blob: fe4534abb85dfbd18819bbade32da70d35a67591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file contains the protocol buffer representation of a build
// file or 'blaze query --output=proto' call.
syntax = "proto2";
package blaze_query;
option java_package = "";
message License {
repeated string license_type = 1;
repeated string exception = 2;
message StringDictEntry {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message StringDictUnaryEntry {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message LabelDictUnaryEntry {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message LabelListDictEntry {
required string key = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
message LabelKeyedStringDictEntry {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message StringListDictEntry {
required string key = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
// Represents an entry attribute of a Fileset rule in a build file.
message FilesetEntry {
// Indicates what to do when a source file is actually a symlink.
enum SymlinkBehavior {
COPY = 1;
// The label pointing to the source target where files are copied from.
required string source = 1;
// The relative path within the fileset rule where files will be mapped.
required string destination_directory = 2;
// Whether the files= attribute was specified. This is necessary because
// no files= attribute and files=[] mean different things.
optional bool files_present = 7;
// A list of file labels to include from the source directory.
repeated string file = 3;
// If this is a fileset entry representing files within the rule
// package, this lists relative paths to files that should be excluded from
// the set. This cannot contain values if 'file' also has values.
repeated string exclude = 4;
// This field is optional because there will be some time when the new
// PB is used by tools depending on blaze query, but the new blaze version
// is not yet released.
// TODO(bazel-team): Make this field required once a version of Blaze is
// released that outputs this field.
optional SymlinkBehavior symlink_behavior = 5 [ default=COPY ];
// The prefix to strip from the path of the files in this FilesetEntry. Note
// that no value and the empty string as the value mean different things here.
optional string strip_prefix = 6;
// A rule attribute. Each attribute must have a type and one of the various
// value fields populated - for the most part.
// Attributes of BOOLEAN and TRISTATE type may set all of the int, bool, and
// string values for backwards compatibility with clients that expect them to
// be set.
// may set *none* of the values. This can happen if the Attribute message is
// prepared for a client that doesn't support SELECTOR_LIST, but the rule has
// a selector list value for the attribute. (Selector lists for attributes of
// other types--the collection types--are handled differently when prepared
// for such a client. The possible collection values are gathered together
// and flattened.)
// By checking the type, the appropriate value can be extracted - see the
// comments on each type for the associated value. The order of lists comes
// from the blaze parsing. If an attribute is of a list type, the associated
// list should never be empty.
message Attribute {
// Indicates the type of attribute.
enum Discriminator {
INTEGER = 1; // int_value
STRING = 2; // string_value
LABEL = 3; // string_value
OUTPUT = 4; // string_value
STRING_LIST = 5; // string_list_value
LABEL_LIST = 6; // string_list_value
OUTPUT_LIST = 7; // string_list_value
DISTRIBUTION_SET = 8; // string_list_value - order is unimportant
LICENSE = 9; // license
STRING_DICT = 10; // string_dict_value
FILESET_ENTRY_LIST = 11; // fileset_list_value
LABEL_LIST_DICT = 12; // label_list_dict_value
STRING_LIST_DICT = 13; // string_list_dict_value
BOOLEAN = 14; // int, bool and string value
TRISTATE = 15; // tristate, int and string value
INTEGER_LIST = 16; // int_list_value
STRING_DICT_UNARY = 17; // string_dict_unary_value
UNKNOWN = 18; // unknown type, use only for build extensions
LABEL_DICT_UNARY = 19; // label_dict_unary_value
SELECTOR_LIST = 20; // selector_list
LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT = 21; // label_keyed_string_dict
// Values for the TriState field type.
enum Tristate {
NO = 0;
YES = 1;
AUTO = 2;
message SelectorEntry {
// The key of the selector entry. At this time, this is the label of a
// config_setting rule, or the pseudo-label "//conditions:default".
optional string label = 1;
// True if the entry's value is the default value for the type as a
// result of the condition value being specified as None (ie:
// {"//condition": None}).
optional bool is_default_value = 16;
// Exactly one of the following fields (except for glob_criteria) must be
// populated - note that the BOOLEAN and TRISTATE caveat in Attribute's
// comment does not apply here. The type field in the SelectorList
// containing this entry indicates which of these fields is populated,
// in accordance with the comments on Discriminator enum values above.
// (To be explicit: BOOLEAN populates the boolean_value field and TRISTATE
// populates the tristate_value field.)
optional int32 int_value = 2;
optional string string_value = 3;
optional bool boolean_value = 4;
optional Tristate tristate_value = 5;
repeated string string_list_value = 6;
optional License license = 7;
repeated StringDictEntry string_dict_value = 8;
repeated FilesetEntry fileset_list_value = 9;
repeated LabelListDictEntry label_list_dict_value = 10;
repeated StringListDictEntry string_list_dict_value = 11;
repeated GlobCriteria glob_criteria = 12;
repeated int32 int_list_value = 13;
repeated StringDictUnaryEntry string_dict_unary_value = 14;
repeated LabelDictUnaryEntry label_dict_unary_value = 15;
repeated LabelKeyedStringDictEntry label_keyed_string_dict_value = 17;
message Selector {
// The list of (label, value) pairs in the map that defines the selector.
// At this time, this cannot be empty, i.e. a selector has at least one
// entry.
repeated SelectorEntry entries = 1;
// Whether or not this has any default values.
optional bool has_default_value = 2;
// The error message when no condition matches.
optional string no_match_error = 3;
message SelectorList {
// The type that this selector list evaluates to, and the type that each
// selector in the list evaluates to. At this time, this cannot be
// SELECTOR_LIST, i.e. selector lists do not nest.
optional Discriminator type = 1;
// The list of selector elements in this selector list. At this time, this
// cannot be empty, i.e. a selector list is never empty.
repeated Selector elements = 2;
// The name of the attribute
required string name = 1;
// The location of the target in the BUILD file in a machine-parseable form.
optional Location DEPRECATED_parseable_location = 12;
// Whether the attribute was explicitly specified
optional bool explicitly_specified = 13;
// If this attribute has a string value or a string list value, then this
// may be set to indicate that the value may be treated as a label that
// isn't a dependency of this attribute's rule.
optional bool nodep = 20;
// The type of attribute. This message is used for all of the different
// attribute types so the discriminator helps for figuring out what is
// stored in the message.
required Discriminator type = 2;
// If this attribute has an integer value this will be populated.
// Boolean and TriState also use this field as [0,1] and [-1,0,1]
// for [false, true] and [auto, no, yes] respectively.
optional int32 int_value = 3;
// If the attribute has a string value this will be populated. Label and
// path attributes use this field as the value even though the type may
// be LABEL or something else other than STRING.
optional string string_value = 5;
// If the attribute has a boolean value this will be populated.
optional bool boolean_value = 14;
// If the attribute is a Tristate value, this will be populated.
optional Tristate tristate_value = 15;
// The value of the attribute has a list of string values (label and path
// note from STRING applies here as well).
repeated string string_list_value = 6;
// If this is a license attribute, the license information is stored here.
optional License license = 7;
// If this is a string dict, each entry will be stored here.
repeated StringDictEntry string_dict_value = 8;
// If the attribute is part of a Fileset, the fileset entries are stored in
// this field.
repeated FilesetEntry fileset_list_value = 9;
// If this is a label list dict, each entry will be stored here.
repeated LabelListDictEntry label_list_dict_value = 10;
// If this is a string list dict, each entry will be stored here.
repeated StringListDictEntry string_list_dict_value = 11;
// The glob criteria. This is non-empty if:
// 1. This attribute is a list of strings or labels, and,
// 2. It contained a glob() expression
repeated GlobCriteria glob_criteria = 16;
// The value of the attribute has a list of int32 values
repeated int32 int_list_value = 17;
// If this is a string dict unary, each entry will be stored here.
repeated StringDictUnaryEntry string_dict_unary_value = 18;
// If this is a label dict unary, each entry will be stored here.
repeated LabelDictUnaryEntry label_dict_unary_value = 19;
// If this is a label-keyed string dict, each entry will be stored here.
repeated LabelKeyedStringDictEntry label_keyed_string_dict_value = 22;
// If this attribute's value is an expression containing one or more select
// expressions, then its type is SELECTOR_LIST and a SelectorList will be
// stored here.
optional SelectorList selector_list = 21;
// A rule from a BUILD file (e.g., cc_library, java_binary). The rule class
// is the actual name of the rule (e.g., cc_library) and the name is the full
// label of the rule (e.g., //foo/bar:baz).
message Rule {
// The name of the rule
required string name = 1;
// The rule class (e.g., java_library)
required string rule_class = 2;
// The BUILD file and line number of the rule.
optional string location = 3;
// All of the attributes that describe the rule.
repeated Attribute attribute = 4;
// All of the inputs to the rule. These are predecessors in the dependency
// graph. A rule_input for a rule should always be described as a
// source_file in some package (either the rule's package or some other one).
repeated string rule_input = 5;
// All of the outputs of the rule. These are the successors in the
// dependency graph.
repeated string rule_output = 6;
// The set of all default settings affecting this rule. The name of a default
// setting is "<setting type>_<setting name>". There currently defined setting
// types are:
// - 'blaze': settings implemented in Blaze itself
repeated string default_setting = 7;
// The location of the target in the BUILD file in a machine-parseable form.
optional Location DEPRECATED_parseable_location = 8;
// The rule's class's public by default value.
optional bool public_by_default = 9;
// If this rule is of a skylark-defined RuleClass.
optional bool is_skylark = 10;
// List of Skylark aspects that this rule applies.
repeated AttributeAspect skylark_attribute_aspects = 11;
// Hash encapsulating the behavior of this Skylark rule. Any change to this
// rule's definition that could change its behavior will be reflected here.
optional string skylark_environment_hash_code = 12;
// A pairing of attribute name and a Skylark aspect that is applied to that attribute.
message AttributeAspect {
required string attribute_name = 1;
required SkylarkAspect aspect = 2;
// Aspect defined in Skylark.
message SkylarkAspect {
required string extension_file_label = 1;
required string exported_name = 2;
repeated Attribute attribute = 3;
// Summary of all transitive dependencies of 'rule,' where each dependent
// rule is included only once in the 'dependency' field. Gives complete
// information to analyze the single build target labeled,
// including optional location of target in BUILD file.
message RuleSummary {
required Rule rule = 1;
repeated Rule dependency = 2;
optional string location = 3;
// A package group. Aside from the name, it contains the list of packages
// present in the group (as specified in the BUILD file).
message PackageGroup {
// The name of the package group
required string name = 1;
// The list of packages as specified in the BUILD file. Currently this is
// only a list of packages, but some time in the future, there might be
// some type of wildcard mechanism.
repeated string contained_package = 2;
// The list of sub package groups included in this one.
repeated string included_package_group = 3;
// The location of the target in the BUILD file in a machine-parseable form.
optional Location DEPRECATED_parseable_location = 4;
// An environment group.
message EnvironmentGroup {
// The name of the environment group.
required string name = 1;
// The environments that belong to this group (as labels).
repeated string environment = 2;
// The member environments that rules implicitly support if not otherwise
// specified.
repeated string default = 3;
// A file that is an input into the build system.
// Next-Id: 10
message SourceFile {
// The name of the source file (a label).
required string name = 1;
// The location of the source file. This is a path with line numbers, not
// a label in the build system.
optional string location = 2;
// The location of the corresponding label in the BUILD file in a
// machine-parseable form.
optional Location DEPRECATED_parseable_location = 7;
// Labels of files that are transitively subincluded in this BUILD file. This
// is present only when the SourceFile represents a BUILD file that
// subincludes other files. The subincluded file can be either a Python
// preprocessed build extension or a Skylark file.
repeated string subinclude = 3;
// Labels of package groups that are mentioned in the visibility declaration
// for this source file.
repeated string package_group = 4;
// Labels mentioned in the visibility declaration (including :__pkg__ and
// //visibility: ones)
repeated string visibility_label = 5;
// The package-level features enabled for this package. Only present if the
// SourceFile represents a BUILD file.
repeated string feature = 6;
// License attribute for the file.
optional License license = 8;
// True if the package contains an error. Only present if the SourceFile
// represents a BUILD file.
optional bool package_contains_errors = 9;
// A file that is the output of a build rule.
message GeneratedFile {
// The name of the generated file (a label).
required string name = 1;
// The label of the target that generates the file.
required string generating_rule = 2;
// The path of the output file (not a label).
optional string location = 3;
// A target from a blaze query execution. Similar to the Attribute message,
// the Discriminator is used to determine which field contains information.
// For any given type, only one of these can be populated in a single Target.
message Target {
enum Discriminator {
RULE = 1;
// The type of target contained in the message.
required Discriminator type = 1;
// If this target represents a rule, the rule is stored here.
optional Rule rule = 2;
// A file that is not generated by the build system (version controlled
// or created by the test harness).
optional SourceFile source_file = 3;
// A generated file that is the output of a rule.
optional GeneratedFile generated_file = 4;
// A package group.
optional PackageGroup package_group = 5;
// An environment group.
optional EnvironmentGroup environment_group = 6;
// Container for all of the blaze query results.
message QueryResult {
// All of the targets returned by the blaze query.
repeated Target target = 1;
// Messages dealing with querying the BUILD language itself. For now, this is
// quite simplistic: Blaze can only tell the names of the rule classes, their
// attributes with their type.
// Information about allowed rule classes for a specific attribute of a rule.
message AllowedRuleClassInfo {
enum AllowedRuleClasses {
ANY = 1; // Any rule is allowed to be in this attribute
SPECIFIED = 2; // Only the explicitly listed rules are allowed
required AllowedRuleClasses policy = 1;
// Rule class names of rules allowed in this attribute, e.g "cc_library",
// "py_binary". Only present if the allowed_rule_classes field is set to
repeated string allowed_rule_class = 2;
// This message represents a single attribute of a single rule.
message AttributeDefinition {
// Rule name, e.g. "cc_library"
required string name = 1;
required Attribute.Discriminator type = 2;
required bool mandatory = 3;
// Only present for attributes of type LABEL and LABEL_LIST.
optional AllowedRuleClassInfo allowed_rule_classes = 4;
optional string documentation = 5;
message RuleDefinition {
required string name = 1;
// Only contains documented attributes
repeated AttributeDefinition attribute = 2;
optional string documentation = 3;
// Only for build extensions: label to file that defines the extension
optional string label = 4;
message BuildLanguage {
// Only contains documented rule definitions
repeated RuleDefinition rule = 1;
message Location {
optional int32 start_offset = 1;
optional int32 start_line = 2;
optional int32 start_column = 3;
optional int32 end_offset = 4;
optional int32 end_line = 5;
optional int32 end_column = 6;
message MakeVarBinding {
required string value = 1;
required string platform_set_regexp = 2;
message MakeVar {
required string name = 1;
repeated MakeVarBinding binding = 2;
message GlobCriteria {
// List of includes (or items if this criteria did not come from a glob)
repeated string include = 1;
// List of exclude expressions
repeated string exclude = 2;
// Whether this message came from a glob
optional bool glob = 3;
message Event {
enum EventKind {
ERROR = 1;
INFO = 3;
required EventKind kind = 1;
optional Location DEPRECATED_location = 2;
optional string message = 3;