blob: 088f81e094774c806a23cbfe93f602a864df6116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
// Provides methods utilizing Bazel aspects to extract information from a workspace.
final class BazelAspectInfoExtractor {
enum ExtractorError: Error {
/// Parsing an aspect's output failed with the given debug info.
case parsingFailed(String)
/// Prefix to be used by Bazel for the output of the Tulsi aspect.
private static let SymlinkPrefix = "tulsigen-"
/// Suffixes used by Bazel when creating output symlinks.
private static let BazelOutputSymlinks = [
"bin", "genfiles", "out", "testlogs"].map({ SymlinkPrefix + $0 })
/// The location of the bazel binary.
var bazelURL: URL
/// The location of the Bazel workspace to be examined.
let workspaceRootURL: URL
/// Fetcher object from which a workspace's package_path may be obtained.
private let packagePathFetcher: BazelWorkspacePathInfoFetcher
private let bundle: Bundle
// Absolute path to the workspace containing the Tulsi aspect bzl file.
private let aspectWorkspacePath: String
// Relative path from aspectWorkspacePath to the actual Tulsi aspect bzl file.
private let aspectFileWorkspaceRelativePath: String
private let localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger
private typealias CompletionHandler = (Process, [String]?, String) -> Void
init(bazelURL: URL,
workspaceRootURL: URL,
packagePathFetcher: BazelWorkspacePathInfoFetcher,
localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger) {
self.bazelURL = bazelURL
self.workspaceRootURL = workspaceRootURL
self.packagePathFetcher = packagePathFetcher
self.localizedMessageLogger = localizedMessageLogger
bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
let workspaceFilePath = bundle.path(forResource: "WORKSPACE", ofType: "")! as NSString
aspectWorkspacePath = workspaceFilePath.deletingLastPathComponent
let aspectFilePath = bundle.path(forResource: "tulsi_aspects",
ofType: "bzl",
inDirectory: "tulsi")!
let startIndex = aspectFilePath.characters.index(aspectFilePath.startIndex, offsetBy: aspectWorkspacePath.characters.count + 1)
aspectFileWorkspaceRelativePath = aspectFilePath.substring(from: startIndex)
/// Builds a map of RuleEntry instances keyed by their labels with information extracted from the
/// Bazel workspace for the given set of Bazel targets.
func extractRuleEntriesForLabels(_ targets: [BuildLabel],
startupOptions: [String] = [],
buildOptions: [String] = []) -> [BuildLabel: RuleEntry] {
guard !targets.isEmpty else {
return [:]
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: SourceFileExtraction,
maxValue: targets.count,
indeterminate: false,
suppressStart: true)
let profilingStart = localizedMessageLogger.startProfiling("extract_source_info",
message: "Extracting info for \(targets.count) rules")
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
var extractedEntries = [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]()
let task = bazelAspectTaskForTargets({ $0.value }),
aspect: "tulsi_sources_aspect",
startupOptions: startupOptions,
buildOptions: buildOptions,
progressNotifier: progressNotifier) {
(task: Process, generatedArtifacts: [String]?, debugInfo: String) -> Void in
defer { semaphore.signal() }
let artifacts = generatedArtifacts?.filter { $0.hasSuffix(".tulsiinfo") }
if task.terminationStatus == 0,
let artifacts = artifacts, !artifacts.isEmpty {
extractedEntries = self.extractRuleEntriesFromArtifacts(artifacts,
progressNotifier: progressNotifier)
} else {
comment: "Error message for when a Bazel extractor did not complete successfully. Details are logged separately.",
details: BazelErrorExtractor.firstErrorLinesFromString(debugInfo))
if let task = task {
task.currentDirectoryPath = workspaceRootURL.path
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
return extractedEntries
// MARK: - Private methods
// Generates an NSTask that will run the given aspect against the given Bazel targets, capturing
// the output data and passing it to the terminationHandler.
private func bazelAspectTaskForTargets(_ targets: [String],
aspect: String,
startupOptions: [String] = [],
buildOptions: [String] = [],
progressNotifier: ProgressNotifier? = nil,
terminationHandler: @escaping CompletionHandler) -> Process? {
let infoExtractionNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: WorkspaceInfoExtraction,
maxValue: 1,
indeterminate: true)
let workspacePackagePath = packagePathFetcher.getPackagePath()
if let progressNotifier = progressNotifier {
let augmentedPackagePath = "\(workspacePackagePath):\(aspectWorkspacePath)"
var arguments = startupOptions
arguments.append(contentsOf: [
"dbg", // The aspect is run in debug mode to match the default Xcode build configuration.
"--symlink_prefix", // Generate artifacts without overwriting the normal build symlinks.
"--announce_rc", // Print the RC files used by this operation.
"--nocheck_visibility", // Don't do package visibility enforcement during aspect runs.
"--show_result=0", // Don't bother printing the build results.
"--noshow_loading_progress", // Don't show Bazel's loading progress.
"--noshow_progress", // Don't show Bazel's build progress.
"--output_groups=tulsi-info,-_,-default", // Build only the aspect artifacts.
"--experimental_show_artifacts", // Print the artifacts generated by the aspect.
// TODO(b/37660812): This switch applies only to the newer versions of swift_library and
// allows for backwards compatibility.
arguments.append(contentsOf: buildOptions)
arguments.append(contentsOf: targets)
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Running \(bazelURL.path) with arguments: \(arguments)")
let task = TulsiTaskRunner.createTask(bazelURL.path, arguments: arguments) {
completionInfo in
let debugInfoFormatString = NSLocalizedString("DebugInfoForBazelCommand",
bundle: Bundle(for: type(of: self)),
comment: "Provides general information about a Bazel failure; a more detailed error may be reported elsewhere. The Bazel command is %1$@, exit code is %2$d, stderr %3$@.")
let stderr = NSString(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) ?? "<No STDERR>"
let debugInfo = String(format: debugInfoFormatString,
let artifacts = BazelAspectInfoExtractor.extractBuildArtifactsFromOutput(stderr)
terminationHandler(completionInfo.task, artifacts, debugInfo)
return task
// Parses Bazel stderr for "Build artifacts:" followed by >>>(artifact_path). This is a hacky and
// hopefully a temporary solution (based on --experimental_show_artifacts).
private static func extractBuildArtifactsFromOutput(_ output: NSString) -> [String]? {
let lines = output.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.newlines)
let splitLines = lines.split(separator: "Build artifacts:")
if splitLines.count < 2 {
return nil
assert(splitLines.count == 2, "Unexpectedly found multiple 'Build artifacts:' lines.")
var artifacts = [String]()
for l: String in splitLines[1] {
if l.hasPrefix(">>>") {
artifacts.append(l.substring(from: l.characters.index(l.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)))
return artifacts
private func removeGeneratedSymlinks() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
for outputSymlink in BazelAspectInfoExtractor.BazelOutputSymlinks {
let symlinkURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(outputSymlink, isDirectory: true)
do {
let attributes = try fileManager.attributesOfItem(atPath: symlinkURL.path)
guard let type = attributes[FileAttributeKey.type] as? String, type == FileAttributeType.typeSymbolicLink.rawValue else {
} catch {
// Any exceptions are expected to indicate that the file does not exist.
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: symlinkURL)
} catch let e as NSError {
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Failed to remove symlink at \(symlinkURL). \(e)")
/// Builds a list of RuleEntry instances using the data in the given set of .tulsiinfo files.
private func extractRuleEntriesFromArtifacts(_ files: [String],
progressNotifier: ProgressNotifier? = nil) -> [BuildLabel: RuleEntry] {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
func parseTulsiTargetFile(_ filename: String) throws -> RuleEntry {
guard let data = fileManager.contents(atPath: filename) else {
throw ExtractorError.parsingFailed("The file could not be read")
guard let dict = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions()) as? [String: AnyObject] else {
throw ExtractorError.parsingFailed("Contents are not a dictionary")
func getRequiredField(_ field: String) throws -> String {
guard let value = dict[field] as? String else {
throw ExtractorError.parsingFailed("Missing required '\(field)' field")
return value
let ruleLabel = try getRequiredField("label")
let ruleType = try getRequiredField("type")
let attributes = dict["attr"] as? [String: AnyObject] ?? [:]
func MakeBazelFileInfos(_ attributeName: String) -> [BazelFileInfo] {
let infos = dict[attributeName] as? [[String: AnyObject]] ?? []
var bazelFileInfos = [BazelFileInfo]()
for info in infos {
if let pathInfo = BazelFileInfo(info: info as AnyObject?) {
return bazelFileInfos
let artifacts = MakeBazelFileInfos("artifacts")
var sources = MakeBazelFileInfos("srcs")
// Appends BazelFileInfo objects to the given array for any info dictionaries representing
// source code or (potential) source code containers. The directoryArtifacts set is also
// populated as a side effect.
var directoryArtifacts = Set<String>()
func appendGeneratedSourceArtifacts(_ infos: [[String: AnyObject]],
to artifacts: inout [BazelFileInfo]) {
for info in infos {
guard let pathInfo = BazelFileInfo(info: info as AnyObject?) else {
if pathInfo.isDirectory {
} else {
guard let fileUTI = pathInfo.uti, fileUTI.hasPrefix("sourcecode.") else {
let generatedSourceInfos = dict["generated_files"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] ?? []
appendGeneratedSourceArtifacts(generatedSourceInfos, to: &sources)
var nonARCSources = MakeBazelFileInfos("non_arc_srcs")
let generatedNonARCSourceInfos = dict["generated_non_arc_files"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] ?? []
appendGeneratedSourceArtifacts(generatedNonARCSourceInfos, to: &nonARCSources)
let generatedIncludePaths: [RuleEntry.IncludePath]?
if let includes = dict["generated_includes"] as? [String] {
generatedIncludePaths = {
RuleEntry.IncludePath($0, directoryArtifacts.contains($0))
} else {
generatedIncludePaths = nil
let dependencies = Set(dict["deps"] as? [String] ?? [])
let frameworkImports = MakeBazelFileInfos("framework_imports")
let buildFilePath = dict["build_file"] as? String
let iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget = dict["iphoneos_deployment_target"] as? String
let macOSDeploymentTarget = dict["macos_deployment_target"] as? String
let tvOSDeploymentTarget = dict["tvos_deployment_target"] as? String
let watchOSDeploymentTarget = dict["watchos_deployment_target"] as? String
let implicitIPATarget: BuildLabel?
if let ipaLabel = dict["ipa_output_label"] as? String {
implicitIPATarget = BuildLabel(ipaLabel)
} else {
implicitIPATarget = nil
let secondaryArtifacts = MakeBazelFileInfos("secondary_product_artifacts")
let swiftLanguageVersion = dict["swift_language_version"] as? String
let swiftToolchain = dict["swift_toolchain"] as? String
let swiftTransitiveModules = MakeBazelFileInfos("swift_transitive_modules")
let objCModuleMaps = MakeBazelFileInfos("objc_module_maps")
let extensions: Set<BuildLabel>?
if let extensionList = dict["extensions"] as? [String] {
extensions = Set({ BuildLabel($0) }))
} else {
extensions = nil
let bundleID = dict["bundle_id"] as? String
let extensionBundleID = dict["ext_bundle_id"] as? String
var extensionType: String?
if ruleType == "ios_extension", let infoplistPath = dict["infoplist"] as? String {
// TODO(dmishe): This relies on the fact the Plist will be located next to the .tulsiinfo
// file for the same target. It would be better to get an absolute path to the plist from
// bazel.
let plistPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: filename)
guard let info = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: plistPath) else {
throw ExtractorError.parsingFailed("Unable to load ios_extension plist file: \(plistPath)")
guard let _extensionType = info.value(forKeyPath: "NSExtension.NSExtensionPointIdentifier") as? String else {
throw ExtractorError.parsingFailed("Missing NSExtensionPointIdentifier in extension plist: \(plistPath)")
extensionType = _extensionType
let ruleEntry = RuleEntry(label: ruleLabel,
type: ruleType,
attributes: attributes,
artifacts: artifacts,
sourceFiles: sources,
nonARCSourceFiles: nonARCSources,
dependencies: dependencies,
frameworkImports: frameworkImports,
secondaryArtifacts: secondaryArtifacts,
extensions: extensions,
bundleID: bundleID,
extensionBundleID: extensionBundleID,
iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget: iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget,
macOSDeploymentTarget: macOSDeploymentTarget,
tvOSDeploymentTarget: tvOSDeploymentTarget,
watchOSDeploymentTarget: watchOSDeploymentTarget,
buildFilePath: buildFilePath,
generatedIncludePaths: generatedIncludePaths,
swiftLanguageVersion: swiftLanguageVersion,
swiftToolchain: swiftToolchain,
swiftTransitiveModules: swiftTransitiveModules,
objCModuleMaps: objCModuleMaps,
implicitIPATarget: implicitIPATarget,
extensionType: extensionType)
return ruleEntry
var ruleMap = [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]()
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "",
attributes: DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent)
var hasErrors = false
for filename in files {
queue.async {
let errorInfo: String
do {
let ruleEntry = try parseTulsiTargetFile(filename)
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
ruleMap[ruleEntry.label] = ruleEntry
} catch ExtractorError.parsingFailed(let info) {
errorInfo = info
} catch let e as NSError {
errorInfo = e.localizedDescription
} catch {
errorInfo = "Unexpected exception"
comment: "Error to show when tulsi_supported_targets_aspect produced data that could not be parsed. The artifact filename is in %1$@, additional information is in %2$@.",
values: filename, errorInfo)
hasErrors = true
// Wait for everything to be processed.
queue.sync(flags: .barrier, execute: {})
if hasErrors {
comment: "Error to show as an alert when the output generated by an aspect failed in some way. Details about the failure are available in the message log.")
return ruleMap