blob: 47b97e524e3fa8ebeb8ee0252bde74ec23349fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// Provides a set of project paths to stub Info.plist files to be used by generated targets.
struct StubInfoPlistPaths {
let resourcesDirectory: String
let defaultStub: String
let watchOSStub: String
let watchOSAppExStub: String
func stubPlist(_ entry: RuleEntry) -> String {
switch entry.pbxTargetType! {
case .Watch1App, .Watch2App:
return watchOSStub
case .Watch1Extension, .Watch2Extension:
return watchOSAppExStub
case .AppExtension:
return stubProjectPath(forRuleEntry: entry)
return defaultStub
func plistFilename(forRuleEntry ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> String {
return "Stub_\(ruleEntry.label.asFullPBXTargetName!).plist"
func stubProjectPath(forRuleEntry ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> String {
let fileName = plistFilename(forRuleEntry: ruleEntry)
return "\(resourcesDirectory)/\(fileName)"
/// Defines an object that can populate a PBXProject based on RuleEntry's.
protocol PBXTargetGeneratorProtocol: class {
static func getRunTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix() -> String
static func workingDirectoryForPBXGroup(_ group: PBXGroup) -> String
/// Returns a new PBXGroup instance appropriate for use as a top level project group.
static func mainGroupForOutputFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL, workspaceRootURL: URL) -> PBXGroup
init(bazelURL: URL,
bazelBinPath: String,
bazelPackagePath: String,
project: PBXProject,
buildScriptPath: String,
stubInfoPlistPaths: StubInfoPlistPaths,
tulsiVersion: String,
options: TulsiOptionSet,
localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger,
workspaceRootURL: URL,
suppressCompilerDefines: Bool,
redactWorkspaceSymlink: Bool,
redactBazelPackagePath: Bool)
/// Generates file references for the given file paths in the associated project without adding
/// them to an indexer target. The paths must be relative to the workspace root. If pathFilters is
/// non-nil, paths that do not match an entry in the pathFilters set will be omitted.
func generateFileReferencesForFilePaths(_ paths: [String], pathFilters: Set<String>?)
/// Registers the given Bazel rule and its transitive dependencies for inclusion by the Xcode
/// indexer, adding source files whose directories are present in pathFilters.
func registerRuleEntryForIndexer(_ ruleEntry: RuleEntry,
ruleEntryMap: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry],
pathFilters: Set<String>)
/// Generates indexer targets for rules that were previously registered through
/// registerRuleEntryForIndexer. This method may only be called once, after all rule entries have
/// been registered.
/// Returns a map of indexer targets, keyed by the name of the indexer.
func generateIndexerTargets() -> [String: PBXTarget]
/// Generates a legacy target that is added as a dependency of all build targets and invokes
/// the given script. The build action may be accessed by the script via the ACTION environment
/// variable.
func generateBazelCleanTarget(_ scriptPath: String, workingDirectory: String)
/// Generates project-level build configurations.
func generateTopLevelBuildConfigurations(_ buildSettingOverrides: [String: String])
/// Generates Xcode build targets that invoke Bazel for the given targets. For test-type rules,
/// non-compiling source file linkages are created to facilitate indexing of XCTests.
/// Returns a map of target name to associated intermediate build artifacts.
/// Throws if one of the RuleEntry instances is for an unsupported Bazel target type.
func generateBuildTargetsForRuleEntries(_ entries: Set<RuleEntry>,
ruleEntryMap: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]) throws -> [String: [String]]
extension PBXTargetGeneratorProtocol {
func generateFileReferencesForFilePaths(_ paths: [String]) {
generateFileReferencesForFilePaths(paths, pathFilters: nil)
/// Concrete PBXProject target generator.
final class PBXTargetGenerator: PBXTargetGeneratorProtocol {
enum ProjectSerializationError: Error {
case buildFileIsNotContainedByProjectRoot
case generalFailure(String)
case unsupportedTargetType(String)
/// Names of Xcode build configurations to generate.
// NOTE: Must be kept in sync with the CONFIGURATION environment variable use in the build script.
static let buildConfigNames = ["Debug", "Release"]
/// Tuples consisting of a test runner config name and the base config name (from
/// buildConfigNames) that it inherits from.
static let testRunnerEnabledBuildConfigNames = ["Debug", "Release"].map({
(runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix + $0, $0)
/// Prefix for special configs used when running XCTests that prevent compilation and linking of
/// any source files. This allows XCTest bundles to have associated test sources indexed by Xcode
/// but not compiled when testing (as they're compiled by Bazel and the generated project may be
/// missing information necessary to compile them anyway). Configs are generated for Debug and
/// Release builds.
// NOTE: This value needs to be kept in sync with the bazel_build script.
static let runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix = "__TulsiTestRunner_"
// TODO(abaire): Remove when Swift supports static stored properties in protocols.
static func getRunTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix() -> String {
return runTestTargetBuildConfigPrefix
/// Name of the static library target that will be used to accumulate all source file dependencies
/// in order to make their symbols available to the Xcode indexer.
static let IndexerTargetPrefix = "_idx_"
/// Rough sanity limit on indexer name length. Names may be slightly longer than this limit.
/// Empirically, 255 characters is the observed threshold for problems with file systems.
static let MaxIndexerNameLength = 180
// Name prefix for auto-generated nop-app extension targets necessary to get Xcode to debug watch
// Apps.
private static let watchAppExtensionTargetPrefix = "_tulsi_appex_"
/// Name of the legacy target that will be used to communicate with Bazel during Xcode clean
/// actions.
static let BazelCleanTarget = "_bazel_clean_"
/// Xcode variable name used to refer to the workspace root.
static let WorkspaceRootVarName = "TULSI_WR"
/// Xcode variable name used to refer to the symlink generated by Bazel that contains all
/// workspace content.
static let BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName = "TULSI_BWRS"
/// Location of the bazel binary.
let bazelURL: URL
/// Location of the bazel bin symlink, relative to the workspace root.
let bazelBinPath: String
private(set) lazy var bazelGenfilesPath: String = { [unowned self] in
return self.bazelBinPath.replacingOccurrences(of: "-bin", with: "-genfiles")
private lazy var bazelWorkspaceSymlinkPath: String = { [unowned self] in
let workspaceDirName: String
if self.redactWorkspaceSymlink {
workspaceDirName = "WORKSPACENAME"
} else {
workspaceDirName = self.workspaceRootURL.lastPathComponent
return self.bazelBinPath.replacingOccurrences(of: "-bin", with: "-\(workspaceDirName)")
/// Bazel's package_path value.
let bazelPackagePath: String
let project: PBXProject
let buildScriptPath: String
let stubInfoPlistPaths: StubInfoPlistPaths
let tulsiVersion: String
let options: TulsiOptionSet
let localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger
let workspaceRootURL: URL
let suppressCompilerDefines: Bool
let redactWorkspaceSymlink: Bool
var bazelCleanScriptTarget: PBXLegacyTarget? = nil
/// Stores data about a given RuleEntry to be used in order to generate Xcode indexer targets.
private struct IndexerData {
/// Provides information about the RuleEntry instances supported by an IndexerData.
/// Specifically, NameInfoToken tuples provide the targetName and the full target label hash in
/// order to differentiate between rules with the same name but different paths.
struct NameInfoToken {
let targetName: String
let labelHash: Int
init(ruleEntry: RuleEntry) {
self.init(label: ruleEntry.label)
init(label: BuildLabel) {
targetName = label.targetName!
labelHash = label.hashValue
let indexerNameInfo: [NameInfoToken]
let dependencies: Set<BuildLabel>
let preprocessorDefines: Set<String>
let otherCFlags: [String]
let otherSwiftFlags: [String]
let includes: [String]
let generatedIncludes: [String]
let frameworkSearchPaths: [String]
let swiftIncludePaths: [String]
let iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget: String?
let macOSDeploymentTarget: String?
let tvOSDeploymentTarget: String?
let watchOSDeploymentTarget: String?
let buildPhase: PBXSourcesBuildPhase
let pchFile: BazelFileInfo?
let bridgingHeader: BazelFileInfo?
let enableModules: Bool
/// Returns the full name that should be used when generating a target for this indexer.
var indexerName: String {
var fullName = ""
var fullHash = 0
for token in indexerNameInfo {
if fullName.isEmpty {
fullName = token.targetName
} else {
fullName += "_\(token.targetName)"
fullHash = fullHash &+ token.labelHash
return PBXTargetGenerator.indexerNameForTargetName(fullName, hash: fullHash)
/// Returns an array of aliases for this indexer data. Each element is the full indexerName of
/// an IndexerData instance that has been merged into this IndexerData.
var supportedIndexingTargets: [String] {
var supportedTargets = [indexerName]
if indexerNameInfo.count > 1 {
for token in indexerNameInfo {
hash: token.labelHash))
return supportedTargets
/// Returns an array of indexing target names that this indexer depends on.
var indexerNamesForDependencies: [String] {
return {
PBXTargetGenerator.indexerNameForTargetName($0.targetName!, hash: $0.hashValue)
/// Indicates whether or not this indexer may be merged with the given indexer.
func canMergeWith(_ other: IndexerData) -> Bool {
if self.pchFile != other.pchFile || self.bridgingHeader != other.bridgingHeader {
return false
if !(preprocessorDefines == other.preprocessorDefines &&
enableModules == other.enableModules &&
otherCFlags == other.otherCFlags &&
otherSwiftFlags == other.otherSwiftFlags &&
frameworkSearchPaths == other.frameworkSearchPaths &&
includes == other.includes &&
swiftIncludePaths == other.swiftIncludePaths &&
iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget == other.iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget &&
macOSDeploymentTarget == other.macOSDeploymentTarget &&
tvOSDeploymentTarget == other.tvOSDeploymentTarget &&
watchOSDeploymentTarget == other.watchOSDeploymentTarget) {
return false
return true
/// Returns a new IndexerData instance that is the result of merging this indexer with another.
func merging(_ other: IndexerData) -> IndexerData {
let newDependencies = dependencies.union(other.dependencies)
let newName = indexerNameInfo + other.indexerNameInfo
let newGeneratedIncludes = generatedIncludes + other.generatedIncludes
let newBuildPhase = PBXSourcesBuildPhase()
newBuildPhase.files = buildPhase.files + other.buildPhase.files
return IndexerData(indexerNameInfo: newName,
dependencies: newDependencies,
preprocessorDefines: preprocessorDefines,
otherCFlags: otherCFlags,
otherSwiftFlags: otherSwiftFlags,
includes: includes,
generatedIncludes: newGeneratedIncludes,
frameworkSearchPaths: frameworkSearchPaths,
swiftIncludePaths: swiftIncludePaths,
iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget: iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget,
macOSDeploymentTarget: macOSDeploymentTarget,
tvOSDeploymentTarget: tvOSDeploymentTarget,
watchOSDeploymentTarget: watchOSDeploymentTarget,
buildPhase: newBuildPhase,
pchFile: pchFile,
bridgingHeader: bridgingHeader,
enableModules: enableModules)
/// Registered indexers that will be modeled as static libraries.
private var staticIndexers = [String: IndexerData]()
/// Registered indexers that will be modeled as dynamic frameworks.
private var frameworkIndexers = [String: IndexerData]()
/// Maps the names of indexer targets to the generated target instance in the project. Values are
/// not guaranteed to be unique, as several targets may be merged into a single target during
/// optimization.
private var indexerTargetByName = [String: PBXTarget]()
static func workingDirectoryForPBXGroup(_ group: PBXGroup) -> String {
switch group.sourceTree {
case .SourceRoot:
if let relativePath = group.path, !relativePath.isEmpty {
return "${SRCROOT}/\(relativePath)"
return ""
case .Absolute:
return group.path!
assertionFailure("Group has an unexpected sourceTree type \(group.sourceTree)")
return ""
static func mainGroupForOutputFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL, workspaceRootURL: URL) -> PBXGroup {
let outputFolder = outputFolderURL.path
let workspaceRoot = workspaceRootURL.path
let slashTerminatedOutputFolder = outputFolder + (outputFolder.hasSuffix("/") ? "" : "/")
let slashTerminatedWorkspaceRoot = workspaceRoot + (workspaceRoot.hasSuffix("/") ? "" : "/")
// If workspaceRoot == outputFolder, return a relative group with no path.
if slashTerminatedOutputFolder == slashTerminatedWorkspaceRoot {
return PBXGroup(name: "mainGroup", path: nil, sourceTree: .SourceRoot, parent: nil)
// If outputFolder contains workspaceRoot, return a relative group with the path from
// outputFolder to workspaceRoot
if workspaceRoot.hasPrefix(slashTerminatedOutputFolder) {
let index = workspaceRoot.characters.index(workspaceRoot.startIndex, offsetBy: slashTerminatedOutputFolder.characters.count)
let relativePath = workspaceRoot.substring(from: index)
return PBXGroup(name: "mainGroup",
path: relativePath,
sourceTree: .SourceRoot,
parent: nil)
// If workspaceRoot contains outputFolder, return a relative group using .. to walk up to
// workspaceRoot from outputFolder.
if outputFolder.hasPrefix(slashTerminatedWorkspaceRoot) {
let index = outputFolder.characters.index(outputFolder.startIndex, offsetBy: slashTerminatedWorkspaceRoot.characters.count + 1)
let pathToWalkBackUp = outputFolder.substring(from: index) as NSString
let numberOfDirectoriesToWalk = pathToWalkBackUp.pathComponents.count
let relativePath = [String](repeating: "..", count: numberOfDirectoriesToWalk).joined(separator: "/")
return PBXGroup(name: "mainGroup",
path: relativePath,
sourceTree: .SourceRoot,
parent: nil)
return PBXGroup(name: "mainGroup",
path: workspaceRootURL.path,
sourceTree: .Absolute,
parent: nil)
/// Returns a project-relative path for the given BazelFileInfo.
private static func projectRefForBazelFileInfo(_ info: BazelFileInfo) -> String {
switch info.targetType {
case .generatedFile:
return "$(\(WorkspaceRootVarName))/\(info.fullPath)"
case .sourceFile:
return "$(\(BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName))/\(info.fullPath)"
init(bazelURL: URL,
bazelBinPath: String,
bazelPackagePath: String,
project: PBXProject,
buildScriptPath: String,
stubInfoPlistPaths: StubInfoPlistPaths,
tulsiVersion: String,
options: TulsiOptionSet,
localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger,
workspaceRootURL: URL,
suppressCompilerDefines: Bool = false,
redactWorkspaceSymlink: Bool = false,
redactBazelPackagePath: Bool = false) {
self.bazelURL = bazelURL
self.bazelBinPath = bazelBinPath
self.project = project
self.buildScriptPath = buildScriptPath
self.stubInfoPlistPaths = stubInfoPlistPaths
self.tulsiVersion = tulsiVersion
self.options = options
self.localizedMessageLogger = localizedMessageLogger
self.workspaceRootURL = workspaceRootURL
self.suppressCompilerDefines = suppressCompilerDefines
self.redactWorkspaceSymlink = redactWorkspaceSymlink
if redactBazelPackagePath {
// Use a stub value that can be recognized as such in generated projects for tests.
self.bazelPackagePath = "PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE_PATH"
} else {
self.bazelPackagePath = bazelPackagePath
func generateFileReferencesForFilePaths(_ paths: [String], pathFilters: Set<String>?) {
if let pathFilters = pathFilters {
let filteredPaths = paths.filter(pathFilterFunc(pathFilters))
} else {
func registerRuleEntryForIndexer(_ ruleEntry: RuleEntry,
ruleEntryMap: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry],
pathFilters: Set<String>) {
let includePathInProject = pathFilterFunc(pathFilters)
func includeFileInProject(_ info: BazelFileInfo) -> Bool {
return includePathInProject(info.fullPath)
func addFileReference(_ info: BazelFileInfo) {
let (_, fileReferences) = project.getOrCreateGroupsAndFileReferencesForPaths([info.fullPath])
fileReferences.first!.isInputFile = info.targetType == .sourceFile
func addBuildFileForRule(_ ruleEntry: RuleEntry) {
guard let buildFilePath = ruleEntry.buildFilePath, includePathInProject(buildFilePath) else {
// Map of build label to cumulative preprocessor defines and include paths.
var processedEntries = [BuildLabel: (Set<String>, NSOrderedSet, NSOrderedSet, NSOrderedSet)]()
func generateIndexerTargetGraphForRuleEntry(_ ruleEntry: RuleEntry) -> (Set<String>,
NSOrderedSet) {
if let data = processedEntries[ruleEntry.label] {
return data
var defines = Set<String>()
var includes = NSMutableOrderedSet()
var generatedIncludes = NSMutableOrderedSet()
var frameworkSearchPaths = NSMutableOrderedSet()
defer {
processedEntries[ruleEntry.label] = (defines, includes, generatedIncludes, frameworkSearchPaths)
for dep in ruleEntry.dependencies {
guard let depEntry = ruleEntryMap[BuildLabel(dep)] else {
comment: "Failure to look up a Bazel target that was expected to be present. The target label is %1$@",
values: dep)
let (inheritedDefines, inheritedIncludes, inheritedGeneratedIncludes, inheritedFrameworkSearchPaths) =
if let ruleDefines = ruleEntry.attributes[.defines] as? [String], !ruleDefines.isEmpty {
if !suppressCompilerDefines,
let ruleDefines = ruleEntry.attributes[.compiler_defines] as? [String], !ruleDefines.isEmpty {
if let ruleIncludes = ruleEntry.attributes[.includes] as? [String] {
let packagePath: String
if let packageName = ruleEntry.label.packageName, !packageName.isEmpty {
packagePath = packageName + "/"
} else {
packagePath = ""
ruleIncludes.forEach() {
let packageQualifiedPath = packagePath + $0
// Normal file paths are accessed via the Bazel workspace symlink to accommodate files in
// external workspaces.
// Files generated by Bazel are always expected to be available through the top-level
// symlinks.
if let generatedIncludePaths = ruleEntry.generatedIncludePaths {
let rootedPaths: [String] = { (path, recursive) in
let rootedPath = "$(\(PBXTargetGenerator.WorkspaceRootVarName))/\(path)"
if recursive {
return "\(rootedPath)/**"
return rootedPath
generatedIncludes.addObjects(from: rootedPaths)
// Search path entries are added for all framework imports, regardless of whether the
// framework bundles are allowed by the include filters. The search path excludes the bundle
// itself.
ruleEntry.frameworkImports.forEach() {
let fullPath = $0.fullPath as NSString
let rootedPath = "$(\(PBXTargetGenerator.BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName))/\(fullPath.deletingLastPathComponent)"
let sourceFileInfos = ruleEntry.sourceFiles.filter(includeFileInProject)
let nonARCSourceFileInfos = ruleEntry.nonARCSourceFiles.filter(includeFileInProject)
let frameworkFileInfos = ruleEntry.frameworkImports.filter(includeFileInProject)
let nonSourceVersionedFileInfos = ruleEntry.versionedNonSourceArtifacts.filter(includeFileInProject)
for target in ruleEntry.normalNonSourceArtifacts.filter(includeFileInProject) {
let path = target.fullPath as NSString
let group = project.getOrCreateGroupForPath(path.deletingLastPathComponent)
let ref = group.getOrCreateFileReferenceBySourceTree(.Group,
path: path.lastPathComponent)
ref.isInputFile = target.targetType == .sourceFile
if sourceFileInfos.isEmpty &&
nonARCSourceFileInfos.isEmpty &&
frameworkFileInfos.isEmpty &&
nonSourceVersionedFileInfos.isEmpty {
return (defines, includes, generatedIncludes, frameworkSearchPaths)
var localPreprocessorDefines = defines
let localIncludes = includes.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableOrderedSet
let otherCFlags = NSMutableOrderedSet()
if let copts = ruleEntry.attributes[.copts] as? [String], !copts.isEmpty {
for opt in copts {
// TODO(abaire): Add support for shell tokenization as advertised in the Bazel build
// encyclopedia.
if opt.hasPrefix("-D") {
localPreprocessorDefines.insert(opt.substring(from: opt.characters.index(opt.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)))
} else if opt.hasPrefix("-I") {
var path = opt.substring(from: opt.characters.index(opt.startIndex, offsetBy: 2))
if !path.hasPrefix("/") {
path = "$(\(PBXTargetGenerator.BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName))/\(path)"
} else {
let pchFile = BazelFileInfo(info: ruleEntry.attributes[.pch])
if let pchFile = pchFile, includeFileInProject(pchFile) {
let bridgingHeader = BazelFileInfo(info: ruleEntry.attributes[.bridging_header])
if let bridgingHeader = bridgingHeader, includeFileInProject(bridgingHeader) {
let enableModules = (ruleEntry.attributes[.enable_modules] as? Int) == 1
let (nonARCFiles, nonARCSettings) = generateFileReferencesAndSettingsForNonARCFileInfos(nonARCSourceFileInfos)
var fileReferences = generateFileReferencesForFileInfos(sourceFileInfos)
fileReferences.append(contentsOf: generateFileReferencesForFileInfos(frameworkFileInfos))
fileReferences.append(contentsOf: nonARCFiles)
var buildPhaseReferences: [PBXReference]
if nonSourceVersionedFileInfos.isEmpty {
buildPhaseReferences = [PBXReference]()
} else {
let versionedFileReferences = createReferencesForVersionedFileTargets(nonSourceVersionedFileInfos)
buildPhaseReferences = versionedFileReferences as [PBXReference]
buildPhaseReferences.append(contentsOf: fileReferences as [PBXReference])
let buildPhase = createBuildPhaseForReferences(buildPhaseReferences,
withPerFileSettings: nonARCSettings)
if !buildPhase.files.isEmpty {
// TODO(abaire): Extract STL path via the aspect once it is exposed to Skylark.
// Bazel appends a built-in tools/cpp/gcc3 path in but that path is not
// exposed to Skylark. For now Tulsi hardcodes it here to allow proper indexer behavior.
// NOTE: this requires tools/cpp/gcc3 to be available from the workspace root, which may
// require symlinking on the part of the user. This requirement should go away when it is
// retrieved via the aspect (which should resolve the Bazel tool path correctly).
var resolvedIncludes = localIncludes.array as! [String]
let swiftIncludePaths = NSMutableOrderedSet()
for module in ruleEntry.swiftTransitiveModules {
let fullPath = module.fullPath as NSString
let includePath = fullPath.deletingLastPathComponent
// Load module maps explicitly instead of letting Clang discover them on search paths. This
// is needed to avoid a case where Clang may load the same header both in modular and
// non-modular contexts, leading to duplicate definitions in the same file.
// See
let otherSwiftFlags = {
"-Xcc -fmodule-map-file=$(\(PBXTargetGenerator.WorkspaceRootVarName))/\($0.fullPath)"
let dependencyLabels = { BuildLabel($0) }
let indexerData = IndexerData(indexerNameInfo: [IndexerData.NameInfoToken(ruleEntry: ruleEntry)],
dependencies: Set(dependencyLabels),
preprocessorDefines: localPreprocessorDefines,
otherCFlags: otherCFlags.array as! [String],
otherSwiftFlags: otherSwiftFlags,
includes: resolvedIncludes,
generatedIncludes: generatedIncludes.array as! [String],
frameworkSearchPaths: frameworkSearchPaths.array as! [String],
swiftIncludePaths: swiftIncludePaths.array as! [String],
iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget: ruleEntry.iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget,
macOSDeploymentTarget: ruleEntry.macOSDeploymentTarget,
tvOSDeploymentTarget: ruleEntry.tvOSDeploymentTarget,
watchOSDeploymentTarget: ruleEntry.watchOSDeploymentTarget,
buildPhase: buildPhase,
pchFile: pchFile,
bridgingHeader: bridgingHeader,
enableModules: enableModules)
if (ruleEntry.type == "swift_library") {
frameworkIndexers[indexerData.indexerName] = indexerData
} else {
staticIndexers[indexerData.indexerName] = indexerData
return (defines, includes, generatedIncludes, frameworkSearchPaths)
func generateIndexerTargets() -> [String: PBXTarget] {
func generateIndexer(_ name: String,
indexerType: PBXTarget.ProductType,
data: IndexerData) {
let indexingTarget = project.createNativeTarget(name, targetType: indexerType)
addConfigsForIndexingTarget(indexingTarget, data: data)
for name in data.supportedIndexingTargets {
indexerTargetByName[name] = indexingTarget
for (name, data) in staticIndexers {
generateIndexer(name, indexerType: PBXTarget.ProductType.StaticLibrary, data: data)
for (name, data) in frameworkIndexers {
generateIndexer(name, indexerType: PBXTarget.ProductType.Framework, data: data)
func linkDependencies(_ dataMap: [String: IndexerData]) {
for (name, data) in dataMap {
guard let indexerTarget = indexerTargetByName[name] else {
localizedMessageLogger.infoMessage("Unexpectedly failed to resolve indexer \(name)")
for depName in data.indexerNamesForDependencies {
guard let indexerDependency = indexerTargetByName[depName], indexerDependency !== indexerTarget else {
proxyType: PBXContainerItemProxy.ProxyType.targetReference,
inProject: project)
return indexerTargetByName
func generateBazelCleanTarget(_ scriptPath: String, workingDirectory: String = "") {
assert(bazelCleanScriptTarget == nil, "generateBazelCleanTarget may only be called once")
let bazelPath = bazelURL.path
bazelCleanScriptTarget = project.createLegacyTarget(PBXTargetGenerator.BazelCleanTarget,
buildToolPath: "\(scriptPath)",
buildArguments: "\"\(bazelPath)\" \"\(bazelBinPath)\"",
buildWorkingDirectory: workingDirectory)
for target: PBXTarget in project.allTargets {
if target === bazelCleanScriptTarget {
proxyType: PBXContainerItemProxy.ProxyType.targetReference,
inProject: project,
first: true)
func generateTopLevelBuildConfigurations(_ buildSettingOverrides: [String: String] = [:]) {
var buildSettings = options.commonBuildSettings()
for (key, value) in buildSettingOverrides {
buildSettings[key] = value
buildSettings["ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH"] = "YES"
// Fixes an Xcode "Upgrade to recommended settings" warning. Technically the warning only
// requires this to be added to the Debug build configuration but as code is never compiled
// anyway it doesn't hurt anything to set it on all configs.
buildSettings["ENABLE_TESTABILITY"] = "YES"
// Bazel sources are more or less ARC by default (the user has to use the special non_arc_srcs
// attribute for non-ARC) so the project is set to reflect that and per-file flags are used to
// override the default.
buildSettings["CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC"] = "YES"
// Bazel takes care of signing the generated applications, so Xcode's signing must be disabled.
buildSettings["CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED"] = "NO"
buildSettings["CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY"] = ""
// Explicitly setting the FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS will allow Xcode to resolve references to the
// XCTest framework when performing Live issues analysis.
buildSettings["FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS"] = "$(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/Library/Frameworks";
var sourceDirectory = PBXTargetGenerator.workingDirectoryForPBXGroup(project.mainGroup)
if sourceDirectory.isEmpty {
sourceDirectory = "$(SRCROOT)"
// A variable pointing to the true root is provided for scripts that may need it.
buildSettings["\(PBXTargetGenerator.WorkspaceRootVarName)"] = sourceDirectory
// Bazel generates a symlink to a directory that collects all of the data needed for this
// workspace. While this is often identical to the workspace, it sometimes collects other paths
// and is the better option for most Xcode project path references.
buildSettings["\(PBXTargetGenerator.BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName)"] =
buildSettings["TULSI_VERSION"] = tulsiVersion
let searchPaths = ["$(\(PBXTargetGenerator.BazelWorkspaceSymlinkVarName))",
// Ideally this would use USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS but some code generation tools (e.g.,
// protocol buffers) make use of system-style includes.
buildSettings["HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS"] = searchPaths.joined(separator: " ")
createBuildConfigurationsForList(project.buildConfigurationList, buildSettings: buildSettings)
/// Generates build targets for the given rule entries and returns a map of target name to the
/// list of any intermediate artifacts produced when building that target.
func generateBuildTargetsForRuleEntries(_ ruleEntries: Set<RuleEntry>,
ruleEntryMap: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]) throws -> [String: [String]] {
let namedRuleEntries = generateUniqueNamesForRuleEntries(ruleEntries)
var testTargetLinkages = [(PBXTarget, BuildLabel, RuleEntry)]()
let progressNotifier = ProgressNotifier(name: GeneratingBuildTargets,
maxValue: namedRuleEntries.count)
var allIntermediateArtifacts = [String: [String]]()
for (name, entry) in namedRuleEntries {
let (target, intermediateArtifacts) = try createBuildTargetForRuleEntry(entry,
named: name,
ruleEntryMap: ruleEntryMap)
allIntermediateArtifacts[name] = intermediateArtifacts
for attribute in [.xctest_app, .test_host] as [RuleEntry.Attribute] {
if let hostLabelString = entry.attributes[attribute] as? String {
let hostLabel = BuildLabel(hostLabelString)
testTargetLinkages.append((target, hostLabel, entry))
if let type = entry.pbxTargetType, type.isWatchApp {
let appExTarget = generateWatchOSAppExtension(target, entry: entry)
for (testTarget, testHostLabel, entry) in testTargetLinkages {
withLinkageToHostTarget: testHostLabel,
ruleEntry: entry)
return allIntermediateArtifacts
// MARK: - Private methods
/// Generates a nop watch
private func generateWatchOSAppExtension(_ target: PBXNativeTarget, entry: RuleEntry) -> PBXNativeTarget {
let name = PBXTargetGenerator.watchAppExtensionTargetPrefix +
// Invoking this method on anything without an associated watchAppExtensionType is a programmer
// error.
let extensionTargetType = entry.pbxTargetType!.watchAppExtensionType!
let target = project.createNativeTarget(name, targetType: extensionTargetType)
var buildSettings = [String: String]()
if let sdkRoot = entry.XcodeSDKRoot {
buildSettings["SDKROOT"] = sdkRoot
buildSettings["INFOPLIST_FILE"] = stubInfoPlistPaths.watchOSAppExStub
if let extensionBundleID = entry.extensionBundleID {
buildSettings["PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER"] = extensionBundleID
} else {
comment: "Message to show when the bundle identifier for watchOS app extension %1$@ could not be found and the resulting project will not be able to launch the watch app.",
values: entry.label.value)
buildSettings["PRODUCT_NAME"] = name
createBuildConfigurationsForList(target.buildConfigurationList, buildSettings: buildSettings)
return target
/// Generates a filter function that may be used to verify that a path string is allowed by the
/// given set of pathFilters.
private func pathFilterFunc(_ pathFilters: Set<String>) -> (String) -> Bool {
let recursiveFilters = Set<String>(pathFilters.filter({ $0.hasSuffix("/...") }).map() {
$0.substring(to: $0.characters.index($0.endIndex, offsetBy: -3))
func includePath(_ path: String) -> Bool {
let dir = (path as NSString).deletingLastPathComponent
if pathFilters.contains(dir) { return true }
let terminatedDir = dir + "/"
for filter in recursiveFilters {
if terminatedDir.hasPrefix(filter) { return true }
return false
return includePath
/// Attempts to reduce the number of indexers by merging any that have identical settings.
private func mergeRegisteredIndexers() {
func mergeIndexers<T : Sequence>(_ indexers: T) -> [String: IndexerData] where T.Iterator.Element == IndexerData {
var mergedIndexers = [String: IndexerData]()
var indexers = Array(indexers).sorted { $0.indexerName < $1.indexerName }
while !indexers.isEmpty {
var remaining = [IndexerData]()
var d1 = indexers.popLast()!
for d2 in indexers {
if d1.canMergeWith(d2) {
d1 = d1.merging(d2)
} else {
mergedIndexers[d1.indexerName] = d1
indexers = remaining
return mergedIndexers
staticIndexers = mergeIndexers(staticIndexers.values)
frameworkIndexers = mergeIndexers(frameworkIndexers.values)
private func generateFileReferencesForFileInfos(_ infos: [BazelFileInfo]) -> [PBXFileReference] {
guard !infos.isEmpty else { return [] }
var generatedFilePaths = [String]()
var sourceFilePaths = [String]()
for info in infos {
switch info.targetType {
case .generatedFile:
case .sourceFile:
// Add the source paths directly and the generated paths with explicitFileType set.
var (_, fileReferences) = project.getOrCreateGroupsAndFileReferencesForPaths(sourceFilePaths)
let (_, generatedFileReferences) = project.getOrCreateGroupsAndFileReferencesForPaths(generatedFilePaths)
generatedFileReferences.forEach() { $0.isInputFile = false }
fileReferences.append(contentsOf: generatedFileReferences)
return fileReferences
/// Generates file references for the given infos, and returns a settings dictionary to be passed
/// to createBuildPhaseForReferences:withPerFileSettings:.
private func generateFileReferencesAndSettingsForNonARCFileInfos(_ infos: [BazelFileInfo]) -> ([PBXFileReference], [PBXFileReference: [String: String]]) {
let nonARCFileReferences = generateFileReferencesForFileInfos(infos)
var settings = [PBXFileReference: [String: String]]()
let disableARCSetting = ["COMPILER_FLAGS": "-fno-objc-arc"]
nonARCFileReferences.forEach() {
settings[$0] = disableARCSetting
return (nonARCFileReferences, settings)
private func generateUniqueNamesForRuleEntries(_ ruleEntries: Set<RuleEntry>) -> [String: RuleEntry] {
// Build unique names for the target rules.
var collidingRuleEntries = [String: [RuleEntry]]()
for entry: RuleEntry in ruleEntries {
let shortName = entry.label.targetName!
if var existingRules = collidingRuleEntries[shortName] {
collidingRuleEntries[shortName] = existingRules
} else {
collidingRuleEntries[shortName] = [entry]
var namedRuleEntries = [String: RuleEntry]()
for (name, entries) in collidingRuleEntries {
guard entries.count > 1 else {
namedRuleEntries[name] = entries.first!
for entry in entries {
let fullName = entry.label.asFullPBXTargetName!
namedRuleEntries[fullName] = entry
return namedRuleEntries
/// Adds the given file targets to a versioned group.
private func createReferencesForVersionedFileTargets(_ fileInfos: [BazelFileInfo]) -> [XCVersionGroup] {
var groups = [String: XCVersionGroup]()
for info in fileInfos {
let path = info.fullPath as NSString
let versionedGroupPath = path.deletingLastPathComponent
let type = info.subPath.pbPathUTI ?? ""
let versionedGroup = project.getOrCreateVersionGroupForPath(versionedGroupPath,
versionGroupType: type)
if groups[versionedGroupPath] == nil {
groups[versionedGroupPath] = versionedGroup
let ref = versionedGroup.getOrCreateFileReferenceBySourceTree(.Group,
path: path.lastPathComponent)
ref.isInputFile = info.targetType == .sourceFile
for (sourcePath, group) in groups {
setCurrentVersionForXCVersionGroup(group, atPath: sourcePath)
return Array(groups.values)
// Attempt to read the .xccurrentversion plists in the xcdatamodeld's and sync up the
// currentVersion in the XCVersionGroup instances. Failure to specify the currentVersion will
// result in Xcode picking an arbitrary version.
private func setCurrentVersionForXCVersionGroup(_ group: XCVersionGroup,
atPath sourcePath: String) {
let versionedBundleURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(sourcePath,
isDirectory: true)
let currentVersionPlistURL = versionedBundleURL.appendingPathComponent(".xccurrentversion",
isDirectory: false)
let path = currentVersionPlistURL.path
guard let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path) else {
comment: "Message to show when loading a .xccurrentversion file fails.",
values:, "Version file at '\(path)' could not be read")
do {
let plist = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data,
options: PropertyListSerialization.MutabilityOptions(),
format: nil) as! [String: AnyObject]
if let currentVersion = plist["_XCCurrentVersionName"] as? String {
if !group.setCurrentVersionByName(currentVersion) {
comment: "Message to show when loading a .xccurrentversion file fails.",
values:, "Version '\(currentVersion)' specified by file at '\(path)' was not found")
} catch let e as NSError {
comment: "Message to show when loading a .xccurrentversion file fails.",
values:, "Version file at '\(path)' is invalid: \(e)")
} catch {
comment: "Message to show when loading a .xccurrentversion file fails.",
values:, "Version file at '\(path)' is invalid.")
// Adds XCBuildConfigurations to the given indexer PBXTarget.
// Note that preprocessorDefines is expected to be a pre-quoted set of defines (e.g., if "key" has
// spaces it would be the string: key="value with spaces").
private func addConfigsForIndexingTarget(_ target: PBXTarget, data: IndexerData) {
var buildSettings = options.buildSettingsForTarget(
buildSettings["PRODUCT_NAME"] = target.productName!
if let pchFile = data.pchFile {
buildSettings["GCC_PREFIX_HEADER"] = PBXTargetGenerator.projectRefForBazelFileInfo(pchFile)
var allOtherCFlags = data.otherCFlags
if !data.preprocessorDefines.isEmpty {
allOtherCFlags.append(contentsOf: data.preprocessorDefines.sorted().map({"-D\($0)"}))
if !allOtherCFlags.isEmpty {
buildSettings["OTHER_CFLAGS"] = allOtherCFlags.joined(separator: " ")
if let bridgingHeader = data.bridgingHeader {
buildSettings["SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER"] = PBXTargetGenerator.projectRefForBazelFileInfo(bridgingHeader)
if data.enableModules {
buildSettings["CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES"] = "YES"
if !data.includes.isEmpty || !data.generatedIncludes.isEmpty {
let includes = data.includes.joined(separator: " ")
let generatedIncludes = data.generatedIncludes.joined(separator: " ")
buildSettings["HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS"] = "$(inherited) \(includes) \(generatedIncludes)"
if !data.frameworkSearchPaths.isEmpty {
buildSettings["FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS"] = "$(inherited) " + data.frameworkSearchPaths.joined(separator: " ")
if !data.swiftIncludePaths.isEmpty {
let paths = data.swiftIncludePaths.joined(separator: " ")
buildSettings["SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS"] = "$(inherited) \(paths)"
if !data.otherSwiftFlags.isEmpty {
buildSettings["OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS"] = "$(inherited) " + data.otherSwiftFlags.joined(separator: " ")
if let iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget = data.iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget
if let macOSDeploymentTarget = data.macOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = macOSDeploymentTarget
if let tvOSDeploymentTarget = data.tvOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = tvOSDeploymentTarget
if let watchOSDeploymentTarget = data.watchOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = watchOSDeploymentTarget
// Force the indexers to target the x86_64 simulator. This minimizes issues triggered by
// Xcode's use of SourceKit to parse Swift-based code. Specifically, Xcode appears to use the
// first ARCHS value that also appears in VALID_ARCHS when attempting to process swiftmodule's
// during Live issues parsing.
// Anecdotally it would appear that users target 64-bit simulators more often than armv7 devices
// (the first architecture in Xcode 8's default value), so this change increases the chance that
// the LI parser is able to find appropriate swiftmodule artifacts generated by the Bazel build.
buildSettings["ARCHS"] = "x86_64"
buildSettings["SDKROOT"] = "iphonesimulator"
buildSettings["VALID_ARCHS"] = "x86_64"
buildSettings: buildSettings,
indexerSettingsOnly: true)
// Updates the build settings and optionally adds a "Compile sources" phase for the given test
// bundle target.
private func updateTestTarget(_ target: PBXTarget,
withLinkageToHostTarget hostTargetLabel: BuildLabel,
ruleEntry: RuleEntry) {
guard let hostTarget = projectTargetForLabel(hostTargetLabel) as? PBXNativeTarget else {
// If the user did not choose to include the host target it won't be available so the linkage
// can be skipped, but the test won't be runnable in Xcode.
comment: "Warning to show when a user has selected an XCTest but not its host application.",
values: ruleEntry.label.value, hostTargetLabel.value)
project.linkTestTarget(target, toHostTarget: hostTarget)
// Attempt to update the build configs for the target to include BUNDLE_LOADER and TEST_HOST
// values, linking the test target to its host.
if let hostProduct = hostTarget.productReference?.path,
let hostProductName = hostTarget.productName {
let testSettings: [String: String]
if ruleEntry.pbxTargetType == .UIUnitTest {
testSettings = [
"TEST_TARGET_NAME": hostProductName,
} else {
testSettings = [
"TEST_HOST": "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/\(hostProduct)/\(hostProductName)",
// Inherit the resolved values from the indexer.
let indexerName = PBXTargetGenerator.indexerNameForTargetName(ruleEntry.label.targetName!,
hash: ruleEntry.label.hashValue)
let indexerTarget = indexerTargetByName[indexerName]
withBuildSettings: testSettings,
inheritingFromConfigurationList: indexerTarget?.buildConfigurationList,
suppressingBuildSettings: ["ARCHS", "VALID_ARCHS"])
let sourceFileInfos = ruleEntry.sourceFiles
let nonARCSourceFileInfos = ruleEntry.nonARCSourceFiles
let frameworkImportFileInfos = ruleEntry.frameworkImports
if !sourceFileInfos.isEmpty || !nonARCSourceFileInfos.isEmpty || !frameworkImportFileInfos.isEmpty {
var fileReferences = generateFileReferencesForFileInfos(sourceFileInfos)
let (nonARCFiles, nonARCSettings) = generateFileReferencesAndSettingsForNonARCFileInfos(nonARCSourceFileInfos)
fileReferences.append(contentsOf: nonARCFiles)
let buildPhase = createBuildPhaseForReferences(fileReferences,
withPerFileSettings: nonARCSettings)
// Resolves a BuildLabel to an existing PBXTarget, handling target name collisions.
private func projectTargetForLabel(_ label: BuildLabel) -> PBXTarget? {
guard let targetName = label.targetName else { return nil }
if let target = project.targetByName[targetName] {
return target
guard let fullTargetName = label.asFullPBXTargetName else { return nil }
return project.targetByName[fullTargetName]
// Adds a dummy build configuration to the given list based off of the Debug config that is
// used to effectively disable compilation when running XCTests by converting each compile call
// into a "clang -help" invocation.
private func addTestRunnerBuildConfigurationToBuildConfigurationList(_ list: XCConfigurationList) {
func createTestConfigNamed(_ testConfigName: String,
forBaseConfigNamed configurationName: String) {
let baseConfig = list.getOrCreateBuildConfiguration(configurationName)
let config = list.getOrCreateBuildConfiguration(testConfigName)
var runTestTargetBuildSettings = baseConfig.buildSettings
// Prevent compilation invocations from actually compiling files.
runTestTargetBuildSettings["OTHER_CFLAGS"] = "-help"
// Prevents linker invocations from attempting to use the .o files which were never generated
// due to compilation being turned into nop's.
runTestTargetBuildSettings["OTHER_LDFLAGS"] = "-help"
// Prevent Xcode from attempting to create a fat binary with lipo from artifacts that were
// never generated by the linker nop's.
runTestTargetBuildSettings["ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH"] = "YES"
// Wipe out settings that are not useful for test runners
// These do nothing and can cause issues due to exceeding environment limits:
runTestTargetBuildSettings["FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS"] = ""
runTestTargetBuildSettings["HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS"] = ""
config.buildSettings = runTestTargetBuildSettings
for (testConfigName, configName) in PBXTargetGenerator.testRunnerEnabledBuildConfigNames {
createTestConfigNamed(testConfigName, forBaseConfigNamed: configName)
private func createBuildConfigurationsForList(_ buildConfigurationList: XCConfigurationList,
buildSettings: Dictionary<String, String>,
indexerSettingsOnly: Bool = false) {
func addPreprocessorDefine(_ define: String, toConfig config: XCBuildConfiguration) {
if let existingDefinitions = config.buildSettings["GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS"] {
// NOTE(abaire): Technically this should probably check first to see if "define" has been
// set but in the foreseeable usage it's unlikely that this if condition would
// ever trigger at all.
config.buildSettings["GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS"] = existingDefinitions + " \(define)"
} else {
config.buildSettings["GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS"] = define
for configName in PBXTargetGenerator.buildConfigNames {
let config = buildConfigurationList.getOrCreateBuildConfiguration(configName)
config.buildSettings = buildSettings
// Insert any defines that are injected by Bazel's ObjcConfiguration.
// TODO(abaire): Grab these in the aspect instead of hardcoding them here.
// Note that doing this would also require per-config aspect passes.
if configName == "Debug" {
addPreprocessorDefine("DEBUG=1", toConfig: config)
} else if configName == "Release" {
addPreprocessorDefine("NDEBUG=1", toConfig: config)
if !indexerSettingsOnly {
// Enable dSYM generation for release builds.
config.buildSettings["TULSI_USE_DSYM"] = "YES"
private func updateMissingBuildConfigurationsForList(_ buildConfigurationList: XCConfigurationList,
withBuildSettings newSettings: Dictionary<String, String>,
inheritingFromConfigurationList baseConfigurationList: XCConfigurationList? = nil,
suppressingBuildSettings suppressedKeys: Set<String> = []) {
func mergeDictionary(_ old: inout [String: String],
withContentsOfDictionary new: [String: String]) {
for (key, value) in new {
if let _ = old[key] { continue }
if suppressedKeys.contains(key) { continue }
old.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
for configName in PBXTargetGenerator.buildConfigNames {
let config = buildConfigurationList.getOrCreateBuildConfiguration(configName)
mergeDictionary(&config.buildSettings, withContentsOfDictionary: newSettings)
if let baseSettings = baseConfigurationList?.getBuildConfiguration(configName)?.buildSettings {
mergeDictionary(&config.buildSettings, withContentsOfDictionary: baseSettings)
for (testRunnerConfigName, configName) in PBXTargetGenerator.testRunnerEnabledBuildConfigNames {
let config = buildConfigurationList.getOrCreateBuildConfiguration(testRunnerConfigName)
mergeDictionary(&config.buildSettings, withContentsOfDictionary: newSettings)
if let baseSettings = baseConfigurationList?.getBuildConfiguration(testRunnerConfigName)?.buildSettings {
mergeDictionary(&config.buildSettings, withContentsOfDictionary: baseSettings)
} else if let baseSettings = baseConfigurationList?.getBuildConfiguration(configName)?.buildSettings {
// Fall back to the base config name if the base configuration list doesn't support a given
// test runner.
mergeDictionary(&config.buildSettings, withContentsOfDictionary: baseSettings)
static func indexerNameForTargetName(_ targetName: String, hash: Int) -> String {
let normalizedTargetName: String
if targetName.characters.count > MaxIndexerNameLength {
let endIndex = targetName.characters.index(targetName.startIndex, offsetBy: MaxIndexerNameLength - 4)
normalizedTargetName = targetName.substring(to: endIndex) + "_etc"
} else {
normalizedTargetName = targetName
return String(format: "\(IndexerTargetPrefix)\(normalizedTargetName)_%08X", hash)
// Creates a PBXSourcesBuildPhase with the given references, optionally applying the given
// per-file settings to each.
private func createBuildPhaseForReferences(_ refs: [PBXReference],
withPerFileSettings settings: [PBXFileReference: [String: String]]? = nil) -> PBXSourcesBuildPhase {
let buildPhase = PBXSourcesBuildPhase()
for ref in refs {
if let ref = ref as? PBXFileReference {
// Do not add header files to the build phase.
guard let fileUTI = ref.uti, fileUTI.hasPrefix("sourcecode.") && !fileUTI.hasSuffix(".h") else {
buildPhase.files.append(PBXBuildFile(fileRef: ref, settings: settings?[ref]))
} else {
buildPhase.files.append(PBXBuildFile(fileRef: ref))
return buildPhase
/// Creates a PBXNativeTarget for the given rule entry, returning it and any intermediate build
/// artifacts.
private func createBuildTargetForRuleEntry(_ entry: RuleEntry,
named name: String,
ruleEntryMap: [BuildLabel: RuleEntry]) throws -> (PBXNativeTarget, [String]) {
guard let pbxTargetType = entry.pbxTargetType else {
throw ProjectSerializationError.unsupportedTargetType(entry.type)
let target = project.createNativeTarget(name, targetType: pbxTargetType)
for f in entry.secondaryArtifacts {
var buildSettings = options.buildSettingsForTarget(name)
buildSettings["TULSI_BUILD_PATH"] = entry.label.packageName!
buildSettings["PRODUCT_NAME"] = name
if let bundleID = entry.bundleID {
buildSettings["PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER"] = bundleID
if let sdkRoot = entry.XcodeSDKRoot {
buildSettings["SDKROOT"] = sdkRoot
// An invalid launch image is set in order to suppress Xcode's warning about missing default
// launch images.
buildSettings["INFOPLIST_FILE"] = stubInfoPlistPaths.stubPlist(entry)
if let iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget = entry.iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = iPhoneOSDeploymentTarget
if let macOSDeploymentTarget = entry.macOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = macOSDeploymentTarget
if let tvOSDeploymentTarget = entry.tvOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = tvOSDeploymentTarget
if let watchOSDeploymentTarget = entry.watchOSDeploymentTarget {
buildSettings["WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = watchOSDeploymentTarget
// watchOS1 apps require TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY to be overridden as they are a specialization of
// an iOS target rather than a true standalone (like watchOS2 and later).
if pbxTargetType == .Watch1App {
buildSettings["TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY"] = "4"
buildSettings["TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "1,4"
// Disable dSYM generation in general, unless the target has Swift dependencies. dSYM files are
// necessary for debugging Swift targets in Xcode 8; at some point this should be able to be
// removed, but requires changes to LLDB.
let dSYMEnabled = entry.attributes[.has_swift_dependency] as? Bool ?? false
buildSettings["TULSI_USE_DSYM"] = dSYMEnabled ? "YES" : "NO"
let intermediateArtifacts: [String]
if !dSYMEnabled {
// For targets that will not generate dSYMs, the set of intermediate libraries generated for
// dependencies is provided so that downstream utilities may locate them (e.g., to patch DWARF
// symbols).
intermediateArtifacts =
entry.discoverIntermediateArtifacts(ruleEntryMap).flatMap({ $0.fullPath }).sorted()
} else {
intermediateArtifacts = []
// TODO(b/35322727): Remove when this is on by default.
// Disable Xcode's attempts at generating dSYM bundles as it conflicts with the operation of the
// special test runner build configurations (which have associated sources but don't actually
// compile anything).
buildSettings["DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT"] = "dwarf"
// The following settings are simply passed through the environment for use by build scripts.
buildSettings["BAZEL_TARGET"] = entry.label.value
buildSettings["BAZEL_TARGET_TYPE"] = entry.type
let outputPaths = { $0.fullPath }
if !outputPaths.isEmpty {
if let ipaTargetFilename = entry.implicitIPATarget?.asFileName {
// Bazel targets may generate multiple IPA artifacts as side effects of their generation.
// This is most evident in the case of XCTests, which will list both the test bundle and the
// test host. To ensure proper handling of the IPA artifact, the artifact list is ordered
// such that the IPA matching the RuleEntry being processed comes before any other IPAs.
var orderedOutputPaths = [String]()
for path in outputPaths {
if path.hasSuffix(ipaTargetFilename) {
orderedOutputPaths.insert(path, at: 0)
} else {
buildSettings["BAZEL_OUTPUTS"] = orderedOutputPaths.joined(separator: "\n")
} else {
buildSettings["BAZEL_OUTPUTS"] = outputPaths.joined(separator: "\n")
// TODO(abaire): Remove this hackaround when Bazel generates dSYMs for ios_applications.
// The build script uses the binary label to find and move the dSYM associated with an
// ios_application rule. In the future, Bazel should generate dSYMs directly for ios_application
// rules, at which point this may be removed.
if let binaryLabel = entry.attributes[.binary] as? String {
buildSettings["BAZEL_BINARY_TARGET"] = binaryLabel
let buildLabel = BuildLabel(binaryLabel)
let binaryPackage = buildLabel.packageName!
let binaryTarget = buildLabel.targetName!
let binaryBundle = pbxTargetType.productName(binaryTarget)
let dSYMPath = "\(binaryPackage)/\(binaryBundle).dSYM"
buildSettings["BAZEL_BINARY_DSYM"] = dSYMPath
createBuildConfigurationsForList(target.buildConfigurationList, buildSettings: buildSettings)
if let buildPhase = createBuildPhaseForRuleEntry(entry) {
if let legacyTarget = bazelCleanScriptTarget {
proxyType: PBXContainerItemProxy.ProxyType.targetReference,
inProject: project,
first: true)
return (target, intermediateArtifacts)
private func createBuildPhaseForRuleEntry(_ entry: RuleEntry) -> PBXShellScriptBuildPhase? {
let buildLabel = entry.label.value
let commandLine = buildScriptCommandlineForBuildLabels(buildLabel,
withOptionsForTargetLabel: entry.label)
let workingDirectory = PBXTargetGenerator.workingDirectoryForPBXGroup(project.mainGroup)
let changeDirectoryAction: String
if workingDirectory.isEmpty {
changeDirectoryAction = ""
} else {
changeDirectoryAction = "cd \"\(workingDirectory)\""
let shellScript = "set -e\n" +
"\(changeDirectoryAction)\n" +
"exec \(commandLine) --install_generated_artifacts"
let buildPhase = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase(shellScript: shellScript, shellPath: "/bin/bash")
buildPhase.showEnvVarsInLog = true
return buildPhase
/// Constructs a commandline string that will invoke the bazel build script to generate the given
/// buildLabels (a space-separated set of Bazel target labels) with user options set for the given
/// optionsTarget.
private func buildScriptCommandlineForBuildLabels(_ buildLabels: String,
withOptionsForTargetLabel target: BuildLabel) -> String {
var commandLine = "\"\(buildScriptPath)\" " +
"\(buildLabels) " +
"--bazel \"\(bazelURL.path)\" " +
"--bazel_bin_path \"\(bazelBinPath)\" " +
"--bazel_package_path \"\(bazelPackagePath)\" " +
"--verbose "
func addPerConfigValuesForOptions(_ optionKeys: [TulsiOptionKey],
additionalFlags: String = "",
optionFlag: String) {
// Get the value for each config and test to see if they are all identical and may be
// collapsed.
var configValues = [TulsiOptionKey: String?]()
var firstValue: String? = nil
var valuesDiffer = false
for key in optionKeys {
let value = options[key, target.value]
if configValues.isEmpty {
firstValue = value
} else if value != firstValue {
valuesDiffer = true
configValues[key] = value
if !valuesDiffer {
// Return early if nothing was set.
guard let concreteValue = firstValue else { return }
commandLine += "\(optionFlag) \(concreteValue) "
if !additionalFlags.isEmpty {
commandLine += "\(additionalFlags) "
commandLine += "-- "
// Emit a filtered option (--optionName[configName]) for each config.
for (optionKey, value) in configValues {
guard let concreteValue = value else { continue }
let rawName = optionKey.rawValue
var configKey: String?
for key in PBXTargetGenerator.buildConfigNames {
if rawName.hasSuffix(key) {
configKey = key
if configKey == nil {
assertionFailure("Failed to map option key \(optionKey) to a build config.")
configKey = "Debug"
commandLine += "\(optionFlag)[\(configKey!)] \(concreteValue) "
commandLine += additionalFlags.isEmpty ? "-- " : "\(additionalFlags) -- "
let additionalFlags: String
if let shouldContinueBuildingAfterError = options[.BazelContinueBuildingAfterError].commonValueAsBool,
shouldContinueBuildingAfterError {
additionalFlags = "--keep_going"
} else {
additionalFlags = ""
additionalFlags: additionalFlags,
optionFlag: "--bazel_options")
optionFlag: "--bazel_startup_options")
return commandLine