| package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) |
| |
| filegroup( |
| name = "srcs", |
| srcs = glob(["**"]) + [ |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/android:srcs", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/apple:srcs", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/remote:srcs", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/testdata:srcs", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//src/test/shell:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| genrule( |
| name = "langtools-copy", |
| testonly = 1, |
| srcs = ["//third_party/java/jdk/langtools:javac_jar"], |
| outs = ["langtools.jar"], |
| cmd = "cp $< $@", |
| ) |
| |
| filegroup( |
| name = "test-deps", |
| testonly = 1, |
| srcs = [ |
| "remote_helpers.sh", |
| "testing_server.py", |
| ":langtools-copy", |
| "//examples:srcs", |
| "//src:bazel", |
| "//src/java_tools/buildjar/java/com/google/devtools/build/buildjar/genclass:GenClass_deploy.jar", |
| "//src/java_tools/junitrunner/java/com/google/testing/junit/runner:Runner_deploy.jar", |
| "//src/main/tools:linux-sandbox", |
| "//src/main/tools:process-wrapper", |
| "//src/test/shell:bashunit", |
| "//src/test/shell:bin/bazel", |
| "//src/test/shell:integration_test_setup.sh", |
| "//src/test/shell:testenv.sh", |
| "//third_party:srcs", |
| "//third_party/ijar", |
| "//third_party/java/jdk/langtools:test-srcs", |
| "//tools:srcs", |
| "@bazel_skylib//:test_deps", |
| "@local_jdk//:bootclasspath", |
| "@local_jdk//:jdk", |
| ] + select({ |
| # TODO(bazel-team): Once https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2241 |
| # is resolved, use cc implementation of singlejar on windows |
| "//src/conditions:windows": ["//src/java_tools/singlejar:SingleJar_deploy.jar"], |
| "//conditions:default": ["//src/tools/singlejar:singlejar"], |
| }), |
| visibility = [ |
| "//src/test/shell:__subpackages__", |
| "//src/tools/package_printer/java/com/google/devtools/build/packageprinter:__pkg__", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_example_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_example_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/apple:objc-deps", |
| ], |
| shard_count = 3, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_windows_example_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_windows_example_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "cpp_darwin_integration_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["cpp_darwin_integration_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", # darwin-specific test |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_tools_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_tools_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//:workspace-file", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", # objc-specific test |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_embedded_skylark_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazel_embedded_skylark_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", # TODO(laszlocsomor): make this run on Windows |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_random_characters_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_random_characters_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_java_test", |
| size = "large", |
| timeout = "eternal", |
| srcs = ["bazel_java_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = [ |
| # TODO(laszlocsomor): make this run on Windows. Currently fails because |
| # the java_common provider doesn't work on Windows. |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_build_event_stream_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazel_build_event_stream_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_experimental_ui_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazel_experimental_ui_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_rules_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_rules_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| shard_count = 3, |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_test_test", |
| timeout = "long", |
| srcs = ["bazel_test_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 3, |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_spawnstats_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_spawnstats_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_coverage_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_coverage_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_cc_code_coverage_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_cc_code_coverage_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_localtest_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_localtest_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_execute_testlog", |
| srcs = ["bazel_execute_testlog.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_toolchain_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazel_toolchain_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"] + select({ |
| "//src/conditions:darwin": [], |
| "//src/conditions:darwin_x86_64": [], |
| "//src/conditions:windows": [], |
| "//conditions:default": ["//src/test/shell/bazel/testdata:bazel_toolchain_test_project_pkg"], |
| }), |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", |
| "requires-network", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| genquery( |
| name = "embedded_tools_deps", |
| expression = "kind(\"cc_(binary|library)\", deps(//src:embedded_tools_srcs))", |
| scope = ["//src:embedded_tools_srcs"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "embedded_tools_deps_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["embedded_tools_deps_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":embedded_tools_deps", |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/testdata:embedded_tools_deps_test_data", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_docgen_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_docgen_test.sh"], |
| data = ["//src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib:gen_buildencyclopedia"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "external_correctness_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["external_correctness_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "external_integration_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["external_integration_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 12, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "external_patching_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["external_patching_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 3, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "external_path_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["external_path_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 6, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "git_repository_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["git_repository_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/testdata:git-repos", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "skylark_git_repository_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["skylark_git_repository_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/testdata:git-repos", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "local_repository_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["local_repository_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 3, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "cross_repository_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["cross_repository_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "skylark_prefetching_test", |
| srcs = ["skylark_prefetching_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "external_skylark_load_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["external_skylark_load_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 6, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "skylark_repository_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["skylark_repository_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 6, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "skylark_rule_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["skylark_rule_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "disk_cache_test", |
| size = "small", |
| srcs = ["disk_cache_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "runfiles_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["runfiles_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "empty_package_test", |
| srcs = ["empty_package.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "location_test", |
| srcs = ["location_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "maven_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["maven_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| # To run this test, ensure that maven_dependency_plugin() and |
| # android_repositories() in WORKSPACE are uncommented. |
| sh_test( |
| name = "maven_skylark_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["maven_skylark_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//external:android_sdk_for_testing", |
| "@m2//:files", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "manual", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "workspace_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["workspace_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 5, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazelignore_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazelignore_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "workspace_resolved_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["workspace_resolved_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 10, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "cc_integration_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["cc_integration_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_docker_sandboxing_test", |
| timeout = "eternal", |
| srcs = ["bazel_docker_sandboxing_test.sh"], |
| args = ["$(location //:bazel-distfile)"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//:bazel-distfile", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "manual", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_sandboxing_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_sandboxing_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell:sandboxing_test_utils.sh", |
| "@mount_path_toolchain//file", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_sandboxing_cpp_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_sandboxing_cpp_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/test/shell:sandboxing_test_utils.sh", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "local", |
| "no_windows", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_workspace_status_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_workspace_status_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bound_targets_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bound_targets_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//:workspace-file", |
| "//src/test/shell/bazel/apple:objc-deps", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "client_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["client_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "execroot_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["execroot_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_repository_cache_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["bazel_repository_cache_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 6, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_with_jdk_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["bazel_with_jdk_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src:bazel", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "build_files_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["build_files_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_bootstrap_distfile_test", |
| timeout = "eternal", |
| srcs = ["bazel_bootstrap_distfile_test.sh"], |
| args = [ |
| "$(location //:bazel-distfile)", |
| "$(location //src:embedded_jdk)", |
| ], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//:bazel-distfile", |
| "//src:embedded_jdk", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_determinism_test", |
| timeout = "eternal", |
| srcs = ["bazel_determinism_test.sh"], |
| args = ["$(location //:bazel-distfile)"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//:bazel-distfile", |
| ], |
| tags = [ |
| "no_windows", |
| "slow", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "rule_test_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["rule_test_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| shard_count = 2, |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "help_test", |
| size = "small", |
| srcs = ["help_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "toolchain_test", |
| size = "large", |
| srcs = ["toolchain_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| shard_count = 5, |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "java_launcher_test", |
| size = "medium", |
| srcs = ["java_launcher_test.sh"], |
| args = ["$(JAVABASE)"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"], |
| ) |
| |
| genquery( |
| name = "srcs_list", |
| expression = "kind(\"source file\", deps(//:srcs))", |
| scope = ["//:srcs"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "srcs_test", |
| size = "small", |
| srcs = ["srcs_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":srcs_list", |
| "@local_bazel_source_list//:sources", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_strategy_test", |
| size = "small", |
| srcs = ["bazel_strategy_test.sh"], |
| data = [":test-deps"], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |
| |
| test_suite( |
| name = "all_tests", |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| ) |
| |
| test_suite( |
| name = "windows_tests", |
| tags = [ |
| "-no_windows", |
| "-slow", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:private"], |
| ) |
| |
| test_suite( |
| name = "all_windows_tests", |
| tests = [ |
| ":windows_tests", |
| ], |
| visibility = ["//src/test/shell:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| sh_test( |
| name = "bazel_workspaces_test", |
| srcs = ["bazel_workspaces_test.sh"], |
| data = [ |
| ":test-deps", |
| "//src/tools/workspacelog:parser", |
| ], |
| tags = ["no_windows"], |
| ) |