blob: fbc05dcfd415cb7b919eca322a38b97c6795e364 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/** Utilites related to C++ support. */
name = "cc_common",
doc = "Utilities for C++ compilation, linking, and command line generation.")
public interface BazelCcModuleApi<
SkylarkActionFactoryT extends SkylarkActionFactoryApi,
FileT extends FileApi,
SkylarkRuleContextT extends SkylarkRuleContextApi,
CcToolchainProviderT extends CcToolchainProviderApi<FeatureConfigurationT>,
FeatureConfigurationT extends FeatureConfigurationApi,
CompilationContextT extends CcCompilationContextApi,
CompilationOutputsT extends CcCompilationOutputsApi<FileT>,
LinkingOutputsT extends CcLinkingOutputsApi<FileT>,
LibraryToLinkT extends LibraryToLinkApi<FileT>,
LinkingContextT extends CcLinkingContextApi<FileT, LibraryToLinkT>,
CcToolchainVariablesT extends CcToolchainVariablesApi,
CcToolchainConfigInfoT extends CcToolchainConfigInfoApi>
extends CcModuleApi<
CcToolchainConfigInfoT> {
name = "compile",
doc = "Should be used for C++ compilation.",
useEnvironment = true,
useLocation = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class,
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "srcs",
doc = "The list of source files to be compiled.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "public_hdrs",
doc =
"List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and may be included by dependent "
+ "rules transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "private_hdrs",
doc =
"List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and NOT to be included by"
+ " dependent rules.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes. "
+ "Usually passed with -I. Propagated to dependents transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "quote_includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced by quotes, "
+ "e.g. #include \"foo/bar/header.h\". They can be either relative to the exec "
+ "root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote. Propagated to dependents "
+ "transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "system_includes",
doc =
"Search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, e.g. #include"
+ " <foo/bar/header.h>. They can be either relative to the exec root or"
+ " absolute. Usually passed with -isystem. Propagated to dependents "
+ "transitively.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "defines",
doc = "Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "user_compile_flags",
doc = "Additional list of compilation options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "compilation_contexts",
doc = "Headers from dependencies used for compilation.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class),
name = "disallow_pic_outputs",
doc = "Whether PIC outputs should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "disallow_nopic_outputs",
doc = "Whether NOPIC outputs should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class)
Tuple<Object> compile(
SkylarkActionFactoryT skylarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT skylarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT skylarkCcToolchainProvider,
SkylarkList<FileT> sources,
SkylarkList<FileT> publicHeaders,
SkylarkList<FileT> privateHeaders,
SkylarkList<String> includes,
SkylarkList<String> quoteIncludes,
SkylarkList<String> systemIncludes,
SkylarkList<String> defines,
SkylarkList<String> userCompileFlags,
SkylarkList<CompilationContextT> ccCompilationContexts,
String name,
boolean disallowPicOutputs,
boolean disallowNopicOutputs,
Location location,
Environment environment)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
name = "link",
doc = "Should be used for C++ transitive linking.",
useEnvironment = true,
useLocation = true,
useContext = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class,
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "compilation_outputs",
doc = "Compilation outputs containing object files to link.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
noneable = true,
type = CcCompilationOutputsApi.class),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "Additional list of linker options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
noneable = true,
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "linking_contexts",
doc =
"Linking contexts from dependencies to be linked into the linking context "
+ "generated by this rule.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class),
name = "language",
doc = "Can be one of c++, objc or objc++.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "'c++'",
type = String.class),
name = "output_type",
doc = "Can be either 'executable' or 'dynamic_library'.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "'executable'",
type = String.class),
name = "link_deps_statically",
doc = " True to link dependencies statically, False dynamically.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "True",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
LinkingOutputsT link(
SkylarkActionFactoryT skylarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT skylarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT skylarkCcToolchainProvider,
CompilationOutputsT compilationOutputs,
SkylarkList<String> userLinkFlags,
SkylarkList<LinkingContextT> linkingContexts,
String name,
String language,
String outputType,
boolean linkDepsStatically,
SkylarkList<FileT> additionalInputs,
Location location,
Environment environment,
StarlarkContext starlarkContext)
throws InterruptedException, EvalException;
name = "create_linking_context_from_compilation_outputs",
doc =
"Should be used for creating library rules that can propagate information downstream in"
+ " order to be linked later by a top level rule that does transitive linking to"
+ " create an executable or dynamic library.",
useLocation = true,
useEnvironment = true,
useContext = true,
parameters = {
name = "actions",
type = SkylarkActionFactoryApi.class,
positional = false,
named = true,
doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
name = "feature_configuration",
doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = FeatureConfigurationApi.class),
name = "cc_toolchain",
doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcToolchainProviderApi.class),
name = "compilation_outputs",
doc = "Compilation outputs containing object files to link.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = CcCompilationOutputsApi.class),
name = "user_link_flags",
doc = "Additional list of linking options.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
noneable = true,
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "linking_contexts",
doc =
"Libraries from dependencies. These libraries will be linked into the output "
+ "artifact of the link() call, be it a binary or a library.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "name",
doc =
"This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+ "method.",
positional = false,
named = true,
type = String.class),
name = "language",
doc = "Can be one of c++, objc or objc++.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "'c++'",
type = String.class),
name = "alwayslink",
doc = "Whether this library should always be linked.",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "additional_inputs",
doc = "For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "[]",
type = SkylarkList.class),
name = "disallow_static_libraries",
doc = "Whether static libraries should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class),
name = "disallow_dynamic_library",
doc = "Whether a dynamic library should be created.",
positional = false,
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
type = Boolean.class)
Tuple<Object> createLinkingContextFromCompilationOutputs(
SkylarkActionFactoryT skylarkActionFactoryApi,
FeatureConfigurationT skylarkFeatureConfiguration,
CcToolchainProviderT skylarkCcToolchainProvider,
CompilationOutputsT compilationOutputs,
SkylarkList<String> userLinkFlags,
SkylarkList<LinkingContextT> linkingContexts,
String name,
String language,
boolean alwayslink,
SkylarkList<FileT> additionalInputs,
boolean disallowStaticLibraries,
boolean disallowDynamicLibraries,
Location location,
Environment environment,
StarlarkContext bazelStarlarkContext)
throws InterruptedException, EvalException;