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title: Home
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<p class="lead">{Fast, Correct} - Choose two</p>
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Get Bazel</a>
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<h1>Correct, reproducible, fast builds for everyone</h1>
<p class="lead">Build software of any size, quickly and reliably, just as engineers do at Google.</p>
<p>Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in <a href="#beta">Beta</a>.
Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server software, including client
applications for both Android and iOS platforms. It also provides an extensible framework
that you can use to develop your own build rules.
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<h1>Why Bazel?</h1>
<p class="lead">Here's what makes Bazel great.</p>
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<p>With Bazel's optimized dependency analysis, advanced
caching and parallel execution of build actions, you get
fast, clean builds.
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<p>At Google, Bazel is used by tens of
thousands of engineers to build heavy-duty, mission-critical
infrastructure services as well as public web applications. But it's
great for smaller projects, too.
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<p>A comprehensive, built-in set of rules lets you build software for
a wide variety of languages and platforms right out of the box.
Skylark, Bazel's extensible rule framework, allows you to develop
and share your own build rules for other languages and platforms.
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<p>Bazel examines the content of source files in your
dependency graph, not just timestamps, to determine when to rebuild.
Because incremental builds are virtually always correct, it's not
necessary to run a clean build "just in case" to ensure correctness.
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<p>When you build software with Bazel, you're running the same code
that has been refined and tested over years of use in the
engineering environment at Google.
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<p>Builds only use input files that are explicitly declared in the
build specification. On Linux, Bazel runs tools in a sandboxed
environment that contain only the minimum necessary files required.
Even tests are run in sandboxes, which ensures predictable,
environment-independent results.
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<h1 id="beta">Bazel is in Beta</h1>
<p>Bazel is in Beta. There are still some functional limitations,
but we believe that Bazel is stable enough for production use.
See our <a href="support.html">Support</a> page for information
about feature status and releases. The Bazel team monitors and
responds actively to bug reports from users.
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<h1>Get Started</h1>
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<h3>Install Bazel</h2>
<p>See our <a href="docs/install.html">Installation Guide</a> to learn
how to download and install Bazel.
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<h3>Run Bazel</h2>
<p>See our
<a href="docs/getting-started.html">Getting Started Guide</a> to
learn how to write a BUILD file and run Bazel.
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<h3>Bazel Commands</h2>
<p>See our <a href="docs/bazel-user-manual.html">User Manual</a> to
learn about the Bazel command-line tool.
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<h3>Learn More</h2>
<p>Take a look at our <a href="docs/install.html">documentation</a>
and read our <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.
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<h1>About Bazel</h1>
<a href="contributing.html">Contribute</a><br />
<a href="governance.html">Governance Plan</a><br />
<a href="roadmap.html">Roadmap</a><br />
<a href="support.html">Support</a><br />
<a href="users.html">Who's using Bazel</a>