blob: cbfb8a81b94bd4bd462e6ef9309d6dc0f31c048c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Repository Rules to generate toolchain configs for a container image.
The toolchain configs (+ platform) produced by this rule can be used to, e.g.,
run a remote build in which remote actions will run inside a container image.
Exposes the rbe_autoconfig macro that does the following:
- Pulls an rbe-ubuntu 16_04 image (using 'docker pull'). Image to pull can be overriden.
- Starts up a container using the pulled image, mounting either a small sample
project or the current project (if output_base is set).
- Installs the current version of Bazel (one currently running) on the container
(or the one passed in with optional attr). Container must have tools required to install
and run Bazel (i.e., a jdk, a C/C++ compiler, a python interpreter).
- Runs a bazel command to build the local_config_cc remote repository inside the container.
- Extracts local_config_cc produced files (inside the container) to the produced
remote repository.
- Produces a default BUILD file with platform and toolchain targets to use the container
in a remote build.
- Optionally copies the local_config_cc produced files to the project srcs under the
given output_base directory.
Add to your WORKSPACE file the following:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive", "http_file")
name = "bazel_toolchains",
urls = [
strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-<latest_commit>",
sha256 = "<sha256>",
bazel_toolchains_repositories = "repositories",
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:rbe_repo.bzl", "rbe_autoconfig")
# This is the simplest form of calling rbe_autoconfig.
# See below other examples, but your WORKSPACE should likely
# only need one single rbe_autoconfig target
name = "rbe_default",
# You can pass an optional output_base if you want the produced
# toolchain configs to be copied to your source tree (recommended).
name = "rbe_default_with_output_base",
output_base = "rbe-configs"
# If you are using a custom container for remote builds, just
# set some extra args (see also about env variables)
name = "rbe_my_custom_container",
registry = "",
registry = "my-project/my-base",
# tag is not supported, always use a digest
digest = "sha256:deadbeef",
For values of <latest_release> and other placeholders above, please see
the WORKSPACE file in this repo.
This rule depends on the value of the environment variable "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT"
when output_base is used.
This env var should be set to point to the absolute path root of your project.
Use the full absolute path to the project root (i.e., no '~', '../', or
other special chars).
There are two modes of using this repo rules:
1 - When output_base set (recommended; env var "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT" is required),
running the repo rule target will copy the toolchain config files to the
output_base folder in the project sources.
After that, you can run an RBE build pointing your crosstool_top flag to the
produced files. If output_base is set to "rbe-configs" (recommended):
bazel build ... \
--crosstool_top=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}:toolchain \
--host_javabase=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:jdk \
--javabase=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:jdk \
--host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--extra_execution_platforms=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:platform \
--host_platform=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:platform \
--platforms=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:platform \
--extra_toolchains=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/config:cc-toolchain \
... <other rbe flags> <build targets>
We recommend you check in the code in //rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}
so that most devs/your CI typically do not need to run this repo rule
in order to do a remote build (i.e., once files are checked in,
you do not need to run this rule until there is a new version of Bazel
you want to support running with, or you need to update your container).
2 - When output_base is not set (env var "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT" is not required),
running this rule will create targets in the
external repository (e.g., rbe_default) which can be used to point your
flags to:
bazel build ... \
--crosstool_top=@rbe_default//rbe_config_cc:toolchain \
--host_javabase=@rbe_default//config:jdk \
--javabase=@rbe_default//config:jdk \
--host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--extra_execution_platforms=@rbe_default//config:platform \
--host_platform=@rbe_default//config:platform \
--platforms=@rbe_default//config:platform \
--extra_toolchains=@rbe_default//config:cc-toolchain \
Note running bazel clean --expunge_async, or otherwise modifying attrs or
env variables used by this rule will trigger it to re-execute. Running this
repo rule takes some time as it needs to pull a container, run it, and then
run some commands inside. We recommend you use output_base and check in the produced
files so you dont need to run this rule with every clean build.
The {bazel_version} above corresponds to the version of bazel installed locally.
Note you can override this version and pass an optional rc# if desired.
Running this rule with a non release version (e.g., built from source) will not work.
If running with bazel built from source you must pass a bazel_version and bazel_rc
to rbe_autoconfig. Also, note the bazel_version bazel_rc must be published in
Note this is a very not hermetic repository rule that can actually change the
contents of your project sources. While this is generally not recommended by
Bazel, its the only reasonable way to get a rule that can produce valid
toolchains / platforms that need to be made available to Bazel before execution
of any build actions.
Note: this rule expects the following utilities to be installed and available on
the PATH:
- docker
- tar
- bash utilities (e.g., cp, mv, rm, etc)
- docker authentication to pull the desired container should be set up
(rbe-ubuntu16-04 does not require any auth setup currently).
Known limitations:
- This rule cannot be executed inside a docker container.
- This rule can only run in Linux.
# External folder is set to be deprecated, lets keep it here for easy
# refactoring
_BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR = "/bazel-config"
_CONFIG_REPOS = ["local_config_cc"]
_PLATFORM_DIR = "config"
_PROJECT_REPO_DIR = "project_src"
_OUTPUT_DIR = _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/autoconf_out"
_RBE_CONFIG_DIR = "rbe_config_cc"
# We use '' to not require users to do gcloud login
_RBE_UBUNTU_REPO = "google/rbe-ubuntu16-04"
def _impl(ctx):
"""Core implementation of _rbe_autoconfig repository rule."""
# Perform some safety checks
project_root = ctx.os.environ.get(_RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT, None)
use_default_project = False
if not project_root:
if ctx.attr.output_base:
fail(("%s env variable must be set for rbe_autoconfig" +
" to function properly when output_base is set") % _RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT)
# Try to use the default project
# This is Bazel black magic, we're traversing the directories in the output_base,
# assuming that the bazel_toolchains external repo will exist in the
# expected path.
project_root = ctx.path(".").dirname.get_child("bazel_toolchains").get_child("rules").get_child("cc-sample-project")
if not project_root.exists:
fail(("Could not find default autoconf project in %s, please make sure " +
"the bazel-toolchains repo is properly imported in your workspace") % str(project_root))
project_root = str(project_root)
use_default_project = True
name =
outputs_tar = + "_out.tar"
image_name = ctx.attr.registry + "/" + ctx.attr.repository + "@" + ctx.attr.digest
# Pull the image using 'docker pull'
_pull_image(ctx, image_name)
bazel_version = None
bazel_rc_version = None
if ctx.attr.bazel_version == "local":
bazel_version = str(extract_version_number(ctx.attr.bazel_version_fallback))
rc = parse_rc(native.bazel_version)
bazel_rc_version = rc if rc != -1 else None
if ctx.attr.bazel_version != "local":
bazel_version = ctx.attr.bazel_version
bazel_rc_version = ctx.attr.bazel_rc_version
# Get the value of JAVA_HOME to set in the produced
# java_runtime
java_home = _get_java_home(ctx, image_name)
# run the container and extract the autoconf directory
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc_version = bazel_rc_version,
image_name = image_name,
outputs_tar = outputs_tar,
project_root = project_root,
use_default_project = use_default_project,
# Create a default BUILD file with the platform + toolchain targets that
# will work with RBE with the produced toolchain
bazel_version = bazel_version,
image_name = image_name,
java_home = java_home,
name = name,
# Expand outputs to project dir if user requested it
bazel_version = bazel_version,
project_root = project_root,
# Convenience method to print results of execute (and fail on errors if needed).
# Verbose logging is enabled via a global var in this bzl file.
def _print_exec_results(prefix, exec_result, fail_on_error = False, args = None):
if _VERBOSE and exec_result.return_code != 0:
print(prefix + "::error::" + exec_result.stderr)
elif _VERBOSE:
print(prefix + "::success::" + exec_result.stdout)
if fail_on_error and exec_result.return_code != 0:
if _VERBOSE and args:
print("failed to run execute with the following args:" + str(args))
fail("Failed to run:" + prefix + ":" + exec_result.stderr)
# Perform validations of host environment to be able to run the rule.
def _validate_host(ctx):
if != "linux":
fail("Not running on linux host, cannot run rbe_autoconfig.")
if not ctx.which("docker"):
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as 'docker' was not found on the path.")
if ctx.execute(["docker", "ps"]).return_code != 0:
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as running 'docker ps' returned a " +
"non 0 exit code, please check you have permissions to run docker.")
if not ctx.which("tar"):
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as 'tar' was not found on the path.")
# Pulls an image using 'docker pull'.
def _pull_image(ctx, image_name):
print("Pulling image.")
result = ctx.execute(["docker", "pull", image_name])
_print_exec_results("pull image", result, fail_on_error = True)
print("Image pulled.")
# Gets the value of java_home either from attr or
# by running docker run image_name printenv JAVA_HOME.
def _get_java_home(ctx, image_name):
if ctx.attr.java_home:
return ctx.attr.java_home
# Create the template to run
template = ctx.path(Label("@bazel_toolchains//"))
"%{image_name}": image_name,
# run
result = ctx.execute(["./"])
_print_exec_results("get java_home", result, fail_on_error = True)
java_home = result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
if java_home == "":
fail("Could not find JAVA_HOME in the container and one was not " +
"passed to rbe_autoconfig rule.")
return java_home
# Creates file "container/" which can be mounted onto container
# to run the commands to install bazel, run it and create the output tar
def _create_docker_cmd(
# Command to install Bazel version
# If a specific Bazel and Bazel RC version is specified, install that version.
bazel_url = "" + bazel_version
if bazel_rc_version:
bazel_url += ("/rc" + str(bazel_rc_version) +
"/bazel-" + bazel_version + "rc" +
bazel_url += "/release/bazel-" + bazel_version
bazel_url += ""
install_bazel_cmd = ["bazel_url=" + bazel_url]
install_bazel_cmd += ["mkdir -p /src/bazel"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["cd /src/bazel/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["wget $bazel_url --no-verbose --ca-certificate=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -O /tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["chmod +x /tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["/tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["rm -f /tmp/"]
# Command to recursively convert soft links to hard links in the config_repos
# Needed because some outputs of local_cc_config (e.g., dummy_toolchain.bzl)
# could be symlinks.
deref_symlinks_cmd = []
for config_repo in _CONFIG_REPOS:
symlinks_cmd = ("find $(bazel info output_base)/" +
" -type l -exec bash -c 'ln -f \"$(readlink -m \"$0\")\" \"$0\"' {} \;")
deref_symlinks_cmd = " && ".join(deref_symlinks_cmd)
# Command to copy produced toolchain configs to a tar at the root
# of the container.
copy_cmd = ["mkdir " + _OUTPUT_DIR]
for config_repo in _CONFIG_REPOS:
src_dir = "$(bazel info output_base)/" + _EXTERNAL_FOLDER_PREFIX + config_repo
copy_cmd.append("cp -dr " + src_dir + " " + _OUTPUT_DIR)
copy_cmd.append("tar -cf /" + outputs_tar + " -C " + _OUTPUT_DIR + "/ . ")
output_copy_cmd = " && ".join(copy_cmd)
# if use_default_project was selected, we need to modify the WORKSPACE and BUILD file
setup_default_project_cmd = ["cd ."]
if use_default_project:
setup_default_project_cmd += ["cd " + _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/" + _PROJECT_REPO_DIR]
setup_default_project_cmd += ["mv BUILD.sample BUILD"]
setup_default_project_cmd += ["touch WORKSPACE"]
bazel_cmd = "cd " + _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/" + _PROJECT_REPO_DIR
# For each config repo we run the target @<config_repo>//...
bazel_targets = "@" + "//... @".join(_CONFIG_REPOS) + "//..."
bazel_flags = ""
if not ctx.attr.incompatible_changes_off:
bazel_flags += " --all_incompatible_changes"
bazel_cmd += " && bazel build " + bazel_flags + " " + bazel_targets
# Command to run to clean up after autoconfiguration.
# we start with "cd ." to make sure in case of failure everything after the
# ";" will be executed
clean_cmd = "cd . ; bazel clean"
if use_default_project:
clean_cmd += "; rm WORKSPACE ; mv BUILD BUILD.sample"
docker_cmd = [
docker_cmd += install_bazel_cmd
docker_cmd += setup_default_project_cmd
docker_cmd += [
ctx.file("container/", "\n".join(docker_cmd), True)
# Runs the container (creates command to run inside container) and extracts the
# toolchain configs.
def _run_and_extract(
# Create command to run inside docker container
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc_version = bazel_rc_version,
outputs_tar = outputs_tar,
use_default_project = use_default_project,
# Create the docker run flags to mount the project + install file
# + set env vars
docker_run_flags = [""]
for env in ctx.attr.env:
docker_run_flags += ["--env", env + "=" + ctx.attr.env[env]]
mount_read_only_flag = ":ro"
if use_default_project:
# If we use the default project, we need to modify the WORKSPACE
# and BUILD files, so don't mount read-only
mount_read_only_flag = ""
target = project_root + ":" + _REPO_DIR + mount_read_only_flag
docker_run_flags += ["-v", target]
docker_run_flags += ["-v", str(ctx.path("container")) + ":/container"]
# Create the template to run
template = ctx.path(Label("@bazel_toolchains//"))
"%{docker_run_flags}": " ".join(docker_run_flags),
"%{commands}": "/container/",
"%{image_name}": image_name,
"%{extract_file}": "/" + outputs_tar,
"%{output}": str(ctx.path(".")) + "/output.tar",
# run
print("Running container")
result = ctx.execute(["./"])
_print_exec_results("run_and_extract", result, fail_on_error = True)
# Expand outputs inside this remote repo
result = ctx.execute(["tar", "-xf", "output.tar"])
_print_exec_results("expand_tar", result)
result = ctx.execute(["mv", "./local_config_cc", ("./%s" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR)])
_print_exec_results("expand_tar", result)
result = ctx.execute(["rm", ("./%s/WORKSPACE" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR)])
_print_exec_results("clean WORKSPACE", result)
result = ctx.execute(["rm", ("./%s/tools" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR), "-drf"])
_print_exec_results("clean tools", result)
# Creates a BUILD file with the java and cc toolchain + platform targets
def _create_platform(
toolchain_target = "@" + name + "//" + _RBE_CONFIG_DIR
if ctx.attr.output_base:
toolchain_target = "//" + ctx.attr.output_base + "/bazel_" + bazel_version
if ctx.attr.config_dir:
toolchain_target += ctx.attr.config_dir
template = ctx.path(Label("@bazel_toolchains//rules:BUILD.platform.tpl"))
exec_compatible_with = ("\"" +
("\",\n \"").join(ctx.attr.exec_compatible_with) +
target_compatible_with = ("\"" +
("\",\n \"").join(ctx.attr.target_compatible_with) +
"%{exec_compatible_with}": exec_compatible_with,
"%{image_name}": image_name,
"%{java_home}": java_home,
"%{target_compatible_with}": target_compatible_with,
"%{toolchain}": toolchain_target,
# Copies all outputs of the autoconfig rule to a directory in the project
# sources
def _expand_outputs(ctx, bazel_version, project_root):
if ctx.attr.output_base:
print("Copying outputs to project directory")
dest = project_root + "/" + ctx.attr.output_base + "/bazel_" + bazel_version + "/"
if ctx.attr.config_dir:
dest += ctx.attr.config_dir + "/"
platform_dest = dest + _PLATFORM_DIR + "/"
# Create the directories
result = ctx.execute(["mkdir", "-p", "platform_dest"])
_print_exec_results("create output dir", result)
# Get the files that were created in the _RBE_CONFIG_DIR
ctx.file("", ("echo $(find ./%s -type f | sort -n)" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR), True)
result = ctx.execute(["./"])
_print_exec_results("resolve autoconf files", result)
autoconf_files = result.stdout.splitlines()[0].split(" ")
args = ["cp"] + autoconf_files + [dest]
# Copy the files to dest
result = ctx.execute(args)
_print_exec_results("copy outputs", result, True, args)
# Copy the dest/{_PLATFORM_DIR}/BUILD file
result = ctx.execute("cp", str(ctx.path(_PLATFORM_DIR + "/BUILD")), platform_dest)
# Private declaration of _rbe_autoconfig repository rule. Do not use this
# rule directly, use rbe_autoconfig macro declared below.
_rbe_autoconfig = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"bazel_version": attr.string(
default = "local",
doc = ("The version of Bazel to use to generate toolchain configs." +
"Use only (major, minor, patch), e.g., '0.20.0'."),
"bazel_rc_version": attr.string(
doc = ("Optional. An rc version to use. Note an installer for the rc " +
"must be available in"),
"bazel_version_fallback": attr.string(
default = "0.20.0",
doc = ("Version to fallback to if not provided explicitly and local " +
"is non release version."),
"digest": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = ("The digest (sha256 sum) of the image to pull. For example, " +
"sha256:f1330b2f02714d3a3e98c5b1f6524fbb9c15154e44a31fb3caecb7a6ad4e8445" +
", note the digest includes 'sha256:'"),
"env": attr.string_dict(
doc = ("Optional. Dictionary from strings to strings. Additional env " +
"variables that will be set when running the Bazel command to " +
"generate the toolchain configs."),
"incompatible_changes_off": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = ("If set to False the flag --all_incompatible_changes will " +
"be used when generating the toolchain configs."),
"java_home": attr.string(
doc = ("Optional. The location of java_home in the container. " +
"For example, '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64'. If " +
"not set, the rule will attempt to read the JAVA_HOME env " +
"var from the container. If that is not set the rule will " +
"output_base": attr.string(
doc = ("Optional. The directory (under the project root) where the " +
"produced toolchain configs will be copied to."),
"config_dir": attr.string(
doc = ("Optional. Use only if output_base is defined. If you want to " +
"create multiple toolchain configs (for the same version of Bazel) " +
"you can use this attr to indicate a type of config (e.g., default, " +
"msan). The configs will be generated in a sub-directory when this attr " +
"is used."),
"setup_cmd": attr.string(
default = "cd .",
doc = ("Optional. Pass an additional command that will be executed " +
"(inside the container) before running bazel to generate the " +
"toolchain configs"),
"registry": attr.string(
doc = ("The registry to pull the container from. For example, " +
" or The default is the " +
"value for rbe-ubuntu16-04 image."),
"repository": attr.string(
default = _RBE_UBUNTU_REPO,
doc = ("The repository to pull the container from. For example," +
" google/ubuntu. The default is the " +
" value for the rbe-ubuntu16-04 image."),
"revision": attr.string(
doc = ("The revision of the rbe-ubuntu16-04 container."),
"exec_compatible_with": attr.string_list(
doc = ("The list of constraints that will be added to the " +
"toolchain in its exec_compatible_with attribute (and to " +
"the platform in its constraint_values attr). For " +
"example, [\"@bazel_tools//platforms:linux\"]. Default " +
" is set to values for rbe-ubuntu16-04 container."),
"target_compatible_with": attr.string_list(
doc = ("The list of constraints that will be added to the " +
"toolchain in its target_compatible_with attribute. For " +
"example, [\"@bazel_tools//platforms:linux\"]. Default " +
" is set to values for rbe-ubuntu16-04 container."),
environ = [
implementation = _impl,
load("//rules:environments.bzl", "clang_env")
def rbe_autoconfig(
bazel_version = None,
bazel_rc = None,
config_dir = None,
digest = None,
env = None,
exec_compatible_with = None,
java_home = None,
output_base = None,
revision = None,
registry = None,
repository = None,
target_compatible_with = None):
""" Creates a repository with toolchain configs generated for a container image.
This macro wraps (and simplifies) invocation of _rbe_autoconfig rule.
Use this macro in your WORKSPACE.
bazel_version: The version of Bazel to use to generate toolchain configs.
`Use only (major, minor, patch), e.g., '0.20.0'. Default is "local"
which means the same version of Bazel that is currently running will
be used. If local is a non release version, rbe_autoconfig will fallback
to using the latest release version (see default for bazel_version_fallback
in attrs of _rbe_autoconfig for current latest).
bazel_rc: The rc (for the given version of Bazel) to use. Must be published
exec_compatible_with: Optional. List of constraints to add to the produced
toolchain/platform targets (e.g., ["@bazel_tools//platforms:linux"] in the
exec_compatible_with/constraint_values attrs, respectively.
digest: Optional. The digest of the image to pull. Should only be set if
a custom container is required.
Must be set together with registry and repository.
java_home: Optional. The location of java_home in the container. For
example , '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64'. If not set, the rule
will attempt to read the JAVA_HOME env var from the container.
If that is not set the rule will fail.
output_base: Optional. The directory (under the project root) where the
produced toolchain configs will be copied to.
config_dir: Optional. Subdirectory where configs will be copied to.
Use only if output_base is defined.
registry: Optional. The registry from which to pull the base image.
Should only be set if a custom container is required.
Must be set together with digest and repository.
repository: Optional. he `repository` of images to pull from.
Should only be set if a custom container is required.
Must be set together with registry and digest.
revision: Optional. A revision of an rbe-ubuntu16-04 container to use.
Should not be set if repository, registry and digest are used.
target_compatible_with: List of constraints to add to the produced
toolchain target (e.g., ["@bazel_tools//platforms:linux"]) in the
target_compatible_with attr.
env: dict. Optional. Additional env variables that will be set when
running the Bazel command to generate the toolchain configs.
Set to values for rbe-ubuntu16-04 container.
Does not need to be set if your custom container extends
an rbe-ubuntu16-04 container.
Should be overriden if a custom container does not extend
if not output_base and config_dir:
fail("config_dir can only be used when output_base is set.")
if revision and (digest or repository or registry):
fail("'revision' cannot be set if 'digest', 'repository' or " +
"'registry' are set.")
if not ((not digest and not repository and not registry) or
(digest and repository and registry)):
fail("All of 'digest', 'repository' and 'registry' or none of them " +
"must be set.")
if bazel_rc and not bazel_version:
fail("bazel_rc can only be used with bazel_version.")
if not digest:
if not revision or revision == "latest":
revision = RBE_UBUNTU16_04_LATEST
digest = public_rbe_ubuntu16_04_sha256s().get(revision, None)
if not env:
env = clang_env()
if not digest:
fail(("Could not find a valid digest for revision %s, " +
"please make sure it is declared in " +
"@bazel_toolchains//rules:toolchain_containers.bzl" % revision))
name = name,
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc = bazel_rc,
config_dir = config_dir,
digest = digest,
env = env,
exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with,
java_home = java_home,
output_base = output_base,
registry = registry,
repository = repository,
revision = revision,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,