blob: eab69ebd225b657e4ed1b54626bd8973622112ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Cocoa
import TulsiGenerator
protocol TulsiGeneratorConfigDocumentDelegate: class {
/// Called when the TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument is saved successfully with a new name.
func didNameTulsiGeneratorConfigDocument(_ document: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument)
/// Used to retrieve project-level option values.
func parentOptionSetForConfigDocument(_ document: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument) -> TulsiOptionSet?
/// Document encapsulating a Tulsi generator configuration.
final class TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument: NSDocument,
MessageLogProtocol {
/// Status of an Xcode project generation action.
enum GenerationResult {
/// Generation succeeded. The associated URL points at the generated Xcode project.
case success(URL)
/// Generation failed.
case failure
/// The type for Tulsi generator config documents.
// Keep in sync with Info.plist.
static let FileType = ""
/// The type for Tulsi generator per-user config documents.
static let PerUserFileType = ""
weak var delegate: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocumentDelegate? = nil
/// Whether or not the document is currently performing a long running operation.
dynamic var processing: Bool = false
// The number of tasks that need to complete before processing is finished. May only be mutated on
// the main queue.
private var processingTaskCount: Int = 0 {
didSet {
assert(processingTaskCount >= 0, "Processing task count may never be negative")
processing = processingTaskCount > 0
// The folder into which the generated Xcode project will be written.
dynamic var outputFolderURL: URL? = nil
/// The set of all RuleInfo instances from which the user can select build targets.
// Maps the given RuleInfo instances to UIRuleInfo's, preserving this config's selections if
// possible.
var projectRuleInfos = [RuleInfo]() {
didSet {
let selectedEntryLabels = Set<String>({ $0.fullLabel }))
var uiRuleInfoMap = [BuildLabel: UIRuleInfo]()
var infosWithLinkages = [UIRuleInfo]()
uiRuleInfos = {
let info = UIRuleInfo(ruleInfo: $0)
info.selected = selectedEntryLabels.contains(info.fullLabel)
uiRuleInfoMap[info.ruleInfo.label] = info
if !info.ruleInfo.linkedTargetLabels.isEmpty {
return info
for info in infosWithLinkages {
/// The UIRuleEntry instances that are acted on by the associated UI.
dynamic var uiRuleInfos = [UIRuleInfo]() {
willSet {
for entry in newValue {
forKeyPath: "selected",
options: .new,
context: &TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.KVOContext)
/// The currently selected UIRuleEntry's. Computed in linear time.
var selectedUIRuleInfos: [UIRuleInfo] {
return uiRuleInfos.filter { $0.selected }
private var selectedRuleInfos: [RuleInfo] {
return { $0.ruleInfo }
/// The number of selected items in ruleEntries.
dynamic var selectedRuleInfoCount: Int = 0 {
didSet {
updateChangeCount(.changeDone) // TODO(abaire): Implement undo functionality.
/// Array of paths containing source files related to the selectedUIRuleEntries.
var sourcePaths = [UISourcePath]()
private var selectedSourcePaths: [UISourcePath] {
return sourcePaths.filter { $0.selected || $0.recursive }
// The display name for this config.
var configName: String? = nil {
didSet {
updateChangeCount(.changeDone) // TODO(abaire): Implement undo functionality.
var messages: [UIMessage] {
if let messageLog = messageLog {
return messageLog.messages
return []
// Information inherited from the project.
var bazelURL: URL? = nil
var additionalFilePaths: [String]? = nil
var saveFolderURL: URL! = nil
var infoExtractor: TulsiProjectInfoExtractor! = nil
var messageLog: MessageLogProtocol? = nil
override var isEntireFileLoaded: Bool {
return _entireFileLoaded
/// Whether or not this document contains buildTargetLabels that have not been resolved to
/// RuleInfos. Since the doc is initialized without any buildTargetLabels, it starts fully loaded.
var _entireFileLoaded = true
// Labels from a serialized config that must be resolved in order to fully load this config.
private var buildTargetLabels: [BuildLabel]? = nil
// Closure to be invoked when a save operation completes.
private var saveCompletionHandler: ((_ canceled: Bool, _ error: Error?) -> Void)? = nil
private static var KVOContext: Int = 0
static func isGeneratorConfigFilename(_ filename: String) -> Bool {
return (filename as NSString).pathExtension == TulsiGeneratorConfig.FileExtension
/// Builds a new TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument from the given data and adds it to the document
/// controller.
static func makeDocumentWithProjectRuleEntries(_ ruleInfos: [RuleInfo],
optionSet: TulsiOptionSet,
projectName: String,
saveFolderURL: URL,
infoExtractor: TulsiProjectInfoExtractor,
messageLog: MessageLogProtocol?,
additionalFilePaths: [String]? = nil,
bazelURL: URL? = nil,
name: String? = nil) throws -> TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument {
let documentController = NSDocumentController.shared()
guard let doc = try documentController.makeUntitledDocument(ofType: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType) as? TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument else {
throw TulsiError(errorMessage: "Document for type \(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType) was not the expected type.")
doc.projectRuleInfos = ruleInfos
doc.additionalFilePaths = additionalFilePaths
doc.projectName = projectName
doc.saveFolderURL = saveFolderURL
doc.infoExtractor = infoExtractor
doc.messageLog = messageLog
doc.bazelURL = bazelURL
doc.configName = name
LogMessage.postSyslog("Create config: \(projectName)", context: projectName)
return doc
/// Builds a TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument by loading data from the given persisted config and adds
/// it to the document controller. The returned document may be incomplete; completionHandler is
/// invoked on the main thread when the document is fully loaded.
static func makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: URL,
infoExtractor: TulsiProjectInfoExtractor,
messageLog: MessageLogProtocol?,
bazelURL: URL? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping ((TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument) -> Void)) throws -> TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument {
let doc = try makeSparseDocumentWithContentsOfURL(url,
infoExtractor: infoExtractor,
messageLog: messageLog,
bazelURL: bazelURL)
return doc
/// Builds a skeletal TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument by loading data from the given persisted config
/// and adds it to the document controller. The returned document will not contain fully resolved
/// label references and is not suitable for UI display in an editor.
static func makeSparseDocumentWithContentsOfURL(_ url: URL,
infoExtractor: TulsiProjectInfoExtractor,
messageLog: MessageLogProtocol?,
bazelURL: URL? = nil) throws -> TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument {
let documentController = NSDocumentController.shared()
guard let doc = try documentController.makeDocument(withContentsOf: url,
ofType: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType) as? TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument else {
throw TulsiError(errorMessage: "Document for type \(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType) was not the expected type.")
doc.infoExtractor = infoExtractor
doc.messageLog = messageLog
doc.bazelURL = bazelURL
doc._entireFileLoaded = false
return doc
static func urlForConfigNamed(_ name: String, inFolderURL folderURL: URL?) -> URL? {
let filename = TulsiGeneratorConfig.sanitizeFilename("\(name).\(TulsiGeneratorConfig.FileExtension)")
return folderURL?.appendingPathComponent(filename)
/// Generates an Xcode project.
static func generateXcodeProjectInFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL,
withGeneratorConfig config: TulsiGeneratorConfig,
workspaceRootURL: URL,
messageLog: MessageLogProtocol?,
projectInfoExtractor: TulsiProjectInfoExtractor? = nil) -> GenerationResult {
let tulsiVersion: String
if let cfBundleVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleVersion"] as? String {
tulsiVersion = cfBundleVersion
} else {
tulsiVersion = ""
let projectGenerator = TulsiXcodeProjectGenerator(workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
config: config,
tulsiVersion: tulsiVersion)
let errorInfo: String
let startTime = Date()
do {
let url = try projectGenerator.generateXcodeProjectInFolder(outputFolderURL)
let timeTaken = String(format: "%.4fs", Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime))
LogMessage.postSyslog("Generate[OK]: \(timeTaken)", context: config.projectName)
return .success(url)
} catch TulsiXcodeProjectGenerator.GeneratorError.unsupportedTargetType(let targetType) {
errorInfo = "Unsupported target type: \(targetType)"
} catch TulsiXcodeProjectGenerator.GeneratorError.serializationFailed(let details) {
errorInfo = "General failure: \(details)"
} catch _ {
errorInfo = "Unexpected failure"
let timeTaken = String(format: "%.4fs", Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime))
LogMessage.postError("Generate[FAIL]: \(timeTaken)",
details: errorInfo,
context: config.projectName)
return .failure
deinit {
assert(saveCompletionHandler == nil)
/// Saves the document, invoking the given completion handler on completion/cancelation.
func save(completionHandler: @escaping ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)) {
assert(saveCompletionHandler == nil)
saveCompletionHandler = completionHandler
func revert() throws {
guard let url = fileURL else { return }
try self.revert(toContentsOf: url, ofType: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType)
override func makeWindowControllers() {
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let windowController = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "TulsiGeneratorConfigDocumentWindow") as! NSWindowController
windowController.contentViewController?.representedObject = self
// TODO(abaire): Consider supporting restoration of config subwindows.
windowController.window?.isRestorable = false
/// Performs the save process for this config, bypassing any steps that would spawn UI elements.
func headlessSave(_ configName: String) {
// Ensure that the output folder exists to prevent saveToURL from freezing.
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: saveFolderURL,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
} catch let e as NSError {
if let completionHandler = saveCompletionHandler {
completionHandler(false, e)
saveCompletionHandler = nil
guard let targetURL = TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.urlForConfigNamed(configName,
inFolderURL: saveFolderURL) else {
if let completionHandler = saveCompletionHandler {
completionHandler(false, TulsiError(code: .configNotSaveable))
saveCompletionHandler = nil
} targetURL,
ofType: TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType,
for: .saveOperation) { (error: Error?) in
// Note that saveToURL handles invocation/clearning of saveCompletionHandler.
override func save(to url: URL,
ofType typeName: String,
for saveOperation: NSSaveOperationType,
completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { url, ofType: typeName, for: saveOperation) { (error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
let fmt = NSLocalizedString("Error_ConfigSaveFailed",
comment: "Error when a TulsiGeneratorConfig failed to save. Details are provided as %1$@.")
LogMessage.postWarning(String(format: fmt, error.localizedDescription))
let alert = NSAlert(error: error)
if let concreteCompletionHandler = self.saveCompletionHandler {
concreteCompletionHandler(false, error)
self.saveCompletionHandler = nil
if error == nil {
override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data {
guard let config = makeConfig() else {
throw TulsiError(code: .configNotSaveable)
if typeName == TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.FileType {
return try as Data
} else if typeName == TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.PerUserFileType {
if let userSettings = try config.savePerUserSettings() {
return userSettings as Data
return Data()
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSFeatureUnsupportedError, userInfo: nil)
override func read(from url: URL, ofType typeName: String) throws {
let filename = url.lastPathComponent
configName = (filename as NSString).deletingPathExtension
let config = try TulsiGeneratorConfig.load(url)
projectName = config.projectName
buildTargetLabels = config.buildTargetLabels
additionalFilePaths = config.additionalFilePaths
optionSet = config.options
bazelURL = config.bazelURL
sourcePaths = []
for sourceFilter in config.pathFilters {
let sourcePath: UISourcePath
if sourceFilter.hasSuffix("/...") {
let targetIndex = sourceFilter.index(sourceFilter.endIndex, offsetBy: -4)
let path = sourceFilter.substring(to: targetIndex)
sourcePath = UISourcePath(path: path, selected: false, recursive: true)
} else {
sourcePath = UISourcePath(path: sourceFilter, selected: true, recursive: false)
override class func autosavesInPlace() -> Bool {
// TODO(abaire): Enable autosave when undo behavior is implemented.
return false
override func prepareSavePanel(_ panel: NSSavePanel) -> Bool {
// As configs are always relative to some other object, the NSSavePanel is never appropriate.
assertionFailure("Save panel should never be invoked.")
return false
override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?,
of object: Any?,
change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?,
context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
if context != &TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.KVOContext {
super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
if keyPath == "selected", let newValue = change?[NSKeyValueChangeKey.newKey] as? Bool {
if (newValue) {
selectedRuleInfoCount += 1
} else {
selectedRuleInfoCount -= 1
// Regenerates the sourcePaths array based on the currently selected ruleEntries.
func updateSourcePaths(_ callback: @escaping ([UISourcePath]) -> Void) {
var sourcePathMap = [String: UISourcePath]()
selectedSourcePaths.forEach() { sourcePathMap[$0.path] = $0 }
let selectedLabels = { $0.label }
let optionSet = self.optionSet!
Thread.doOnQOSUserInitiatedThread() {
defer {
Thread.doOnMainQueue() {
self.sourcePaths = [UISourcePath](sourcePathMap.values)
let ruleEntryMap: RuleEntryMap
do {
let startupOptions = optionSet[.BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug]
let buildOptions = optionSet[.BazelBuildOptionsDebug]
let useAspectForTestSuitesOption = optionSet[.UseAspectForTestSuites]
ruleEntryMap = try self.infoExtractor.ruleEntriesForLabels(selectedLabels,
startupOptions: startupOptions,
buildOptions: buildOptions,
useAspectForTestSuitesOption: useAspectForTestSuitesOption)
} catch TulsiProjectInfoExtractor.ExtractorError.ruleEntriesFailed(let info) {
LogMessage.postError("Label resolution failed: \(info)")
} catch let e {
LogMessage.postError("Label resolution failed. \(e)")
var unresolvedLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
var sourceRuleEntries = [RuleEntry]()
for label in selectedLabels {
let ruleEntries = ruleEntryMap.ruleEntries(buildLabel: label)
if ruleEntries.isEmpty {
} else {
sourceRuleEntries.append(contentsOf: ruleEntries)
if !unresolvedLabels.isEmpty {
let fmt = NSLocalizedString("Warning_LabelResolutionFailed",
comment: "A non-critical failure to restore some Bazel labels when loading a document. Details are provided as %1$@.")
LogMessage.postWarning(String(format: fmt,
"Missing labels: \({$0.description}))"))
var selectedRuleEntries = [RuleEntry]()
for selectedRuleInfo in self.selectedRuleInfos {
selectedRuleEntries.append(contentsOf: ruleEntryMap.ruleEntries(buildLabel: selectedRuleInfo.label))
var processedEntries = Set<RuleEntry>()
let componentDelimiters = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "/:")
func addPath(_ path: String) {
let path = (path as NSString).deletingLastPathComponent
if path.isEmpty { return }
let pathComponents = path.components(separatedBy: componentDelimiters)
var cumulativePathComponents = [String]()
for component in pathComponents {
let componentPath = cumulativePathComponents.joined(separator: "/")
cumulativePathComponents = [componentPath]
if sourcePathMap[componentPath] == nil {
sourcePathMap[componentPath] = UISourcePath(path: componentPath)
func extractSourcePaths(_ ruleEntry: RuleEntry) {
if processedEntries.contains(ruleEntry) {
// Rules that have already been processed will already have all of their transitive
// sources captured.
for dep in ruleEntry.dependencies {
guard let depRuleEntry = ruleEntryMap.ruleEntry(buildLabel: dep, depender: ruleEntry) else {
// Some dependencies are expected to be unresolved, e.g., those that rely on implicit
// outputs of other rules.
for fileInfo in ruleEntry.projectArtifacts {
var sourceTargets = [BuildLabel]()
for entry in sourceRuleEntries {
let buildfiles = self.infoExtractor.extractBuildfiles(sourceTargets)
for buildfileLabel in buildfiles {
guard let path = buildfileLabel.asFileName else { continue }
@IBAction override func save(_ sender: Any?) {
if fileURL != nil {
@IBAction override func saveAs(_ sender: Any?) {
let newConfigSheet = NewGeneratorConfigViewController()
newConfigSheet.configName = configName
newConfigSheet.delegate = self
/// Generates an Xcode project, returning an NSURL to the project on success.
func generateXcodeProjectInFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL,
withWorkspaceRootURL workspaceRootURL: URL) -> URL? {
assert(!Thread.isMainThread, "Must not be called from the main thread")
guard let config = makeConfig(withFullyResolvedOptions: true) else {
let msg = NSLocalizedString("Error_GeneralProjectGenerationFailure",
comment: "A general, critical failure during project generation.")
LogMessage.postError(msg, details: "Generator config is not fully populated.")
return nil
let result = TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.generateXcodeProjectInFolder(outputFolderURL,
withGeneratorConfig: config,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
messageLog: self,
projectInfoExtractor: infoExtractor)
switch result {
case .success(let url):
return url
case .failure:
let msg = NSLocalizedString("Error_GeneralProjectGenerationFailure",
comment: "A general, critical failure during project generation.")
return nil
/// Resolves any outstanding uncached label references, converting a sparsely loaded document into
/// a fully loaded one. completionHandler is invoked on the main thread when the document is fully
/// loaded.
func finishLoadingDocument(_ completionHandler: @escaping ((TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument) -> Void)) {
Thread.doOnQOSUserInitiatedThread() {
defer {
self._entireFileLoaded = true
do {
// Resolve labels to UIRuleEntries, warning on any failures.
try self.resolveLabelReferences() {
if let concreteBuildTargetLabels = self.buildTargetLabels {
let fmt = NSLocalizedString("Warning_LabelResolutionFailed",
comment: "A non-critical failure to restore some Bazel labels when loading a document. Details are provided as %1$@.")
LogMessage.postWarning(String(format: fmt,{ $0.description })))
} catch TulsiProjectInfoExtractor.ExtractorError.ruleEntriesFailed(let info) {
LogMessage.postError("Label resolution failed: \(info)")
} catch let e {
LogMessage.postError("Label resolution failed. \(e)")
func addProcessingTaskCount(_ taskCount: Int) {
Thread.doOnMainQueue() { self.processingTaskCount += taskCount }
func processingTaskStarted() {
Thread.doOnMainQueue() { self.processingTaskCount += 1 }
func processingTaskFinished() {
Thread.doOnMainQueue() { self.processingTaskCount -= 1 }
// MARK: - NSWindowDelegate
func windowWillClose(_ notification: Notification) {
// MARK: - OptionsEditorModelProtocol
var projectName: String? = nil
var optionSet: TulsiOptionSet? = TulsiOptionSet(withInheritanceEnabled: true)
var projectValueColumnTitle: String {
return NSLocalizedString("OptionsEditor_ColumnTitle_Config",
comment: "Title for the options editor column used to edit per-config values.")
var defaultValueColumnTitle: String {
return NSLocalizedString("OptionsEditor_ColumnTitle_Project",
comment: "Title for the options editor column used to edit per-tulsiproj values.")
var optionsTargetUIRuleEntries: [UIRuleInfo]? {
return selectedUIRuleInfos
func parentOptionForOptionKey(_ key: TulsiOptionKey) -> TulsiOption? {
// Return the project-level option for the given key to indicate inheritance.
guard let parentOptionSet = delegate?.parentOptionSetForConfigDocument(self) else { return nil }
return parentOptionSet[key]
// MARK: - NSUserInterfaceValidations
override func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool {
let itemAction = item.action
switch itemAction {
case .some(#selector(
return true
case .some(#selector(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.saveAs(_:))):
return windowForSheet?.contentViewController != nil
// Unsupported actions.
case .some(#selector(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.duplicate(_:))):
return false
case .some(#selector(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.rename(_:))):
return false
case .some(#selector(TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.move(_:))):
return false
Swift.print("Unhandled menu action: \(String(describing: itemAction))")
return false
// MARK: - NewGeneratorConfigViewControllerDelegate
func viewController(_ vc: NewGeneratorConfigViewController,
didCompleteWithReason reason: NewGeneratorConfigViewController.CompletionReason) {
guard reason == .create else {
if let completionHandler = saveCompletionHandler {
completionHandler(true, nil)
saveCompletionHandler = nil
// MARK: - Private methods
private func stopObservingRuleEntries() {
for entry in uiRuleInfos {
entry.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "selected", context: &TulsiGeneratorConfigDocument.KVOContext)
private func makeConfig(withFullyResolvedOptions resolve: Bool = false) -> TulsiGeneratorConfig? {
guard let concreteProjectName = projectName,
let concreteOptionSet = optionSet else {
return nil
let configOptions: TulsiOptionSet
if resolve {
guard let resolvedOptionSet = resolveOptionSet() else {
assertionFailure("Failed to resolve option set.")
return nil
configOptions = resolvedOptionSet
} else {
configOptions = concreteOptionSet
let pathFilters = Set<String>( {
if $0.recursive {
return $0.path + "/..."
return $0.path
guard let bazelURL = TulsiGeneratorConfig.resolveBazelURL(bazelURL,
options: configOptions) else {
let msg = NSLocalizedString("Error_ResolveBazelPathFailure",
comment: "Error when unable to locate Bazel.")
LogMessage.postError(msg, details: "Generator config needs a bazelURL.")
return nil
// Check to see if the document is sparsely loaded or not.
if isEntireFileLoaded {
return TulsiGeneratorConfig(projectName: concreteProjectName,
buildTargets: selectedRuleInfos,
pathFilters: pathFilters,
additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths,
options: configOptions,
bazelURL: bazelURL)
} else {
return TulsiGeneratorConfig(projectName: concreteProjectName,
buildTargetLabels: buildTargetLabels ?? [],
pathFilters: pathFilters,
additionalFilePaths: additionalFilePaths,
options: configOptions,
bazelURL: bazelURL)
private func resolveOptionSet() -> TulsiOptionSet? {
guard let configOptionSet = optionSet else { return nil }
guard let parentOptionSet = delegate?.parentOptionSetForConfigDocument(self) else {
return configOptionSet
return configOptionSet.optionSetByInheritingFrom(parentOptionSet)
/// Resolves buildTargetLabels, leaving it populated with any labels that failed to be resolved.
/// The given completion handler is invoked on the main thread once the labels are fully resolved.
private func resolveLabelReferences(_ completionHandler: @escaping (() -> Void)) throws {
guard let concreteBuildTargetLabels = buildTargetLabels, !concreteBuildTargetLabels.isEmpty else {
buildTargetLabels = nil
Thread.doOnMainQueue() {
let ruleEntryMap = try infoExtractor.ruleEntriesForLabels(concreteBuildTargetLabels,
startupOptions: optionSet![.BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug],
buildOptions: optionSet![.BazelBuildOptionsDebug],
useAspectForTestSuitesOption: optionSet![.UseAspectForTestSuites])
var unresolvedLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
var ruleInfos = [UIRuleInfo]()
for label in concreteBuildTargetLabels {
let ruleEntries = ruleEntryMap.ruleEntries(buildLabel: label)
guard let info = ruleEntries.last else {
if ruleEntries.count > 1 {
let fmt = NSLocalizedString("AmbiguousBuildTarget",
comment: "Multiple deployment targets found for RuleEntry. Label is in %1$@. Type is in %2$@.")
LogMessage.postWarning(String(format: fmt, label.description, info.type))
let uiRuleEntry = UIRuleInfo(ruleInfo: info)
uiRuleEntry.selected = true
// Add in any of the previously loaded rule infos that were not resolved as selected targets.
let existingInfos = self.uiRuleInfos.filter() {
Thread.doOnMainQueue() {
for existingInfo in existingInfos {
existingInfo.selected = false
self.uiRuleInfos = ruleInfos
self.buildTargetLabels = unresolvedLabels.isEmpty ? nil : [BuildLabel](unresolvedLabels)
self.selectedRuleInfoCount = self.selectedRuleInfos.count