blob: 7e0a73d90e89be980786bf9a25cfac399907cac6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
// Provides methods utilizing Bazel query ( to extract
// information from a workspace.
final class BazelQueryInfoExtractor: QueuedLogging {
enum ExtractorError: Error {
/// A valid Bazel binary could not be located.
case invalidBazelPath
/// The location of the bazel binary.
var bazelURL: URL
/// The location of the directory in which the workspace enclosing this BUILD file can be found.
let workspaceRootURL: URL
private let localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger
private var queuedInfoMessages = [String]()
private typealias CompletionHandler = (Process, Data, String?, String) -> Void
init(bazelURL: URL, workspaceRootURL: URL, localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger) {
self.bazelURL = bazelURL
self.workspaceRootURL = workspaceRootURL
self.localizedMessageLogger = localizedMessageLogger
func extractTargetRulesFromPackages(_ packages: [String]) -> [RuleInfo] {
guard !packages.isEmpty else {
return []
let profilingStart = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("fetch_rules",
message: "Fetching rules for packages \(packages)")
var infos = [RuleInfo]()
let query ={ "kind(rule, \($0):all)"}).joined(separator: "+")
do {
let (process, data, stderr, debugInfo) =
try self.bazelSynchronousQueryProcess(query,
outputKind: "xml",
loggingIdentifier: "bazel_query_fetch_rules")
if process.terminationStatus != 0 {
showExtractionError(debugInfo, stderr: stderr, displayLastLineIfNoErrorLines: true)
} else if let entries = self.extractRuleInfosFromBazelXMLOutput(data) {
infos = entries
} catch {
// The error has already been displayed to the user.
return []
return infos
/// Extracts a map of RuleInfo to considered expansions for the given test_suite targets.
// The information provided represents the full possible set of tests for each test_suite; the
// actual expansion by Bazel may not include all of the returned labels and will be done
// recursively such that a test_suite whose expansion contains another test_suite would expand to
// the contents of the included suite.
func extractTestSuiteRules(_ testSuiteLabels: [BuildLabel]) -> [RuleInfo: Set<BuildLabel>] {
if testSuiteLabels.isEmpty { return [:] }
let profilingStart = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("expand_test_suite_rules",
message: "Expanding \(testSuiteLabels.count) test suites")
var infos = [RuleInfo: Set<BuildLabel>]()
let labelDeps = {"deps(\($0.value))"}
let joinedLabelDeps = labelDeps.joined(separator: "+")
let query = "kind(\"test_suite rule\",\(joinedLabelDeps))"
do {
let (_, data, _, debugInfo) = try self.bazelSynchronousQueryProcess(query,
outputKind: "xml",
additionalArguments: ["--keep_going"],
loggingIdentifier: "bazel_query_expand_test_suite_rules")
if let entries = self.extractRuleInfosWithRuleInputsFromBazelXMLOutput(data) {
infos = entries
// Note that this query is expected to return a non-zero exit code on occasion, so messages
// should be handled as [Info]s, not errors.
} catch {
// The error has already been displayed to the user.
return [:]
return infos
/// Extracts all of the transitive BUILD and skylark (.bzl) files used by the given targets.
func extractBuildfiles<T: Collection>(_ targets: T) -> Set<BuildLabel> where T.Iterator.Element == BuildLabel {
if targets.isEmpty { return Set() }
let profilingStart = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("extracting_skylark_files",
message: "Finding Skylark files for \(targets.count) rules")
let labelDeps = {"deps(\($0.value))"}
let joinedLabelDeps = labelDeps.joined(separator: "+")
let query = "buildfiles(\(joinedLabelDeps))"
let buildFiles: Set<BuildLabel>
do {
// Errors in the BUILD structure being examined should not prevent partial extraction, so this
// command is considered successful if it returns any valid data at all.
let (_, data, _, debugInfo) = try self.bazelSynchronousQueryProcess(query,
outputKind: "xml",
additionalArguments: ["--keep_going"],
loggingIdentifier: "bazel_query_extracting_skylark_files")
if let labels = extractSourceFileLabelsFromBazelXMLOutput(data) {
buildFiles = Set(labels)
} else {
comment: "Bazel 'buildfiles' query failed to extract information.")
buildFiles = Set()
} catch {
// Error will be displayed at the end of project generation.
return Set()
return buildFiles
// MARK: - Private methods
private func showExtractionError(_ debugInfo: String,
stderr: String?,
displayLastLineIfNoErrorLines: Bool = false) {
let details: String?
if let stderr = stderr {
if displayLastLineIfNoErrorLines {
details = BazelErrorExtractor.firstErrorLinesOrLastLinesFromString(stderr)
} else {
details = BazelErrorExtractor.firstErrorLinesFromString(stderr)
} else {
details = nil
comment: "Error message for when a Bazel extractor did not complete successfully. Details are logged separately.",
details: details)
// Generates a Process that will perform a bazel query, capturing the output data and passing it
// to the terminationHandler.
private func bazelQueryProcess(_ query: String,
outputKind: String? = nil,
additionalArguments: [String] = [],
message: String = "",
loggingIdentifier: String? = nil,
terminationHandler: @escaping CompletionHandler) throws -> Process {
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: bazelURL.path) else {
comment: "Error to show when the bazel binary cannot be found at the previously saved location %1$@.",
values: bazelURL as NSURL)
throw ExtractorError.invalidBazelPath
var arguments = [
"--announce_rc", // Print the RC files used by this operation.
arguments.append(contentsOf: additionalArguments)
if let kind = outputKind {
arguments.append(contentsOf: ["--output", kind])
var message = message
if message != "" {
message = "\(message)\n"
let process = TulsiProcessRunner.createProcess(bazelURL.path,
arguments: arguments,
messageLogger: localizedMessageLogger,
loggingIdentifier: loggingIdentifier) {
completionInfo in
let debugInfoFormatString = NSLocalizedString("DebugInfoForBazelCommand",
bundle: Bundle(for: type(of: self)),
comment: "Provides general information about a Bazel failure; a more detailed error may be reported elsewhere. The Bazel command is %1$@, exit code is %2$d, stderr %3$@.")
let stderr = NSString(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
let debugInfo = String(format: debugInfoFormatString,
stderr ?? "<No STDERR>")
stderr as String?,
return process
/// Performs the given Bazel query synchronously in the workspaceRootURL directory.
private func bazelSynchronousQueryProcess(_ query: String,
outputKind: String? = nil,
additionalArguments: [String] = [],
message: String = "",
loggingIdentifier: String? = nil) throws -> (bazelProcess: Process,
returnedData: Data,
stderrString: String?,
debugInfo: String) {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
var data: Data! = nil
var stderr: String? = nil
var info: String! = nil
let process = try bazelQueryProcess(query,
outputKind: outputKind,
additionalArguments: additionalArguments,
message: message,
loggingIdentifier: loggingIdentifier) {
(_: Process, returnedData: Data, stderrString: String?, debugInfo: String) in
data = returnedData
stderr = stderrString
info = debugInfo
process.currentDirectoryPath = workspaceRootURL.path
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
return (process, data, stderr, info)
private func extractRuleInfosWithRuleInputsFromBazelXMLOutput(_ bazelOutput: Data) -> [RuleInfo: Set<BuildLabel>]? {
do {
var infos = [RuleInfo: Set<BuildLabel>]()
let doc = try XMLDocument(data: bazelOutput, options: 0)
let rules = try doc.nodes(forXPath: "/query/rule")
for ruleNode in rules {
guard let ruleElement = ruleNode as? XMLElement else {
comment: "General error to show when the XML parser returns something other " +
"than an NSXMLElement. This should never happen in practice.")
guard let ruleLabel = ruleElement.attribute(forName: "name")?.stringValue else {
comment: "Bazel response XML element %1$@ was found but was missing an attribute named %2$@.",
values: ruleElement, "name")
guard let ruleType = ruleElement.attribute(forName: "class")?.stringValue else {
comment: "Bazel response XML element %1$@ was found but was missing an attribute named %2$@.",
values: ruleElement, "class")
func extractLabelsFromXpath(_ xpath: String) throws -> Set<BuildLabel> {
var labelSet = Set<BuildLabel>()
let nodes = try ruleElement.nodes(forXPath: xpath)
for node in nodes {
guard let label = node.stringValue else {
comment: "Bazel response XML element %1$@ should have a valid string value but does not.",
values: node)
return labelSet
// Retrieve the list of linked targets through the test_host attribute. This provides a
// link between the test target and the test host so they can be linked in Xcode.
var linkedTargetLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
try extractLabelsFromXpath("./label[@name='test_host']/@value"))
let entry = RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel(ruleLabel),
type: ruleType,
linkedTargetLabels: linkedTargetLabels)
infos[entry] = try extractLabelsFromXpath("./rule-input/@name")
return infos
} catch let e as NSError {
comment: "Extractor Bazel output failed to be parsed as XML with error %1$@. This may be a Bazel bug or a bad BUILD file.",
values: e.localizedDescription)
return nil
private func extractRuleInfosFromBazelXMLOutput(_ bazelOutput: Data) -> [RuleInfo]? {
if let infoMap = extractRuleInfosWithRuleInputsFromBazelXMLOutput(bazelOutput) {
return [RuleInfo](infoMap.keys)
return nil
private func extractSourceFileLabelsFromBazelXMLOutput(_ bazelOutput: Data) -> Set<BuildLabel>? {
do {
let doc = try XMLDocument(data: bazelOutput, options: 0)
let fileLabels = try doc.nodes(forXPath: "/query/source-file/@name")
var extractedLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
for labelNode in fileLabels {
guard let value = labelNode.stringValue else {
comment: "Bazel response XML element %1$@ should have a valid string value but does not.",
values: labelNode)
return extractedLabels
} catch let e as NSError {
comment: "Extractor Bazel output failed to be parsed as XML with error %1$@. This may be a Bazel bug or a bad BUILD file.",
values: e.localizedDescription)
return nil
// MARK: - QueuedLogging
func logQueuedInfoMessages() {
guard !self.queuedInfoMessages.isEmpty else {
localizedMessageLogger.debugMessage("Log of Bazel query output follows:")
for message in self.queuedInfoMessages {
var hasQueuedInfoMessages: Bool {
return !self.queuedInfoMessages.isEmpty