blob: d61512c355546a658fe0cd471948fa23da155d91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Skylark rules supporting Tulsi.
This file provides Bazel aspects used to obtain information about a given
project and pass it back to Tulsi.
# List of all of the attributes that can link from a Tulsi-supported rule to a
# Tulsi-supported dependency of that rule.
# For instance, an ios_application's "binary" attribute might link to an
# objc_binary rule which in turn might have objc_library's in its "deps"
# attribute.
'tests', # for test_suite when the --noexpand_test_suites flag is used.
'_implicit_tests', # test_suites without a `tests` attr have an '$implicit_tests' attr instead.
# These are attributes that contain bundles but should not be considered as
# embedded bundles. For example, test bundles depend on app bundles
# to be test hosts in bazel semantics, but in reality, Xcode treats the test
# bundles as an embedded bundle of the app.
# List of all attributes whose contents should resolve to "support" files; files
# that are used by Bazel to build but do not need special handling in the
# generated Xcode project. For example, Info.plist and entitlements files.
# List of rules with implicit <label>.ipa IPA outputs.
# TODO(b/33050780): This is only used for the native rules and will be removed
# in the future
# List of rules that generate MergedInfo.plist files as part of the build.
# List of rules whose outputs should be treated as generated sources.
# List of rules whose outputs should be treated as generated sources that do not
# use ARC.
def _dict_omitting_none(**kwargs):
"""Creates a dict from the args, dropping keys with None or [] values."""
return {name: kwargs[name]
for name in kwargs
# Skylark doesn't support "is"; comparison is explicit for correctness.
# pylint: disable=g-equals-none,g-explicit-bool-comparison
if kwargs[name] != None and kwargs[name] != []
def _struct_omitting_none(**kwargs):
"""Creates a struct from the args, dropping keys with None or [] values."""
return struct(**_dict_omitting_none(**kwargs))
def _convert_outpath_to_symlink_path(path, use_tulsi_symlink=False):
"""Converts full output paths to their tulsi-symlink equivalents.
Bazel output paths are unstable, prone to change with architecture,
platform or flag changes. Therefore we can't rely on them to supply to Xcode.
Instead, we will root all outputs under a stable tulsi dir,
and the script will link the artifacts into the correct
location under it.
Tulsi root is located at WORKSPACE/bazel-exec-root-link/tulsi-includes/x/x/.
The two "x" directories are stubs to match the number of path components, so
that relative paths work with the new location. Some Bazel outputs, like
module maps, use relative paths to reference other files in the build.
In short, when `use_tulsi_symlink` is `True`, this method will transform
When `use_tulsi_symlink` is `False`, this method will transform
This flag is currently enabled for generated headers, sources, Swift modules,
and module maps. Disabled for everything else to keep backwards compatibility.
TODO(tulsi-team): Phase out the older bazel symlink completely and remove
the flag.
path: path to transform
use_tulsi_symlink: whether to use the new tulsi symlink, or the older bazel
A string that is the original path modified according to the rules.
# The path will be of the form:
# if use_tulsi_symlink:
# tulsi-includes/x/x/symlink[/.*]
# otherwise:
# bazel-[whatever]/[platform-config]/symlink[/.*]
first_dash = path.find('-')
components = path.split('/')
if (len(components) > 2 and
first_dash >= 0 and
first_dash < len(components[0])):
if use_tulsi_symlink:
return 'tulsi-includes/x/x/' + '/'.join(components[3:])
return path[:first_dash + 1] + '/'.join(components[2:])
return path
def _is_bazel_external_file(f):
"""Returns True if the given file is a Bazel external file."""
return f.path.startswith('external/')
def _file_metadata(f, use_tulsi_symlink=False):
"""Returns metadata about a given File."""
if not f:
return None
# Special case handling for Bazel external files which have a path that starts
# with 'external/' but their short_path and root.path have no mention of being
# external.
out_path = f.path if _is_bazel_external_file(f) else f.short_path
if not f.is_source:
root_path = f.root.path
symlink_path = _convert_outpath_to_symlink_path(
if symlink_path == root_path:
# The root path should always be bazel-out/... and thus is expected to be
# updated.
print('Unexpected root path "%s". Please report.' % root_path)
root_execution_path_fragment = root_path
root_execution_path_fragment = symlink_path
root_execution_path_fragment = None
# TODO(abaire): Remove once Skylark File objects can reference directories.
# At the moment (Oct. 2016), Bazel disallows most files without extensions.
# As a temporary hack, Tulsi treats File instances pointing at extension-less
# paths as directories. This is extremely fragile and must be replaced with
# logic properly homed in Bazel.
is_dir = (f.basename.find('.') == -1)
return _struct_omitting_none(
def _file_metadata_by_replacing_path(f, new_path, new_is_dir=None):
"""Returns a copy of the f _file_metadata struct with the given path."""
root_path = _get_opt_attr(f, 'rootPath')
if new_is_dir == None:
new_is_dir = f.is_dir
return _struct_omitting_none(
def _collect_artifacts(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns a list of Artifact objects for the attr_path in obj."""
return [f for src in _getattr_as_list(obj, attr_path)
for f in _get_opt_attr(src, 'files')]
def _collect_files(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns a list of artifact_location's for the attr_path in obj."""
return [_file_metadata(f) for f in _collect_artifacts(obj, attr_path)]
def _collect_first_file(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns a the first artifact_location for the attr_path in obj."""
files = _collect_files(obj, attr_path)
if not files:
return None
return files[0]
def _collect_supporting_files(rule_attr):
"""Extracts 'supporting' files from the given rule attributes."""
all_files = []
all_files += _collect_files(rule_attr, attr)
return all_files
def _collect_bundle_paths(rule_attr, bundle_attributes, bundle_ext):
"""Extracts subpaths with the given bundle_ext for the given attributes."""
discovered_paths = depset()
bundles = []
if not bundle_ext.endswith('/'):
bundle_ext += '/'
bundle_ext_len = len(bundle_ext) - 1
for attr in bundle_attributes:
for f in _collect_files(rule_attr, attr):
end = f.path.find(bundle_ext)
if end < 0:
end += bundle_ext_len
path = f.path[:end]
root_path = _get_opt_attr(f, 'rootPath')
full_path = str(root_path) + ':' + path
if full_path in discovered_paths:
discovered_paths += [full_path]
# Generally Xcode treats bundles as special files so they should not be
# flagged as directories.
bundles.append(_file_metadata_by_replacing_path(f, path, False))
return bundles
def _collect_asset_catalogs(rule_attr):
"""Extracts xcassets directories from the given rule attributes."""
attrs = ['app_asset_catalogs', 'asset_catalogs']
bundles = _collect_bundle_paths(rule_attr, attrs, '.xcassets')
bundles.extend(_collect_bundle_paths(rule_attr, attrs, '.xcstickers'))
return bundles
def _collect_bundle_imports(rule_attr):
"""Extracts bundle directories from the given rule attributes."""
return _collect_bundle_paths(rule_attr,
['bundle_imports', 'settings_bundle'],
def _collect_framework_imports(rule_attr):
"""Extracts framework directories from the given rule attributes."""
return _collect_bundle_paths(rule_attr,
def _collect_xcdatamodeld_files(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns artifact_location's for xcdatamodeld's for attr_path in obj."""
files = _collect_files(obj, attr_path)
if not files:
return []
discovered_paths = depset()
datamodelds = []
for f in files:
end = f.path.find('.xcdatamodel/')
if end < 0:
end += 12
path = f.path[:end]
root_path = _get_opt_attr(f, 'rootPath')
full_path = str(root_path) + ':' + path
if full_path in discovered_paths:
discovered_paths += [full_path]
datamodelds.append(_file_metadata_by_replacing_path(f, path, False))
return datamodelds
def _collect_dependency_labels(rule, filter, attr_list):
"""Collects Bazel labels for a list of dependency attributes.
rule: The Bazel rule whose dependencies should be collected.
filter: Filter to apply when gathering dependencies.
attr_list: List of attribute names potentially containing Bazel labels for
dependencies of the given rule.
A list of the Bazel labels of dependencies of the given rule.
attr = rule.attr
deps = [dep
for attribute in attr_list
for dep in _filter_deps(filter, _getattr_as_list(attr, attribute))]
return [dep.label for dep in deps if hasattr(dep, 'label')]
def _get_opt_attr(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns the value at attr_path on the given object if it is set."""
attr_path = attr_path.split('.')
for a in attr_path:
if not obj or not hasattr(obj, a):
return None
obj = getattr(obj, a)
return obj
def _get_label_attr(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns the value at attr_path as a label string if it is set."""
label = _get_opt_attr(obj, attr_path)
return str(label) if label else None
def _getattr_as_list(obj, attr_path):
"""Returns the value at attr_path as a list.
This handles normalization of attributes containing a single value for use in
methods expecting a list of values.
obj: The struct whose attributes should be parsed.
attr_path: Dotted path of attributes whose value should be returned in
list form.
A list of values for obj at attr_path or [] if the struct has
no such attribute.
val = _get_opt_attr(obj, attr_path)
if not val:
return []
if type(val) == 'list':
return val
return [val]
def _extract_defines_from_option_list(lst):
"""Extracts preprocessor defines from a list of -D strings."""
defines = []
for item in lst:
if item.startswith('-D'):
return defines
def _extract_compiler_defines(ctx):
"""Extracts preprocessor defines from compiler fragments."""
defines = []
cpp_fragment = _get_opt_attr(ctx.fragments, 'cpp')
if cpp_fragment:
c_options = _get_opt_attr(cpp_fragment, 'c_options')
defines += _extract_defines_from_option_list(c_options)
compiler_options = cpp_fragment.compiler_options([])
defines += _extract_defines_from_option_list(compiler_options)
unfiltered = cpp_fragment.unfiltered_compiler_options([])
defines += _extract_defines_from_option_list(unfiltered)
cxx = cpp_fragment.cxx_options([])
defines += _extract_defines_from_option_list(cxx)
objc_fragment = _get_opt_attr(ctx.fragments, 'objc')
if objc_fragment:
objc_copts = _get_opt_attr(objc_fragment, 'copts')
defines += _extract_defines_from_option_list(objc_copts)
return defines
def _collect_secondary_artifacts(target, ctx):
"""Returns a list of file metadatas for implicit outputs of 'rule'."""
artifacts = []
rule = ctx.rule
bin_dir = _convert_outpath_to_symlink_path(ctx.bin_dir.path)
package = target.label.package
basename =
path='%s/%s-MergedInfo.plist' % (package, basename),
return artifacts
def _extract_generated_sources(target):
"""Returns (source_metadatas, includes) generated by the given target."""
file_metadatas = []
objc_provider = _get_opt_attr(target, 'objc')
if hasattr(objc_provider, 'source') and hasattr(objc_provider, 'header'):
all_files = depset(objc_provider.source)
all_files += objc_provider.header
file_metadatas = [_file_metadata(f) for f in all_files]
return file_metadatas
def _get_platform_type(ctx):
"""Return the current apple_common.platform_type as a string."""
current_platform = (_get_opt_attr(ctx, 'rule.attr.platform_type')
or _get_opt_attr(ctx, 'rule.attr._platform_type'))
if not current_platform:
apple_frag = _get_opt_attr(ctx.fragments, 'apple')
current_platform = str(apple_frag.single_arch_platform.platform_type)
return current_platform
def _extract_minimum_os_for_platform(ctx, platform_type_str):
"""Extracts the minimum OS version for the given apple_common.platform."""
min_os = _get_opt_attr(ctx, 'rule.attr.minimum_os_version')
if min_os:
return min_os
platform_type = getattr(apple_common.platform_type, platform_type_str)
min_os = (ctx.attr._tulsi_xcode_config[apple_common.XcodeVersionConfig]
if not min_os:
return None
# Convert the DottedVersion to a string suitable for inclusion in a struct.
return str(min_os)
def _extract_swift_language_version(ctx):
"""Returns the Swift version of a swift_library rule."""
if ctx.rule.kind != 'swift_library':
return None
return _get_label_attr(ctx, 'rule.attr.swift_version') or "3.0"
def _collect_swift_modules(target):
"""Returns a depset of Swift modules found on the given target."""
swift_modules = depset()
for modules in _getattr_as_list(target, 'swift.transitive_modules'):
swift_modules += modules
return swift_modules
def _collect_module_maps(target):
"""Returns a depset of Clang module maps found on the given target."""
maps = depset()
if hasattr(target, 'swift'):
for module_maps in _getattr_as_list(target, 'objc.module_map'):
maps += module_maps
return maps
# TODO(b/64490743): Add these files to the Xcode project.
def _collect_swift_header(target):
"""Returns a depset of Swift generated headers found on the given target."""
headers = depset()
# swift_* targets put the generated header into their objc provider HEADER
# field.
if hasattr(target, 'swift') and hasattr(target, 'objc'):
headers += target.objc.header
return headers
def _target_filtering_info(ctx):
"""Returns filtering information for test rules."""
rule = ctx.rule
# TODO(b/72406542): Clean this up to use a test provider if possible.
if rule.kind.endswith('_test'):
# Note that a test's size is considered a tag for filtering purposes.
size = _getattr_as_list(rule, 'attr.size')
tags = _getattr_as_list(rule, 'attr.tags')
return struct(tags=tags + size)
return None
def _tulsi_sources_aspect(target, ctx):
"""Extracts information from a given rule, emitting it as a JSON struct."""
rule = ctx.rule
target_kind = rule.kind
rule_attr = _get_opt_attr(rule, 'attr')
filter = _filter_for_rule(rule)
bundle_name = None
if AppleBundleInfo in target:
bundle_name = target[AppleBundleInfo].bundle_name
tulsi_info_files = depset()
transitive_attributes = dict()
for attr_name in _TULSI_COMPILE_DEPS:
deps = _getattr_as_list(rule_attr, attr_name)
for dep in _filter_deps(filter, deps):
if hasattr(dep, 'tulsi_info_files'):
tulsi_info_files += dep.tulsi_info_files
if hasattr(dep, 'transitive_attributes'):
transitive_attributes += dep.transitive_attributes
artifacts = _get_opt_attr(target, 'files')
if artifacts:
# Ignore any generated Xcode projects as they are not useful to Tulsi.
artifacts = [_file_metadata(f)
for f in artifacts
if not f.short_path.endswith('project.pbxproj')]
# artifacts may be an empty set type, in which case it must be explicitly
# set to None to allow Skylark's serialization to work.
artifacts = None
srcs = (_collect_files(rule, 'attr.srcs') +
_collect_files(rule, 'attr.hdrs') +
_collect_files(rule, 'attr.textual_hdrs'))
generated_files = []
generated_non_arc_files = []
if target_kind in _SOURCE_GENERATING_RULES:
generated_files = _extract_generated_sources(target)
generated_non_arc_files = _extract_generated_sources(target)
swift_transitive_modules = depset(
[_file_metadata(f, use_tulsi_symlink=True)
for f in _collect_swift_modules(target)])
# Collect ObjC module maps dependencies for Swift targets.
objc_module_maps = depset(
[_file_metadata(f, use_tulsi_symlink=True)
for f in _collect_module_maps(target)])
# Collect the dependencies of this rule, dropping any .jar files (which may be
# created as artifacts of java/j2objc rules).
dep_labels = _collect_dependency_labels(rule, filter, _TULSI_COMPILE_DEPS)
compile_deps = [str(d) for d in dep_labels if not'.jar')]
binary_rule = _get_opt_attr(rule_attr, 'binary')
if binary_rule and type(binary_rule) == 'list':
binary_rule = binary_rule[0]
supporting_files = (_collect_supporting_files(rule_attr) +
_collect_asset_catalogs(rule_attr) +
# Keys for attribute and inheritable_attributes keys must be kept in sync
# with defines in Tulsi's RuleEntry.
attributes = _dict_omitting_none(
binary=_get_label_attr(binary_rule, 'label'),
copts=_get_opt_attr(rule_attr, 'copts'),
datamodels=_collect_xcdatamodeld_files(rule_attr, 'datamodels'),
xctest_app=_get_label_attr(rule_attr, 'xctest_app.label'),
test_host=_get_label_attr(rule_attr, 'test_host.label'),
test_bundle=_get_label_attr(rule_attr, 'test_bundle.label'),
# Inheritable attributes are pulled up through dependencies of type 'binary'
# to simplify handling in Tulsi (so it appears as though bridging_header is
# defined on an ios_application rather than its associated objc_binary, for
# example).
inheritable_attributes = _dict_omitting_none(
bridging_header=_collect_first_file(rule_attr, 'bridging_header'),
enable_modules=_get_opt_attr(rule_attr, 'enable_modules'),
launch_storyboard=_collect_first_file(rule_attr, 'launch_storyboard'),
pch=_collect_first_file(rule_attr, 'pch'),
# Merge any attributes on the "binary" dependency into this container rule.
binary_attributes = _get_opt_attr(binary_rule, 'inheritable_attributes')
if binary_attributes:
inheritable_attributes = binary_attributes + inheritable_attributes
extensions = [str(t.label) for t in _getattr_as_list(rule_attr, 'extensions')]
# Tulsi considers WatchOS apps and extensions as an "extension"
if target_kind == 'watchos_application':
watch_ext = _get_label_attr(rule_attr, 'extension.label')
if target_kind == 'ios_application':
watch_app = _get_label_attr(rule_attr, 'watch_application.label')
if watch_app:
bundle_id = _get_opt_attr(rule_attr, 'bundle_id')
# Build up any local transitive attributes and apply them.
swift_language_version = _extract_swift_language_version(ctx)
if swift_language_version:
transitive_attributes['swift_language_version'] = swift_language_version
transitive_attributes['has_swift_dependency'] = True
# Collect Info.plist files from an extension to figure out its type.
infoplist = None
# Only Skylark versions of ios_extension have the AppleBundleInfo provider.
if IosExtensionBundleInfo in target:
infoplist = target[AppleBundleInfo].infoplist
all_attributes = attributes + inheritable_attributes + transitive_attributes
objc_provider = _get_opt_attr(target, 'objc')
target_includes = []
target_defines = []
if objc_provider:
target_includes = [_convert_outpath_to_symlink_path(x, use_tulsi_symlink=True)
for x in objc_provider.include]
target_defines = objc_provider.define.to_list()
platform_type = _get_platform_type(ctx)
info = _struct_omitting_none(
os_deployment_target=_extract_minimum_os_for_platform(ctx, platform_type),
non_arc_srcs=_collect_files(rule, 'attr.non_arc_srcs'),
secondary_product_artifacts=_collect_secondary_artifacts(target, ctx),
infoplist=infoplist.basename if infoplist else None,
# Create an action to write out this target's info.
output = ctx.new_file( + '.tulsiinfo')
ctx.file_action(output, info.to_json())
tulsi_info_files += depset([output])
if infoplist:
tulsi_info_files += [infoplist]
artifacts_depset = depset(artifacts) if artifacts else depset()
return struct(
# Matches the --output_groups on the bazel commandline.
'tulsi-info': tulsi_info_files,
# The file actions used to save this rule's info and that of all of its
# transitive dependencies.
# The inheritable attributes of this rule, expressed as a dict instead of
# a struct to allow easy joining.
# Transitive info that should be applied to every rule that depends on
# this rule.
# Artifacts from this rule.
# Filtering information for this target.
def _collect_bundle_info(target):
"""Returns Apple bundle info for the given target, None if not a bundle."""
if AppleBundleInfo in target:
apple_bundle = target[AppleBundleInfo]
bundle_full_name = apple_bundle.bundle_name + apple_bundle.bundle_extension
has_dsym = (apple_common.AppleDebugOutputs in target)
return [struct(
return None
# Due to b/71744111 we have to manually re-create tag filtering for test_suite
# rules.
def _tags_conform_to_filter(tags, filter):
"""Mirrors Bazel tag filtering for test_suites.
This makes sure that the target has all of the required tags and none of
the excluded tags before we include them within a test_suite.
For more information on filtering inside Bazel, see
tags: all of the tags for the test target
filter: a struct containing excluded_tags and required_tags
True if this target passes the filter and False otherwise.
# None of the excluded tags can be present.
for exclude in filter.excluded_tags:
if exclude in tags:
return False
# All of the required tags must be present.
for required in filter.required_tags:
if required not in tags:
return False
# All filters have been satisfied.
return True
def _filter_for_rule(rule):
"""Returns a filter for test_suite rules and None for other rules."""
if rule.kind != 'test_suite':
return None
excluded_tags = []
required_tags = []
tags = _getattr_as_list(rule, 'attr.tags')
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith('-'):
elif tag.startswith('+'):
elif tag == 'manual':
# The manual tag is treated specially; it is ignored for filters.
return struct(
def _filter_deps(filter, deps):
"""Filters dep targets based on tags."""
if not filter:
return deps
kept_deps = []
for dep in deps:
info = dep.filtering_info
# Only attempt to filter targets that support filtering.
# test_suites in a test_suite are not filtered, but their
# tests are.
if not info or _tags_conform_to_filter(info.tags, filter):
return kept_deps
def _tulsi_outputs_aspect(target, ctx):
"""Collects outputs of each build invocation."""
rule = ctx.rule
target_kind = rule.kind
rule_attr = _get_opt_attr(rule, 'attr')
tulsi_generated_files = depset()
# A set of all bundles embedded into this target, including deps.
# We intentionally do not collect info about _current_ target to exclude the
# root target, which will be covered by other structs in this aspect, from the
# set.
embedded_bundles = depset()
for attr_name in _TULSI_COMPILE_DEPS:
deps = _getattr_as_list(rule_attr, attr_name)
for dep in deps:
if hasattr(dep, 'tulsi_generated_files'):
tulsi_generated_files += dep.tulsi_generated_files
# Retrieve the bundle info for embeddable attributes.
if attr_name not in _TULSI_NON_EMBEDDEDABLE_ATTRS:
dep_bundle_info = _collect_bundle_info(dep)
if dep_bundle_info:
embedded_bundles += dep_bundle_info
if hasattr(dep, 'transitive_embedded_bundles'):
embedded_bundles += dep.transitive_embedded_bundles
bundle_name = None
if AppleBundleInfo in target:
bundle_name = target[AppleBundleInfo].bundle_name
artifacts = [target[AppleBundleInfo].archive.path]
else: # TODO(b/33050780): Remove this branch when native rules are deleted.
ipa_output_name = None
if target_kind in _IPA_GENERATING_RULES:
ipa_output_name =
artifacts = [x.path for x in target.files]
if ipa_output_name:
# Some targets produce more than one IPA or ZIP (e.g. ios_test will
# generate two IPAs for the test and host bundles), we want to filter only
# exact matches to label name.
output_ipa = '/%s.ipa' % ipa_output_name
output_zip = '/' % ipa_output_name
artifacts = [x for x in artifacts if x.endswith(output_ipa)
or x.endswith(output_zip)]
# Collect generated files for to copy under Tulsi root.
all_files = depset()
objc_provider = _get_opt_attr(target, 'objc')
if hasattr(objc_provider, 'source') and hasattr(objc_provider, 'header'):
all_files += objc_provider.source
all_files += objc_provider.header
all_files += _collect_swift_header(target)
all_files += _collect_swift_modules(target)
all_files += _collect_module_maps(target)
all_files += (_collect_artifacts(rule, 'attr.srcs')
+ _collect_artifacts(rule, 'attr.hdrs')
+ _collect_artifacts(rule, 'attr.textual_hdrs'))
tulsi_generated_files += depset(
[x for x in all_files.to_list() if not x.is_source])
info = _struct_omitting_none(
generated_sources=[(x.path, x.short_path) for x in tulsi_generated_files],
output = ctx.new_file( + '.tulsiouts')
ctx.file_action(output, info.to_json())
return struct(
'tulsi-outputs': [output],
tulsi_sources_aspect = aspect(
attrs = {
'_tulsi_xcode_config': attr.label(default=TULSI_CURRENT_XCODE_CONFIG) },
fragments=['apple', 'cpp', 'objc'],
# This aspect does not propagate past the top-level target because we only need
# the top target outputs.
tulsi_outputs_aspect = aspect(
fragments=['apple', 'cpp', 'objc'],