blob: 0323f769ceb5ceffcde1e1e5a086b04f6adc5f27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// Provides functionality to generate an Xcode project from a TulsiGeneratorConfig.
final class XcodeProjectGenerator {
enum ProjectGeneratorError: Error {
/// General Xcode project creation failure with associated debug info.
case serializationFailed(String)
/// The given labels failed to resolve to valid targets.
case labelResolutionFailed(Set<BuildLabel>)
/// Encapsulates the source paths of various resources (scripts, utilities, etc...) that will be
/// copied into the generated Xcode project.
struct ResourceSourcePathURLs {
let buildScript: URL // The script to run on "build" actions.
let cleanScript: URL // The script to run on "clean" actions.
let extraBuildScripts: [URL] // Any additional scripts to install into the project bundle.
let postProcessor: URL // Binary post processor utility.
let uiRunnerEntitlements: URL // Entitlements file template for UI Test runner apps.
let stubInfoPlist: URL // Stub Info.plist (needed for Xcode 8).
let stubIOSAppExInfoPlistTemplate: URL // Stub Info.plist (needed for app extension targets).
let stubWatchOS2InfoPlist: URL // Stub Info.plist (needed for watchOS2 app targets).
let stubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlist: URL // Stub Info.plist (needed for watchOS2 appex targets).
// In order to load tulsi_aspects, Tulsi constructs a Bazel repository inside of the generated
// Xcode project. Its structure looks like this:
// ├── Bazel
// │   ├── WORKSPACE
// │   └── tulsi
// │   ├── file1
// │   └── ...
// These two items define the content of this repository, including the WORKSPACE file and the
// "tulsi" package.
let bazelWorkspaceFile: URL // Stub WORKSPACE file.
let tulsiPackageFiles: [URL] // Files to copy into the "tulsi" package.
/// Path relative to PROJECT_FILE_PATH in which Tulsi generated files (scripts, artifacts, etc...)
/// should be placed.
private static let TulsiArtifactDirectory = ".tulsi"
static let ScriptDirectorySubpath = "\(TulsiArtifactDirectory)/Scripts"
static let BazelDirectorySubpath = "\(TulsiArtifactDirectory)/Bazel"
static let TulsiPackageName = "tulsi"
static let UtilDirectorySubpath = "\(TulsiArtifactDirectory)/Utils"
static let ConfigDirectorySubpath = "\(TulsiArtifactDirectory)/Configs"
static let ProjectResourcesDirectorySubpath = "\(TulsiArtifactDirectory)/Resources"
private static let BuildScript = ""
private static let CleanScript = ""
private static let WorkspaceFile = "WORKSPACE"
private static let PostProcessorUtil = "post_processor"
private static let UIRunnerEntitlements = "XCTRunner.entitlements"
private static let StubInfoPlistFilename = "StubInfoPlist.plist"
private static let StubWatchOS2InfoPlistFilename = "StubWatchOS2InfoPlist.plist"
private static let StubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlistFilename = "StubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlist.plist"
private let workspaceRootURL: URL
private let config: TulsiGeneratorConfig
private let localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger
private let fileManager: FileManager
private let workspaceInfoExtractor: BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractorProtocol
private let resourceURLs: ResourceSourcePathURLs
private let tulsiVersion: String
private let pbxTargetGeneratorType: PBXTargetGeneratorProtocol.Type
/// Exposed for testing. Simply writes the given NSData to the given NSURL.
/// TODO(dmishe): Use fileManager instance to perform writes, and remove this block.
var writeDataHandler: (URL, Data) throws -> Void = { (outputFileURL: URL, data: Data) in
try data.write(to: outputFileURL, options: NSData.WritingOptions.atomic)
/// Exposed for testing. Returns the current user name.
var usernameFetcher: () -> String = NSUserName
/// Exposed for testing. Suppresses writing any preprocessor defines integral to Bazel itself into
/// the generated project.
var suppressCompilerDefines = false
/// Exposed for testing. Instead of writing the real workspace name into the generated project,
/// write a stub value that will be the same regardless of the execution environment.
var redactWorkspaceSymlink = false
/// Exposed for testing. Suppresses creating folders for artifacts that are expected to be
/// generated by Bazel.
var suppressGeneratedArtifactFolderCreation = false
init(workspaceRootURL: URL,
config: TulsiGeneratorConfig,
localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger,
workspaceInfoExtractor: BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractorProtocol,
resourceURLs: ResourceSourcePathURLs,
tulsiVersion: String,
fileManager: FileManager = FileManager.default,
pbxTargetGeneratorType: PBXTargetGeneratorProtocol.Type = PBXTargetGenerator.self) {
self.workspaceRootURL = workspaceRootURL
self.config = config
self.localizedMessageLogger = localizedMessageLogger
self.workspaceInfoExtractor = workspaceInfoExtractor
self.resourceURLs = resourceURLs
self.tulsiVersion = tulsiVersion
self.fileManager = fileManager
self.pbxTargetGeneratorType = pbxTargetGeneratorType
/// Determines the "best" common SDKROOT for a sequence of RuleEntries.
static func projectSDKROOT<T>(_ targetRules: T) -> String? where T: Sequence, T.Iterator.Element == RuleEntry {
var discoveredSDKs = Set<String>()
for entry in targetRules {
if let sdkroot = entry.XcodeSDKRoot {
if discoveredSDKs.count == 1 {
return discoveredSDKs.first!
if discoveredSDKs.isEmpty {
// In practice this should not happen since it'd indicate a project that won't be able to
// build. It is possible that the user is in the process of creating a new project, so
// rather than fail the generation a default is selected. Since iOS happens to be the best
// supported type by Bazel at the time of this writing, it is chosen as the default.
return "iphoneos"
if discoveredSDKs == ["iphoneos", "watchos"] {
// Projects containing just an iPhone host and a watchOS app use iphoneos as the project SDK
// to match Xcode's behavior.
return "iphoneos"
// Projects that have a collection that is not mappable to a standard Xcode project simply
// do not set the SDKROOT. Unfortunately this will cause "My Mac" to be listed as a target
// device regardless of whether or not the selected build target supports it, but this is
// a somewhat better user experience when compared to any other device SDK (in which Xcode
// will display every simulator for that platform regardless of whether or not the build
// target can be run on them).
return nil
/// Generates an Xcode project bundle in the given folder.
/// NOTE: This may be a long running operation.
func generateXcodeProjectInFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL) throws -> URL {
let generateProfilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("generating_project",
context: config.projectName)
defer { localizedMessageLogger.logProfilingEnd(generateProfilingToken) }
try resolveConfigReferences()
let mainGroup = pbxTargetGeneratorType.mainGroupForOutputFolder(outputFolderURL,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL)
let projectResourcesDirectory = "${PROJECT_FILE_PATH}/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.ProjectResourcesDirectorySubpath)"
let plistPaths = StubInfoPlistPaths(
resourcesDirectory: projectResourcesDirectory,
defaultStub: "\(projectResourcesDirectory)/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.StubInfoPlistFilename)",
watchOSStub: "\(projectResourcesDirectory)/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.StubWatchOS2InfoPlistFilename)",
watchOSAppExStub: "\(projectResourcesDirectory)/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.StubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlistFilename)")
let projectInfo = try buildXcodeProjectWithMainGroup(mainGroup, stubInfoPlistPaths: plistPaths)
let serializingProgressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: SerializingXcodeProject,
maxValue: 1,
indeterminate: true)
let serializer = OpenStepSerializer(rootObject: projectInfo.project,
gidGenerator: ConcreteGIDGenerator())
let serializingProfileToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("serializing_project",
context: config.projectName)
guard let serializedXcodeProject = serializer.serialize() else {
throw ProjectGeneratorError.serializationFailed("OpenStep serialization failed")
let projectBundleName = config.xcodeProjectFilename
let projectURL = outputFolderURL.appendingPathComponent(projectBundleName)
if !createDirectory(projectURL) {
throw ProjectGeneratorError.serializationFailed("Project directory creation failed")
let pbxproj = projectURL.appendingPathComponent("project.pbxproj")
try writeDataHandler(pbxproj, serializedXcodeProject)
try installWorkspaceSettings(projectURL)
try installXcodeSchemesForProjectInfo(projectInfo,
projectURL: projectURL,
projectBundleName: projectBundleName)
rules: projectInfo.buildRuleEntries.filter { $0.pbxTargetType == .AppExtension },
plistPaths: plistPaths)
let artifactFolderProfileToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("creating_artifact_folders",
context: config.projectName)
createGeneratedArtifactFolders(mainGroup, relativeTo: projectURL)
return projectURL
// MARK: - Private methods
/// Encapsulates information about the results of a buildXcodeProjectWithMainGroup invocation.
private struct GeneratedProjectInfo {
/// The newly created PBXProject instance.
let project: PBXProject
/// RuleEntry's for which build targets were created. Note that this list may differ from the
/// set of targets selected by the user as part of the generator config.
let buildRuleEntries: Set<RuleEntry>
/// RuleEntry's for test_suite's for which special test schemes should be created.
let testSuiteRuleEntries: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]
/// A mapping of indexer targets by name.
let indexerTargets: [String: PBXTarget]
/// Map of target name to any intermediate artifact files.
let intermediateArtifacts: [String: [String]]
/// Invokes Bazel to load any missing information in the config file.
private func resolveConfigReferences() throws {
let resolvedLabels = loadRuleEntryMap()
let unresolvedLabels = config.buildTargetLabels.filter() { resolvedLabels[$0] == nil }
if !unresolvedLabels.isEmpty {
throw ProjectGeneratorError.labelResolutionFailed(Set<BuildLabel>(unresolvedLabels))
// Generates a PBXProject and a returns it along with a set of
private func buildXcodeProjectWithMainGroup(_ mainGroup: PBXGroup, stubInfoPlistPaths: StubInfoPlistPaths) throws -> GeneratedProjectInfo {
let xcodeProject = PBXProject(name: config.projectName, mainGroup: mainGroup)
if let enabled = config.options[.SuppressSwiftUpdateCheck].commonValueAsBool, enabled {
xcodeProject.lastSwiftUpdateCheck = "0710"
let buildScriptPath = "${PROJECT_FILE_PATH}/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.ScriptDirectorySubpath)/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.BuildScript)"
let cleanScriptPath = "${PROJECT_FILE_PATH}/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.ScriptDirectorySubpath)/\(XcodeProjectGenerator.CleanScript)"
let generator = pbxTargetGeneratorType.init(bazelURL: config.bazelURL,
bazelBinPath: workspaceInfoExtractor.bazelBinPath,
project: xcodeProject,
buildScriptPath: buildScriptPath,
stubInfoPlistPaths: stubInfoPlistPaths,
tulsiVersion: tulsiVersion,
options: config.options,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
suppressCompilerDefines: suppressCompilerDefines,
redactWorkspaceSymlink: redactWorkspaceSymlink)
if let additionalFilePaths = config.additionalFilePaths {
let ruleEntryMap = loadRuleEntryMap()
var expandedTargetLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
var testSuiteRules = [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]()
// Ideally this should use a generic SequenceType, but Swift 2.2 sometimes crashes in this case.
// TODO(abaire): Go back to using a generic here when support for Swift 2.2 is removed.
func expandTargetLabels(_ labels: Set<BuildLabel>) {
for label in labels {
guard let ruleEntry = ruleEntryMap[label] else { continue }
if ruleEntry.type != "test_suite" {
// Add the RuleEntry itself and any registered extensions.
// Recursively expand extensions. Currently used by App -> Watch App -> Watch Extension.
} else {
// Expand the test_suite to its set of tests.
testSuiteRules[ruleEntry.label] = ruleEntry
let buildTargetLabels = Set(config.buildTargetLabels)
var targetRules = Set<RuleEntry>()
var hostTargetLabels = [BuildLabel: BuildLabel]()
func profileAction(_ name: String, action: () throws -> Void) rethrows {
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling(name, context: config.projectName)
try action()
profileAction("gathering_sources_for_indexers") {
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: GatheringIndexerSources,
maxValue: expandedTargetLabels.count)
for label in expandedTargetLabels {
guard let ruleEntry = ruleEntryMap[label] else {
comment: "Failure to look up a Bazel target that was expected to be present. The target label is %1$@",
context: config.projectName,
values: label.value)
for hostTargetLabel in ruleEntry.linkedTargetLabels {
hostTargetLabels[hostTargetLabel] = ruleEntry.label
ruleEntryMap: ruleEntryMap,
pathFilters: config.pathFilters)
var indexerTargets = [String: PBXTarget]()
profileAction("generating_indexers") {
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: GeneratingIndexerTargets,
maxValue: 1,
indeterminate: true)
indexerTargets = generator.generateIndexerTargets()
profileAction("adding_buildfiles") {
let buildfiles = workspaceInfoExtractor.extractBuildfiles(expandedTargetLabels)
let paths = { $0.asFileName! }
generator.generateFileReferencesForFilePaths(paths, pathFilters: config.pathFilters)
// Generate RuleEntry's for any test hosts to ensure that selected tests can be executed in
// Xcode.
for (hostLabel, testLabel) in hostTargetLabels {
if config.buildTargetLabels.contains(hostLabel) { continue }
comment: "Warning to show when a user has selected an XCTest (%2$@) but not its host application (%1$@), resulting in an automated target generation which may have issues.",
context: config.projectName,
values: hostLabel.value, testLabel.value)
let bazelBinPath = workspaceInfoExtractor.bazelBinPath
let expectedArtifact = BazelFileInfo(rootPath: bazelBinPath,
subPath: "\(hostLabel.asFileName!).ipa",
isDirectory: false,
targetType: .generatedFile)
targetRules.insert(RuleEntry(label: hostLabel,
type: "_test_host_",
attributes: [:],
artifacts: [expectedArtifact]))
let workingDirectory = pbxTargetGeneratorType.workingDirectoryForPBXGroup(mainGroup)
profileAction("generating_clean_target") {
generator.generateBazelCleanTarget(cleanScriptPath, workingDirectory: workingDirectory)
profileAction("generating_top_level_build_configs") {
var buildSettings = [String: String]()
if let sdkroot = XcodeProjectGenerator.projectSDKROOT(targetRules) {
buildSettings = ["SDKROOT": sdkroot]
// Pull in transitive settings from the top level targets.
for entry in targetRules {
if let swiftVersion = entry.attributes[.swift_language_version] as? String {
buildSettings["SWIFT_VERSION"] = swiftVersion
if let swiftToolchain = entry.attributes[.swift_toolchain] as? String {
buildSettings["TOOLCHAINS"] = swiftToolchain
buildSettings["TULSI_PROJECT"] = config.projectName
var intermediateArtifacts = [String: [String]]()
try profileAction("generating_build_targets") {
intermediateArtifacts = try generator.generateBuildTargetsForRuleEntries(targetRules,
ruleEntryMap: ruleEntryMap)
profileAction("patching_external_repository_references") {
return GeneratedProjectInfo(project: xcodeProject,
buildRuleEntries: targetRules,
testSuiteRuleEntries: testSuiteRules,
indexerTargets: indexerTargets,
intermediateArtifacts: intermediateArtifacts)
// Resolves the given Bazel path (which is expected to begin with external/) to a filesystem path.
// This is intended to be used to resolve "@external_repo" style labels to paths usable by Xcode.
func resolveExternalReferencePath(_ path: String, xcodeProject: PBXProject) -> String {
return "\(PBXTargetGenerator.TulsiWorkspacePath)/\(path)"
// Examines the given xcodeProject, patching any groups that were generated under Bazel's magical
// "external" container to absolute filesystem references.
private func patchExternalRepositoryReferences(_ xcodeProject: PBXProject) {
let mainGroup = xcodeProject.mainGroup
guard let externalGroup = mainGroup.childGroupsByName["external"] else { return }
let externalChildren = externalGroup.children as! [PBXGroup]
for child in externalChildren {
let resolvedPath = resolveExternalReferencePath("external/\(", xcodeProject: xcodeProject)
let newChild = mainGroup.getOrCreateChildGroupByName("@\(",
path: resolvedPath,
sourceTree: .Group)
private func installWorkspaceSettings(_ projectURL: URL) throws {
func writeWorkspaceSettings(_ workspaceSettings: [String: Any],
toDirectoryAtURL directoryURL: URL,
replaceIfExists: Bool = false) throws {
let workspaceSettingsURL = directoryURL.appendingPathComponent("WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings")
if (!replaceIfExists && fileManager.fileExists(atPath: workspaceSettingsURL.path)) ||
!createDirectory(directoryURL) {
let data = try workspaceSettings,
format: .xml,
options: 0)
try writeDataHandler(workspaceSettingsURL, data)
let workspaceSharedDataURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent("project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata")
try writeWorkspaceSettings(["IDEWorkspaceSharedSettings_AutocreateContextsIfNeeded": false as AnyObject],
toDirectoryAtURL: workspaceSharedDataURL,
replaceIfExists: true)
let workspaceUserDataURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent("project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/\(usernameFetcher()).xcuserdatad")
let perUserWorkspaceSettings: [String: Any] = [
"LiveSourceIssuesEnabled": true,
"IssueFilterStyle": "ShowAll",
try writeWorkspaceSettings(perUserWorkspaceSettings, toDirectoryAtURL: workspaceUserDataURL)
private func loadRuleEntryMap() -> [BuildLabel: RuleEntry] {
return workspaceInfoExtractor.ruleEntriesForLabels(config.buildTargetLabels,
startupOptions: config.options[.BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug],
buildOptions: config.options[.BazelBuildOptionsDebug])
// Writes Xcode schemes for non-indexer targets if they don't already exist.
private func installXcodeSchemesForProjectInfo(_ info: GeneratedProjectInfo,
projectURL: URL,
projectBundleName: String) throws {
let xcschemesURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent("xcshareddata/xcschemes")
guard createDirectory(xcschemesURL) else { return }
func targetForLabel(_ label: BuildLabel) -> PBXTarget? {
if let pbxTarget = info.project.targetByName[label.targetName!] {
return pbxTarget
} else if let pbxTarget = info.project.targetByName[label.asFullPBXTargetName!] {
return pbxTarget
return nil
func commandlineArguments(for ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> [String] {
return config.options[.CommandlineArguments, ruleEntry.label.value]?.components(separatedBy: " ") ?? []
func environmentVariables(for ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> [String: String] {
var environmentVariables: [String: String] = [:]
config.options[.EnvironmentVariables, ruleEntry.label.value]?.components(separatedBy: .newlines).forEach() { keyValueString in
let components = keyValueString.components(separatedBy: "=")
let key = components.first ?? ""
if !key.isEmpty {
let value = components[1..<components.count].joined(separator: "=")
environmentVariables[key] = value
return environmentVariables
func preActionScripts(for ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> [XcodeActionType: String] {
var preActionScripts: [XcodeActionType: String] = [:]
preActionScripts[.BuildAction] = config.options[.BuildActionPreActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
preActionScripts[.LaunchAction] = config.options[.LaunchActionPreActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
preActionScripts[.TestAction] = config.options[.TestActionPreActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
return preActionScripts
func postActionScripts(for ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> [XcodeActionType: String] {
var postActionScripts: [XcodeActionType: String] = [:]
postActionScripts[.BuildAction] = config.options[.BuildActionPostActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
postActionScripts[.LaunchAction] = config.options[.LaunchActionPostActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
postActionScripts[.TestAction] = config.options[.TestActionPostActionScript, ruleEntry.label.value] ?? nil
return postActionScripts
// Build a map of extension targets to hosts so the hosts may be referenced as additional build
// requirements. This is necessary for watchOS2 targets (Xcode will spawn an error when
// attempting to run the app without the scheme linkage, even though Bazel will create the
// embedded host correctly) and does not harm other extensions.
var extensionHosts = [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]()
for entry in info.buildRuleEntries {
for extensionLabel in entry.extensions {
extensionHosts[extensionLabel] = entry
let runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix = pbxTargetGeneratorType.getRunTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix()
for entry in info.buildRuleEntries {
// Generate an XcodeScheme with a test action set up to allow tests to be run without Xcode
// attempting to compile code.
let target: PBXNativeTarget
if let pbxTarget = targetForLabel(entry.label) as? PBXNativeTarget {
target = pbxTarget
} else {
comment: "Warning shown when generation of an Xcode scheme failed for build target %1$@",
context: config.projectName,
values: entry.label.value)
let filename = + ".xcscheme"
let url = xcschemesURL.appendingPathComponent(filename)
let appExtension: Bool
let extensionType: String?
let launchStyle: XcodeScheme.LaunchStyle
let runnableDebuggingMode: XcodeScheme.RunnableDebuggingMode
let targetType = entry.pbxTargetType ?? .Application
switch targetType {
case .AppExtension:
appExtension = true
launchStyle = .AppExtension
runnableDebuggingMode = .Default
extensionType = entry.extensionType
case .Watch1App, .Watch2App:
appExtension = false
extensionType = nil
launchStyle = .Normal
runnableDebuggingMode = .Remote
appExtension = false
launchStyle = .Normal
runnableDebuggingMode = .Default
extensionType = nil
var additionalBuildTargets = {
($0, projectBundleName, XcodeScheme.makeBuildActionEntryAttributes())
if let host = extensionHosts[entry.label] {
guard let hostTarget = targetForLabel(host.label) else {
comment: "Warning shown when generation of an Xcode scheme failed for build target %1$@",
details: "Extension host could not be resolved.",
context: config.projectName,
values: entry.label.value)
let hostTargetTuple =
(hostTarget, projectBundleName, XcodeScheme.makeBuildActionEntryAttributes())
let scheme = XcodeScheme(target: target,
project: info.project,
projectBundleName: projectBundleName,
testActionBuildConfig: runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix + "Debug",
profileActionBuildConfig: runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix + "Release",
appExtension: appExtension,
extensionType: extensionType,
launchStyle: launchStyle,
runnableDebuggingMode: runnableDebuggingMode,
additionalBuildTargets: additionalBuildTargets,
commandlineArguments: commandlineArguments(for: entry),
environmentVariables: environmentVariables(for: entry),
preActionScripts:preActionScripts(for: entry),
postActionScripts:postActionScripts(for: entry),
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
let xmlDocument = scheme.toXML()
let data = xmlDocument.xmlData(withOptions: Int(XMLNode.Options.nodePrettyPrint.rawValue))
try writeDataHandler(url, data)
func extractTestTargets(_ testSuite: RuleEntry) -> (Set<PBXTarget>, PBXTarget?) {
var suiteHostTarget: PBXTarget? = nil
var validTests = Set<PBXTarget>()
for testEntryLabel in testSuite.weakDependencies {
if let recursiveTestSuite = info.testSuiteRuleEntries[testEntryLabel] {
let (recursiveTests, recursiveSuiteHostTarget) = extractTestTargets(recursiveTestSuite)
if suiteHostTarget == nil {
suiteHostTarget = recursiveSuiteHostTarget
guard let testTarget = targetForLabel(testEntryLabel) as? PBXNativeTarget else {
comment: "Warning shown when a test_suite %1$@ refers to a test label %2$@ that was not resolved and will be ignored",
context: config.projectName,
values: testSuite.label.value, testEntryLabel.value)
// Non XCTests are treated as standalone applications and cannot be included in an Xcode
// test scheme.
if testTarget.productType == .Application {
comment: "Warning shown when a non XCTest %1$@ is included in a test suite %2$@ and will be ignored.",
context: config.projectName,
values: testEntryLabel.value, testSuite.label.value)
guard let testHostTarget = info.project.linkedHostForTestTarget(testTarget) as? PBXNativeTarget else {
comment: "Warning shown when the test host for a test %1$@ inside test suite %2$@ could not be found. The test will be ignored, but this state is unexpected and should be reported.",
context: config.projectName,
values: testEntryLabel.value, testSuite.label.value)
if suiteHostTarget == nil {
suiteHostTarget = testHostTarget
return (validTests, suiteHostTarget)
func installSchemeForTestSuite(_ suite: RuleEntry, named suiteName: String) throws {
let (validTests, extractedHostTarget) = extractTestTargets(suite)
guard let concreteTarget = extractedHostTarget, !validTests.isEmpty else {
comment: "Warning shown when none of the tests of a test suite %1$@ were able to be resolved.",
context: config.projectName,
values: suite.label.value)
let filename = suiteName + "_Suite.xcscheme"
let url = xcschemesURL.appendingPathComponent(filename)
let scheme = XcodeScheme(target: concreteTarget,
project: info.project,
projectBundleName: projectBundleName,
testActionBuildConfig: runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix + "Debug",
profileActionBuildConfig: runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix + "Release",
explicitTests: Array(validTests),
commandlineArguments: commandlineArguments(for: suite),
environmentVariables: environmentVariables(for: suite),
preActionScripts: preActionScripts(for: suite),
postActionScripts:postActionScripts(for: suite),
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
let xmlDocument = scheme.toXML()
let data = xmlDocument.xmlData(withOptions: Int(XMLNode.Options.nodePrettyPrint.rawValue))
try writeDataHandler(url, data)
var testSuiteSchemes = [String: [RuleEntry]]()
for (label, entry) in info.testSuiteRuleEntries {
let shortName = label.targetName!
if let _ = testSuiteSchemes[shortName] {
} else {
testSuiteSchemes[shortName] = [entry]
for testSuites in testSuiteSchemes.values {
for suite in testSuites {
let suiteName: String
if testSuites.count > 1 {
suiteName = suite.label.asFullPBXTargetName!
} else {
suiteName = suite.label.targetName!
try installSchemeForTestSuite(suite, named: suiteName)
private func installTulsiScripts(_ projectURL: URL) {
let scriptDirectoryURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.ScriptDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
if createDirectory(scriptDirectoryURL) {
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_scripts",
context: config.projectName)
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: InstallingScripts, maxValue: 1)
defer { progressNotifier.incrementValue() }
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing scripts")
installFiles([(resourceURLs.buildScript, XcodeProjectGenerator.BuildScript),
(resourceURLs.cleanScript, XcodeProjectGenerator.CleanScript),
toDirectory: scriptDirectoryURL)
installFiles( { ($0, $0.lastPathComponent) },
toDirectory: scriptDirectoryURL)
private func installTulsiBazelPackage(_ projectURL: URL) {
let bazelWorkspaceURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.BazelDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
let bazelPackageURL = bazelWorkspaceURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.TulsiPackageName,
isDirectory: true)
if createDirectory(bazelPackageURL) {
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_package",
context: config.projectName)
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: InstallingScripts, maxValue: 1)
defer { progressNotifier.incrementValue() }
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing Bazel integration package")
installFiles([(resourceURLs.bazelWorkspaceFile, XcodeProjectGenerator.WorkspaceFile)],
toDirectory: bazelWorkspaceURL)
installFiles( { ($0, $0.lastPathComponent) },
toDirectory: bazelPackageURL)
private func installUtilities(_ projectURL: URL) {
let utilDirectoryURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.UtilDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
if createDirectory(utilDirectoryURL) {
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_utilities",
context: config.projectName)
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: InstallingUtilities, maxValue: 1)
defer { progressNotifier.incrementValue() }
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing utilities")
installFiles([(resourceURLs.postProcessor, XcodeProjectGenerator.PostProcessorUtil)],
toDirectory: utilDirectoryURL)
private func installGeneratorConfig(_ projectURL: URL) {
let configDirectoryURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.ConfigDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
guard createDirectory(configDirectoryURL, failSilently: true) else { return }
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_generator_config",
context: config.projectName)
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: InstallingGeneratorConfig, maxValue: 1)
defer { progressNotifier.incrementValue() }
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing generator config")
let configURL = configDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(config.defaultFilename)
var errorInfo: String? = nil
do {
let data = try
try writeDataHandler(configURL, data as Data)
} catch let e as NSError {
errorInfo = e.localizedDescription
} catch {
errorInfo = "Unexpected exception"
if let errorInfo = errorInfo {
localizedMessageLogger.syslogMessage("Generator config serialization failed. \(errorInfo)",
context: config.projectName)
let perUserConfigURL = configDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(TulsiGeneratorConfig.perUserFilename)
errorInfo = nil
do {
if let data = try config.savePerUserSettings() {
try writeDataHandler(perUserConfigURL, data as Data)
} catch let e as NSError {
errorInfo = e.localizedDescription
} catch {
errorInfo = "Unexpected exception"
if let errorInfo = errorInfo {
localizedMessageLogger.syslogMessage("Generator per-user config serialization failed. \(errorInfo)",
context: config.projectName)
private func installGeneratedProjectResources(_ projectURL: URL) {
let targetDirectoryURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.ProjectResourcesDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
guard createDirectory(targetDirectoryURL) else { return }
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_project_resources",
context: config.projectName)
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing project resources")
installFiles([(resourceURLs.uiRunnerEntitlements, XcodeProjectGenerator.UIRunnerEntitlements),
(resourceURLs.stubInfoPlist, XcodeProjectGenerator.StubInfoPlistFilename),
(resourceURLs.stubWatchOS2InfoPlist, XcodeProjectGenerator.StubWatchOS2InfoPlistFilename),
(resourceURLs.stubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlist, XcodeProjectGenerator.StubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlistFilename),
toDirectory: targetDirectoryURL)
private func installStubExtensionPlistFiles(_ projectURL: URL, rules: [RuleEntry], plistPaths: StubInfoPlistPaths) {
let targetDirectoryURL = projectURL.appendingPathComponent(XcodeProjectGenerator.ProjectResourcesDirectorySubpath,
isDirectory: true)
guard createDirectory(targetDirectoryURL) else { return }
let profilingToken = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("installing_plist_files",
context: config.projectName)
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Installing plist files")
let templatePath = resourceURLs.stubIOSAppExInfoPlistTemplate.path
guard let plistTemplateData = fileManager.contents(atPath: templatePath) else {
comment: LocalizedMessageLogger.bugWorthyComment("Failed to load a plist template"),
context: config.projectName,
values: templatePath)
let plistTemplate: NSDictionary
do {
plistTemplate = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: plistTemplateData,
options: PropertyListSerialization.ReadOptions.mutableContainers,
format: nil) as! NSDictionary
} catch let e {
comment: LocalizedMessageLogger.bugWorthyComment("Failed to deserialize a plist template"),
context: config.projectName,
values: resourceURLs.stubIOSAppExInfoPlistTemplate.path, e.localizedDescription)
for entry in rules {
plistTemplate.setValue(entry.extensionType, forKeyPath: "NSExtension.NSExtensionPointIdentifier")
let plistName = plistPaths.plistFilename(forRuleEntry: entry)
let targetURL = URL(string: plistName, relativeTo: targetDirectoryURL)!
let data: Data
do {
data = try plistTemplate, format: .xml, options: 0)
} catch let e {
comment: LocalizedMessageLogger.bugWorthyComment("Failed to serialize a plist template"),
context: config.projectName,
values: e.localizedDescription)
guard fileManager.createFile(atPath: targetURL.path, contents: data, attributes: nil) else {
comment: LocalizedMessageLogger.bugWorthyComment("Failed to write a plist template"),
context: config.projectName,
values: targetURL.path)
private func createDirectory(_ resourceDirectoryURL: URL, failSilently: Bool = false) -> Bool {
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(at: resourceDirectoryURL,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
} catch let e as NSError {
if !failSilently {
comment: "Failed to create an important directory. The resulting project will most likely be broken. A bug should be reported.",
context: config.projectName,
values: resourceDirectoryURL as NSURL, e.localizedDescription)
return false
return true
private func installFiles(_ files: [(sourceURL: URL, filename: String)],
toDirectory directory: URL, failSilently: Bool = false) {
for (sourceURL, filename) in files {
guard let targetURL = URL(string: filename, relativeTo: directory) else {
if !failSilently {
comment: "Failed to copy an important file resource, the resulting project will most likely be broken. A bug should be reported.",
context: config.projectName,
values: sourceURL as NSURL, filename, "Target URL is invalid")
let errorInfo: String?
do {
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: targetURL.path) {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: targetURL)
try fileManager.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: targetURL)
errorInfo = nil
} catch let e as NSError {
errorInfo = e.localizedDescription
} catch {
errorInfo = "Unexpected exception"
if !failSilently, let errorInfo = errorInfo {
let targetURLString = targetURL.absoluteString
comment: "Failed to copy an important file resource, the resulting project will most likely be broken. A bug should be reported.",
context: config.projectName,
values: sourceURL as NSURL, targetURLString, errorInfo)
private func createGeneratedArtifactFolders(_ mainGroup: PBXGroup, relativeTo path: URL) {
if suppressGeneratedArtifactFolderCreation { return }
let generatedArtifacts = mainGroup.allSources.filter() { !$0.isInputFile }
let generatedFolders = PathTrie()
for artifact in generatedArtifacts {
let url = path.appendingPathComponent(artifact.sourceRootRelativePath)
if let absoluteURL = (url as NSURL).deletingLastPathComponent?.standardizedFileURL {
var failedCreates = [String]()
for url in generatedFolders.leafPaths() {
if !createDirectory(url, failSilently: true) {
if !failedCreates.isEmpty {
comment: "Failed to create folders for generated artifacts %1$@. The generated Xcode project may need to be reloaded after the first build.",
context: config.projectName,
values: failedCreates.joined(separator: ", "))
/// Models a node in a path trie.
private class PathTrie {
private var root = PathNode(pathElement: "")
func insert(_ path: URL) {
let components = path.pathComponents
guard !components.isEmpty else {
func leafPaths() -> [URL] {
var ret = [URL]()
for n in root.children.values {
for path in n.leafPaths() {
// TODO(dmishe): Swicth to an appropriate URL method.
guard let url = NSURL.fileURL(withPathComponents: path) else {
ret.append(url as URL)
return ret
private class PathNode {
let value: String
var children = [String: PathNode]()
init(pathElement: String) {
self.value = pathElement
func addPath<T: Collection>(_ pathComponents: T)
where T.SubSequence : Collection,
T.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == T.Iterator.Element,
T.SubSequence.SubSequence == T.SubSequence,
T.Iterator.Element == String {
guard let firstComponent = pathComponents.first else {
let node: PathNode
if let existingNode = children[firstComponent] {
node = existingNode
} else {
node = PathNode(pathElement: firstComponent)
children[firstComponent] = node
let remaining = pathComponents.dropFirst()
if !remaining.isEmpty {
func leafPaths() -> [[String]] {
if children.isEmpty {
return [[value]]
var ret = [[String]]()
for n in children.values {
for childPath in n.leafPaths() {
var subpath = [value]
subpath.append(contentsOf: childPath)
return ret