blob: a6a256e1404c18d62d602c8380a9684d4c5d2655 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import XCTest
@testable import BazelIntegrationTestCase
@testable import TulsiGenerator
// Parent class for end to end tests that generate an xcodeproj with the Tulsi binary and verify the
// generated xcodeproj by running the projects unit tests.
class TulsiEndToEndTest: BazelIntegrationTestCase {
fileprivate static let simulatorName = "tulsie2e-\(UUID().uuidString.prefix(8))"
fileprivate static let targetVersion = "16.2"
let fileManager = FileManager.default
var runfilesWorkspaceURL: URL! = nil
// Calling XCTFail() in a setUp() function will cause the test to crash and hide any logs.
// Instead, explicitly log that a set up error occured.
static func setUpFailure(_ msg: String) {
print("SETUP FAILURE: \(msg)")
// Creates a new simulator, for use with testing generated projects, before any tests run.
override class func setUp() {
let targetDevice = "iPhone 14 Pro"
let deviceName = targetDevice.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "-")
let deviceVersion = TulsiEndToEndTest.targetVersion.replacingOccurrences(of: ".", with: "-")
let typeId = "\(deviceName)"
let runtimeId = "\(deviceVersion)"
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
if completionInfo.terminationStatus != 0 {
if let stderr = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !stderr.isEmpty {
"\(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with error: \(stderr)")
} else {
"\(completionInfo.commandlineString) encountered an error. Exit code \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)."
// 'simctl' should output the UUID of the new simulator if it was created successfully.
if let stdout = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8), stdout.isEmpty {
TulsiEndToEndTest.setUpFailure("No UUID was ouputted for newly created simulator.")
// Deletes the simulator created after all tests have run.
override class func tearDown() {
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
\(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)
Error: \(error)
// Unzips Tulsi and boots the simulator before each test case.
override func setUp() {
super.continueAfterFailure = false
runfilesWorkspaceURL = fakeBazelWorkspace.runfilesWorkspaceURL
XCTAssertNotNil(runfilesWorkspaceURL, "runfilesWorkspaceURL must be not be nil after setup.")
// Extracting only needs to be done once but we can't do this during the class 'setUp' function
// because we need access to instance variables. Instead, check here if Tulsi has already been
// extracted.
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent("").path) {
// Unzip the bundle to the temp space.
let tulsiZipPath = ""
let tulsiZipURL = runfilesWorkspaceURL.appendingPathComponent(
tulsiZipPath, isDirectory: false)
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
// Boots the simulator in the background.
self.runSimctlCommand("boot", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
// Shuts down and erases the simulator after each test case.
override func tearDown() {
self.runSimctlCommand("shutdown", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
self.runSimctlCommand("erase", onSimulator: TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName)
// Takes a short path to data files and adds them to the fake Bazel workspace.
func copyDataToFakeWorkspace(_ path: String) -> Bool {
let sourceURL = runfilesWorkspaceURL.appendingPathComponent(path, isDirectory: false)
let destURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(path, isDirectory: false)
do {
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: sourceURL.path) {
XCTFail("Source file \(sourceURL.path) does not exist.")
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destURL.path) {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: destURL)
// Symlinks cause issues with Tulsi and Storyboards so must deep copy any data files.
try fileManager.deepCopyItem(at: sourceURL, to: destURL)
return true
} catch let e as NSError {
return false
// Runs the Tulsi binary with the given Tulsi project and config to generate an Xcode project.
func generateXcodeProject(tulsiProject path: String, config: String) -> URL {
let tulsiBinURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(
"", isDirectory: false)
XCTAssert(fileManager.fileExists(atPath: tulsiBinURL.path), "Tulsi binary is missing.")
let projectURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(path, isDirectory: true)
XCTAssert(fileManager.fileExists(atPath: projectURL.path), "Tulsi project is missing.")
let configPath = projectURL.path + ":" + config
var args: [String] = [
if !bazelBuildOptions.isEmpty {
args.append(bazelBuildOptions.joined(separator: " "))
// Generate Xcode project with Tulsi.
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: args)
if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8) {
if let erroutput = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8) {
let filename = TulsiGeneratorConfig.sanitizeFilename("\(config).xcodeproj")
let xcodeProjectURL = workspaceRootURL.appendingPathComponent(filename, isDirectory: true)
// Remove Xcode project after each test method.
addTeardownBlock {
do {
if self.fileManager.fileExists(atPath: xcodeProjectURL.path) {
try self.fileManager.removeItem(at: xcodeProjectURL)
XCTAssertFalse(self.fileManager.fileExists(atPath: xcodeProjectURL.path))
} catch {
XCTFail("Error while deleting generated Xcode project: \(error)")
return xcodeProjectURL
/// Returns the "json" style dictionary of a project.
/// - Parameters:
/// - xcodeProjectURL: URL of project.
/// - Returns
/// - Dictionary of string to json style objects.
fileprivate func xcodeProjectDictionary(_ xcodeProjectURL: URL) -> [String: Any]? {
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
guard let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8),
else {
if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
} else {
XCTFail("Xcode project tests did not return success.")
return nil
let jsonDeserialized = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(
with: completionInfo.stdout, options: [])
else {
XCTFail("Unable to decode from json: \(stdoutput)")
return nil
guard let jsonResponse = jsonDeserialized as? [String: Any] else {
XCTFail("Unable to decode from json as [String: Any]: \(stdoutput)")
return nil
guard let project = jsonResponse["project"] as? [String: Any] else {
XCTFail("Unable to extract project from \(jsonResponse)")
return nil
return project
/// Returns targets of a project.
/// - Parameters:
/// - xcodeProjectURL: URL of project.
/// - Returns
/// - Array of target names.
func targetsOfXcodeProject(_ xcodeProjectURL: URL) -> [String] {
guard let project = xcodeProjectDictionary(xcodeProjectURL) else {
XCTFail("Unable to extract project for \(xcodeProjectURL)")
return []
guard let targets = project["targets"] as? [String] else {
XCTFail("Unable to extract targets from \(project)")
return []
return targets
/// Builds an Xcode Target
/// - Parameters:
/// - xcodeProjectURL: URL of project.
/// - target: target name
func buildXcodeTarget(_ xcodeProjectURL: URL, target: String, configuration: String = "Release") -> String {
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
// "destination" seems to be ignored when specifying a target, it might only apply
// when specifying a scheme. We will not actually be running artifacts from this
// build on a specifix device anyway so instead specify values to indicate we are
// building for an iOS simulator.
if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8),
let result = stdoutput.split(separator: "\n").last
if (String(result) != "** BUILD SUCCEEDED **") {
"\(completionInfo.commandlineString) did not return build success. Exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)"
return String(stdoutput)
} else if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
} else {
XCTFail("Xcode project build did not return success \(xcodeProjectURL):\(target).")
return ""
// Runs Xcode tests on the given Xcode project and scheme. This verifies that
// the test passes and that rsync behavior is used to copy files.
func testXcodeProject(_ xcodeProjectURL: URL, scheme: String) {
let destination
= "platform=iOS Simulator,name=\(TulsiEndToEndTest.simulatorName),OS=\(TulsiEndToEndTest.targetVersion)"
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
// Use the device created specifically for this test for hermicity.
if let stdoutput = String(data: completionInfo.stdout, encoding: .utf8),
let result = stdoutput.split(separator: "\n").last
XCTAssert(stdoutput.contains("Rsyncing"), "Failed to find 'Rsyncing' in:\n\(stdoutput)")
if (String(result) != "** TEST SUCCEEDED **") {
"\(completionInfo.commandlineString) did not return test success. Exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)"
} else if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
} else {
XCTFail("Xcode project tests did not return success \(xcodeProjectURL):\(scheme).")
// Runs 'simctl' in a subprocess with whatever command (i.e. boot, shutdown, delete, etc) and
// target simulator specified.
fileprivate func runSimctlCommand(_ command: String, onSimulator target: String) {
let completionInfo = ProcessRunner.launchProcessSync(
arguments: [
if let error = String(data: completionInfo.stderr, encoding: .utf8), !error.isEmpty {
\(completionInfo.commandlineString) failed with exit code: \(completionInfo.terminationStatus)
Error: \(error)
extension FileManager {
// Performs a deep copy of the item at sourceURL, resolving any symlinks along the way.
func deepCopyItem(at sourceURL: URL, to destURL: URL) throws {
do {
try self.createDirectory(
atPath: destURL.deletingLastPathComponent().path, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
let rootPath = sourceURL.path
if let rootAttributes = try? self.attributesOfItem(atPath: rootPath) {
if rootAttributes[FileAttributeKey.type] as? FileAttributeType == FileAttributeType
let resolvedRootPath = try self.destinationOfSymbolicLink(atPath: rootPath)
try self.copyItem(atPath: resolvedRootPath, toPath: destURL.path)
} else {
try self.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: destURL)
let path = destURL.path
if let paths = self.subpaths(atPath: path) {
for subpath in paths {
let fullSubpath = path + "/" + subpath
if let attributes = try? self.attributesOfItem(atPath: fullSubpath) {
// If a file is a symbolic link, find the original file, remove the symlink, and copy
// over the original file.
if attributes[FileAttributeKey.type] as? FileAttributeType == FileAttributeType
let resolvedPath = try self.destinationOfSymbolicLink(atPath: fullSubpath)
try self.removeItem(atPath: fullSubpath)
try self.copyItem(atPath: resolvedPath, toPath: fullSubpath)