blob: 5f46527d1cc89e5385070ffcb44567ec68388372 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// Valid CPU types (for rules_apple Bazel targets).
public enum CPU: String {
case i386
case x86_64
case armv7
case armv7k
case arm64
case arm64e
case arm64_32
public static let allCases: [CPU] = [.i386, .x86_64, .armv7, .armv7k, .arm64, .arm64e, .arm64_32]
var isARM: Bool {
switch self {
case .i386: return false
case .x86_64: return false
case .armv7: return true
case .armv7k: return true
case .arm64: return true
case .arm64e: return true
case .arm64_32: return true
var watchCPU: CPU {
if PlatformConfiguration.use64BitWatchSimulator {
return isARM ? .armv7k : .x86_64
} else {
return isARM ? .armv7k : .i386
/// Represents a (PlatformType, AppleCPU) pair.
public struct PlatformConfiguration {
/// Xcode 12 uses x86_64 64bit watch simulators in contrast to i386 32bit watch simulators
/// used in Xcode 11 and older. 32bit apps cannot run on 64bit simulators and vice versa.
/// Tulsi sets the CPU configuration at project generation time so we cannot dynamically
/// swap between the two. Instead, Tulsi has an option 'Use64BitWatchSimulator' in the project
/// config that allows the user to specify whether Tulsi should assume 64bit watch simulators.
/// This value should be set to the value read from the Tulsi config and should be set as
/// soon as the TulsiOption's are extracted to ensure the proper architecture is used
/// everywhere.
public static var use64BitWatchSimulator = false
public let platform: PlatformType
public let cpu: CPU
/// Default to iOS 64-bit simulator.
public static let defaultConfiguration = PlatformConfiguration(platform: .ios, cpu: .x86_64)
/// Returns all valid PlatformConfiguration identifiers.
public static var allValidConfigurations: [PlatformConfiguration] {
var platforms = [PlatformConfiguration]()
for platformType in PlatformType.allCases {
for cpu in platformType.validCPUs {
platforms.append(PlatformConfiguration(platform: platformType, cpu: cpu))
return platforms
public init(platform: PlatformType, cpu: CPU) {
self.platform = platform
self.cpu = cpu
/// Initialize based on an identifier; will only succeed if the identifier is present in
/// PlatformConfiguration.allPlatformCPUIdentifiers (which checks for combination validity).
public init?(identifier: String) {
for validConfiguration in PlatformConfiguration.allValidConfigurations {
if validConfiguration.identifier == identifier {
self.platform = validConfiguration.platform
self.cpu = validConfiguration.cpu
return nil
/// Human readable identifier for this (PlatformType, CPU) pair.
var identifier: String {
return "\(platform.bazelPlatform)_\(cpu.rawValue)"
/// Valid Apple Platform Types.
/// See
public enum PlatformType: String {
case ios
case macos
case tvos
case watchos
public static let allCases: [PlatformType] = [.ios, .macos, .tvos, .watchos]
var validCPUs: Set<CPU> {
switch self {
case .ios: return [.i386, .x86_64, .armv7, .arm64, .arm64e]
case .macos: return [.x86_64]
case .tvos: return [.x86_64, .arm64]
case .watchos: return [.i386, .x86_64, .armv7k, .arm64_32]
var bazelCPUPlatform: String {
switch self {
case .macos: return "darwin"
default: return bazelPlatform
var bazelPlatform: String {
return rawValue
var buildSettingsDeploymentTarget: String {
switch self {
case .macos: return "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
case .tvos: return "TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
case .watchos: return "WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
var simulatorSDK: String {
switch self {
case .ios: return "iphonesimulator"
case .macos: return "macosx"
case .tvos: return "appletvsimulator"
case .watchos: return "watchsimulator"
var deviceSDK: String {
switch self {
case .ios: return "iphoneos"
case .macos: return "macosx"
case .tvos: return "appletvos"
case .watchos: return "watchos"
var userString: String {
switch self {
case .ios: return "iOS"
case .macos: return "macOS"
case .tvos: return "tvOS"
case .watchos: return "watchOS"
/// Path of where the test host is expected to be built for each available platform.
func testHostPath(hostTargetPath: String, hostTargetProductName: String) -> String? {
switch self {
case .ios: return "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/\(hostTargetPath)/\(hostTargetProductName)"
case .macos: return "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/\(hostTargetPath)/Contents/MacOS/\(hostTargetProductName)"
case .tvos: return "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/\(hostTargetPath)/\(hostTargetProductName)"
case .watchos: return nil
/// Target platform and os version to be used when generating the project.
public struct DeploymentTarget : Equatable {
let platform: PlatformType
let osVersion: String
public static func ==(lhs: DeploymentTarget, rhs: DeploymentTarget) -> Bool {
return lhs.platform == rhs.platform && lhs.osVersion == rhs.osVersion