blob: b75c27af6d58b20d5fc656e704c57581fa7ae923 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Cocoa
import TulsiGenerator
/// Processes Tulsi command-line options.
class TulsiCommandlineParser {
/// Operational modes that may be indicated by the command-line options.
enum OperationMode {
/// An unspecified or multi-specified mode.
case invalid
/// A tulsiproj bundle should be created.
case tulsiProjectCreator
/// An xcodeproj bundle should be created.
case xcodeProjectGenerator
struct Arguments {
let bazel: String?
let generatorConfig: String?
let tulsiprojName: String?
let outputFolder: String?
let workspaceRootOverride: String?
let verboseLevel: TulsiMessageLevel
let openXcodeOnSuccess: Bool
let additionalPathFilters: Set<String>
let buildStartupOptions: String?
let buildOptions: String?
let buildTargets: [String]?
init() {
bazel = nil
generatorConfig = nil
tulsiprojName = nil
outputFolder = nil
workspaceRootOverride = nil
verboseLevel = .Info
openXcodeOnSuccess = true
additionalPathFilters = Set()
buildStartupOptions = nil
buildOptions = nil
buildTargets = nil
init(dict: [String: Any]) {
func standardizedPath(_ key: String) -> String? {
if let path = dict[key] as? NSString {
return path.standardizingPath
return nil
bazel = standardizedPath(TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBazel)
generatorConfig = standardizedPath(TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamGeneratorConfigLong)
tulsiprojName = standardizedPath(TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamCreateTulsiProj)
outputFolder = standardizedPath(TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamOutputFolderLong)
if (dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamVerboseLong] as? Bool == true) {
verboseLevel = .Debug
} else if (dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamQuietLong] as? Bool == true) {
verboseLevel = .Syslog
} else {
verboseLevel = .Info
workspaceRootOverride = standardizedPath(TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamWorkspaceRootLong)
openXcodeOnSuccess = !(dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamNoOpenXcode] as? Bool == true)
additionalPathFilters = dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamAdditionalPathFilters] as? Set<String> ?? Set()
buildStartupOptions = dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildStartupOptions] as? String
buildOptions = dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildOptions] as? String
buildTargets = dict[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildTargetLong] as? [String]
/// Commandline argument indicating that the following arguments are meant to be consumed as
/// commandline arguments.
static let ParamCommandlineArgumentSentinal = "--"
// Common options:
static let ParamHelpShort = "-h"
static let ParamHelpLong = "--help"
static let ParamOutputFolderShort = "-o"
static let ParamOutputFolderLong = "--outputfolder"
static let ParamVerboseShort = "-v"
static let ParamVerboseLong = "--verbose"
static let ParamQuietShort = "-q"
static let ParamQuietLong = "--quiet"
static let ParamWorkspaceRootShort = "-w"
static let ParamWorkspaceRootLong = "--workspaceroot"
static let ParamAdditionalPathFilters = "--additionalSourceFilters"
static let ParamBazel = "--bazel"
// Xcode project generation mode:
static let ParamGeneratorConfigShort = "-c"
static let ParamGeneratorConfigLong = "--genconfig"
static let ParamNoOpenXcode = "--no-open-xcode"
// Tulsi project creation mode:
static let ParamCreateTulsiProj = "--create-tulsiproj"
static let ParamBuildStartupOptions = "--startup-options"
static let ParamBuildOptions = "--build-options"
static let ParamBuildTargetShort = "-t"
static let ParamBuildTargetLong = "--target"
let arguments: Arguments
let commandlineSentinalFound: Bool
var mode: OperationMode {
if arguments.generatorConfig != nil && arguments.tulsiprojName != nil { return .invalid }
if arguments.generatorConfig != nil { return .xcodeProjectGenerator }
if arguments.tulsiprojName != nil { return .tulsiProjectCreator }
return .invalid
init() {
var args = [String](CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst())
// See if the arguments are intended to be interpreted as commandline args.
if args.first != TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamCommandlineArgumentSentinal {
commandlineSentinalFound = false
arguments = Arguments()
commandlineSentinalFound = true
args = [String](args.dropFirst())
var parsedArguments = [String: Any]()
func storeValueAt(_ index: Int,
forArgument argumentName: String,
append: Bool = false,
transform: ((AnyObject) -> AnyObject) = { return $0 }) {
guard index < args.count else {
print("Missing required parameter for \(argumentName) option.")
let value = transform(args[index] as AnyObject)
if append {
if var existingArgs: [AnyObject] = parsedArguments[argumentName] as? [AnyObject] {
parsedArguments[argumentName] = existingArgs as AnyObject?
} else {
parsedArguments[argumentName] = [value]
} else {
parsedArguments[argumentName] = value
var i = 0
while i < args.count {
let arg = args[i]
i += 1
switch arg {
// Commmon:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamHelpShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamHelpLong:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamVerboseShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamVerboseLong:
parsedArguments[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamVerboseLong] = true as AnyObject?
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamQuietShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamQuietLong:
parsedArguments[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamQuietLong] = true as AnyObject?
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBazel:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBazel)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamOutputFolderShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamOutputFolderLong:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamOutputFolderLong)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamWorkspaceRootShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamWorkspaceRootLong:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamWorkspaceRootLong)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamAdditionalPathFilters:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamAdditionalPathFilters) { value -> AnyObject in
guard let valueString = value as? String else { return Set<String>() as AnyObject }
let pathFilters = valueString.components(separatedBy: " ").map() { path -> String in
if path.hasPrefix("//") {
return path.substring(from: path.characters.index(path.startIndex, offsetBy: 2))
return path
return Set(pathFilters) as AnyObject
i += 1
// Xcode project generation:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamGeneratorConfigShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamGeneratorConfigLong:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamGeneratorConfigLong)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamNoOpenXcode:
parsedArguments[TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamNoOpenXcode] = true as AnyObject?
// Tulsiproj creation:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamCreateTulsiProj:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamCreateTulsiProj)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildStartupOptions:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildStartupOptions)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildOptions:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildOptions)
i += 1
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildTargetShort:
case TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildTargetLong:
storeValueAt(i, forArgument: TulsiCommandlineParser.ParamBuildTargetLong, append: true)
i += 1
print("Ignoring unknown option \"\(arg)\"")
arguments = Arguments(dict: parsedArguments)
// MARK: - Private methods
private static func printUsage() {
let usage = [
"Usage: \(CommandLine.arguments[0]) -- <mode_option> [options]",
"Tulsi will operate in one of two modes based on the mode_option:",
" - \(ParamGeneratorConfigLong): generates an Xcode project.",
" - \(ParamCreateTulsiProj): generates a basic Tulsi project.",
"Xcode project generation specific options:",
" \(ParamGeneratorConfigLong) <config>:",
" Generates an Xcode project using the given generator config. The config must be",
" expressed as the path to a Tulsi project, optionally followed by a colon \":\"",
" and a config name.",
" e.g., \"/path/to/MyProject.tulsiproj:MyConfig\"",
" omitting the trailing colon/config will attempt to use a config with the same name",
" as the project. i.e.",
" \"MyProject.tulsiproj\"",
" is equivalent to ",
" \"MyProject.tulsiproj:MyProject\"",
" \(ParamNoOpenXcode): Do not automatically open the generated project in Xcode.",
" \(ParamCreateTulsiProj) <tulsiproj_bundle_name>:",
" Generates a Tulsi project suitable for building the given Bazel target.",
" \(ParamBazel) and \(ParamOutputFolderLong) MUST be provided with this option.",
" \(ParamBuildTargetLong) <target_label>: The Bazel build label for a target that should be built by this project.",
" \(ParamBuildStartupOptions) <options>: Uses the given options as Bazel build startup options.",
" \(ParamBuildOptions) <options>: Uses the given options as Bazel build options.",
"Common options:",
" \(ParamHelpLong): Show this help message.",
" \(ParamBazel) <path>: Path to the Bazel binary.",
" \(ParamWorkspaceRootLong) <path>: Path to the folder containing the Bazel WORKSPACE file.",
" \(ParamOutputFolderLong) <path>: Sets the folder into which the generated content should be saved.",
" \(ParamVerboseLong): Show additional debug info, can be helpful for debugging bazel invocations.",
" Overrides \(ParamQuietLong) if both are present. ",
" \(ParamQuietLong): Hide all debug info messages (warning: may also hide some error details).",
" \(ParamAdditionalPathFilters) \"<paths>\": Space-delimited source filters to be included in the generated project.",
print(usage.joined(separator: "\n") + "\n")