blob: 4881524c7b35e54cc1fd83f53480c497878ca886 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Tulsi Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Foundation
/// Bazel feature settings that map to Bazel flags (start up or build options). These flags may
/// affect Bazel analysis/action caching and therefore should be kept consistent between all
/// invocations from Tulsi.
/// If adding a flag that does not impact Bazel caching, it can be added directly to
/// BazelSettingsProvider directly (either as a cacheableFlag or a configBasedFlag).
public enum BazelSettingFeature: Hashable, Pythonable {
/// Feature flag to normalize paths present in debug information via a Clang flag for distributed
/// builds (e.g. multiple distinct paths).
/// The use of this flag does not affect any sources built by swiftc. At present time, all Swift
/// compiled sources will be built with uncacheable, absolute paths, as the Swift compiler does
/// not provide an easy means of similarly normalizing all debug information.
case DebugPathNormalization
/// Presence of Swift forces dSYMs to be enabled. dSYMS were previously required for debugging.
/// See
case SwiftForcesdSYMs
/// Build using tree artifact outputs (--define=apple.experimental.tree_artifact_outputs=1).
/// Should only be disabled if it causes errors.
/// Known issues:
/// - Bundles with spaces in the name
case TreeArtifactOutputs
/// All intermediate outputs are downloaded regardless of whether they are requested at the top
/// level.
case OutputAllIntermediates
/// TODO(b/111928007): Remove this and/or BazelSettingFeature once DebugPathNormalization is
/// supported by all builds.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .DebugPathNormalization:
return "DebugPathNormalization"
case .SwiftForcesdSYMs:
return "SwiftForcesdSYMs"
case .TreeArtifactOutputs:
return "TreeArtifactOutputs"
case .OutputAllIntermediates:
return "OutputAllIntermediates"
public var hashValue: Int {
return stringValue.hashValue
public static func ==(lhs: BazelSettingFeature, rhs: BazelSettingFeature) -> Bool {
return lhs.stringValue == rhs.stringValue
public var supportsSwift: Bool {
switch self {
case .DebugPathNormalization:
/// Technically this doesn't support swiftc, but we now support this feature for
/// Cxx compilation alongside swift compilation.
return true
case .SwiftForcesdSYMs:
return true
case .TreeArtifactOutputs:
return true
case .OutputAllIntermediates:
return true
public var supportsNonSwift: Bool {
switch self {
case .DebugPathNormalization:
return true
case .SwiftForcesdSYMs:
return false
case .TreeArtifactOutputs:
return true
case .OutputAllIntermediates:
return true
/// Start up flags for this feature.
public var startupFlags: [String] {
return []
/// Build flags for this feature.
public var buildFlags: [String] {
switch self {
case .DebugPathNormalization: return ["--features=debug_prefix_map_pwd_is_dot"]
case .SwiftForcesdSYMs: return ["--apple_generate_dsym"]
case .TreeArtifactOutputs: return ["--define=apple.experimental.tree_artifact_outputs=1"]
case .OutputAllIntermediates: return ["--config=no_fuseless_with_local_outputs"]
func toPython(_ indentation: String) -> String {
return stringValue.toPython(indentation)
/// Defines an object that provides flags for Bazel invocations.
protocol BazelSettingsProviderProtocol {
/// Universal flags for all Bazel invocations.
var universalFlags: BazelFlags { get }
/// All general-Tulsi flags, varying based on whether the project has Swift or not.
func tulsiFlags(hasSwift: Bool,
options: TulsiOptionSet?,
features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>) -> BazelFlagsSet
/// Bazel build settings, used during Xcode/user Bazel builds.
func buildSettings(bazel: String,
bazelExecRoot: String,
options: TulsiOptionSet,
features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>,
buildRuleEntries: Set<RuleEntry>) -> BazelBuildSettings
class BazelSettingsProvider: BazelSettingsProviderProtocol {
/// Non-cacheable flags added by Tulsi for dbg (Debug) builds.
static let tulsiDebugFlags = BazelFlags(build: ["--compilation_mode=dbg"])
/// Non-cacheable flags added by Tulsi for opt (Release) builds.
static let tulsiReleaseFlags = BazelFlags(build: [
/// Non-cacheable flags added by Tulsi for all builds.
static let tulsiCommonNonCacheableFlags = BazelFlags(build: [
/// Cache-able flags added by Tulsi for builds.
static let tulsiCacheableFlags = BazelFlagsSet(buildFlags: ["--announce_rc"])
/// Non-cacheable flags added by Tulsi for builds.
static let tulsiNonCacheableFlags = BazelFlagsSet(debug: tulsiDebugFlags,
release: tulsiReleaseFlags,
common: tulsiCommonNonCacheableFlags)
/// Universal flags that apply to all Bazel invocations (even queries).
let universalFlags: BazelFlags
/// Cache-able flags for builds.
let cacheableFlags: BazelFlagsSet
/// Non-cacheable flags for builds. Avoid changing these if possible.
let nonCacheableFlags: BazelFlagsSet
/// Flags used for targets which depend on Swift.
let swiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet
/// Flags used for targets which do not depend on Swift.
let nonSwiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet
public convenience init(universalFlags: BazelFlags) {
self.init(universalFlags: universalFlags,
cacheableFlags: BazelSettingsProvider.tulsiCacheableFlags,
nonCacheableFlags: BazelSettingsProvider.tulsiNonCacheableFlags,
swiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet(),
nonSwiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet())
public init(universalFlags: BazelFlags,
cacheableFlags: BazelFlagsSet,
nonCacheableFlags: BazelFlagsSet,
swiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet,
nonSwiftFlags: BazelFlagsSet) {
self.universalFlags = universalFlags
self.cacheableFlags = cacheableFlags
self.nonCacheableFlags = nonCacheableFlags
self.swiftFlags = swiftFlags
self.nonSwiftFlags = nonSwiftFlags
func tulsiFlags(hasSwift: Bool,
options: TulsiOptionSet?,
features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>) -> BazelFlagsSet {
let optionFlags: BazelFlagsSet
if let options = options {
optionFlags = optionsBasedFlags(options)
} else {
optionFlags = BazelFlagsSet()
let languageFlags = (hasSwift ? swiftFlags : nonSwiftFlags) + featureFlags(features,
hasSwift: hasSwift)
return cacheableFlags + optionFlags + BazelFlagsSet(common: universalFlags) +
nonCacheableFlags + languageFlags
/// Non-cacheable Bazel flags based off of BazelSettingFeatures for the project.
func featureFlags(_ features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>, hasSwift: Bool) -> BazelFlagsSet {
let validFeatures = features.filter { return hasSwift ? $0.supportsSwift : $0.supportsNonSwift }
let sortedFeatures = validFeatures.sorted { (a, b) -> Bool in
return a.stringValue > b.stringValue
let startupFlags = sortedFeatures.reduce(into: []) { (arr, feature) in
arr.append(contentsOf: feature.startupFlags)
let buildFlags = sortedFeatures.reduce(into: []) { (arr, feature) in
arr.append(contentsOf: feature.buildFlags)
return BazelFlagsSet(startupFlags: startupFlags, buildFlags: buildFlags)
/// Returns an array of the enabled features' names.
func featureNames(_ features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>, hasSwift: Bool) -> [String] {
let validFeatures = features.filter { return hasSwift ? $0.supportsSwift : $0.supportsNonSwift }
return validFeatures.sorted { (a, b) -> Bool in
return a.stringValue > b.stringValue
}.map { $0.stringValue }
/// Cache-able Bazel flags based off TulsiOptions, used to generate BazelBuildSettings. This
/// should only add flags that do not affect Bazel analysis/action caching; flags that are based
/// off of TulsiOptions but do affect Bazel caching should instead be added to as
/// BazelSettingFeatures.
func optionsBasedFlags(_ options: TulsiOptionSet) -> BazelFlagsSet {
var configBasedTulsiFlags = [String]()
if let continueBuildingAfterError = options[.BazelContinueBuildingAfterError].commonValueAsBool,
continueBuildingAfterError {
return BazelFlagsSet(buildFlags: configBasedTulsiFlags)
func buildSettings(bazel: String,
bazelExecRoot: String,
options: TulsiOptionSet,
features: Set<BazelSettingFeature>,
buildRuleEntries: Set<RuleEntry>) -> BazelBuildSettings {
let projDefaultSettings = getProjDefaultSettings(options)
var targetSettings = [String: BazelFlagsSet]()
// Create a Set of all targets which have specialized Bazel settings.
var labels = Set<String>()
labels.formUnion(getTargets(options, .BazelBuildOptionsDebug))
labels.formUnion(getTargets(options, .BazelBuildOptionsRelease))
labels.formUnion(getTargets(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug))
labels.formUnion(getTargets(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsRelease))
for lbl in labels {
guard let settings = getTargetSettings(options, lbl, defaultValue: projDefaultSettings) else {
targetSettings[lbl] = settings
let swiftRuleEntries = buildRuleEntries.filter {
$0.attributes[.has_swift_dependency] as? Bool ?? false
let swiftTargets = Set( { $0.label.value })
let tulsiSwiftFlags = swiftFlags + featureFlags(features, hasSwift: true)
let tulsiNonSwiftFlagSet = nonSwiftFlags + featureFlags(features, hasSwift: false)
let swiftFeatures = featureNames(features, hasSwift: true)
let nonSwiftFeatures = featureNames(features, hasSwift: false)
let defaultConfig: PlatformConfiguration
if let identifier = options[.ProjectGenerationPlatformConfiguration].commonValue,
let parsedConfig = PlatformConfiguration(identifier: identifier) {
defaultConfig = parsedConfig
} else {
defaultConfig = PlatformConfiguration.defaultConfiguration
return BazelBuildSettings(bazel: bazel,
bazelExecRoot: bazelExecRoot,
aspectsBzlLabel: options.aspectsBzlLabel,
defaultPlatformConfigIdentifier: defaultConfig.identifier,
platformConfigurationFlags: nil,
swiftTargets: swiftTargets,
tulsiCacheAffectingFlagsSet: BazelFlagsSet(common: universalFlags) + nonCacheableFlags,
tulsiCacheSafeFlagSet: cacheableFlags + optionsBasedFlags(options),
tulsiSwiftFlagSet: tulsiSwiftFlags,
tulsiNonSwiftFlagSet: tulsiNonSwiftFlagSet,
swiftFeatures: swiftFeatures,
nonSwiftFeatures: nonSwiftFeatures,
projDefaultFlagSet: projDefaultSettings,
projTargetFlagSets: targetSettings)
private func getValue(_ options: TulsiOptionSet, _ key: TulsiOptionKey, defaultValue: String)
-> String {
return options[key].commonValue ?? defaultValue
private func getTargets(_ options: TulsiOptionSet, _ key: TulsiOptionKey) -> [String] {
guard let targetValues = options[key].targetValues else { return [String]() }
return Array(targetValues.keys)
private func getTargetValue(_ options: TulsiOptionSet,
_ key: TulsiOptionKey,
_ target: String,
defaultValue: String) -> String {
return options[key, target] ?? defaultValue
private func getProjDefaultSettings(_ options: TulsiOptionSet) -> BazelFlagsSet {
let debugStartup = getValue(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug, defaultValue: "")
let debugBuild = getValue(options, .BazelBuildOptionsDebug, defaultValue: "")
let releaseStartup = getValue(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsRelease, defaultValue: "")
let releaseBuild = getValue(options, .BazelBuildOptionsRelease, defaultValue: "")
let debugFlags = BazelFlags(startupStr: debugStartup, buildStr: debugBuild)
let releaseFlags = BazelFlags(startupStr: releaseStartup, buildStr: releaseBuild)
return BazelFlagsSet(debug: debugFlags, release: releaseFlags)
private func getTargetSettings(_ options: TulsiOptionSet,
_ label: String,
defaultValue: BazelFlagsSet) -> BazelFlagsSet? {
let debugStartup = getTargetValue(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsDebug, label, defaultValue: "")
let debugBuild = getTargetValue(options, .BazelBuildOptionsDebug, label, defaultValue: "")
let releaseStartup = getTargetValue(options, .BazelBuildStartupOptionsRelease, label, defaultValue: "")
let releaseBuild = getTargetValue(options, .BazelBuildOptionsRelease, label, defaultValue: "")
let debugFlags = BazelFlags(startupStr: debugStartup, buildStr: debugBuild)
let releaseFlags = BazelFlags(startupStr: releaseStartup, buildStr: releaseBuild)
// Return nil if we have the same settings as the defaultValue.
guard debugFlags != defaultValue.debug
&& releaseFlags != defaultValue.release else {
return nil
return BazelFlagsSet(debug: debugFlags, release: releaseFlags)