blob: 83fed20e9cfa00cefe5950b541d6d75da4405410 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
// Concrete extractor that utilizes Bazel query ( and aspects to
// extract information from a workspace.
final class BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractor: BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractorProtocol {
var bazelURL: URL {
get { return queryExtractor.bazelURL as URL }
set {
queryExtractor.bazelURL = newValue
aspectExtractor.bazelURL = newValue
/// Returns the workspace relative path to the bazel bin symlink. Note that this may block.
var bazelBinPath: String {
return workspacePathInfoFetcher.getBazelBinPath()
/// Returns the absolute path to the execution root of this Bazel workspace. This may block.
var bazelExecutionRoot: String {
return workspacePathInfoFetcher.getExecutionRoot()
/// Fetcher object from which a workspace's path info may be obtained.
private let workspacePathInfoFetcher: BazelWorkspacePathInfoFetcher
private let aspectExtractor: BazelAspectInfoExtractor
private let queryExtractor: BazelQueryInfoExtractor
// Cache of all RuleEntry instances loaded for the associated project.
private var ruleEntryCache = RuleEntryMap()
// The set of labels for which a test_suite query has been run (to prevent duplicate queries).
private var attemptedTestSuiteLabels = Set<BuildLabel>()
init(bazelURL: URL, workspaceRootURL: URL, localizedMessageLogger: LocalizedMessageLogger) {
workspacePathInfoFetcher = BazelWorkspacePathInfoFetcher(bazelURL: bazelURL,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
aspectExtractor = BazelAspectInfoExtractor(bazelURL: bazelURL,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
queryExtractor = BazelQueryInfoExtractor(bazelURL: bazelURL,
workspaceRootURL: workspaceRootURL,
localizedMessageLogger: localizedMessageLogger)
// MARK: - BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractorProtocol
func extractRuleInfoFromProject(_ project: TulsiProject) -> [RuleInfo] {
return queryExtractor.extractTargetRulesFromPackages(project.bazelPackages)
func ruleEntriesForLabels(_ labels: [BuildLabel],
startupOptions: TulsiOption,
buildOptions: TulsiOption,
useAspectForTestSuitesOption: TulsiOption) throws -> RuleEntryMap {
func isLabelMissing(_ label: BuildLabel) -> Bool {
return !ruleEntryCache.hasAnyRuleEntry(withBuildLabel: label)
let missingLabels = labels.filter(isLabelMissing)
if missingLabels.isEmpty { return ruleEntryCache }
let commandLineSplitter = CommandLineSplitter()
func splitOptionString(_ options: String?) -> [String] {
guard let options = options else { return [] }
return commandLineSplitter.splitCommandLine(options) ?? []
let startupOptions = splitOptionString(startupOptions.commonValue)
let buildOptions = splitOptionString(buildOptions.commonValue)
let useAspectForTestSuites = useAspectForTestSuitesOption.commonValueAsBool ?? true
do {
let ruleEntryMap =
try aspectExtractor.extractRuleEntriesForLabels(labels,
startupOptions: startupOptions,
buildOptions: buildOptions,
useAspectForTestSuites: useAspectForTestSuites)
ruleEntryCache = RuleEntryMap(ruleEntryMap)
} catch BazelAspectInfoExtractor.ExtractorError.buildFailed {
throw BazelWorkspaceInfoExtractorError.aspectExtractorFailed("Bazel aspects could not be built.")
// If we use fetch the test_suites from the Aspect, no further work is needed.
guard !useAspectForTestSuites else {
return ruleEntryCache
// Because certain label types are expanded by Bazel prior to aspect invocation (most notably
// test_suite rules), an additional pass is attempted if any of the requested labels are still
// missing after the aspect run.
let remainingMissingLabels = missingLabels.filter() {
return isLabelMissing($0) && !attemptedTestSuiteLabels.contains($0)
if !remainingMissingLabels.isEmpty {
attemptedTestSuiteLabels.forEach() { attemptedTestSuiteLabels.insert($0) }
return ruleEntryCache
func extractBuildfiles<T: Collection>(_ forTargets: T) -> Set<BuildLabel> where T.Iterator.Element == BuildLabel {
return queryExtractor.extractBuildfiles(forTargets)
func logQueuedInfoMessages() {
func hasQueuedInfoMessages() -> Bool {
return aspectExtractor.hasQueuedInfoMessages || queryExtractor.hasQueuedInfoMessages
// MARK: - Private methods
private func extractTestSuiteRules(_ labels: [BuildLabel]) {
let testSuiteDependencies = queryExtractor.extractTestSuiteRules(labels)
for (ruleInfo, possibleExpansions) in testSuiteDependencies {
ruleEntryCache.insert(ruleEntry: RuleEntry(label: ruleInfo.label,
type: ruleInfo.type,
attributes: [:],
weakDependencies: possibleExpansions))