blob: c22d52cd682ce9053e7c61a541ac29fb3265a1fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An Artifact represents a file used by the build system, whether it's a source file or a derived
* (output) file. Not all Artifacts have a corresponding FileTarget object in the <code>
* build.lib.packages</code> API: for example, low-level intermediaries internal to a given rule,
* such as a Java class files or C++ object files. However all FileTargets have a corresponding
* Artifact.
* <p>In any given call to SkyframeExecutor#buildArtifacts(), no two Artifacts in the action graph
* may refer to the same path.
* <p>Artifacts generally fall into two classifications, source and derived, but there exist a few
* other cases that are fuzzy and difficult to classify. The following cases exist:
* <ul>
* <li>Well-formed source Artifacts will have null generating Actions and a root that is
* orthogonal to execRoot. (With the root coming from the package path.)
* <li>Well-formed derived Artifacts will have non-null generating Actions, and a root that is
* below execRoot.
* <li>Symlinked include source Artifacts under the output/include tree will appear to be derived
* artifacts with null generating Actions.
* <li>Some derived Artifacts, mostly in the genfiles tree and mostly discovered during include
* validation, will also have null generating Actions.
* </ul>
* In the usual case, an Artifact represents a single file. However, an Artifact may also represent
* the following:
* <ul>
* <li>A TreeArtifact, which is a directory containing a tree of unknown {@link Artifact}s. In the
* future, Actions will be able to examine these files as inputs and declare them as outputs
* at execution time, but this is not yet implemented. This is used for Actions where the
* inputs and/or outputs might not be discoverable except during Action execution.
* <li>A directory of unknown contents, but not a TreeArtifact. This is a legacy facility and
* should not be used by any new rule implementations. In particular, the file system cache
* integrity checks fail for directories.
* <li>An 'aggregating middleman' special Artifact, which may be expanded using a {@link
* ArtifactExpander} at Action execution time. This is used by a handful of rules to save
* memory.
* <li>A 'constant metadata' special Artifact. These represent real files, changes to which are
* ignored by the build system. They are useful for files which change frequently but do not
* affect the result of a build, such as timestamp files.
* <li>A 'Fileset' special Artifact. This is a legacy type of Artifact and should not be used by
* new rule implementations.
* </ul>
* <p>While Artifact implements {@link SkyKey} for memory-saving purposes, Skyframe requests
* involving artifacts should always go through {@link Artifact#key} since ordinary derived
* artifacts should not be requested directly from Skyframe.
public abstract class Artifact
implements FileType.HasFileType,
SkyKey {
public static final Depset.ElementType TYPE = Depset.ElementType.of(Artifact.class);
/** Compares artifact according to their exec paths. Sorts null values first. */
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") // "a == b" is an optimization
public static final Comparator<Artifact> EXEC_PATH_COMPARATOR =
(a, b) -> {
if (a == b) {
return 0;
} else if (a == null) {
return -1;
} else if (b == null) {
return 1;
} else {
return a.execPath.compareTo(b.execPath);
/** Compares artifact according to their root relative paths. Sorts null values first. */
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") // "a == b" is an optimization
public static final Comparator<Artifact> ROOT_RELATIVE_PATH_COMPARATOR =
(a, b) -> {
if (a == b) {
return 0;
} else if (a == null) {
return -1;
} else if (b == null) {
return 1;
} else {
int result = a.getRootRelativePath().compareTo(b.getRootRelativePath());
if (result == 0) {
// Use the full exec path as a fallback if the root-relative paths are the same, thus
// avoiding problems when ImmutableSortedMaps are switched from EXEC_PATH_COMPARATOR.
return a.execPath.compareTo(b.execPath);
} else {
return result;
* {@link} does direct filesystem access
* without declaring Skyframe dependencies if the artifact is a source directory. However, that
* filesystem access is not invalidated on incremental builds, and we have no plans to fix it,
* since general consumption of source directories in this way is unsound. Therefore no new bugs
* are created by declaring {@link} to be
* hermetic.
* <p>TODO(janakr): Avoid this issue entirely by giving {@link SourceArtifact} its own {@code
* SkyFunction}. Then we can just declare that function to be non-hermetic. That will also save
* memory since we can make mandatory source artifacts their own SkyKeys!
public static final SkyFunctionName ARTIFACT = SkyFunctionName.createHermetic("ARTIFACT");
* Returns a {@link SkyKey} that, when built, will produce this artifact. For source artifacts and
* generated artifacts that may aggregate other artifacts (middleman, since they may be
* aggregating middlemen, and tree), returns the artifact itself. For normal generated artifacts,
* returns the key of the generating action.
* <p>Callers should use this method (or the related ones below) in preference to directly
* requesting an {@link Artifact} to be built by Skyframe, since ordinary derived artifacts should
* never be directly built by Skyframe.
public static SkyKey key(Artifact artifact) {
if (artifact.isTreeArtifact()
|| artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact()
|| !artifact.hasKnownGeneratingAction()) {
return artifact;
return ((DerivedArtifact) artifact).getGeneratingActionKey();
public static Iterable<SkyKey> keys(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return Iterables.transform(artifacts, Artifact::key);
public int compareTo(Artifact o) {
return, o);
/** An object that can expand middleman and tree artifacts. */
public interface ArtifactExpander {
* Expands the given artifact, and populates "output" with the result.
* <p>{@code artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact() || artifact.isTreeArtifact()} must be true.
* Only aggregating middlemen and tree artifacts are expanded.
void expand(Artifact artifact, Collection<? super Artifact> output);
* Retrieve the expansion of Filesets for the given artifact.
* @param artifact {@code artifact.isFileset()} must be true.
default ImmutableList<FilesetOutputSymlink> getFileset(Artifact artifact) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Implementation of {@link ArtifactExpander} */
public static class ArtifactExpanderImpl implements ArtifactExpander {
private final Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>> expandedInputs;
private final Map<Artifact, ImmutableList<FilesetOutputSymlink>> expandedFilesets;
public ArtifactExpanderImpl(
Map<Artifact, Collection<Artifact>> expandedInputs,
Map<Artifact, ImmutableList<FilesetOutputSymlink>> expandedFilesets) {
this.expandedInputs = expandedInputs;
this.expandedFilesets = expandedFilesets;
public void expand(Artifact artifact, Collection<? super Artifact> output) {
artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact() || artifact.isTreeArtifact(), artifact);
Collection<Artifact> result = expandedInputs.get(artifact);
if (result != null) {
public ImmutableList<FilesetOutputSymlink> getFileset(Artifact artifact) {
return Preconditions.checkNotNull(expandedFilesets.get(artifact));
public static final ImmutableList<Artifact> NO_ARTIFACTS = ImmutableList.of();
/** A Predicate that evaluates to true if the Artifact is not a middleman artifact. */
public static final Predicate<Artifact> MIDDLEMAN_FILTER = input -> !input.isMiddlemanArtifact();
private final int hashCode;
private final ArtifactRoot root;
private final PathFragment execPath;
* Content-based output paths are experimental. Only derived artifacts that are explicitly opted
* in by their creating rules should use them and only when {@link
*} is
* on.
private final boolean contentBasedPath;
private Artifact(ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath, boolean contentBasedPath) {
// The ArtifactOwner is not part of this computation because it is very rare that two Artifacts
// have the same execPath and different owners, so a collision is fine there. If this is
// changed, OwnerlessArtifactWrapper must also be changed.
this.hashCode = execPath.hashCode();
this.root = root;
this.execPath = execPath;
this.contentBasedPath = contentBasedPath;
* An artifact corresponding to a file in the output tree, generated by an {@link Action}, but for
* which the generating action is unknown (may have been created as an undeclared "side effect" of
* another action).
* <p>This artifact type defined for compatibility with the Ninja build system.
* <p>Only use this type in rare cases, and only when there is certainty that the artifact is
* actually generated by an action in the build (for example, when another action declares it as
* an explicit dependency in a post-execution .d file). These artifacts are indicative of
* underspecified, incomplete builds, and may in worst cases be indicative of incorrect builds.
public static final class NinjaMysteryArtifact extends Artifact {
public NinjaMysteryArtifact(ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath) {
super(root, execPath, false);
public PathFragment getRootRelativePath() {
return getExecPath().relativeTo(getRoot().getExecPath());
boolean ownersEqual(Artifact other) {
return true;
public ArtifactOwner getArtifactOwner() {
return ArtifactOwner.NullArtifactOwner.INSTANCE;
public Label getOwnerLabel() {
return ArtifactOwner.NullArtifactOwner.INSTANCE.getLabel();
public boolean hasKnownGeneratingAction() {
return false;
/** An artifact corresponding to a file in the output tree, generated by an {@link Action}. */
public static class DerivedArtifact extends Artifact {
/** Only used for deserializing artifacts. */
private static final Interner<DerivedArtifact> INTERNER = BlazeInterners.newWeakInterner();
* An {@link ActionLookupKey} until {@link #setGeneratingActionKey} is set, at which point it is
* an {@link ActionLookupData}, whose {@link ActionLookupData#getActionLookupKey} will be the
* same as the original value of owner.
* <p>We overload this field in order to save memory.
private Object owner;
/** Standard constructor for derived artifacts. */
public DerivedArtifact(ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath, ActionLookupKey owner) {
this(root, execPath, owner, /*contentBasedPath=*/ false);
* Same as {@link #DerivedArtifact(ArtifactRoot, PathFragment, ActionLookupKey)} but includes
* tge option to use a content-based path for this artifact (see {@link
public DerivedArtifact(
ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath, ActionLookupKey owner, boolean contentBasedPath) {
super(root, execPath, contentBasedPath);
!root.getExecPath().isEmpty(), "Derived root has no exec path: %s, %s", root, execPath);
this.owner = owner;
* Called when a configured target's actions are being collected. {@code generatingActionKey}
* must have the same owner as this artifact's current {@link #getArtifactOwner}.
public void setGeneratingActionKey(ActionLookupData generatingActionKey) {
this.owner instanceof ArtifactOwner,
"Already set generating action key: %s (%s %s)",
Preconditions.checkNotNull(generatingActionKey, this).getActionLookupKey().equals(owner),
"Owner of generating action key not same as artifact's owner: %s (%s %s)",
this.owner = Preconditions.checkNotNull(generatingActionKey, this);
public boolean hasGeneratingActionKey() {
return this.owner instanceof ActionLookupData;
/** Can only be called once {@link #setGeneratingActionKey} is called. */
public ActionLookupData getGeneratingActionKey() {
Preconditions.checkState(owner instanceof ActionLookupData, "Bad owner: %s %s", this, owner);
return (ActionLookupData) owner;
public ActionLookupValue.ActionLookupKey getArtifactOwner() {
return owner instanceof ActionLookupData
? getGeneratingActionKey().getActionLookupKey()
: (ActionLookupKey) owner;
public Label getOwnerLabel() {
return getArtifactOwner().getLabel();
public PathFragment getRootRelativePath() {
return getExecPath().relativeTo(getRoot().getExecPath());
boolean ownersEqual(Artifact other) {
DerivedArtifact that = (DerivedArtifact) other;
if (!(this.owner instanceof ActionLookupData) || !(that.owner instanceof ActionLookupData)) {
// Happens when at least one of these artifacts hasn't had its generating action key set
// yet, so its configured target is still being analyzed. Tolerate.
return this.getArtifactOwner().equals(that.getArtifactOwner());
return this.owner.equals(that.owner);
* The {@code rootRelativePath is a few characters shorter than the {@code execPath}, so we save
* a few bytes by serializing it rather than the {@code execPath}, especially when the {@code
* root} is common to many artifacts and therefore memoized.
static DerivedArtifact createForSerialization(
ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment rootRelativePath, ActionLookupData generatingActionKey) {
if (rootRelativePath == null
|| rootRelativePath.isAbsolute() != root.getRoot().isAbsolute()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ ": illegal rootRelativePath for "
+ root
+ " (generatingActionKey: "
+ generatingActionKey
+ ")");
!root.isSourceRoot(), "Root not derived: %s %s", root, rootRelativePath);
PathFragment rootExecPath = root.getExecPath();
DerivedArtifact artifact =
new DerivedArtifact(
/*contentBasedPath=*/ false);
return INTERNER.intern(artifact);
public final Path getPath() {
return root.getRoot().getRelative(getRootRelativePath());
public boolean hasParent() {
return getParent() != null;
* Returns the parent Artifact containing this Artifact. Artifacts without parents shall return
* null.
public SpecialArtifact getParent() {
return null;
* Returns the directory name of this artifact, similar to dirname(1).
* <p> The directory name is always a relative path to the execution directory.
public final String getDirname() {
PathFragment parent = getExecPath().getParentDirectory();
return (parent == null) ? "/" : parent.getSafePathString();
* Returns the base file name of this artifact, similar to basename(1).
public final String getFilename() {
return getExecPath().getBaseName();
public final String getExtension() {
return getExecPath().getFileExtension();
* Checks whether this artifact is of the supplied file type.
* <p>Prefer this method to pulling out strings from the Artifact and passing to {@link
* FileType#matches(String)} manually. This method has been optimized to generate a minimum of
* garbage.
public boolean isFileType(FileType fileType) {
return fileType.matches(this);
public String filePathForFileTypeMatcher() {
return getExecPath().filePathForFileTypeMatcher();
public String expandToCommandLine() {
return getExecPathString();
/** Returns the artifact's owning label. May be null. */
public final Label getOwner() {
return getOwnerLabel();
* Gets the {@code ActionLookupKey} of the {@code ConfiguredTarget} that owns this artifact, if it
* was set. Otherwise, this should be a dummy value -- either {@link
* ArtifactOwner.NullArtifactOwner#INSTANCE} or a dummy owner set in tests. Such a dummy value
* should only occur for source artifacts if created without specifying the owner, or for special
* derived artifacts, such as target completion middleman artifacts, build info artifacts, and the
* like.
public abstract ArtifactOwner getArtifactOwner();
* Returns the root beneath which this Artifact resides, if any. This may be one of the
* package-path entries (for source Artifacts), or one of the bin, genfiles or includes dirs (for
* derived Artifacts). It will always be an ancestor of getPath().
public final ArtifactRoot getRoot() {
return root;
public final PathFragment getExecPath() {
return execPath;
public boolean contentBasedPath() {
return contentBasedPath;
public boolean isSymlink() {
return false;
* Returns the path of this Artifact relative to this containing Artifact. Since
* ordinary Artifacts correspond to only one Artifact -- itself -- for ordinary Artifacts,
* this just returns the empty path. For special Artifacts, throws
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. See also {@link Artifact#getParentRelativePath()}.
public PathFragment getParentRelativePath() {
return PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT;
* Returns true iff this is a source Artifact as determined by its path and root relationships.
* Note that this will report all Artifacts in the output tree, including in the include symlink
* tree, as non-source.
* <p>An {@link Artifact} is a {@link SourceArtifact} iff this returns true, and a {@link
* DerivedArtifact} otherwise.
public final boolean isSourceArtifact() {
return root.isSourceRoot();
* Returns true iff this artifact has a generating action, and that generating action is known.
public boolean hasKnownGeneratingAction() {
return !isSourceArtifact();
* Returns true iff this is a middleman Artifact as determined by its root.
* <p>If true, this artifact is necessarily a {@link DerivedArtifact}.
public final boolean isMiddlemanArtifact() {
return getRoot().isMiddlemanRoot();
* Returns true iff this is a TreeArtifact representing a directory tree containing Artifacts.
* <p>if true, this artifact is necessarily a {@link SpecialArtifact} with type {@link
* SpecialArtifactType#TREE}.
public boolean isTreeArtifact() {
return false;
* Returns whether the artifact represents a Fileset.
* <p>if true, this artifact is necessarily a {@link SpecialArtifact} with type {@link
* SpecialArtifactType#FILESET}.
public boolean isFileset() {
return false;
/** The disjunction of {@link #isTreeArtifact} and {@link #isFileset}. */
public boolean isDirectory() {
return isTreeArtifact() || isFileset();
* Returns true iff metadata cache must return constant metadata for the given artifact.
* <p>If true, this artifact is necessarily a {@link SpecialArtifact} with type {@link
* SpecialArtifactType#CONSTANT_METADATA}.
public boolean isConstantMetadata() {
return false;
/** {@link Artifact#isSourceArtifact() is true.
* <p>Source artifacts have the property that unlike for output artifacts, direct file system
* access for their contents should be safe, even in a distributed context.
* TODO(shahan): move {@link Artifact#getPath} to this subclass.
* */
public static final class SourceArtifact extends Artifact {
private final ArtifactOwner owner;
public SourceArtifact(ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath, ArtifactOwner owner) {
super(root, execPath, /*contentBasedPath=*/ false);
this.owner = owner;
* Source artifacts do not consider their owners in equality checks, since their owners are
* purely cosmetic.
boolean ownersEqual(Artifact other) {
return true;
public PathFragment getRootRelativePath() {
// flag-less way of checking of the root is <execroot>/.., or sibling of __main__.
if (getExecPath().startsWith(LabelConstants.EXPERIMENTAL_EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX)) {
return LabelConstants.EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX.getRelative(getExecPath().subFragment(1));
return getExecPath();
public ArtifactOwner getArtifactOwner() {
return owner;
public Label getOwnerLabel() {
return owner.getLabel();
boolean differentOwnerOrRoot(ArtifactOwner owner, ArtifactRoot root) {
return !this.owner.equals(owner) || !this.getRoot().equals(root);
* Special artifact types.
* @see SpecialArtifact
public enum SpecialArtifactType {
/** Google-specific legacy type. */
* A symlink. Not chased, can be dangling. All we care about is the return value of {@code
* readlink()}.
/** A subtree containing multiple files and directories. */
/** Special artifact type for workspace status information. */
* A special kind of artifact that either is a fileset or needs special metadata caching behavior.
* <p>We subclass {@link DerivedArtifact} instead of storing the special attributes inside in
* order to save memory. The proportion of artifacts that are special is very small, and by not
* having to keep around the attribute for the rest we save some memory.
public static final class SpecialArtifact extends DerivedArtifact {
private final SpecialArtifactType type;
public SpecialArtifact(
ArtifactRoot root, PathFragment execPath, ActionLookupKey owner, SpecialArtifactType type) {
super(root, execPath, owner, /*contentBasedPath=*/ false);
this.type = type;
static SpecialArtifact create(
ArtifactRoot root,
PathFragment execPath,
SpecialArtifactType type,
ActionLookupData generatingActionKey) {
SpecialArtifact result =
new SpecialArtifact(root, execPath, generatingActionKey.getActionLookupKey(), type);
return result;
public final boolean isFileset() {
return type == SpecialArtifactType.FILESET;
public boolean isConstantMetadata() {
return type == SpecialArtifactType.CONSTANT_METADATA;
public boolean isTreeArtifact() {
return type == SpecialArtifactType.TREE;
public boolean isSymlink() {
return type == SpecialArtifactType.UNRESOLVED_SYMLINK;
public boolean hasParent() {
return false;
public SpecialArtifact getParent() {
return null;
public PathFragment getParentRelativePath() {
return null;
public ShareabilityOfValue getShareabilityOfValue() {
return isConstantMetadata() ? ShareabilityOfValue.NEVER : super.getShareabilityOfValue();
* A special kind of artifact that represents a concrete file created at execution time under its
* associated TreeArtifact.
* <p>TreeFileArtifacts should be only created during execution time inside some special actions
* to support action inputs and outputs that are unpredictable at analysis time. TreeFileArtifacts
* should not be created directly by any rules at analysis time.
* <p>We subclass {@link DerivedArtifact} instead of storing the extra fields directly inside in
* order to save memory. The proportion of TreeFileArtifacts is very small, and by not having to
* keep around the extra fields for the rest we save some memory.
public static final class TreeFileArtifact extends DerivedArtifact {
private final SpecialArtifact parentTreeArtifact;
private final PathFragment parentRelativePath;
* Constructs a TreeFileArtifact with the given parent-relative path under the given parent
* TreeArtifact. The {@link ArtifactOwner} of the TreeFileArtifact is the {@link ArtifactOwner}
* of the parent TreeArtifact.
public TreeFileArtifact(SpecialArtifact parent, PathFragment parentRelativePath) {
this(parent, parentRelativePath, parent.getArtifactOwner());
* Constructs a TreeFileArtifact with the given parent-relative path under the given parent
* TreeArtifact, owned by the given {@code artifactOwner}.
SpecialArtifact parentTreeArtifact,
PathFragment parentRelativePath,
ActionLookupKey owner) {
/*contentBasedPath=*/ false);
"The parent of TreeFileArtifact (parent-relative path: %s) is not a TreeArtifact: %s",
!parentRelativePath.containsUplevelReferences() && !parentRelativePath.isAbsolute(),
"%s is not a proper normalized relative path",
"Given parent %s must be a TreeArtifact",
this.parentTreeArtifact = parentTreeArtifact;
this.parentRelativePath = parentRelativePath;
static TreeFileArtifact createForSerialization(
SpecialArtifact parentTreeArtifact,
PathFragment parentRelativePath,
ActionLookupData generatingActionKey) {
TreeFileArtifact result =
new TreeFileArtifact(
parentTreeArtifact, parentRelativePath, generatingActionKey.getActionLookupKey());
return result;
public SpecialArtifact getParent() {
return parentTreeArtifact;
public PathFragment getParentRelativePath() {
return parentRelativePath;
* Returns the relative path to this artifact relative to its root. (Useful when deriving output
* filenames from input files, etc.)
public abstract PathFragment getRootRelativePath();
* For targets in external repositories, this returns the path the artifact live at in the
* runfiles tree. For local targets, it returns the rootRelativePath.
public final PathFragment getRunfilesPath() {
PathFragment relativePath = getRootRelativePath();
if (relativePath.startsWith(LabelConstants.EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX)) {
// Turn external/repo/foo into ../repo/foo.
relativePath = relativePath.relativeTo(LabelConstants.EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX);
relativePath = PathFragment.create("..").getRelative(relativePath);
return relativePath;
public final String getRunfilesPathString() {
return getRunfilesPath().getPathString();
* Returns this.getExecPath().getPathString().
public final String getExecPathString() {
return getExecPath().getPathString();
public final String getRootRelativePathString() {
return getRootRelativePath().getPathString();
public final String prettyPrint() {
// toDetailString would probably be more useful to users, but lots of tests rely on the
// current values.
return getRootRelativePath().toString();
@SuppressWarnings("EqualsGetClass") // Distinct classes of Artifact are never equal.
public final boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (!(other instanceof Artifact)) {
return false;
if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) {
return false;
Artifact that = (Artifact) other;
return equalsWithoutOwner(that) && ownersEqual(that);
final boolean equalsWithoutOwner(Artifact other) {
return hashCode == other.hashCode && execPath.equals(other.execPath) && root.equals(other.root);
abstract boolean ownersEqual(Artifact other);
public final int hashCode() {
// This is just execPath.hashCode() (along with the class). We cache a copy in the Artifact
// object to reduce LLC misses during operations which build a HashSet out of many Artifacts.
// This is a slight loss for memory but saves ~1% overall CPU in some real builds.
return hashCode;
public final String toString() {
return "File:" + toDetailString();
* Returns a string representing the complete artifact path information.
public final String toDetailString() {
if (isSourceArtifact()) {
// Source Artifact: relPath == execPath, & real path is not under execRoot
return "[" + root + "]" + getRootRelativePathString();
} else {
// Derived Artifact: path and root are under execRoot
// TODO(blaze-team): this is misleading because execution_root isn't unique. Dig the
// workspace name out and print that also.
return "[[<execution_root>]" + root.getExecPath() + "]" + getRootRelativePathString();
/** {@link ObjectCodec} for {@link SourceArtifact} */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // found by CLASSPATH-scanning magic
private static class SourceArtifactCodec implements ObjectCodec<SourceArtifact> {
public Class<? extends SourceArtifact> getEncodedClass() {
return SourceArtifact.class;
public void serialize(
SerializationContext context, SourceArtifact obj, CodedOutputStream codedOut)
throws SerializationException, IOException {
context.serialize(obj.getExecPath(), codedOut);
context.serialize(obj.getRoot(), codedOut);
context.serialize(obj.getArtifactOwner(), codedOut);
public SourceArtifact deserialize(DeserializationContext context, CodedInputStream codedIn)
throws SerializationException, IOException {
PathFragment execPath = context.deserialize(codedIn);
ArtifactRoot artifactRoot = context.deserialize(codedIn);
ArtifactOwner owner = context.deserialize(codedIn);
return (SourceArtifact)
.getSourceArtifact(execPath, artifactRoot.getRoot(), owner);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static methods to assist in working with Artifacts
/** Formatter for execPath PathFragment output. */
public static final Function<Artifact, String> ROOT_RELATIVE_PATH_STRING =
artifact -> artifact.getRootRelativePath().getPathString();
* Converts a collection of artifacts into execution-time path strings, and
* adds those to a given collection. Middleman artifacts are ignored by this
* method.
public static void addExecPaths(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts, Collection<String> output) {
addNonMiddlemanArtifacts(artifacts, output, ActionInputHelper.EXEC_PATH_STRING_FORMATTER);
* Converts a collection of artifacts into the outputs computed by
* outputFormatter and adds them to a given collection. Middleman artifacts
* are ignored.
static <E> void addNonMiddlemanArtifacts(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts,
Collection<? super E> output, Function<? super Artifact, E> outputFormatter) {
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
if (MIDDLEMAN_FILTER.apply(artifact)) {
* Lazily converts artifacts into root-relative path strings. Middleman artifacts are ignored by
* this method.
public static Iterable<String> toRootRelativePaths(NestedSet<Artifact> artifacts) {
return toRootRelativePaths(artifacts.toList());
* Lazily converts artifacts into root-relative path strings. Middleman artifacts are ignored by
* this method.
public static Iterable<String> toRootRelativePaths(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return Iterables.transform(
Iterables.filter(artifacts, MIDDLEMAN_FILTER),
artifact -> artifact.getRootRelativePath().getPathString());
* Lazily converts artifacts into execution-time path strings. Middleman artifacts are ignored by
* this method.
public static Iterable<String> toExecPaths(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return ActionInputHelper.toExecPaths(Iterables.filter(artifacts, MIDDLEMAN_FILTER));
* Converts a collection of artifacts into execution-time path strings, and returns those as an
* immutable list. Middleman artifacts are ignored by this method.
* <p>Avoid this method in production code - it flattens the given nested set unconditionally.
public static List<String> asExecPaths(NestedSet<Artifact> artifacts) {
return asExecPaths(artifacts.toList());
* Converts a collection of artifacts into execution-time path strings, and
* returns those as an immutable list. Middleman artifacts are ignored by this method.
public static List<String> asExecPaths(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(toExecPaths(artifacts));
* Renders a collection of artifacts as execution-time paths and joins
* them into a single string. Middleman artifacts are ignored by this method.
public static String joinExecPaths(String delimiter, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return Joiner.on(delimiter).join(toExecPaths(artifacts));
* Renders a collection of artifacts as root-relative paths and joins
* them into a single string. Middleman artifacts are ignored by this method.
public static String joinRootRelativePaths(String delimiter, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
return Joiner.on(delimiter).join(toRootRelativePaths(artifacts));
* Adds a collection of artifacts to a given collection, with
* {@link MiddlemanType#AGGREGATING_MIDDLEMAN} middleman actions expanded once.
public static void addExpandedArtifacts(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts,
Collection<? super Artifact> output, ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
addExpandedArtifacts(artifacts, output, Functions.<Artifact>identity(), artifactExpander);
* Converts a collection of artifacts into the outputs computed by
* outputFormatter and adds them to a given collection. Middleman artifacts
* are expanded once.
private static <E> void addExpandedArtifacts(Iterable<? extends Artifact> artifacts,
Collection<? super E> output,
Function<? super Artifact, E> outputFormatter,
ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
if (artifact.isMiddlemanArtifact() || artifact.isTreeArtifact()) {
expandArtifact(artifact, output, outputFormatter, artifactExpander);
} else {
private static <E> void expandArtifact(Artifact middleman,
Collection<? super E> output,
Function<? super Artifact, E> outputFormatter,
ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(middleman.isMiddlemanArtifact() || middleman.isTreeArtifact());
List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
artifactExpander.expand(middleman, artifacts);
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
* Convenience method to filter the files to build for a certain filetype.
* @param artifacts the files to filter
* @param allowedType the allowed filetype
* @return all members of filesToBuild that are of one of the
* allowed filetypes
public static List<Artifact> filterFiles(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts, FileType allowedType) {
List<Artifact> filesToBuild = new ArrayList<>();
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
if (allowedType.matches(artifact.getFilename())) {
return filesToBuild;
* Converts artifacts into their exec paths. Returns an immutable list.
public static List<PathFragment> asPathFragments(Iterable<? extends Artifact> artifacts) {
* Returns the exec paths of the input artifacts in alphabetical order.
public static ImmutableList<PathFragment> asSortedPathFragments(Iterable<Artifact> input) {
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public void repr(Printer printer) {
if (isSourceArtifact()) {
printer.append("<source file " + getRootRelativePathString() + ">");
} else {
printer.append("<generated file " + getRootRelativePathString() + ">");
* A utility class that compares {@link Artifact}s without taking their owners into account.
* Should only be used for detecting action conflicts and merging shared action data.
public static class OwnerlessArtifactWrapper {
private final Artifact artifact;
public OwnerlessArtifactWrapper(Artifact artifact) {
this.artifact = artifact;
public int hashCode() {
// Depends on the fact that Artifact#hashCode does not use ArtifactOwner.
return artifact.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof OwnerlessArtifactWrapper
&& this.artifact.equalsWithoutOwner(((OwnerlessArtifactWrapper) obj).artifact);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("artifact", artifact)
.add("owner", artifact.getArtifactOwner())
public SkyFunctionName functionName() {
return ARTIFACT;