blob: 6a03d4c614f7b7db02bcf0d6b064a476419a4fcf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Repository Rules to generate toolchain configs for an RBE-ubuntu16-04 container.
Exposes the rbe_autoconfig macro that does the following:
- Pulls an rbe-ubuntu 16_04 image (using 'docker pull')
- Starts up a container using the rbe-ubuntu 16_04 image mounting the current project
- Installs the current version of Bazel (one currently running) on the container
(or the one passed in with optional attr).
- Runs a bazel command to build the local_config_cc remote repository inside the container.
- Extracts local_config_cc produced files (inside the container) to the produced
remote repository.
- Optionally copies the local_config_cc produced files to the project srcs under the
given output_base directory
Add to your WORKSPACE file the following:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive", "http_file")
name = "bazel_toolchains",
urls = [
strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-<latest_commit>",
sha256 = "<sha256>",
bazel_toolchains_repositories = "repositories",
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:rbe_repo.bzl", "rbe_autoconfig")
name = "rbe_default",
# Optional. See below.
output_base = "rbe-configs"
For values of <latest_release> and other placeholders above, please see
the WORKSPACE file in this repo.
This rule depends on the value of the environment variable "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT"
when output_base is used.
This env var should be set to point to the absolute path root of your project.
Use the full absolute path to the project root (i.e., no '~', '../', or
other special chars).
There are two modes of using this repo rules:
1 - When output_base set (recommended; env var "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT" is required),
running the repo rule target will copy the toolchain config files to the
output_base folder in the project sources.
After that, you can run an RBE build pointing your crosstool_top flag to the
produced files. If output_base is set to "rbe-configs" (recommended):
bazel build ... \
--crosstool_top=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}:toolchain \
--host_javabase=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:jdk8 \
--javabase=//rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:jdk8 \
--host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--extra_execution_platforms=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--host_platform=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--platforms=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--extra_toolchains=/rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}/platforms:cc-toolchain \
... <other rbe flags> <build targets>
We recommend you check in the code in //rbe-configs/bazel_{bazel_version}
so that users typically do not need to run this repo rule in order to do a
remote build (i.e., once files are checked in, you do not need to run this
rule until there is a new version of Bazel you want to support running with).
2 - When output_base is not set (env var "RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT" is not required),
running this rule will create targets in the
external repository (e.g., rbe_default) which can be used to point your
flags to:
bazel build ... \
--crosstool_top=@rbe_default//rbe_config_cc:toolchain \
--host_javabase=@rbe_default//platforms:jdk8 \
--javabase=@rbe_default//platforms:jdk8 \
--host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_hostjdk8 \
--extra_execution_platforms=@rbe_default//platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--host_platform=@rbe_default//platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--platforms=@rbe_default//platforms:rbe_ubuntu1604 \
--extra_toolchains=@rbe_default//platforms:cc-toolchain \
Note running bazel clean --expunge_async, or otherwise modifying attrs or
env variables used by this rule will trigger it to re-execute. Running this
repo rule takes some time as it needs to pull a container, run it, and then
run some commands inside. We recommend you use output_base and check in the produced
files so you dont need to run this rule with every clean build.
The {bazel_version} above corresponds to the version of bazel installed locally.
Note you can override this version and pass an optional rc# if desired.
Running this rule with a non release version (e.g., built from source) will not work.
If running with bazel built from source you must pass a bazel_version and bazel_rc
to rbe_autoconfig. Also, note the bazel_version bazel_rc must be published in
Note this is a very not hermetic repository rule that can actually change the
contents of your project sources. While this is generally not recommended by
Bazel, its the only reasonable way to get a rule that can produce valid
toolchains / platforms that need to be made available to Bazel before execution
of any build actions.
Note: this rule expects the following utilities to be installed and available on
the PATH:
- docker
- tar
- bash utilities (e.g., cp, mv, rm, etc)
Known limitations:
- This rule cannot be executed inside a docker container.
- This rule can only run in Linux.
# External folder is set to be deprecated, lets keep it here for easy
# refactoring
_BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR = "/bazel-config"
_CONFIG_REPOS = ["local_config_cc"]
_PLATFORM_DIR = "platforms"
_PROJECT_REPO_DIR = "project_src"
_OUTPUT_DIR = _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/autoconf_out"
_RBE_CONFIG_DIR = "rbe_config_cc"
# We use '' to not require users to do gcloud login
_VERBOSE = False
def _impl(ctx):
"""Core implementation of _rbe_autoconfig repository rule."""
# Perform some safety checks
project_root = ctx.os.environ.get(_RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT, None)
use_default_project = False
if not project_root:
if ctx.attr.output_base != "":
fail(("%s env variable must be set for rbe_autoconfig" +
" to function properly when output_base is set") % _RBE_AUTOCONF_ROOT)
# Try to use the default project
# This is Bazel black magic, we're traversing the directories in the output_base,
# assuming that the bazel_toolchains external repo will exist in the
# expected path.
project_root = ctx.path(".").dirname.get_child("bazel_toolchains").get_child("rules").get_child("cc-sample-project")
if not project_root.exists:
fail("Could not find default autoconf project in %s, please make sure " +
"the bazel-toolchains repo is properly imported in your workspace")
project_root = str(project_root)
use_default_project = True
name =
outputs_tar = + "_out.tar"
# Pull the image using 'docker pull'
image_id = _RBE_UBUNTU_GCR + ctx.attr.digest
bazel_version = None
bazel_rc_version = None
if ctx.attr.bazel_version == "local":
bazel_version = str(extract_version_number(native.bazel_version))
rc = parse_rc(native.bazel_version)
bazel_rc_version = rc if rc != -1 else None
if ctx.attr.bazel_version != "local":
bazel_version = ctx.attr.bazel_version
bazel_rc_version = ctx.attr.bazel_rc_version
# run the container and extract the autoconf directory
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc_version = bazel_rc_version,
image_id = image_id,
outputs_tar = outputs_tar,
project_root = project_root,
use_default_project = use_default_project,
# Create a default BUILD file with the platform + toolchain targets that
# will work with RBE with the produced toolchain
_create_platform(ctx, bazel_version = bazel_version, name = name)
# Expand outputs to project dir if user requested it
bazel_version = bazel_version,
project_root = project_root,
# Convenience method to print results of execute (and fail on errors if needed).
# Verbose logging is enabled via a global var in this bzl file.
def _print_exec_results(prefix, exec_result, fail = False, args = None):
if _VERBOSE and exec_result.return_code != 0:
print(prefix + "::error::" + exec_result.stderr)
elif _VERBOSE:
print(prefix + "::success::" + exec_result.stdout)
if fail and exec_result.return_code != 0:
if _VERBOSE and args:
print("failed to run execute with the following args:" + str(args))
fail("Failed to run:" + prefix + ":" + exec_result.stderr)
# Perform validations of host environment to be able to run the rule.
def _validate_host(ctx):
if != "linux":
fail("Not running on linux host, cannot run rbe_autoconfig.")
if not ctx.which("docker"):
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as 'docker' was not found on the path.")
if ctx.execute(["docker", "ps"]).return_code != 0:
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as running 'docker ps' returned a " +
"non 0 exit code, please check you have permissions to run docker.")
if not ctx.which("tar"):
fail("Cannot run rbe_autoconfig as 'tar' was not found on the path.")
# Pulls an image using 'docker pull'.
def _pull_image(ctx):
print("Pulling image.")
result = ctx.execute(["docker", "pull", _RBE_UBUNTU_GCR + ctx.attr.digest])
_print_exec_results("pull image", result, fail = True)
print("Image pulled.")
# Creates file "container/" which can be mounted onto container
# to run the commands to install bazel, run it and create the output tar
def _create_docker_cmd(
# Command to install Bazel version
# If a specific Bazel and Bazel RC version is specified, install that version.
bazel_url = "" + bazel_version
if bazel_rc_version:
bazel_url += ("/rc" + bazel_rc_version +
"/bazel-" + bazel_version + "rc" +
bazel_url += "/release/bazel-" + bazel_version
bazel_url += ""
install_bazel_cmd = ["bazel_url=" + bazel_url]
install_bazel_cmd += ["mkdir -p /src/bazel"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["cd /src/bazel/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["wget $bazel_url --no-verbose --ca-certificate=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -O /tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["chmod +x /tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["/tmp/"]
install_bazel_cmd += ["rm -f /tmp/"]
# Command to copy produced toolchain configs to a tar at the root
# of the container.
copy_cmd = ["mkdir " + _OUTPUT_DIR]
for config_repo in _CONFIG_REPOS:
src_dir = "$(bazel info output_base)/" + _EXTERNAL_FOLDER_PREFIX + config_repo
copy_cmd.append("cp -dr " + src_dir + " " + _OUTPUT_DIR)
copy_cmd.append("tar -cf /" + outputs_tar + " -C " + _OUTPUT_DIR + "/ . ")
output_copy_cmd = " && ".join(copy_cmd)
# if use_default_project was selected, we need to modify the WORKSPACE and BUILD file
setup_default_project_cmd = ["cd ."]
if use_default_project:
setup_default_project_cmd += ["cd " + _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/" + _PROJECT_REPO_DIR]
setup_default_project_cmd += ["mv BUILD.sample BUILD"]
setup_default_project_cmd += ["touch WORKSPACE"]
bazel_cmd = "cd " + _BAZEL_CONFIG_DIR + "/" + _PROJECT_REPO_DIR
# For each config repo we run the target @<config_repo>//...
bazel_targets = "@" + "//... @".join(_CONFIG_REPOS) + "//..."
bazel_flags = ""
if not ctx.attr.incompatible_changes_off:
bazel_flags += " --all_incompatible_changes"
bazel_cmd += " && bazel build " + bazel_flags + " " + bazel_targets
# Command to run to clean up after autoconfiguration.
# we start with "cd ." to make sure in case of failure everything after the
# ";" will be executed
clean_cmd = "cd . ; bazel clean"
if use_default_project:
clean_cmd += "; rm WORKSPACE ; mv BUILD BUILD.sample"
docker_cmd = [
docker_cmd += install_bazel_cmd
docker_cmd += setup_default_project_cmd
docker_cmd += [
ctx.file("container/", "\n".join(docker_cmd), True)
# Runs the container (creates command to run inside container) and extracts the
# toolchain configs.
def _run_and_extract(
# Create command to run inside docker container
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc_version = bazel_rc_version,
outputs_tar = outputs_tar,
use_default_project = use_default_project,
# Create the docker run flags to mount the project + install file
# + set env vars
docker_run_flags = [""]
for env in ctx.attr.env:
docker_run_flags += ["--env", env + "=" + ctx.attr.env[env]]
mount_read_only_flag = ":ro"
if use_default_project:
# If we use the default project, we need to modify the WORKSPACE
# and BUILD files, so don't mount read-only
mount_read_only_flag = ""
target = project_root + ":" + _REPO_DIR + mount_read_only_flag
docker_run_flags += ["-v", target]
docker_run_flags += ["-v", str(ctx.path("container")) + ":/container"]
# Create the template to run
template = ctx.path(Label("@bazel_toolchains//"))
"%{docker_run_flags}": " ".join(docker_run_flags),
"%{commands}": "/container/",
"%{image_id}": image_id,
"%{extract_file}": "/" + outputs_tar,
"%{output}": str(ctx.path(".")) + "/output.tar",
# run
print("Running container")
result = ctx.execute(["./"])
_print_exec_results("run_and_extract", result)
# Expand outputs inside this remote repo
result = ctx.execute(["tar", "-xf", "output.tar"])
_print_exec_results("expand_tar", result)
result = ctx.execute(["mv", "./local_config_cc", ("./%s" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR)])
_print_exec_results("expand_tar", result)
result = ctx.execute(["rm", ("./%s/WORKSPACE" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR)])
_print_exec_results("clean WORKSPACE", result)
result = ctx.execute(["rm", ("./%s/tools" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR), "-drf"])
_print_exec_results("clean tools", result)
# Creates a BUILD file with the java and cc toolchain + platform targets
def _create_platform(ctx, bazel_version, name):
toolchain_target = "@" + name + "//" + _RBE_CONFIG_DIR
if ctx.attr.output_base != "":
toolchain_target = "//" + ctx.attr.output_base + "/bazel_" + bazel_version
if ctx.attr.config_dir != "":
toolchain_target += ctx.attr.config_dir
template = ctx.path(Label("@bazel_toolchains//rules:BUILD.platform.tpl"))
"%{revision}": ctx.attr.revision,
"%{rbe_ubuntu16_04_sha256}": ctx.attr.digest,
"%{toolchain}": toolchain_target,
# Copies all outputs of the autoconfig rule to a directory in the project
# sources
def _expand_outputs(ctx, bazel_version, project_root):
if ctx.attr.output_base != "":
print("Copying outputs to project directory")
dest = project_root + "/" + ctx.attr.output_base + "/bazel_" + bazel_version + "/"
if ctx.attr.config_dir != "":
dest += ctx.attr.config_dir + "/"
platform_dest = dest + _PLATFORM_DIR + "/"
# Create the directories
result = ctx.execute(["mkdir", "-p", "platform_dest"])
_print_exec_results("create output dir", result)
# Get the files that were created in the _RBE_CONFIG_DIR
ctx.file("", ("echo $(find ./%s -type f | sort -n)" % _RBE_CONFIG_DIR), True)
result = ctx.execute(["./"])
_print_exec_results("resolve autoconf files", result)
autoconf_files = result.stdout.splitlines()[0].split(" ")
args = ["cp"] + autoconf_files + [dest]
# Copy the files to dest
result = ctx.execute(args)
_print_exec_results("copy outputs", result, True, args)
# Copy the dest/platforms/BUILD file
result = ctx.execute("cp", str(ctx.path("platforms/BUILD")), platform_dest)
# Private declaration of _rbe_autoconfig repository rule. Do not use this
# rule directly, use rbe_autoconfig macro declared below.
_rbe_autoconfig = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"bazel_version": attr.string(
default = "local",
doc = ("The version of Bazel to use to generate toolchain configs." +
"Use only (major, minor, patch), e.g., '0.20.0'."),
"bazel_rc_version": attr.string(
doc = ("Optional. An rc version to use. Note an installer for the rc " +
"must be available in"),
"digest": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = ("The digest (sha256 sum) of the rbe-ubuntu16-04 " +
"container to pull."),
"env": attr.string_dict(
doc = ("Optional. Dictionary from strings to strings. Additional env " +
"variables that will be set when running the Bazel command to " +
"generate the toolchain configs."),
"incompatible_changes_off": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = ("If set to False the flag --all_incompatible_changes will " +
"be used when generating the toolchain configs."),
"output_base": attr.string(
default = "",
doc = ("Optional. The directory (under the project root) where the " +
"produced toolchain configs will be copied to."),
"config_dir": attr.string(
default = "",
doc = ("Optional. Use only if output_base is defined. If you want to " +
"create multiple toolchain configs (for the same version of Bazel) " +
"you can use this attr to indicate a type of config (e.g., default, " +
"msan). The configs will be generated in a sub-directory when this attr " +
"is used."),
"setup_cmd": attr.string(
default = "cd .",
doc = ("Optional. Pass an additional command that will be executed " +
"(inside the container) before running bazel to generate the " +
"toolchain configs"),
"revision": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = ("The revision of the rbe-ubuntu16-04 container"),
environ = [
implementation = _impl,
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:environments.bzl", "clang_env")
def rbe_autoconfig(
bazel_version = None,
bazel_rc = None,
output_base = "",
config_dir = "",
revision = "latest",
env = clang_env()):
""" Creates a repository with toolchain configs generated for an rbe-ubuntu container.
This macro wraps (and simplifies) invocation of _rbe_autoconfig rule.
Use this macro in your WORKSPACE.
bazel_version: The version of Bazel to use to generate toolchain configs.
`Use only (major, minor, patch), e.g., '0.20.0'. Default is "local"
which means the same version of Bazel that is currently running will
be used.
bazel_rc: The rc (for the given version of Bazel) to use. Must be published
output_base: Optional. The directory (under the project root) where the
produced toolchain configs will be copied to.
config_dir: Optional. Subdirectory where configs will be copied to.
Use only if output_base is defined.
revision: a revision of an rbe-ubuntu16-04 container.
env: dict. Additional env variables that will be set when running the
Bazel command to generate the toolchain configs.
if output_base == "" and config_dir != "":
fail("config_dir can only be used when output_base is set.")
if revision == "latest":
revision = RBE_UBUNTU16_04_LATEST
if bazel_rc and not bazel_version:
fail("bazel_rc can only be used with bazel_version.")
digest = public_rbe_ubuntu16_04_sha256s().get(revision, None)
if not digest:
fail(("Could not find a valid digest for revision %s, " +
"please make sure it is declared in " +
"@bazel_toolchains//rules:toolchain_containers.bzl" % revision))
name = name,
bazel_version = bazel_version,
bazel_rc = bazel_rc,
config_dir = config_dir,
digest = digest,
env = env,
output_base = output_base,
revision = revision,