| /* |
| Strings for the Tulsi application. |
| */ |
| |
| /* Error when the Aspect returns multiple RuleEntries for a given target. The target label is in %1$@, the rule type is in %2$@. */ |
| "AmbiguousBuildTarget" = "Multiple configurations found for target %1$@. Is this %2$@ being built at the root level? Or do you have a root-level library somewhere that depends on this target?"; |
| |
| /* Message to show at the top of the Tulsi project save as panel, explaining what to do. */ |
| "Document_SelectTulsiProjectOutputFolderMessage" = "Select a location to save this Tulsi project."; |
| |
| /* General error when project does not have a valid Bazel workspace. */ |
| "Error_BadWorkspace" = "Project does not contain a valid Bazel workspace. Start a new project or ensure that a WORKSPACE file exists."; |
| |
| /* Error when project does not have a valid Bazel WORKSPACE file at %1$@. */ |
| "Error_NoWORKSPACEFile" = "Project does not contain a valid Bazel workspace. Start a new project or ensure that a WORKSPACE file exists at \"%1$@\"."; |
| |
| /* Error when a TulsiGeneratorConfig named %1$@ could not be deleted. */ |
| "Error_ConfigDeleteFailed" = "Failed to remove Tulsi generator config '%1$@'."; |
| |
| /* Error when a TulsiGeneratorConfig failed to be reloaded. */ |
| "Error_ConfigLoadFailed" = "Failed to reload Tulsi generator config."; |
| |
| /* Error when a TulsiGeneratorConfig failed to save. Details are provided as %1$@. */ |
| "Error_ConfigSaveFailed" = "Failed to save Tulsi generator config. Debug info: %1$@"; |
| |
| /* A general, critical failure without a more fitting descriptive message. */ |
| "Error_GeneralCriticalFailure" = "An unexpected error occurred."; |
| |
| /* A general, critical failure during project generation. */ |
| "Error_GeneralProjectGenerationFailure" = "Failed to create Xcode project."; |
| |
| /* Error for a generation attempt without a valid target output folder even though one should exist. */ |
| "Error_NoOutputFolder" = "No output folder selected. This is likely a Tulsi bug, please report."; |
| |
| /* Error when unable to find the Bazel executable. */ |
| "Error_ResolveBazelPathFailure" = "Unable to locate your Bazel executable."; |
| |
| /* Message to show at the top of WORKSPACE file selector sheet, explaining what to do. */ |
| "NewProject_SetProjectWorkspaceMessage" = "Select the location of the Bazel \"WORKSPACE\" file for this project."; |
| |
| /* Label for the button used to confirm the selected WORKSPACE. */ |
| "NewProject_SetProjectWorkspacePrompt" = "Select"; |
| |
| /* Message to show at the top of tulsiproj open panel, explaining what to do. */ |
| "OpenProject_OpenProjectPanelMessage" = "Choose a Tulsi project to open."; |
| |
| /* Short header shown before the project in the options editor's target selector. */ |
| "OptionsTarget_ProjectSectionTitle" = "PROJECT"; |
| |
| /* Short header shown before the build targets in the options editor's target selector. */ |
| "OptionsTarget_TargetSectionTitle" = "TARGETS"; |
| |
| /* String to show in the options editor's 'default' column when there is no default value. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_NoDefault" = "<none>"; |
| |
| /* String to show in the option editor for group nodes when there are multiple per-config values. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_MultipleValues" = "<Multiple values>"; |
| |
| /* Value to show when a boolean option is 'true'. This should match Xcode's localization. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_TrueValue" = "Yes"; |
| |
| /* Value to show when a boolean option is 'false'. This should match Xcode's localization. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_FalseValue" = "No"; |
| |
| /* Title for the options editor column used to edit per-config values. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_ColumnTitle_Config" = "Config"; |
| |
| /* Title for the options editor column used to display the built-in default values. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_ColumnTitle_Default" = "Default"; |
| |
| /* Title for the options editor column used to edit per-tulsiproj values. */ |
| "OptionsEditor_ColumnTitle_Project" = "Project"; |
| |
| /* Label for the button used to confirm adding the selected BUILD file to the Tulsi project. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_AddBUILDFilePrompt" = "Add"; |
| |
| /* Title for a button that will cancel an operation that requires that all opened TulsiGeneratorConfig documents be closed. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_CloseOpenedConfigDocumentsButtonCancel" = "Cancel"; |
| |
| /* Title for a button that will proceed with an operation that requires that all opened TulsiGeneratorConfig documents be closed. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_CloseOpenedConfigDocumentsButtonOK" = "OK"; |
| |
| /* Message asking the user if they want to continue with an operation that requires that all opened TulsiGeneratorConfig documents be closed. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_CloseOpenedConfigDocumentsMessage" = "All open configuration editors will be closed. Continue?"; |
| |
| /* Message to show at the top of the Bazel selector sheet, explaining what to do. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_SelectBazelPathMessage" = "Select the bazel binary to use."; |
| |
| /* Label for the button used to confirm the selected Bazel file in the Bazel selector sheet. */ |
| "ProjectEditor_SelectBazelPathPrompt" = "Select"; |
| |
| /* Title for open panel through which the user should select where to generate the Xcode project. */ |
| "ProjectGeneration_SelectProjectOutputFolderTitle" = "Project output folder"; |
| |
| /* Message to show at the top of the Xcode output folder sheet, explaining what to do. */ |
| "ProjectGeneration_SelectProjectOutputFolderMessage" = "Select the folder into which the Xcode project should be generated."; |
| |
| /* Label for the button used to confirm the selected output folder for the generated Xcode project. */ |
| "ProjectGeneration_SelectProjectOutputFolderAndGeneratePrompt" = "Generate"; |
| |
| /* Error message for when the user tried to generate an Xcode project from an incomplete config. */ |
| "TulsiError_ConfigNotGenerateable" = "Generator config is not fully populated and cannot generate an Xcode project."; |
| |
| /* Error message for when a generator config fails to load for an unspecified reason. */ |
| "TulsiError_ConfigNotLoadable" = "Generator config could not be loaded from the given location."; |
| |
| /* Error message for when a generator config fails to save because it is missing critical information. */ |
| "TulsiError_ConfigNotSaveable" = "Generator config is not fully populated and cannot be saved."; |
| |
| /* A generic exception was thrown, additional debug data is in %1$@. */ |
| "TulsiError_General" = "Error: '%1$@'"; |
| |
| /* A non-critical failure to restore some Bazel labels when loading a document. Details are provided as %1$@. */ |
| "Warning_LabelResolutionFailed" = "Failed to reload some Bazel targets. The loaded project may be incorrect. Debug info: %1$@"; |
| |
| /* Label for action button to be used to go to the final page in the project wizard. */ |
| "Wizard_SaveConfig" = "Save"; |
| |
| /* Label for action button to be used to go to the next page in the project wizard. */ |
| "Wizard_Next" = "Next"; |
| |
| |
| /* Strings mapping progress item notification names to user-friendly names */ |
| |
| /* Sent when the Tulsi generator is gathering source/settings for Xcode indexer targets. */ |
| "gatheringIndexerSources" = "Gathering sources for Xcode indexers"; |
| |
| /* Sent when creating Xcode build targets. */ |
| "generatingBuildTargets" = "Generating build targets"; |
| |
| /* Sent when creating Xcode indexer targets. */ |
| "generatingIndexerTargets" = "Generating indexer libraries"; |
| |
| /* Sent when the Tulsi generator is copying the build scripts into the output Xcode project. */ |
| "installingScripts" = "Installing build scripts"; |
| |
| /* Sent when the Tulsi generator is copying the build utilities into the output Xcode project. */ |
| "installingUtilities" = "Installing build utilities"; |
| |
| /* Sent when the Tulsi generator is copying the generator config into the output Xcode project. */ |
| "installingGeneratorConfig" = "Installing generator config"; |
| |
| /* Sent when starting to serialize the Xcode project. */ |
| "serializingXcodeProject" = "Creating Xcode project"; |
| |
| /* Sent when extracting source files from a Bazel project. */ |
| "sourceFileExtraction" = "Extracting source files"; |
| |
| /* Sent when the Tulsi generator is extracting workspace information. */ |
| "workspaceInfoExtraction" = "Retrieving workspace info"; |