blob: 02eee47ad6f455801223103b0d2b9db91e6299d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for generating toolchain configs for a Docker container.
Exposes the docker_autoconfigure rule that does the following:
- Receive a base container as main input. Base container could have a desired
set of toolchains (i.e., a C compiler, C libraries, java, python, zip, and
other tools) installed.
- Optionally, install more debian packages in the base container (any packages
that might be needed by Bazel not installed in your container).
- Optionally, install a given Bazel version on the container.
- Extend the container to install sources for a project.
- Run a bazel command to build one or more targets from
remote repositories, inside the container.
- Copy toolchain configs (outputs of remote repo targets) produced
from the execution of Bazel inside the container to the host.
name = "my-autoconfig-rule",
base = "@my_image//image:image.tar",
bazel_version = "0.10.0",
config_repos = ["local_config_cc", "<some_other_skylark_repo>"],
git_repo = "",
env = {
... Dictionary of env variables to configure Bazel properly
for the container, see environments.bzl for examples.
packages = [
# Any additional debian repos and keys needed to install packages above,
# not needed if no packages are installed.
additional_repos = [
"deb jessie-backports main",
keys = [
Add to your WORKSPACE file the following:
name = "bazel_toolchains",
urls = [
strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-<latest_commit>",
sha256 = "<sha256>",
bazel_toolchains_repositories = "repositories",
container_repositories = "repositories",
# Pulls the my_image used as base for example above
name = "my_image",
digest = "sha256:<sha256>",
registry = "<registry>",
repository = "<repo>",
# GPG file used by example above
name = "some_gpg",
sha256 = "<sha256>",
url = "<URL>",
For values of <latest_release> and other placeholders above, please see
the WORKSPACE file in this repo.
To use the rule run:
bazel build //<location_of_rule>:my-autoconfig-rule
Once rule finishes running the file my-autoconfig-rule_output.tar
will be created with all toolchain configs generated by
"local_config_cc" and "<some_other_skylark_repo>".
Known issues:
- 'name' of rule must conform to docker image naming standards
- Rule cannot be placed in the BUILD file at the root of a project
_container = "container",
load("@base_images_docker//util:run.bzl", _extract = "extract")
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules/container:docker_toolchains.bzl", "toolchain_container")
# External folder is set to be deprecated, lets keep it here for easy
# refactoring
# Name of the current workspace
_WORKSPACE_NAME = "bazel_toolchains"
# Default cc project to use if no git_repo is provided.
# Filetype to restrict inputs
tar_filetype = [
def _docker_toolchain_autoconfig_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation for the docker_toolchain_autoconfig rule.
ctx: context. See docker_toolchain_autoconfig below for details
of what this ctx must include
bazel_config_dir = "/bazel-config"
project_repo_dir = "project_src"
name =
# Command to retrieve the project from github if requested.
clone_repo_cmd = "cd ."
if ctx.attr.git_repo:
clone_repo_cmd = ("cd " + bazel_config_dir + " && git clone " +
ctx.attr.git_repo + " " + project_repo_dir)
if ctx.attr.repo_pkg_tar:
# if package tar was used then the command should expand it
repo_dir = bazel_config_dir + "/" + project_repo_dir
clone_repo_cmd = ("mkdir %s && tar -xf /%s -C %s " %
(repo_dir, ctx.file.repo_pkg_tar.basename, repo_dir))
# Command to install custom Bazel version (if requested)
install_bazel_cmd = "cd ."
if ctx.attr.use_bazel_head:
# If use_bazel_head was requested, we clone the source code from github and compile
# it using the release version with "bazel build //src:bazel".
install_bazel_cmd = "/"
elif ctx.attr.bazel_version:
# If a specific Bazel and Bazel RC version is specified, install that version.
bazel_url = "" + ctx.attr.bazel_version
if ctx.attr.bazel_rc_version:
bazel_url += ("/rc" + ctx.attr.bazel_rc_version +
"/bazel-" + ctx.attr.bazel_version + "rc" +
bazel_url += "/release/bazel-" + ctx.attr.bazel_version
bazel_url += ""
install_bazel_cmd = "/ " + bazel_url
# Command to recursively convert soft links to hard links in the config_repos
deref_symlinks_cmd = []
for config_repo in ctx.attr.config_repos:
symlinks_cmd = ("find $(bazel info output_base)/" +
" -type l -exec bash -c 'ln -f \"$(readlink -m \"$0\")\" \"$0\"' {} \;")
deref_symlinks_cmd = " && ".join(deref_symlinks_cmd)
# Command to copy produced toolchain configs to a tar at the root
# of the container.
copy_cmd = []
for config_repo in ctx.attr.config_repos:
src_dir = "$(bazel info output_base)/" + _EXTERNAL_FOLDER_PREFIX + config_repo
copy_cmd.append("cp -dr " + src_dir + " " + "/")
copy_cmd.append("tar -cf /outputs.tar /" + " ".join(ctx.attr.config_repos))
output_copy_cmd = " && ".join(copy_cmd)
# Command to run autoconfigure targets.
bazel_cmd = "cd " + bazel_config_dir + "/" + project_repo_dir
if ctx.attr.use_default_project:
bazel_cmd += " && touch WORKSPACE && mv BUILD.sample BUILD"
# For each config repo we run the target @<config_repo>//...
bazel_targets = "@" + "//... @".join(ctx.attr.config_repos) + "//..."
bazel_flags = ""
if not ctx.attr.incompatible_changes_off:
bazel_flags += " --all_incompatible_changes"
bazel_cmd += " && bazel build " + bazel_flags + " " + bazel_targets
# Command to run to clean up after autoconfiguration.
# we start with "cd ." to make sure in case of failure everything after the
# ";" will be executed
clean_cmd = "cd . ; bazel clean"
if ctx.attr.use_default_project:
clean_cmd += " && rm WORKSPACE"
if ctx.attr.git_repo:
clean_cmd += " && cd " + bazel_config_dir + " && rm -drf " + project_repo_dir
install_sh = ctx.new_file(name + "")
output = install_sh,
content = "\n ".join([
"set -ex",
"echo === Cloning / expand project repo ===",
"echo === Running Bazel autoconfigure command ===",
"echo === Copying outputs ===",
"echo === Cleaning up ===",
# Include the repo_pkg_tar if needed
files = [install_sh] + ctx.files._installers
if ctx.attr.repo_pkg_tar:
files += [ctx.file.repo_pkg_tar]
image_tar = ctx.new_file(name + ".tar")
# TODO(nlopezgi): fix upsream issue that output_executable is required
load_image_sh_file = ctx.new_file(name + "")
files = files,
output_executable = load_image_sh_file,
output_tarball = image_tar,
workdir = bazel_config_dir,
name = + "_extract",
image = image_tar,
commands = ["/" + + ""],
extract_file = "/outputs.tar",
output_file = ctx.outputs.output_tar,
docker_toolchain_autoconfig_ = rule(
attrs = _container.image.attrs + {
"config_repos": attr.string_list(default = ["local_config_cc"]),
"use_default_project": attr.bool(default = False),
"git_repo": attr.string(),
"repo_pkg_tar": attr.label(allow_files = tar_filetype, single_file = True),
"bazel_version": attr.string(),
"bazel_rc_version": attr.string(),
"use_bazel_head": attr.bool(default = False),
"setup_cmd": attr.string(default = "cd ."),
"packages": attr.string_list(),
"additional_repos": attr.string_list(),
"keys": attr.string_list(),
"incompatible_changes_off": attr.bool(default = False),
"test": attr.bool(default = True),
"_installers": attr.label(default = ":bazel_installers", allow_files = True),
# TODO(nlopezgi): fix upstream attr declaration that is missing repo name
"_extract_tpl": attr.label(
default = Label("@base_images_docker//"),
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"_image_id_extractor": attr.label(
default = "@io_bazel_rules_docker//",
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
outputs = _container.image.outputs + {
"output_tar": "%{name}_outputs.tar",
implementation = _docker_toolchain_autoconfig_impl,
# Attributes below are expected in ctx, but should not be provided
# in the BUILD file.
reserved_attrs = [
# all the attrs from docker_build we dont want users to set
# Attrs expected in the BUILD rule
required_attrs = [
def docker_toolchain_autoconfig(**kwargs):
"""Generate toolchain configs for a docker container.
This rule produces a tar file with toolchain configs produced from the
execution of targets in skylark remote repositories. Typically, this rule is
used to produce toolchain configs for the local_config_cc repository.
This repo (as well as others, depending on the project) contains generated
toolchain configs that Bazel uses to properly use a toolchain. For instance,
the local_config_cc repo generates a cc_toolchain rule.
The toolchain configs that this rule produces, can be used to, for
instance, use a remote execution service that runs actions inside docker
All the toolchain configs published in the bazel-toolchains
repo ( have been produced
using this rule.
This rule is implemented by extending the container_image rule in The rule installs debs packages
to run bazel (using the package manager rules offered by
The rule creates the container with a command that pulls a repo from github,
and runs bazel build for a series of remote repos. Files generated in these
repos are copied to a mount point inside the Bazel output tree.
Required Args
name: A unique name for this rule.
base: Docker image base - optionally with all tools pre-installed for
which a configuration will be generated. Packages can also be installed
by listing them in the 'packages' attriute.
Default Args:
config_repos: a list of remote repositories. Autoconfig will run targets in
each of these remote repositories and copy all contents to the mount
env: Dictionary of env variables for Bazel / project specific autoconfigure
git_repo: A git repo with the sources for the project to be used for
autoconfigure. If no git_repo is passed, autoconfig will run with a
sample c++ project.
bazel_version: a specific version of Bazel used to generate toolchain
configs. Format: x.x.x
bazel_rc_version: a specific version of Bazel release candidate used to
generate toolchain configs. Input "2" if you would like to use rc2.
use_bazel_head = Download bazel head from github, compile it and use it
to run autoconfigure targets.
setup_cmd: a customized command that will run as the very first command
inside the docker container.
packages: list of packages to fetch and install in the base image.
additional_repos: list of additional debian package repos to use,
in sources.list format.
keys: list of additional gpg keys to use while downloading packages.
incompatible_changes_off: If True Bazel will run without the
all_incompatible_changes flag. Default False.
test: a boolean which specifies whether a test target for this
docker_toolchain_autoconfig will be added.
If True, a test target with name {name}_test will be added.
The test will build this docker_toolchain_autoconfig target, run the
output script, and check the toolchain configs for the c++ auto
generated config exist.
for reserved in reserved_attrs:
if reserved in kwargs:
fail("reserved for internal use by docker_toolchain_autoconfig macro", attr = reserved)
for required in required_attrs:
if required not in kwargs:
fail("required for docker_toolchain_autoconfig", attr = required)
# Input validations
if "use_bazel_head" in kwargs and ("bazel_version" in kwargs or "bazel_rc_version" in kwargs):
fail("Only one of use_bazel_head or a combination of bazel_version and" +
"bazel_rc_version can be set at a time.")
packages_is_empty = "packages" not in kwargs or kwargs["packages"] == []
if packages_is_empty and "additional_repos" in kwargs:
fail("'additional_repos' can only be specified when 'packages' is not empty.")
if packages_is_empty and "keys" in kwargs:
fail("'keys' can only be specified when 'packages' is not empty.")
# If the git_repo was not provided, use the default autoconfig project
if "git_repo" not in kwargs:
kwargs["repo_pkg_tar"] = _DEFAULT_AUTOCONFIG_PROJECT_PKG_TAR
kwargs["use_default_project"] = True
kwargs["files"] = [
# Do not install packags if 'packages' is not specified or is an ampty list.
if not packages_is_empty:
# "additional_repos" and "keys" are optional for docker_toolchain_autoconfig,
# but required for toolchain_container". Use empty lists as placeholder.
if "additional_repos" not in kwargs:
kwargs["additional_repos"] = []
if "keys" not in kwargs:
kwargs["keys"] = []
# Install packages in the base image.
name = kwargs["name"] + "_image",
base = kwargs["base"],
packages = kwargs["packages"],
additional_repos = kwargs["additional_repos"],
keys = kwargs["keys"],
# Use the image with packages installed as the new base for autoconfiguring.
kwargs["base"] = ":" + kwargs["name"] + "_image.tar"
if "test" in kwargs and kwargs["test"] == True:
# Create a test target for the current docker_toolchain_autoconfig target,
# which builds this docker_toolchain_autoconfig target, runs the output
# script, and checks the toolchain configs for the c++ auto generated config
# exist.
name = kwargs["name"] + "_test",
size = "medium",
timeout = "long",
srcs = ["@bazel_toolchains//tests/"],
data = [":" + kwargs["name"] + "_outputs.tar"],