Add workaround for LLDB latency.

Essentially attempting to make plist generation as fast as possible,
through recommended XML plist generation, but also slowing down the
time taken before we launch LLDB such that the dSYM bundles are more
likely to have been loaded beforehand.

On some builds, DebugSymbols.framework will be unable to find the
dSYM bundle, which can be resolved through rebuilding... but that is
a horrible solution that we can improve on.

mdimport alone does not work, even though we have confirmed the
indexing of dSYMs with mdfind on the com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids
attribute. Might rely on DBGShellCommands instead.

Will continue to investigate how, if mdimport is not sufficient, to
ensure that LLDB is able to find all dSYM bundles in time before the
debug session is started.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 186493053
diff --git a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
index 1cb4466..f6a139e 100755
--- a/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
+++ b/src/TulsiGenerator/Scripts/
@@ -761,6 +761,20 @@
       if exit_code:
         _PrintXcodeWarning('Patch LLVM covmap action failed with code %d' %
+    if self.generate_dsym:
+      # TODO(b/71705491): Find a means where LLDB and associated tooling can
+      # locate the dSYM bundle, accounting for Spotlight latency.
+      #
+      # On some builds, DebugSymbols.framework will be unable to find the
+      # dSYM bundle, which can be resolved through rebuilding... but that is
+      # a horrible solution that we can improve on.
+      #
+      # mdimport alone does not work, even though we have confirmed the
+      # indexing of dSYMs with mdfind on the com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids
+      # attribute. Might rely on DBGShellCommands instead.
+      time.sleep(2)
     return 0
   def _BuildBazelCommand(self, options):
@@ -1595,64 +1609,43 @@
                    Tulsi debugging as strings ($1).
-      Int: the return code of plutil if a non-zero return code was found, or
-           "405", representing a failed copy action when creating the plist.
+      Bool: True if no error was found, or False, representing a failure to
+            write when creating the plist.
-    # Create a UUID plist at (dsym_bundle_path)/Contents/Resources/ from
-    # the plist that was already generated within the dSYM bundle.
+    # Create a UUID plist at (dsym_bundle_path)/Contents/Resources/.
     remap_plist = os.path.join(dsym_bundle_path,
                                '%s.plist' % uuid)
-    main_plist = os.path.join(dsym_bundle_path,
-                              'Contents',
-                              'Info.plist')
+    # Via an XML plist, add the mappings from  _ExtractTargetSourceMaps().
-      shutil.copyfile(main_plist, remap_plist)
-    except IOError as e:
-      _PrintXcodeError('Failed to copy %s to %s, received error %s' %
-                       (main_plist, remap_plist, e))
-      return 405
+      with open(remap_plist, 'w') as out:
+        out.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
+                  '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" '
+                  '"">\n'
+                  '<plist version="1.0">\n'
+                  '<dict>\n'
+                  '<key>DBGSourcePathRemapping</key>\n'
+                  '<dict>\n')
-    # Via plutil, add the mappings from  _ExtractTargetSourceMaps(). Make
-    # sure that we also set DBGVersion to 2 via plutil.
-    returncode, output = self._RunSubprocess([
-        'xcrun',
-        'plutil',
-        '-replace',
-        'DBGVersion',
-        '-string',
-        '2',
-        remap_plist
-    ])
-    if returncode:
-      _PrintXcodeWarning('plutil returned %d while adding DBGVersion to %s: %s'
-                         % (returncode, remap_plist, output))
-      return returncode
+        # Add each mapping as a DBGSourcePathRemapping to the UUID plist here.
+        for source_map in source_maps:
+          out.write('<key>%s</key>\n<string>%s</string>\n' % source_map)
-    json_path_remappings = ''
+        # Make sure that we also set DBGVersion to 2 via plutil.
+        out.write('</dict>\n'
+                  '<key>DBGVersion</key>\n'
+                  '<string>2</string>\n'
+                  '</dict>\n'
+                  '</plist>\n')
+    except OSError as e:
+      _PrintXcodeError('Failed to write %s, received error %s' %
+                       (remap_plist, e))
+      return False
-    for source_map in source_maps:
-      json_path_remappings += '"%s" : "%s", ' % source_map
-    # Add each mapping as a DBGSourcePathRemapping to the UUID plist here.
-    returncode, output = self._RunSubprocess([
-        'xcrun',
-        'plutil',
-        '-replace',
-        'DBGSourcePathRemapping',
-        '-json',
-        '{ ' + json_path_remappings + ' }',
-        remap_plist
-    ])
-    if returncode:
-      _PrintXcodeWarning('plutil returned %d while adding '
-                         'DBGSourcePathRemapping to %s: %s'
-                         % (returncode, remap_plist, output))
-      return returncode
-    return 0
+    return True
   def _PlistdSYMPaths(self, dsym_bundle_path):
     """Adds Plists to a given dSYM bundle to redirect DWARF data."""
@@ -1684,9 +1677,8 @@
       # Create a plist per UUID, each indicating a binary slice to remap paths.
       for uuid in uuids_found:
-        returncode = self._CreateUUIDPlist(dsym_bundle_path, uuid, source_maps)
-        if returncode:
-          return returncode
+        if not self._CreateUUIDPlist(dsym_bundle_path, uuid, source_maps):
+          return 405
     # Update spotlight index with this updated dSYM bundle in case the binary's
     # UUID changed.