blob: e8f60cc3f5382c512ded4bbcad745accb441c87c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package build.remote;
option java_package = "";
message ContentDigest {
bytes digest = 1; // A hash of the contents of the file, blob, or tree node
// (see below). The contents are digested using SHA1 (20 bytes).
int64 size_bytes = 2;
int32 version = 3; // Will be 0 by default, and increase if we ever change
// the hash function used, etc.
// And maybe other metadata later.
message FileMetadata {
ContentDigest digest = 1;
bool executable = 3;
// A Platform is defined by a set of opaque name-value pairs.
message Platform {
message Property {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
// Entries are sorted by name,value to ensure a canonical form.
repeated Property entry = 1;
// All the fields of this message have the following in common: they are
// expected to define a result. All instructions to remote execution that do
// not affect the result should be out of this message, because this message
// will be used as the Execution Cache key.
message Action {
// The digest of the command (as an encoded proto blob).
// Digested separately, because it is both long and reusable.
ContentDigest command_digest = 1;
// The Merkle digest of the root input directory.
ContentDigest input_root_digest = 2;
// Relative paths to the action's output files and directories.
// The standard output and error stream contents are always returned
// in addition (see ActionResult message).
// Any unnamed output files will be discarded.
// A path will be interpreted as a directory iff it contains a trailing
// slash.
// This should be sorted!
repeated string output_path = 4;
Platform platform = 5;
// All other requirements that affect the result of the action should be
// here as well.
message Command {
// The argument vector. argv[0] is the binary.
repeated string argv = 1;
// A map of environment variables.
// This is part of the command rather than Platform, because it does not
// affect scheduling.
message EnvironmentEntry {
string variable = 1;
string value = 2;
// Environment variables, sorted by variable.
repeated EnvironmentEntry environment = 2;
// Possibly other fields the describe the setup actions of the command.
message Output {
string path = 1;
// Yes, we shouldn't have to repeat paths here, but it should not be too
// costly, and might help.
// The actual output bodies will be stored in CAS.
oneof content {
// Populated for directory outputs only, contains the root FileNode digest.
ContentDigest digest = 2;
// Populated for file outputs only.
FileMetadata file_metadata = 3;
message ActionResult {
// Relative paths to the action's output files and directories.
// Any unnamed output files will be discarded.
// A path will be interpreted as a directory iff it contains a trailing
// slash.
// This should be sorted by path.
repeated Output output = 1;
int32 return_code = 2;
ContentDigest stdout_digest = 3;
ContentDigest stderr_digest = 4;
// Status message shared by all CAS requests.
message CasStatus {
bool succeeded = 1; // Whether the requested action had server side errors
// or not.
enum ErrorCode {
INVALID_ARGUMENT = 1; // The client behaved incorrectly. error_detail should
// have more information.
MISSING_DIGEST = 2; // Missing a node on tree download.
DIGEST_MISMATCH = 3; // Upload only error, when requested digest does not
// match the server side computed one.
NODE_PARSE_ERROR = 4; // Failed to parse digested data as node.
// more errors...
ErrorCode error = 2;
string error_detail = 3; // Human readable error.
// These are a common part of the status for many CAS requests:
repeated ContentDigest missing_digest = 4;
repeated ContentDigest parse_failed_digest = 5; // Only relevant to trees.
service CasService {
// Looks up given content keys in CAS, and returns success when found.
// The single returned status will have the potentially missing digests,
// which need to be re-uploaded.
rpc Lookup(CasLookupRequest) returns (CasLookupReply) { }
// Uploads a directory tree into CAS. Not streamed, because it is only tree
// metadata.
rpc UploadTreeMetadata(CasUploadTreeMetadataRequest) returns
(CasUploadTreeMetadataReply) { }
// Uploads data blob(s) into CAS.
rpc UploadBlob(stream CasUploadBlobRequest) returns (CasUploadBlobReply) { }
// Downoads a directory tree metadata from CAS.
rpc DownloadTreeMetadata(CasDownloadTreeMetadataRequest) returns
(CasDownloadTreeMetadataReply) { }
// Downoads a directory tree from CAS. Returns the entire root directory.
rpc DownloadTree(CasDownloadTreeRequest) returns (stream CasDownloadReply) { }
// Downoads data blob(s) from CAS, returns them.
rpc DownloadBlob(CasDownloadBlobRequest) returns (stream CasDownloadReply) { }
message FileNode {
FileMetadata file_metadata = 1;
message Child {
string path = 1;
ContentDigest digest = 2;
// The children should be sorted by path, and not have equal subdirectory
// prefixes.
repeated Child child = 2;
message CasLookupRequest {
repeated ContentDigest digest = 1;
message CasLookupReply {
CasStatus status = 1;
message CasUploadTreeMetadataRequest {
repeated FileNode tree_node = 1;
message CasUploadTreeMetadataReply {
CasStatus status = 1;
message CasDownloadTreeMetadataRequest {
ContentDigest root = 1;
message CasDownloadTreeMetadataReply {
CasStatus status = 1;
repeated FileNode tree_node = 2;
message BlobChunk {
ContentDigest digest = 1; // Present only in first chunk.
int64 offset = 2;
bytes data = 3;
// This will be used for batching files/blobs.
message CasUploadBlobRequest {
BlobChunk data = 1;
message CasUploadBlobReply {
CasStatus status = 1;
message CasDownloadTreeRequest {
ContentDigest root_digest = 1;
// This message is streamed.
message CasDownloadReply {
CasStatus status = 1;
BlobChunk data = 2;
// For trees, data is the entire root directory, zipped (for a single root).
// For blobs, sequential chunks of multiple blobs.
message CasDownloadBlobRequest {
repeated ContentDigest digest = 1;
service ExecutionCacheService {
// Gets results of a cached action.
rpc GetCachedResult(ExecutionCacheRequest) returns (ExecutionCacheReply) { }
// Set results of a cached action. This requires reproducible builds on
// connected machines!
rpc SetCachedResult(ExecutionCacheSetRequest) returns
(ExecutionCacheSetReply) {}
message ExecutionCacheRequest {
ContentDigest action_digest = 1;
message ExecutionCacheStatus {
// Whether the request had any server side errors. For a lookup (get result)
// request, a true value means the result was found in the cache.
bool succeeded = 1;
enum ErrorCode {
MISSING_RESULT = 1; // The result was not found in the execution cache.
UNSUPPORTED = 2; // The request is not supported by the server.
// More server errors...
ErrorCode error = 2;
string error_detail = 3; // Human readable error.
message ExecutionCacheReply {
ExecutionCacheStatus status = 1;
ActionResult result = 2;
message ExecutionCacheSetRequest {
ContentDigest action_digest = 1;
ActionResult result = 2;
message ExecutionCacheSetReply {
ExecutionCacheStatus status = 1;
service ExecuteService {
// Executes an action remotely.
rpc Execute(ExecuteRequest) returns (stream ExecuteReply) { }
message ExecuteRequest {
Action action = 1;
bool accept_cached = 2;
// Later will probably add previous attempt history, as it will be
// useful for monitoring and probably scheduling as well.
// These fields will be useful for scheduling, error reporting (e.g. disk
// exceeded) and for log analysis.
int32 total_input_file_count = 3;
int64 total_input_file_bytes = 4;
// Used for monitoring and scheduling.
BuildInfo build_info = 5;
// Timeout milliseconds for running this action.
int64 timeout_millis = 6; // Maybe add io_timeout as well, per
// Marc Antoine's suggestion.
// Add other fields such as required cores, RAM, etc, that affect scheduling,
// but not result, later. All the requirements that DO affect results should
// be part of the Action.
message BuildInfo {
string build_id = 1;
// TBD, Fields used to identify a build action.
// This will be useful for analysis purposes.
// Note: we don't want to put any Bazel-specific fields in this.
message ExecutionStats {
// TBD, will contain all the stats related to the execution:
// time it took, resources, etc. Maybe will break into sub-messages
// for various execution phases.
message ExecuteReply {
ExecutionStatus status = 1;
ActionResult result = 2;
bool cached_result = 3; // Filled by the server on Execution Cache hit.
ExecutionStats execution_stats = 4;
CasStatus cas_error = 5; // A possible server-side CAS error, e.g. missing
// inputs. The message contains the missing digests.
// Later will introduce return AttemptHistory for monitoring and use
// in requests.
message ExecutionStatus {
bool executed = 1; // Whether the action was executed.
bool succeeded = 2; // Whether the action succeeded.
enum ErrorCode {
MISSING_COMMAND = 1; // Missing command digest in CAS.
MISSING_INPUT = 2; // Missing one of the inputs in CAS.
EXEC_FAILED = 4; // Action returned non-zero.
// Other server errors. Some of these errors are client-retriable, and some
// not; will have to comment clearly what will happen on each error.
ErrorCode error = 3;
string error_detail = 4;
// These fields allow returning streaming statuses for the action progress.
enum ActionStage {
ActionStage stage = 5;
// Optionally will add more details pertaining to current stage, for example
// time executing, or position in queue, etc.