blob: 0182eec89e02088426ef369e05d580d95f21b751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// Provides functionality to generate an Xcode project from a TulsiGeneratorConfig.
public final class TulsiXcodeProjectGenerator {
public enum GeneratorError: Error {
/// General Xcode project creation failure with associated debug info.
case serializationFailed(String)
/// The project config included an entry with the associated unsupported type.
case unsupportedTargetType(String)
public static let ScriptDirectorySubpath = XcodeProjectGenerator.ScriptDirectorySubpath
public static let ConfigDirectorySubpath = XcodeProjectGenerator.ConfigDirectorySubpath
let xcodeProjectGenerator: XcodeProjectGenerator
public convenience init (workspaceRootURL: URL,
config: TulsiGeneratorConfig,
tulsiVersion: String) {
self.init(workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
config: config,
extractorBazelURL: config.bazelURL as URL,
tulsiVersion: tulsiVersion)
init(workspaceRootURL: URL,
config: TulsiGeneratorConfig,
extractorBazelURL: URL,
tulsiVersion: String) {
let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
let localizedMessageLogger = LocalizedMessageLogger(bundle: bundle)
let resourceURLs = XcodeProjectGenerator.ResourceSourcePathURLs(
buildScript: bundle.url(forResource: "bazel_build", withExtension: "py")!,
cleanScript: bundle.url(forResource: "bazel_clean", withExtension: "sh")!,
postProcessor: bundle.url(forResource: "post_processor",
withExtension: "",
subdirectory: "Utilities")!,
uiRunnerEntitlements: bundle.url(forResource: "XCTRunner", withExtension: "entitlements")!,
stubInfoPlist: bundle.url(forResource: "StubInfoPlist", withExtension: "plist")!,
stubIOSAppExInfoPlist: bundle.url(forResource: "StubIOSAppExtensionInfoPlist", withExtension: "plist")!,
stubWatchOS2InfoPlist: bundle.url(forResource: "StubWatchOS2InfoPlist", withExtension: "plist")!,
stubWatchOS2AppExInfoPlist: bundle.url(forResource: "StubWatchOS2AppExtensionInfoPlist", withExtension: "plist")!,
bazelWorkspaceFile: bundle.url(forResource: "WORKSPACE", withExtension: nil)!,
tulsiPackageFiles: bundle.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: nil, subdirectory: "tulsi")!)
// Note: A new extractor is created on each generate in order to allow users to modify their
// BUILD files (or add new files to glob's) and regenerate without restarting Tulsi.
let extractor = BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractor(bazelURL: extractorBazelURL,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
xcodeProjectGenerator = XcodeProjectGenerator(workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
config: config,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger,
workspaceInfoExtractor: extractor,
resourceURLs: resourceURLs,
tulsiVersion: tulsiVersion)
/// Generates an Xcode project bundle in the given folder.
/// NOTE: This may be a long running operation.
public func generateXcodeProjectInFolder(_ outputFolderURL: URL) throws -> URL {
do {
return try xcodeProjectGenerator.generateXcodeProjectInFolder(outputFolderURL)
} catch PBXTargetGenerator.ProjectSerializationError.unsupportedTargetType(let targetType) {
throw GeneratorError.unsupportedTargetType(targetType)
} catch PBXTargetGenerator.ProjectSerializationError.generalFailure(let info) {
throw GeneratorError.serializationFailed(info)
} catch XcodeProjectGenerator.ProjectGeneratorError.serializationFailed(let info) {
throw GeneratorError.serializationFailed(info)
} catch XcodeProjectGenerator.ProjectGeneratorError.labelResolutionFailed(let labels) {
throw GeneratorError.serializationFailed("Failed to resolve labels: \(labels)")
} catch let e as NSError {
throw GeneratorError.serializationFailed("Unexpected exception \(e.localizedDescription)")
} catch let e {
throw GeneratorError.serializationFailed("Unexpected exception \(e)")