Adds a step to preboot a simulator before attempting to run a test on it. Also bumps the simulator to an 'iPhone XS' running iOS 12.1.

Also made changes to ensure each test case is hermetic. A fresh simulator is created before any tests are run and deleted after all tests have completed. The simulator is booted and launched before each test case and is shutdown and wiped after each test case.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 233635794
diff --git a/src/TulsiEndToEndTests/TulsiEndToEndTest.swift b/src/TulsiEndToEndTests/TulsiEndToEndTest.swift
index 5a70346..1c163c9 100644
--- a/src/TulsiEndToEndTests/TulsiEndToEndTest.swift
+++ b/src/TulsiEndToEndTests/TulsiEndToEndTest.swift
@@ -21,31 +21,92 @@
 // Parent class for end to end tests that generate an xcodeproj with the Tulsi binary and verify the
 // generated xcodeproj by running the projects unit tests.
 class TulsiEndToEndTest: BazelIntegrationTestCase {
+  fileprivate static let simulatorName = "tulsie2e-\(UUID().uuidString.prefix(8))"
   let fileManager = FileManager.default
   var runfilesWorkspaceURL: URL! = nil
+  // Creates a new simulator, for use with testing generated projects, before any tests run.
+  override class func setUp() {
+    super.setUp()
+    let targetDevice = "iPhone XS"
+    let targetVersion = "12.1"
+    let deviceName = targetDevice.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "-")
+    let deviceVersion = targetVersion.replacingOccurrences(of: ".", with: "-")
+    let typeId = "\(deviceName)"
+    let runtimeId = "\(deviceVersion)"
+    let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync("/usr/bin/xcrun",
+                                                         arguments: ["simctl",
+                                                                     "create",
+                                                                     TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName,
+                                                                     typeId,
+                                                                     runtimeId])
+    if completionInfo.terminationStatus != 0 {
+      if let stderr = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !stderr.isEmpty {
+        XCTFail("\(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with error: \(stderr)")
+      } else {
+        XCTFail("\(completionInfo.commandlineString) encountered an error. Exit code \(completionInfo.terminationStatus).")
+      }
+    }
+    // 'simctl' should output the UUID of the new simulator if it was created succesfully.
+    if let stdout = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8), stdout.isEmpty {
+      XCTFail("No UUID was ouputted for newly created simulator.")
+    }
+  }
+  // Deletes the simulator created after all tests have run.
+  override class func tearDown() {
+    super.tearDown()
+    let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync("/usr/bin/xcrun",
+                                                         arguments: ["simctl",
+                                                                     "delete",
+                                                                     TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName])
+    if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
+      print("""
+            \(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)
+            Error: \(error)
+            """)
+    }
+  }
+  // Unzips Tulsi and boots the simulator before each test case.
   override func setUp() {
     super.continueAfterFailure = false
     runfilesWorkspaceURL = fakeBazelWorkspace.runfilesWorkspaceURL
     XCTAssertNotNil(runfilesWorkspaceURL, "runfilesWorkspaceURL must be not be nil after setup.")
-    // Unzip the bundle to the temp space.
-    let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
-    let tulsiZipPath = ""
-    let tulsiZipURL = runfilesWorkspaceURL.appendingPathComponent(tulsiZipPath, isDirectory: false)
-    let process = TulsiProcessRunner.createProcess("/usr/bin/unzip",
-                                                   arguments: [tulsiZipURL.path,
-                                                               "-d",
-                                                               workspaceRootURL.path]) {
-      completionInfo in
-        if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
-          XCTFail(error)
-        }
-        semaphore.signal()
+    // Extracting only needs to be done once but we can't do this during the class 'setUp' function
+    // because we need access to instance variables. Instead, check here if Tulsi has already been
+    // extracted.
+    if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent("").path) {
+      // Unzip the bundle to the temp space.
+      let tulsiZipPath = ""
+      let tulsiZipURL = runfilesWorkspaceURL.appendingPathComponent(tulsiZipPath, isDirectory: false)
+      let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync("/usr/bin/unzip",
+                                                           arguments: [tulsiZipURL.path,
+                                                                       "-d",
+                                                                       workspaceRootURL.path])
+      if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
+        XCTFail(error)
+      }
-    process.launch()
-    _ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
+    // Boots the simulator in the background.
+    self.runSimctlCommand("boot", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
+  }
+  // Shuts down and erases the simulator after each test case.
+  override func tearDown() {
+    super.tearDown()
+    self.runSimctlCommand("shutdown", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
+    self.runSimctlCommand("erase", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
   // Takes a short path to data files and adds them to the fake Bazel workspace.
@@ -79,27 +140,22 @@
     let configPath = projectURL.path + ":" + config
     // Generate Xcode project with Tulsi.
-    let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
-    let process = TulsiProcessRunner.createProcess(tulsiBinURL.path,
-                                                   arguments: ["--",
-                                                               "--genconfig",
-                                                               configPath,
-                                                               "--outputfolder",
-                                                               workspaceRootURL.path,
-                                                               "--bazel",
-                                                               bazelURL.path,
-                                                               "--no-open-xcode"]) {
-      completionInfo in
-        if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8) {
-          print(stdoutput)
-        }
-        if let erroutput = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8) {
-          print(erroutput)
-        }
-        semaphore.signal()
+    let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(tulsiBinURL.path,
+                                                         arguments: ["--",
+                                                                     "--genconfig",
+                                                                     configPath,
+                                                                     "--outputfolder",
+                                                                     workspaceRootURL.path,
+                                                                     "--bazel",
+                                                                     bazelURL.path,
+                                                                     "--no-open-xcode"])
+    if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8) {
+      print(stdoutput)
-    process.launch()
-    _ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
+    if let erroutput = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8) {
+      print(erroutput)
+    }
     let filename = TulsiGeneratorConfig.sanitizeFilename("\(config).xcodeproj")
     let xcodeProjectURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(filename, isDirectory: true)
@@ -121,28 +177,43 @@
   // Runs Xcode tests on the given Xcode project and scheme.
   func testXcodeProject(_ xcodeProjectURL: URL, scheme: String) {
-    let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
-    let xcodeTest = TulsiProcessRunner.createProcess("/usr/bin/xcodebuild",
-                                                       arguments: ["test",
-                                                                   "-project",
-                                                                   xcodeProjectURL.path,
-                                                                   "-scheme",
-                                                                   scheme,
-                                                                   "-destination",
-                                                                   "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=11.2"]) {
-      completionInfo in
-        if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8),
-          let result = stdoutput.split(separator: "\n").last {
-          XCTAssertEqual(String(result), "** TEST SUCCEEDED **", "xcodebuild did not return test success.")
-        } else if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
-          XCTFail(error)
-        } else {
-          XCTFail("Xcode project tests did not return  success.")
-        }
-        semaphore.signal()
+    let destination = "platform=iOS Simulator,name=\(TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)"
+    let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync("/usr/bin/xcodebuild",
+                                                         arguments: ["test",
+                                                                     "-project",
+                                                                     xcodeProjectURL.path,
+                                                                     "-scheme",
+                                                                     scheme,
+                                                                     "-destination",
+                                                                     destination])
+    if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8),
+      let result = stdoutput.split(separator: "\n").last {
+      if (String(result) != "** TEST SUCCEEDED **") {
+        print(stdoutput)
+        XCTFail("\(completionInfo.commandlineString) did not return test sucess. Exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)")
+      }
+    } else if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
+      XCTFail(error)
+    } else {
+      XCTFail("Xcode project tests did not return  success.")
-    xcodeTest.launch()
-    _ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
+  }
+  // Runs 'simctl' in a subprocess with whatever command (i.e. boot, shutdown, delete, etc) and
+  // target simulator specified.
+  fileprivate func runSimctlCommand(_ command: String, onSimulator target: String) {
+    let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync("/usr/bin/xcrun",
+                                              arguments: ["simctl",
+                                                          command,
+                                                          target])
+    if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
+      print("""
+            \(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)
+            Error: \(error)
+            """)
+    }