Support enabling tsan and ubsan from Xcode UI

Xcode won't let you enable ubsan from the UI as it requires a
'Compile Sources' phase with (Objective-)C(++) sources, but if you
manually edit the scheme and enable it or equivalently add the phase
with a dummy file, enable it from the UI, and then remove the phase,
ubsan will work.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 196831918
diff --git a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
index 049f2f1..dc05b05 100755
--- a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
+++ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@
     """Returns a list of bazel flags for the current Xcode env configuration."""
     flags = []
     if self.xcode_env.get('ENABLE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER') == 'YES':
-      flags.extend([
-          '--features=asan',
-      ])
+      flags.append('--features=asan')
+    if self.xcode_env.get('ENABLE_THREAD_SANITIZER') == 'YES':
+      flags.append('--features=tsan')
+    if self.xcode_env.get('ENABLE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_SANITIZER') == 'YES':
+      flags.append('--features=ubsan')
     return flags