path = os.path.join(output_dir, dsym_filename)
exit_code, path = self._InstallBundle(input_dsym_full_path,
if exit_code:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Failed to install dSYM "%s" (%s)'
% (target_dsym, exit_code))
elif path is None:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Could not find a dSYM bundle named "%s"'
% target_dsym)
return 0, dsyms_found
def _ResignBundle(self, bundle_path, signing_identity, entitlements=None):
"""Re-signs the bundle with the given signing identity and entitlements."""
if not self.codesigning_allowed:
return 0
timer = Timer('\tSigning ' + bundle_path, 'signing_bundle').Start()
command = [
if entitlements:
command.extend(['--entitlements', entitlements])
returncode, output = self._RunSubprocess(command)
if returncode:
_PrintXcodeError('Re-sign command %r failed. %s' % (command, output))
return 800 + returncode
return 0
def _ResignTestArtifacts(self):
"""Resign test related artifacts that Xcode injected into the outputs."""
if not self.is_test:
return 0
# Extract the signing identity from the bundle at the expected output path
# since that's where the signed bundle from bazel was placed.
signing_identity = self._ExtractSigningIdentity(self.artifact_output_path)
if not signing_identity:
return 800
exit_code = 0
timer = Timer('Re-signing injected test host artifacts',
if self.test_host_binary:
# For Unit tests, we need to resign the frameworks that Xcode injected
# into the test host bundle.
test_host_bundle = os.path.dirname(self.test_host_binary)
exit_code = self._ResignXcodeTestFrameworks(
test_host_bundle, signing_identity)
# For UI tests, we need to resign the UI test runner app and the
# frameworks that Xcode injected into the runner app. The UI Runner app
# also needs to be signed with entitlements.
exit_code = self._ResignXcodeTestFrameworks(
self.codesigning_folder_path, signing_identity)
if exit_code == 0:
entitlements_path = self._InstantiateUIRunnerEntitlements()
if entitlements_path:
exit_code = self._ResignBundle(
_PrintXcodeError('Could not instantiate UI runner entitlements.')
exit_code = 800
return exit_code
def _ResignXcodeTestFrameworks(self, bundle, signing_identity):
"""Re-signs the support frameworks injected by Xcode in the given bundle."""
if not self.codesigning_allowed:
return 0
framework_path = os.path.join(
bundle, 'Frameworks', '%s.framework' % framework)
if os.path.isdir(framework_path):
exit_code = self._ResignBundle(framework_path, signing_identity)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
return 0
def _InstantiateUIRunnerEntitlements(self):
"""Substitute team and bundle identifiers into UI runner entitlements.
This method throws an IOError exception if the template wasn't found in
its expected location, or an OSError if the expected output folder could
not be created.
The path to where the entitlements file was generated.
if not self.codesigning_allowed:
return None
if not os.path.exists(self.derived_sources_folder_path):
output_file = os.path.join(
self.bazel_product_name + '_UIRunner.entitlements')
if os.path.exists(output_file):
with open(self.runner_entitlements_template, 'r') as template:
contents =
contents = contents.replace(
contents = contents.replace(
with open(output_file, 'w') as output:
return output_file
def _ExtractSigningIdentity(self, signed_bundle):
"""Returns the identity used to sign the given bundle path."""
return self._ExtractSigningAttribute(signed_bundle, 'Authority')
def _ExtractSigningTeamIdentifier(self, signed_bundle):
"""Returns the team identifier used to sign the given bundle path."""
return self._ExtractSigningAttribute(signed_bundle, 'TeamIdentifier')
def _ExtractSigningBundleIdentifier(self, signed_bundle):
"""Returns the bundle identifier used to sign the given bundle path."""
return self._ExtractSigningAttribute(signed_bundle, 'Identifier')
def _ExtractSigningAttribute(self, signed_bundle, attribute):
"""Returns the attribute used to sign the given bundle path."""
if not self.codesigning_allowed:
cached = self.codesign_attributes.get(signed_bundle)
if cached:
return cached.Get(attribute)
timer = Timer('\tExtracting signature for ' + signed_bundle,
output = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun',
bundle_attributes = CodesignBundleAttributes(output)
self.codesign_attributes[signed_bundle] = bundle_attributes
return bundle_attributes.Get(attribute)
# File for custom lldbinit changes.
# WARNING: This file will override any dSYM based source remappings AND
# ~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj remappings. Use of this file is strongly discouraged.
def _LinkTulsiLLDBInitEpilogue(self, outfile):
"""Adds a reference to ~/.lldbinit-tulsi-epilogue if it exists.
This file can be used to append more LLDB commands right after
~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj is loaded.
Use of this file is strongly discouraged; it will override any other
changes made by ~/.lldbinit, ~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj and dSYM bundle path
outfile: a file-type object, expected to be ~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj.
if os.path.isfile(self._TULSI_LLDBINIT_EPILOGUE_FILE):
outfile.write('command source %s\n' % self._TULSI_LLDBINIT_EPILOGUE_FILE)
def _UpdateLLDBInit(self, clear_source_map=False):
"""Updates ~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj to enable debugging of Bazel binaries."""
# Apple Watch app binaries do not contain any sources.
if self.product_type == '':
return 0
# Make sure a reference to ~/.lldbinit-tulsiproj exists in ~/.lldbinit or
# ~/.lldbinit-Xcode. Priority is given to ~/.lldbinit-Xcode if it exists,
# otherwise the bootstrapping will be written to ~/.lldbinit.
with open(TULSI_LLDBINIT_FILE, 'w') as out:
out.write('# This file is autogenerated by Tulsi and should not be '
if clear_source_map:
out.write('settings clear target.source-map\n')
return 0
if self.normalized_prefix_map:
source_map = ('./', self._NormalizePath(self.workspace_root))
out.write('# This maps the normalized root to that used by '
'%r.\n' % os.path.basename(self.project_file_path))
# NOTE: settings target.source-map is different from
# DBGSourcePathRemapping; the former is an LLDB target-level
# remapping API that rewrites breakpoints, the latter is an LLDB
# module-level remapping API that changes DWARF debug info in memory.
# If we had multiple remappings, it would not make sense for the
# two APIs to share the same mappings. They have very different
# side-effects in how they individually handle debug information.
source_map = self._ExtractTargetSourceMap()
out.write('# This maps Bazel\'s execution root to that used by '
'%r.\n' % os.path.basename(self.project_file_path))
out.write('settings set target.source-map "%s" "%s"\n' % source_map)
return 0
def _DWARFdSYMBinaries(self, dsym_bundle_path):
"""Returns an array of abs paths to DWARF binaries in the dSYM bundle.
dsym_bundle_path: absolute path to the dSYM bundle.
str[]: a list of strings representing the absolute paths to each binary
found within the dSYM bundle.
dwarf_dir = os.path.join(dsym_bundle_path,
dsym_binaries = []
for f in os.listdir(dwarf_dir):
# Ignore hidden files, such as .DS_Store files.
if not f.startswith('.'):
# Append full path info.
dsym_binary = os.path.join(dwarf_dir, f)
return dsym_binaries
def _UUIDInfoForBinary(self, source_binary_path):
"""Returns exit code of dwarfdump along with every UUID + arch found.
source_binary_path: absolute path to the binary file.
(Int, str[(str, str)]): a tuple containing the return code of dwarfdump
as its first element, and a list of strings
representing each UUID found for each given
binary slice found within the binary with its
given architecture, if no error has occcured.
returncode, output = self._RunSubprocess([
if returncode:
_PrintXcodeWarning('dwarfdump returned %d while finding the UUID for %s'
% (returncode, source_binary_path))
return (returncode, [])
# All UUIDs for binary slices will be returned as the second from left,
# from output; "UUID: D4DE5AA2-79EE-36FE-980C-755AED318308 (x86_64)
# /Applications/"
uuids_found = []
for dwarfdump_output in output.split('\n'):
if not dwarfdump_output:
found_output = re.match(r'^(?:UUID: )([^ ]+) \(([^)]+)', dwarfdump_output)
if not found_output:
found_uuid =
if not found_uuid:
found_arch =
if not found_arch:
uuids_found.append((found_uuid, found_arch))
return (0, uuids_found)
def _CreateUUIDPlist(self, dsym_bundle_path, uuid, arch, source_map):
"""Creates a UUID.plist in a dSYM bundle to redirect sources.
dsym_bundle_path: absolute path to the dSYM bundle.
uuid: string representing the UUID of the binary slice with paths to
remap in the dSYM bundle.
arch: the architecture of the binary slice.
source_map: a single tuple representing all absolute paths to source
files compiled by Bazel as strings ($0) associated with the
paths to Xcode-visible sources used for the purposes of
Tulsi debugging as strings ($1).
Bool: True if no error was found, or False, representing a failure to
write when creating the plist.
# Create a UUID plist at (dsym_bundle_path)/Contents/Resources/.
remap_plist = os.path.join(dsym_bundle_path,
'%s.plist' % uuid)
# Via an XML plist, add the mappings from _ExtractTargetSourceMap().
with open(remap_plist, 'w') as out:
out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
'<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" '
'<plist version="1.0">\n'
# Add the mapping as a DBGSourcePathRemapping to the UUID plist here.
out.write('<key>%s</key>\n<string>%s</string>\n' % source_map)
# Make sure that we also set DBGVersion to 2 via plutil.
except OSError as e:
_PrintXcodeError('Failed to write %s, received error %s' %
(remap_plist, e))
return False
# Update the dSYM symbol cache with a reference to this dSYM bundle.
if self.update_symbol_cache:
err_msg = self.update_symbol_cache.UpdateUUID(uuid,
if err_msg:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Attempted to save (uuid, dsym_bundle_path, arch) '
'to DBGShellCommands\' dSYM cache, but got error '
'\"%s\".' % err_msg)
return True
def _CleanExistingDSYMs(self):
"""Clean dSYM bundles that were left over from a previous build."""
output_dir = self.built_products_dir
output_dir_list = os.listdir(output_dir)
for item in output_dir_list:
if item.endswith('.dSYM'):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(output_dir, item))
def _PlistdSYMPaths(self, dsym_bundle_path):
"""Adds Plists to a given dSYM bundle to redirect DWARF data."""
# Retrieve the paths that we are expected to remap.
if self.normalized_prefix_map:
# Take the normalized path and map that to Xcode-visible sources.
source_map = ('./', self._NormalizePath(self.workspace_root))
# Use a direct path from the execroot to Xcode-visible sources.
source_map = self._ExtractTargetSourceMap()
if not source_map:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Extracted 0 source paths. File-based breakpoints '
'may not work. Please report as a bug.')
return 410
# Find the binaries within the dSYM bundle. UUIDs will match that of the
# binary it was based on.
dsym_binaries = self._DWARFdSYMBinaries(dsym_bundle_path)
if not dsym_binaries:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Could not find the binaries that the dSYM %s was '
'based on to determine DWARF binary slices to patch. '
'Debugging will probably fail.' % (dsym_bundle_path))
return 404
# Find the binary slice UUIDs with dwarfdump from each binary.
for source_binary_path in dsym_binaries:
returncode, uuid_info_found = self._UUIDInfoForBinary(source_binary_path)
if returncode:
return returncode
# Create a plist per UUID, each indicating a binary slice to remap paths.
for uuid, arch in uuid_info_found:
plist_created = self._CreateUUIDPlist(dsym_bundle_path,
if not plist_created:
return 405
# Update spotlight index with this updated dSYM bundle in case the binary's
# UUID changed.
# TODO(b/71705491): Remove if DBGShellCommands does not cause any issues.
self._RunSubprocess(['mdimport', dsym_bundle_path])
return 0
def _ExtractBazelInfoExecrootPaths(self):
"""Extracts the path to the execution root found in this WORKSPACE.
None: if an error occurred.
str: a string representing the absolute path to the execution root found
for the current Bazel WORKSPACE.
if not self.bazel_executable:
_PrintXcodeWarning('Attempted to find the execution root, but the '
'path to the Bazel executable was not provided.')
return None
timer = Timer('Finding Bazel execution root', 'bazel_execroot').Start()
returncode, output = self._RunSubprocess([
if returncode:
_PrintXcodeWarning('%s returned %d while finding the execution root'
% (self.bazel_executable, returncode))
return None
for line in output.splitlines():
# Filter out output that does not contain the /execroot path.
if '/execroot' not in line:
# Return the path from the first /execroot found.
return line
_PrintXcodeWarning('%s did not return a recognized /execroot path.'
% self.bazel_executable)
return None
def _NormalizePath(self, path):
"""Returns paths with a common form, normalized with a trailing slash.
path: a file system path given in the form of a string.
str: a normalized string with a trailing slash, based on |path|.
return os.path.normpath(path) + os.sep
def _ExtractTargetSourceMap(self, normalize=True):
"""Extracts the source path as a tuple associated with the WORKSPACE path.
normalize: Defines if all paths should be normalized. Preferred for APIs
like DBGSourcePathRemapping and target.source-map but won't
work for the purposes of -fdebug-prefix-map.
None: if an error occurred.
(str, str): a single tuple representing all absolute paths to source
files compiled by Bazel as strings ($0) associated with
the paths to Xcode-visible sources used for the purposes
of Tulsi debugging as strings ($1).
# All paths route to the "workspace root" for sources visible from Xcode.
sm_destpath = self.workspace_root
if normalize:
sm_destpath = self._NormalizePath(sm_destpath)
# Add a redirection for the Bazel execution root, the path where sources
# are referenced by Bazel.
sm_execroot = self._ExtractExecroot()
if sm_execroot:
if normalize:
sm_execroot = self._NormalizePath(sm_execroot)
return (sm_execroot, sm_destpath)
return None
def _ExtractExecroot(self):
"""Finds the execution root from BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT or bazel info.
None: if an error occurred.
str: the "execution root", the path to the "root" of all source files
compiled by Bazel as a string.
# If we have a cached execution root, check that it exists.
if os.path.exists(BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT):
# If so, use it.
# Query Bazel directly for the execution root.
execroot = self._ExtractBazelInfoExecrootPaths()
return execroot
def _LinkTulsiWorkspace(self):
"""Links the Bazel Workspace to the Tulsi Workspace (`tulsi-workspace`)."""
tulsi_workspace = self.workspace_root + '/tulsi-workspace'
if os.path.islink(tulsi_workspace):
os.symlink(BAZEL_EXECUTION_ROOT, tulsi_workspace)
if not os.path.exists(tulsi_workspace):
'Linking Tulsi Workspace to %s failed.' % tulsi_workspace)
return -1
def _SplitPathComponents(path):
"""Splits the given path into an array of all of its components."""
components = path.split(os.sep)
# Patch up the first component if path started with an os.sep
if not components[0]:
components[0] = os.sep
return components
def _RunSubprocess(self, cmd):
"""Runs the given command as a subprocess, returning (exit_code, output)."""
self._PrintVerbose('%r' % cmd, 1)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
output, _ = process.communicate()
return (process.returncode, output)
def _PrintVerbose(self, msg, level=0):
if self.verbose > level:
sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
_logger = tulsi_logging.Logger()
_timer = Timer('Everything', 'complete_build').Start()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _InterruptHandler)
_exit_code = BazelBuildBridge().Run(sys.argv)