Change DBGVersion to 3

This fixes issues caused by Xcode 9.3 - 9.4 failing to resolve
breakpoints when a single re-mapping is not present in the

For more information, see the relevant source code:

PiperOrigin-RevId: 207743218
diff --git a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
index 9eae1c8..4d96661 100755
--- a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
+++ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
@@ -1484,10 +1484,10 @@
           # Add the mapping as a DBGSourcePathRemapping to the UUID plist here.
           out.write('<key>%s</key>\n<string>%s</string>\n' % source_map)
-        # Make sure that we also set DBGVersion to 2.
+        # Make sure that we also set DBGVersion to 3.
-                  '<string>2</string>\n'
+                  '<string>3</string>\n'
     except OSError as e: