Adding more details to docker autoconf docs

Change-Id: Id31364756295f48a9a3df43a32bb256de46a1ba3
diff --git a/rules/docker_config.bzl b/rules/docker_config.bzl
index 7ecb45d..f4e430e 100644
--- a/rules/docker_config.bzl
+++ b/rules/docker_config.bzl
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@
 - Receive a base container as main input. Base container could have a desired
   set of toolchains (i.e., a C compiler, C libraries, java, python, zip, and
   other tools) installed.
-- Optionally, install more debian packages in the base container.
+- Optionally, install more debian packages in the base container (any packages
+  that might be needed by Bazel not installed in your container).
+- Optionally, install a given Bazel version on the container.
 - Extend the container to install sources for a project.
-- Run a bazel command to build one or more remote repos inside the container.
-- Copy toolchain configs produced from the execution of Bazel
-  inside the container to the host.
+- Run a bazel command to build one or more targets from
+  remote repositories, inside the container.
+- Copy toolchain configs (outputs of remote repo targets) produced
+  from the execution of Bazel inside the container to the host.
 - Optionally copy outputs to a folder defined via build variables.
@@ -30,16 +33,19 @@
       name = "my-autoconfig-rule",
       base = "@my_image//image:image.tar",
+      bazel_version = "0.10.0",
       config_repos = ["local_config_cc", "<some_other_skylark_repo>"],
       git_repo = "",
       env = {
           ... Dictionary of env variables to configure Bazel properly
-              for the container
+              for the container, see environments.bzl for examples.
       packages = [
+      # Any additional debian repos and keys needed to install packages above,
+      # not needed if no packages are installed.
       additional_repos = [
           "deb jessie-backports main",
@@ -48,6 +54,58 @@
+Add to your WORKSPACE file the following:
+  http_archive(
+    name = "bazel_toolchains",
+    urls = [
+      "<latest_release>.tar.gz",
+      "<latest_release>.tar.gz",
+    ],
+    strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-<latest_commit>",
+    sha256 = "<sha256>",
+  )
+  http_archive(
+      name = "debian_docker",
+      sha256 = "<sha256>",
+      strip_prefix = "base-images-docker-<latest_release>",
+      urls = ["<latest_release>.tar.gz"],
+  )
+  http_archive(
+      name = "io_bazel_rules_docker",
+      sha256 = "<sha256>",
+      strip_prefix = "rules_docker-<latest_release>",
+      urls = ["<latest_release>.tar.gz"],
+  )
+  load(
+      "@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl",
+      container_repositories = "repositories",
+      "container_pull",
+  )
+  container_repositories()
+  # Pulls the my_image used as base for example above
+  container_pull(
+      name = "my_image",
+      digest = "sha256:<sha256>",
+      registry = "<registry>",
+      repository = "<repo>",
+  )
+  # GPG file used by example above
+  http_file(
+    name = "some_gpg",
+    sha256 = "<sha256>",
+    url = "<URL>",
+  )
+For values of <latest_release> and other placeholders above, please see
+the WORKSPACE file in this repo.
 To use the rule run:
   bazel run --define=DOCKER_AUTOCONF_OUTPUT=<some_output_dir> //<location_of_rule>:my-autoconfig-rule
@@ -55,7 +113,12 @@
 Once rule finishes running the file <some_output_dir>/my-autoconfig-rule.tar
 will be created with all toolchain configs generated by
 "local_config_cc" and "<some_other_skylark_repo>". If no value for
-DOCKER_AUTOCONF_OUTPUT is passed, the resulting tar file is left in /tmp
+DOCKER_AUTOCONF_OUTPUT is passed, the resulting tar file is left in /tmp.
+Known issues:
+ - 'name' of rule must conform to docker image naming standards
+ - Rule cannot be placed in the BUILD file at the root of a project