blob: 2c36dbc5c6d473f02bda3a687cd623f7cabdb06c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** A StarlarkFunction is a function value created by a Starlark {@code def} statement. */
public final class StarlarkFunction implements StarlarkCallable {
private final Resolver.Function rfn;
private final Module module; // a function closes over its defining module
private final Tuple<Object> defaultValues;
StarlarkFunction(Resolver.Function rfn, Tuple<Object> defaultValues, Module module) {
this.rfn = rfn;
this.module = module;
this.defaultValues = defaultValues;
boolean isToplevel() {
return rfn.isToplevel;
// TODO(adonovan): many functions would be simpler if
// parameterNames excluded the *args and **kwargs parameters,
// (whose names are immaterial to the callee anyway). Do that.
// Also, reject getDefaultValue for varargs and kwargs.
* Returns the default value of the ith parameter ({@code 0 <= i < getParameterNames().size()}),
* or null if the parameter is required. Residual parameters, if any, are always last, and have no
* default value.
public Object getDefaultValue(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i >= rfn.params.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
int nparams = rfn.params.size() - (rfn.hasKwargs ? 1 : 0) - (rfn.hasVarargs ? 1 : 0);
int prefix = nparams - defaultValues.size();
if (i < prefix) {
return null; // implicit prefix of mandatory parameters
if (i < nparams) {
Object v = defaultValues.get(i - prefix);
return v == MANDATORY ? null : v;
return null; // *args or *kwargs
* Returns the names of this function's parameters. The residual {@code *args} and {@code
* **kwargs} parameters, if any, are always last.
public ImmutableList<String> getParameterNames() {
return rfn.parameterNames;
* Reports whether this function has a residual positional arguments parameter, {@code def
* f(*args)}.
public boolean hasVarargs() {
return rfn.hasVarargs;
* Reports whether this function has a residual keyword arguments parameter, {@code def
* f(**kwargs)}.
public boolean hasKwargs() {
return rfn.hasKwargs;
public Location getLocation() {
return rfn.location;
public String getName() {
/** Returns the value denoted by the function's doc string literal, or null if absent. */
public String getDocumentation() {
if (rfn.body.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Statement first = rfn.body.get(0);
if (!(first instanceof ExpressionStatement)) {
return null;
Expression expr = ((ExpressionStatement) first).getExpression();
if (!(expr instanceof StringLiteral)) {
return null;
return ((StringLiteral) expr).getValue();
public Module getModule() {
return module;
public Object fastcall(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
if (thread.mutability().isFrozen()) {
throw Starlark.errorf("Trying to call in frozen environment");
if (thread.isRecursiveCall(this)) {
throw Starlark.errorf("function '%s' called recursively", getName());
// Compute the effective parameter values
// and update the corresponding variables.
Object[] arguments = processArgs(thread.mutability(), positional, named);
StarlarkThread.Frame fr = thread.frame(0);
ImmutableList<String> names = rfn.parameterNames;
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
fr.locals.put(names.get(i), arguments[i]);
return Eval.execFunctionBody(fr, rfn.body);
public void repr(Printer printer) {
Object label = module.getLabel();
printer.append("<function " + getName());
if (label != null) {
printer.append(" from " + label);
// Checks the positional and named arguments to ensure they match the signature. It returns a new
// array of effective parameter values corresponding to the parameters of the signature. Newly
// allocated values (e.g. a **kwargs dict) use the Mutability mu.
// If the function has optional parameters, their default values are supplied by getDefaultValue.
private Object[] processArgs(Mutability mu, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException {
// This is the general schema of a function:
// def f(p1, p2=dp2, p3=dp3, *args, k1, k2=dk2, k3, **kwargs)
// The p parameters are non-kwonly, and may be specified positionally.
// The k parameters are kwonly, and must be specified by name.
// The defaults tuple is (dp2, dp3, MANDATORY, dk2, MANDATORY).
// The missing prefix (p1) is assumed to be all MANDATORY.
// Arguments are processed as follows:
// - positional arguments are bound to a prefix of [p1, p2, p3].
// - surplus positional arguments are bound to *args.
// - keyword arguments are bound to any of {p1, p2, p3, k1, k2, k3};
// duplicate bindings are rejected.
// - surplus keyword arguments are bound to **kwargs.
// - defaults are bound to each parameter from p2 to k3 if no value was set.
// default values come from the tuple above.
// It is an error if the defaults tuple entry for an unset parameter is MANDATORY.
ImmutableList<String> names = rfn.parameterNames;
// TODO(adonovan): when we have flat frames, pass in the locals array here instead of
// allocating.
Object[] arguments = new Object[names.size()];
// nparams is the number of ordinary parameters.
int nparams = rfn.params.size() - (rfn.hasKwargs ? 1 : 0) - (rfn.hasVarargs ? 1 : 0);
// numPositionalParams is the number of non-kwonly parameters.
int numPositionalParams = nparams - rfn.numKeywordOnlyParams;
// Too many positional args?
int n = positional.length;
if (n > numPositionalParams) {
if (!rfn.hasVarargs) {
if (numPositionalParams > 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() accepts no more than %d positional argument%s but got %d",
getName(), numPositionalParams, plural(numPositionalParams), n);
} else {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() does not accept positional arguments, but got %d", getName(), n);
n = numPositionalParams;
// Inv: n is number of positional arguments that are not surplus.
// Bind positional arguments to non-kwonly parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
arguments[i] = positional[i];
// Bind surplus positional arguments to *args parameter.
if (rfn.hasVarargs) {
arguments[nparams] = Tuple.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(positional, n, positional.length));
List<String> unexpected = null;
// named arguments
Dict<String, Object> kwargs = null;
if (rfn.hasKwargs) {
kwargs = Dict.of(mu);
arguments[rfn.params.size() - 1] = kwargs;
for (int i = 0; i < named.length; i += 2) {
String keyword = (String) named[i]; // safe
Object value = named[i + 1];
int pos = names.indexOf(keyword); // the list should be short, so linear scan is OK.
if (0 <= pos && pos < nparams) {
// keyword is the name of a named parameter
if (arguments[pos] != null) {
throw Starlark.errorf("%s() got multiple values for parameter '%s'", getName(), keyword);
arguments[pos] = value;
} else if (kwargs != null) {
// residual keyword argument
int sz = kwargs.size();
kwargs.put(keyword, value, null);
if (kwargs.size() == sz) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'", getName(), keyword);
} else {
// unexpected keyword argument
if (unexpected == null) {
unexpected = new ArrayList<>();
if (unexpected != null) {
// Give a spelling hint if there is exactly one.
// More than that suggests the wrong function was called.
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() got unexpected keyword argument%s: %s%s",
Joiner.on(", ").join(unexpected),
unexpected.size() == 1
? SpellChecker.didYouMean(unexpected.get(0), names.subList(0, nparams))
: "");
// Apply defaults and report errors for missing required arguments.
int m = nparams - defaultValues.size(); // first default
List<String> missingPositional = null;
List<String> missingKwonly = null;
for (int i = n; i < nparams; i++) {
// provided?
if (arguments[i] != null) {
// optional?
if (i >= m) {
Object dflt = defaultValues.get(i - m);
if (dflt != MANDATORY) {
arguments[i] = dflt;
// missing
if (i < numPositionalParams) {
if (missingPositional == null) {
missingPositional = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
if (missingKwonly == null) {
missingKwonly = new ArrayList<>();
if (missingPositional != null) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() missing %d required positional argument%s: %s",
Joiner.on(", ").join(missingPositional));
if (missingKwonly != null) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"%s() missing %d required keyword-only argument%s: %s",
Joiner.on(", ").join(missingKwonly));
return arguments;
private static String plural(int n) {
return n == 1 ? "" : "s";
public String toString() {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
// TODO(adonovan): include *, ** tokens.
for (String param : getParameterNames()) {
sep = ", ";
return out.toString();
public boolean isImmutable() {
// Only correct because closures are not yet supported.
return true;
// The MANDATORY sentinel indicates a slot in the defaultValues
// tuple corresponding to a required parameter. It is not visible
// to Java or Starlark code.
static final Object MANDATORY = new Mandatory();
private static class Mandatory implements StarlarkValue {}