blob: e7b3dba9eb8a80942ff77186373f597ca702d8d2 [file] [log] [blame]
load(":python_version.bzl", "define_python_version_flag")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "2to3",
srcs = [""],
name = "srcs",
srcs = glob(["**"]) + [
name = "embedded_tools",
srcs = glob(["**"]) + [
visibility = ["//tools:__pkg__"],
name = "all_windows_tests",
tests = [
visibility = ["//tools:__pkg__"],
# This target can be used to inspect the current Python major version. To use,
# put it in the `flag_values` attribute of a `config_setting` and test it
# against the values "PY2" or "PY3". It will always match one or the other.
# If you do not need to test any other flags in combination with the Python
# version, then as a convenience you may use the predefined `config_setting`s
# `@bazel_tools//tools/python:PY2` and `@bazel_tools//tools/python:PY3`.
# Example usage:
# config_setting(
# name = "py3_on_arm",
# values = {"cpu": "arm"},
# flag_values = {"@bazel_tools//tools/python:python_version": "PY3"},
# )
# my_target(
# ...
# some_attr = select({
# ":py3_on_arm": ...,
# ...
# }),
# ...
# )
# Caution: Do not `select()` on the built-in command-line flags `--force_python`
# or `--python_version`, as they do not always reflect the true Python version
# of the current target. `select()`-ing on them can lead to action conflicts and
# will be disallowed.
name = "python_version",
name = "PY2",
flag_values = {":python_version": "PY2"},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "PY3",
flag_values = {":python_version": "PY3"},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# The toolchain type for Python rules. Provides a Python 2 and/or Python 3
# runtime.
toolchain_type(name = "toolchain_type")
# A constraint_setting to use for constraints related to the location of the
# system Python 2 interpreter on a platform.
constraint_setting(name = "py2_interpreter_path")
# A constraint_setting to use for constraints related to the location of the
# system Python 3 interpreter on a platform.
constraint_setting(name = "py3_interpreter_path")