blob: a2c6be437b6e6719d4d1cc70f42df679978b004b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
/** Utilities used by the evaluator. */
// TODO(adonovan): move all fundamental values and operators of the language to Starlark
// class---equal, compare, getattr, index, slice, parse, exec, eval, and so on---and make this
// private.
public final class EvalUtils {
private EvalUtils() {}
* The exception that SKYLARK_COMPARATOR might throw. This is an unchecked exception because
* Comparator doesn't let us declare exceptions. It should normally be caught and wrapped in an
* EvalException.
static class ComparisonException extends RuntimeException {
ComparisonException(String msg) {
* Compare two Starlark values.
* <p>It may throw an unchecked exception ComparisonException that should be wrapped in an
* EvalException.
// TODO(adonovan): consider what API to expose around comparison and ordering. Java's three-valued
// comparator cannot properly handle weakly or partially ordered values such as IEEE754 floats.
static final Ordering<Object> SKYLARK_COMPARATOR =
new Ordering<Object>() {
private int compareLists(Sequence<?> o1, Sequence<?> o2) {
if (o1 instanceof RangeList || o2 instanceof RangeList) {
throw new ComparisonException("Cannot compare range objects");
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(o1.size(), o2.size()); i++) {
int cmp = compare(o1.get(i), o2.get(i));
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
return, o2.size());
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
// optimize the most common cases
if (o1 instanceof String && o2 instanceof String) {
return ((String) o1).compareTo((String) o2);
if (o1 instanceof Integer && o2 instanceof Integer) {
return o1, (Integer) o2);
o1 = Starlark.fromJava(o1, null);
o2 = Starlark.fromJava(o2, null);
if (o1 instanceof Sequence
&& o2 instanceof Sequence
&& o1 instanceof Tuple == o2 instanceof Tuple) {
return compareLists((Sequence) o1, (Sequence) o2);
if (o1 instanceof ClassObject) {
throw new ComparisonException("Cannot compare structs");
try {
return ((Comparable<Object>) o1).compareTo(o2);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ComparisonException(
"Cannot compare " + Starlark.type(o1) + " with " + Starlark.type(o2));
/** Throws EvalException if x is not hashable. */
static void checkHashable(Object x) throws EvalException {
if (!isHashable(x)) {
// This results in confusing errors such as "unhashable type: tuple".
// TODO(adonovan): ideally the error message would explain which
// element of, say, a tuple is unhashable. The only practical way
// to implement this is by implementing isHashable as a call to
// Object.hashCode within a try/catch, and requiring all
// unhashable Starlark values to throw a particular unchecked exception
// with a helpful error message.
throw Starlark.errorf("unhashable type: '%s'", Starlark.type(x));
* Is this object known or assumed to be recursively hashable by Starlark?
* @param o an Object
* @return true if the object is known to be a hashable value.
// TODO(adonovan): obviate isHashable query by "try hash, catch StarlarkUnhashable",
// an unchecked exception. It is inefficient and potentially inconsistent to ask before doing.
static boolean isHashable(Object o) {
if (o instanceof StarlarkValue) {
return ((StarlarkValue) o).isHashable();
return isImmutable(o.getClass());
* Is this object known or assumed to be recursively immutable by Starlark?
* @param o an Object
* @return true if the object is known to be an immutable value.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate the concept of querying for immutability. It is currently used for
// only one purpose, the precondition for adding an element to a Depset, but Depsets should check
// hashability, like Dicts. (Similarly, querying for hashability should go: just attempt to hash a
// value, and be prepared for it to fail.) In practice, a value may be immutable, either
// inherently (e.g. string) or because it has become frozen, but we don't need to query for it.
// Just attempt a mutation and be preared for it to fail.
// It is inefficient and potentially inconsistent to ask before doing.
public static boolean isImmutable(Object o) {
if (o instanceof StarlarkValue) {
return ((StarlarkValue) o).isImmutable();
return isImmutable(o.getClass());
* Is this class known to be *recursively* immutable by Starlark? For instance, class Tuple is not
* it, because it can contain mutable values.
* @param c a Class
* @return true if the class is known to represent only recursively immutable values.
// NB: This is used as the basis for accepting objects in Depset-s,
// as well as for accepting objects as keys for Starlark dict-s.
private static boolean isImmutable(Class<?> c) {
return c.isAnnotationPresent(Immutable.class) // TODO(bazel-team): beware of containers!
|| c.equals(String.class)
|| c.equals(Integer.class)
|| c.equals(Boolean.class);
static void addIterator(Object x) {
if (x instanceof Mutability.Freezable) {
((Mutability.Freezable) x).updateIteratorCount(+1);
static void removeIterator(Object x) {
if (x instanceof Mutability.Freezable) {
((Mutability.Freezable) x).updateIteratorCount(-1);
// The following functions for indexing and slicing match the behavior of Python.
* Resolves a positive or negative index to an index in the range [0, length), or throws
* EvalException if it is out of range. If the index is negative, it counts backward from length.
static int getSequenceIndex(int index, int length) throws EvalException {
int actualIndex = index;
if (actualIndex < 0) {
actualIndex += length;
if (actualIndex < 0 || actualIndex >= length) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"index out of range (index is %d, but sequence has %d elements)", index, length);
return actualIndex;
* Returns the effective index denoted by a user-supplied integer. First, if the integer is
* negative, the length of the sequence is added to it, so an index of -1 represents the last
* element of the sequence. Then, the integer is "clamped" into the inclusive interval [0,
* length].
static int toIndex(int index, int length) {
if (index < 0) {
index += length;
if (index < 0) {
return 0;
} else if (index > length) {
return length;
} else {
return index;
/** @return true if x is Java null or Starlark None */
public static boolean isNullOrNone(Object x) {
return x == null || x == Starlark.NONE;
/** Returns the named field or method of value {@code x}, or null if not found. */
// TODO(adonovan): publish this method as Starlark.getattr(Semantics, Mutability, Object, String).
static Object getAttr(StarlarkThread thread, Object x, String name)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
StarlarkSemantics semantics = thread.getSemantics();
Mutability mu = thread.mutability();
// @SkylarkCallable-annotated field or method?
MethodDescriptor method = CallUtils.getMethod(semantics, x.getClass(), name);
if (method != null) {
if (method.isStructField()) {
return method.callField(x, semantics, mu);
} else {
return new BuiltinCallable(x, name, method);
// user-defined field?
if (x instanceof ClassObject) {
// TODO(adonovan): merge SkylarkClassObject and ClassObject, using a default implementation.
Object field =
x instanceof SkylarkClassObject
? ((SkylarkClassObject) x).getValue(semantics, name)
: ((ClassObject) x).getValue(name);
if (field != null) {
return Starlark.checkValid(field);
return null;
static EvalException getMissingAttrException(
Object object, String name, StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
String suffix = "";
if (object instanceof ClassObject) {
String customErrorMessage = ((ClassObject) object).getErrorMessageForUnknownField(name);
if (customErrorMessage != null) {
return Starlark.errorf("%s", customErrorMessage);
suffix = SpellChecker.didYouMean(name, ((ClassObject) object).getFieldNames());
} else {
suffix = SpellChecker.didYouMean(name, CallUtils.getFieldNames(semantics, object));
return Starlark.errorf(
"'%s' value has no field or method '%s'%s", Starlark.type(object), name, suffix);
/** Evaluates an eager binary operation, {@code x op y}. (Excludes AND and OR.) */
static Object binaryOp(
TokenKind op, Object x, Object y, StarlarkSemantics semantics, Mutability mu)
throws EvalException {
switch (op) {
case PLUS:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// int + int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
int z = xi + yi;
// Overflow Detection, §2-13 Hacker's Delight:
// "operands have the same sign and the sum
// has a sign opposite to that of the operands."
if (((xi ^ z) & (yi ^ z)) < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer overflow in addition");
return z;
} else if (x instanceof String) {
if (y instanceof String) {
// string + string
return (String) x + (String) y;
} else if (x instanceof Tuple) {
if (y instanceof Tuple) {
// tuple + tuple
return Tuple.concat((Tuple<?>) x, (Tuple<?>) y);
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkList) {
if (y instanceof StarlarkList) {
// list + list
return StarlarkList.concat((StarlarkList<?>) x, (StarlarkList<?>) y, mu);
case PIPE:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// int | int
return ((Integer) x) | (Integer) y;
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int & int
return (Integer) x & (Integer) y;
case CARET:
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int ^ int
return (Integer) x ^ (Integer) y;
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int >> int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
if (yi < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("negative shift count: %d", yi);
} else if (yi >= Integer.SIZE) {
return xi < 0 ? -1 : 0;
return xi >> yi;
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int << int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
if (yi < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("negative shift count: %d", yi);
int z = xi << yi;
if (z >> yi != xi) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer overflow");
return z;
case MINUS:
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int - int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
int z = xi - yi;
if (((xi ^ yi) & (xi ^ z)) < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer overflow in subtraction");
return z;
case STAR:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
int xi = (Integer) x;
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// int * int
long z = (long) xi * (long) (Integer) y;
if ((int) z != z) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer overflow in multiplication");
return (int) z;
} else if (y instanceof String) {
// int * string
return repeatString((String) y, xi);
} else if (y instanceof Tuple) {
// int * tuple
return ((Tuple<?>) y).repeat(xi);
} else if (y instanceof StarlarkList) {
// int * list
return ((StarlarkList<?>) y).repeat(xi, mu);
} else if (x instanceof String) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// string * int
return repeatString((String) x, (Integer) y);
} else if (x instanceof Tuple) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// tuple * int
return ((Tuple<?>) x).repeat((Integer) y);
} else if (x instanceof StarlarkList) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// list * int
return ((StarlarkList<?>) x).repeat((Integer) y, mu);
case SLASH:
throw Starlark.errorf("The `/` operator is not allowed. For integer division, use `//`.");
if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
// int // int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
if (yi == 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer division by zero");
int quo = xi / yi;
int rem = xi % yi;
if ((xi < 0) != (yi < 0) && rem != 0) {
return quo;
if (x instanceof Integer) {
if (y instanceof Integer) {
// int % int
int xi = (Integer) x;
int yi = (Integer) y;
if (yi == 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer modulo by zero");
// In Starlark, the sign of the result is the sign of the divisor.
int z = xi % yi;
if ((xi < 0) != (yi < 0) && z != 0) {
z += yi;
return z;
} else if (x instanceof String) {
// string % any
String xs = (String) x;
try {
if (y instanceof Tuple) {
return Starlark.formatWithList(xs, (Tuple) y);
} else {
return Starlark.format(xs, y);
} catch (IllegalFormatException ex) {
throw new EvalException(null, ex.getMessage());
return x.equals(y);
return !x.equals(y);
case LESS:
return compare(x, y) < 0;
return compare(x, y) <= 0;
return compare(x, y) > 0;
return compare(x, y) >= 0;
case IN:
if (y instanceof SkylarkQueryable) {
return ((SkylarkQueryable) y).containsKey(semantics, x);
} else if (y instanceof String) {
if (!(x instanceof String)) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not '%s'", Starlark.type(x));
return ((String) y).contains((String) x);
case NOT_IN:
Object z = binaryOp(TokenKind.IN, x, y, semantics, mu);
if (z != null) {
return !Starlark.truth(z);
throw new AssertionError("not a binary operator: " + op);
// custom binary operator?
if (x instanceof HasBinary) {
Object z = ((HasBinary) x).binaryOp(op, y, true);
if (z != null) {
return z;
if (y instanceof HasBinary) {
Object z = ((HasBinary) y).binaryOp(op, x, false);
if (z != null) {
return z;
throw Starlark.errorf(
"unsupported binary operation: %s %s %s", Starlark.type(x), op, Starlark.type(y));
/** Implements comparison operators. */
private static int compare(Object x, Object y) throws EvalException {
try {
return, y);
} catch (ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(null, e.getMessage());
private static String repeatString(String s, int n) {
return n <= 0 ? "" : Strings.repeat(s, n);
/** Evaluates a unary operation. */
static Object unaryOp(TokenKind op, Object x) throws EvalException {
switch (op) {
case NOT:
return !Starlark.truth(x);
case MINUS:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
int xi = (Integer) x;
if (xi == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer overflow in negation");
return -xi;
case PLUS:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
return x;
case TILDE:
if (x instanceof Integer) {
return ~((Integer) x);
/* fall through */
throw Starlark.errorf("unsupported unary operation: %s%s", op, Starlark.type(x));
* Returns the element of sequence or mapping {@code object} indexed by {@code key}.
* @throws EvalException if {@code object} is not a sequence or mapping.
static Object index(Mutability mu, StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object object, Object key)
throws EvalException {
if (object instanceof SkylarkIndexable) {
Object result = ((SkylarkIndexable) object).getIndex(semantics, key);
// TODO(bazel-team): We shouldn't have this fromJava call here. If it's needed at all,
// it should go in the implementations of SkylarkIndexable#getIndex that produce non-Starlark
// values.
return result == null ? null : Starlark.fromJava(result, mu);
} else if (object instanceof String) {
String string = (String) object;
int index = Starlark.toInt(key, "string index");
index = getSequenceIndex(index, string.length());
return string.substring(index, index + 1);
} else {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"type '%s' has no operator [](%s)", Starlark.type(object), Starlark.type(key));
* Updates an object as if by the Starlark statement {@code object[key] = value}.
* @throws EvalException if the object is not a list or dict.
static void setIndex(Object object, Object key, Object value) throws EvalException {
if (object instanceof Dict) {
Dict<Object, Object> dict = (Dict<Object, Object>) object;
dict.put(key, value, (Location) null);
} else if (object instanceof StarlarkList) {
StarlarkList<Object> list = (StarlarkList<Object>) object;
int index = Starlark.toInt(key, "list index");
index = EvalUtils.getSequenceIndex(index, list.size());
list.set(index, value, (Location) null);
} else {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"can only assign an element in a dictionary or a list, not in a '%s'",
* Parses the input as a file, resolves it in the module environment using the specified options
* and returns the syntax tree. Scan/parse/resolve errors are recorded in the StarlarkFile. It is
* the caller's responsibility to inspect them.
public static StarlarkFile parseAndValidate(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module) {
StarlarkFile file = StarlarkFile.parse(input, options);
Resolver.resolveFile(file, module);
return file;
* Parses the input as a file, resolves it in the module environment using the specified options
* and executes it. It returns None, unless the final statement is an expression, in which case it
* returns the expression's value.
public static Object exec(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
StarlarkFile file = parseAndValidate(input, options, module);
if (!file.ok()) {
throw new SyntaxError.Exception(file.errors());
return exec(file, module, thread);
/** Executes a parsed, resolved Starlark file in the given StarlarkThread. */
public static Object exec(StarlarkFile file, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
"cannot evaluate unresolved syntax (use other exec method, or parseAndValidate)");
Tuple<Object> defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
StarlarkFunction toplevel = new StarlarkFunction(file.resolved, defaultValues, module);
return Starlark.fastcall(thread, toplevel, NOARGS, NOARGS);
* Parses the input as an expression, resolves it in the module environment using the specified
* options, and evaluates it.
public static Object eval(
ParserInput input, FileOptions options, Module module, StarlarkThread thread)
throws SyntaxError.Exception, EvalException, InterruptedException {
Expression expr = Expression.parse(input, options);
Resolver.Function rfn = Resolver.resolveExpr(expr, module, options);
// Turn expression into a no-arg StarlarkFunction.
Tuple<Object> defaultValues = Tuple.empty();
StarlarkFunction exprFunc = new StarlarkFunction(rfn, defaultValues, module);
return Starlark.fastcall(thread, exprFunc, NOARGS, NOARGS);
private static final Object[] NOARGS = {};