| // Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| import XCTest |
| @testable import TulsiGenerator |
| |
| |
| // End to end tests that generate xcodeproj bundles and validate them against golden versions. |
| class EndToEndGenerationTests: EndToEndIntegrationTestCase { |
| func test_SimpleProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_simple" |
| installBUILDFile("Simple", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| makeTestXCDataModel("SimpleDataModelsTestv1", |
| inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/SimpleTest.xcdatamodeld") |
| makeTestXCDataModel("SimpleDataModelsTestv2", |
| inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/SimpleTest.xcdatamodeld") |
| makePlistFileNamed(".xccurrentversion", |
| withContent: ["_XCCurrentVersionName": "SimpleDataModelsTestv1.xcdatamodel"], |
| inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/SimpleTest.xcdatamodeld") |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):Application") |
| let targetLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):TargetApplication") |
| let hostLabels = Set<BuildLabel>([appLabel]) |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| RuleInfo(label: targetLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//\(testDir):XCTest"), |
| type: "ios_test", |
| linkedTargetLabels: hostLabels)] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "SimpleProject" |
| |
| let options = TulsiOptionSet() |
| options.options[.BazelContinueBuildingAfterError]?.projectValue = "YES" |
| |
| options.options[.CommandlineArguments]?.projectValue = "--project-flag" |
| options.options[.CommandlineArguments]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "--target-specific-test-flag" |
| |
| options.options[.EnvironmentVariables]?.projectValue = "projectKey=projectValue" |
| options.options[.EnvironmentVariables]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = |
| "targetKey1=targetValue1\ntargetKey2=targetValue2=\ntargetKey3=" |
| |
| options.options[.BuildActionPreActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a build pre action script" |
| options.options[.BuildActionPreActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific build pre action script" |
| options.options[.BuildActionPostActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a build post action script" |
| options.options[.BuildActionPostActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific build post action script" |
| |
| options.options[.LaunchActionPreActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a lauch pre action script" |
| options.options[.LaunchActionPreActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific launch pre action script" |
| options.options[.LaunchActionPostActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a launch post action script" |
| options.options[.LaunchActionPostActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific launch post action script" |
| |
| options.options[.TestActionPreActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a test pre action script" |
| options.options[.TestActionPreActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific test pre action script" |
| options.options[.TestActionPostActionScript]?.projectValue = "This is a test post action script" |
| options.options[.TestActionPostActionScript]?.targetValues?[targetLabel.value] = "This is a target specific test post action script" |
| |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output", |
| options: options) |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_BrokenSourceBUILD() { |
| let aspectLogExpectation = expectation(description: |
| "Should see a statement that Bazel aspect info is being printed to our logs." |
| ) |
| let observerName = NSNotification.Name(rawValue: TulsiMessageNotification) |
| let observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: observerName, |
| object: nil, |
| queue: nil) { |
| notification in |
| guard let item = LogMessage(notification: notification), |
| item.message == "Log of Bazel aspect info output follows:" && |
| item.level == .Info else { |
| return |
| } |
| aspectLogExpectation.fulfill() |
| } |
| defer { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(observer) } |
| |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_broken_build" |
| installBUILDFile("SimpleBad", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):Application") |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: [])] |
| |
| do { |
| _ = try generateProjectNamed("BrokenSourceBuildProject", |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| } catch Error.projectGenerationFailure(let info) { |
| // Expected failure on malformed BUILD file. |
| XCTAssertEqual(info, "General failure: Bazel aspects could not be built.") |
| waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.0, handler: nil) |
| return |
| } catch Error.testSubdirectoryNotCreated { |
| XCTFail("Failed to create output folder, aborting test.") |
| } catch let error { |
| XCTFail("Unexpected failure: \(error)") |
| } |
| XCTFail("Expected exception of type 'BazelAspectInfoExtractor.ExtractorError.buildFailed' " + |
| "to be thrown for bazel aspect build error.") |
| } |
| |
| func test_ComplexSingleProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_complex" |
| installBUILDFile("ComplexSingle", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| makeTestXCDataModel("DataModelsTestv1", inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/Test.xcdatamodeld") |
| makeTestXCDataModel("DataModelsTestv2", inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/Test.xcdatamodeld") |
| makePlistFileNamed(".xccurrentversion", |
| withContent: ["_XCCurrentVersionName": "DataModelsTestv2.xcdatamodel"], |
| inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/Test.xcdatamodeld") |
| // iOS extension's Info.plist is generated by the Aspect after reading the infoplists listed in |
| // the attribute, so we'll need to generate them otherwise extraction will fail. |
| makePlistFileNamed("Plist1.plist", |
| withContent: ["NSExtension": ["NSExtensionPointIdentifier": "com.apple.extension-foo"], |
| "CFBundleVersion": "1.0", |
| "CFBundleShortVersionString": "1.0"], |
| inSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/TodayExtension") |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):Application") |
| let hostLabels = Set<BuildLabel>([appLabel]) |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//\(testDir):XCTest"), |
| type: "apple_unit_test", |
| linkedTargetLabels: hostLabels)] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "ComplexSingleProject" |
| |
| let projectOptions = TulsiOptionSet() |
| projectOptions[.IncludeBuildSources].projectValue = "YES" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output", |
| options: projectOptions) |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_SwiftProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_swift" |
| installBUILDFile("Swift", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):Application") |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: [])] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "SwiftProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_watchProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_watch" |
| installBUILDFile("Watch", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):Application") |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: [])] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "WatchProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_tvOSProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_tvos_project" |
| installBUILDFile("ComplexSingle", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):tvOSApplication") |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "tvos_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []) |
| ] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed("SkylarkBundlingProject", |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/\(testDir)/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: "SkylarkBundlingProject") |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_macProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_mac" |
| installBUILDFile("Mac", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):MyMacOSApp") |
| let commandLineAppLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):MyCommandLineApp") |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "macos_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| RuleInfo(label: commandLineAppLabel, |
| type: "macos_command_line_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: [])] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "MacOSProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_macTestsProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_mac" |
| installBUILDFile("Mac", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):MyMacOSApp") |
| let unitTestsLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):UnitTests") |
| let unitTestsNoHostLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):UnitTestsNoHost") |
| let uiTestsLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):UITests") |
| let hostLabels = Set<BuildLabel>([appLabel]) |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: unitTestsLabel, |
| type: "apple_unit_test", |
| linkedTargetLabels: hostLabels), |
| RuleInfo(label: unitTestsNoHostLabel, |
| type: "apple_unit_test", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| RuleInfo(label: uiTestsLabel, |
| type: "apple_ui_test", |
| linkedTargetLabels: hostLabels)] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "MacOSTestsProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/...", |
| "blaze-bin/...", |
| "blaze-genfiles/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_simpleCCProject() throws { |
| let testDir = "tulsi_e2e_ccsimple" |
| let appLabel = BuildLabel("//\(testDir):ccBinary") |
| installBUILDFile("Simple", intoSubdirectory: testDir) |
| let buildTargets = [RuleInfo(label: appLabel, |
| type: "cc_binary", |
| linkedTargetLabels: [])] |
| let additionalFilePaths = ["\(testDir)/BUILD"] |
| |
| let projectName = "SimpleCCProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/..."], |
| additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths, |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // End to end tests that generate xcodeproj bundles and validate them against golden versions. |
| class TestSuiteEndToEndGenerationTests: EndToEndIntegrationTestCase { |
| let testDir = "TestSuite" |
| let appRule = RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//TestSuite:TestApplication"), |
| type: "ios_application", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []) |
| |
| override func setUp() { |
| super.setUp() |
| |
| installBUILDFile("TestSuiteRoot", |
| intoSubdirectory: testDir, |
| fromResourceDirectory: "TestSuite") |
| installBUILDFile("TestOne", |
| intoSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/One", |
| fromResourceDirectory: "TestSuite/One") |
| installBUILDFile("TestTwo", |
| intoSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/Two", |
| fromResourceDirectory: "TestSuite/Two") |
| installBUILDFile("TestThree", |
| intoSubdirectory: "\(testDir)/Three", |
| fromResourceDirectory: "TestSuite/Three") |
| } |
| |
| func test_ExplicitXCTestsProject() throws { |
| let buildTargets = [ |
| appRule, |
| RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//\(testDir):explicit_XCTests"), |
| type: "test_suite", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| ] |
| |
| let projectName = "TestSuiteExplicitXCTestsProject" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/..."], |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output") |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, |
| againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_TestSuiteLocalTaggedTestsProject() throws { |
| let buildTargets = [ |
| appRule, |
| RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//\(testDir):local_tagged_tests"), |
| type: "test_suite", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| ] |
| |
| let projectName = "TestSuiteLocalTaggedTestsProject" |
| let options = TulsiOptionSet() |
| options.options[.UseAspectForTestSuites]?.projectValue = "NO" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/..."], |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output", |
| options: options) |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, |
| againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| |
| func test_TestSuiteRecursiveTestSuiteProject() throws { |
| let buildTargets = [ |
| appRule, |
| RuleInfo(label: BuildLabel("//\(testDir):recursive_test_suite"), |
| type: "test_suite", |
| linkedTargetLabels: []), |
| ] |
| |
| let projectName = "TestSuiteRecursiveTestSuiteProject" |
| let options = TulsiOptionSet() |
| options.options[.UseAspectForTestSuites]?.projectValue = "NO" |
| let projectURL = try generateProjectNamed(projectName, |
| buildTargets: buildTargets, |
| pathFilters: ["\(testDir)/..."], |
| outputDir: "tulsi_e2e_output", |
| options: options) |
| |
| let diffLines = diffProjectAt(projectURL, |
| againstGoldenProject: projectName) |
| validateDiff(diffLines) |
| } |
| } |