blob: c0aabebbaf0d12077937ab1062c785597470bb44 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Unit tests for docker_build
DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
source ${DIR}/ || { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
readonly PLATFORM="$(uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')"
if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "darwin" ]; then
readonly MAGIC_TIMESTAMP="$(date -r 0 "+%b %e %Y")"
readonly MAGIC_TIMESTAMP="$(date --date=@0 "+%F %R")"
function EXPECT_CONTAINS() {
local complete="${1}"
local substring="${2}"
local message="${3:-Expected '${substring}' not found in '${complete}'}"
echo "${complete}" | grep -Fsq -- "${substring}" \
|| fail "$message"
function no_check() {
echo "${@}"
function check_property() {
local property="${1}"
local tarball="${2}"
local layer="${3}"
local expected="${4}"
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${tarball}.tar"
local metadata="$(tar xOf "${test_data}" "./${layer}/json")"
# This would be much more accurate if we had 'jq' everywhere.
EXPECT_CONTAINS "${metadata}" "\"${property}\": ${expected}"
function check_manifest_property() {
local property="${1}"
local tarball="${2}"
local expected="${3}"
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${tarball}.tar"
local metadata="$(tar xOf "${test_data}" "./manifest.json")"
# This would be much more accurate if we had 'jq' everywhere.
EXPECT_CONTAINS "${metadata}" "\"${property}\": ${expected}"
function check_no_property() {
local property="${1}"
local tarball="${2}"
local layer="${3}"
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${tarball}.tar"
tar xOf "${test_data}" "./${layer}/json" >$TEST_log
expect_not_log "\"${property}\":"
# notop variant
tar xOf "${test_data}" "./${layer}/json" >$TEST_log
expect_not_log "\"${property}\":"
function check_size() {
check_property Size "${@}"
function check_id() {
check_property id "${@}"
function check_parent() {
check_property parent "${@}"
function check_entrypoint() {
check_property Entrypoint "${input}" "${@}"
check_property Entrypoint "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_cmd() {
check_property Cmd "${input}" "${@}"
check_property Cmd "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_ports() {
check_property ExposedPorts "${input}" "${@}"
check_property ExposedPorts "${input}" "${@}"
function check_volumes() {
check_property Volumes "${input}" "${@}"
check_property Volumes "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_env() {
check_property Env "${input}" "${@}"
check_property Env "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_label() {
check_property Label "${input}" "${@}"
check_property Label "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_workdir() {
check_property WorkingDir "${input}" "${@}"
check_property WorkingDir "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_user() {
check_property User "${input}" "${@}"
check_property User "notop_${input}" "${@}"
function check_layers_aux() {
local ancestry_check=${1}
shift 1
local input=${1}
shift 1
local expected_layers=(${*})
local expected_layers_sorted=(
$(for i in ${expected_layers[*]}; do echo $i; done | sort)
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}.tar"
# Verbose output for testing.
tar tvf "${test_data}"
local actual_layers=(
$(tar tvf ${test_data} | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 4- | sort \
| cut -d'/' -f 2 | grep -E '^[0-9a-f]+$' | sort | uniq))
# Verbose output for testing.
echo Expected: ${expected_layers_sorted[@]}
echo Actual: ${actual_layers[@]}
check_eq "${#expected_layers[@]}" "${#actual_layers[@]}"
local index=0
local parent=
while [ "${index}" -lt "${#expected_layers[@]}" ]
# Check that the nth sorted layer matches
check_eq "${expected_layers_sorted[$index]}" "${actual_layers[$index]}"
# Grab the ordered layer and check it.
local layer="${expected_layers[$index]}"
# Verbose output for testing.
echo Checking layer: "${layer}"
local listing="$(tar xOf "${test_data}" "./${layer}/layer.tar" | tar tv)"
# Check that all files in the layer, if any, have the magic timestamp
check_eq "$(echo "${listing}" | grep -Fv "${MAGIC_TIMESTAMP}" || true)" ""
check_id "${input}" "${layer}" "\"${layer}\""
# Check that the layer contains its predecessor as its parent in the JSON.
if [[ -n "${parent}" ]]; then
"${ancestry_check}" "${input}" "${layer}" "\"${parent}\""
# Check that the layer's size metadata matches the layer's tarball's size.
local layer_size=$(tar xOf "${test_data}" "./${layer}/layer.tar" | wc -c | xargs)
check_size "${input}" "${layer}" "${layer_size}"
index=$((index + 1))
function check_layers() {
local input=$1
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "$input" "$@"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "notop_$input" "$@"
function test_gen_image() {
grep -Fsq "./gen.out" "$TEST_DATA_DIR/gen_image.tar" \
|| fail "'./gen.out' not found in '$TEST_DATA_DIR/gen_image.tar'"
function test_dummy_repository() {
local layer="0279f3ce8b08d10506abcf452393b3e48439f5eca41b836fae59a0d509fbafea"
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/dummy_repository.tar"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "dummy_repository" "$layer"
local repositories="$(tar xOf "${test_data}" "./repositories")"
# This would really need to use `jq` instead.
echo "${repositories}" | \
grep -Esq -- "\"[a-zA-Z_/]*/docker/testdata\": {" \
|| fail "Cannot find image in repository in '${repositories}'"
EXPECT_CONTAINS "${repositories}" "\"dummy_repository\": \"$layer\""
function test_files_base() {
check_layers "files_base" \
function test_files_with_files_base() {
check_layers "files_with_files_base" \
"82ca3945f7d07df82f274d7fafe83fd664c2154e5c64c988916ccd5b217bb710" \
function test_tar_base() {
check_layers "tar_base" \
# Check that this layer doesn't have any entrypoint data by looking
# for *any* entrypoint.
check_no_property "Entrypoint" "tar_base" \
function test_tar_with_tar_base() {
check_layers "tar_with_tar_base" \
"8b9e4db9dd4b990ee6d8adc2843ad64702ad9063ae6c22e8ca5f94aa54e71277" \
function test_directory_with_tar_base() {
check_layers "directory_with_tar_base" \
"8b9e4db9dd4b990ee6d8adc2843ad64702ad9063ae6c22e8ca5f94aa54e71277" \
function test_files_with_tar_base() {
check_layers "files_with_tar_base" \
"8b9e4db9dd4b990ee6d8adc2843ad64702ad9063ae6c22e8ca5f94aa54e71277" \
function test_workdir_with_tar_base() {
check_layers "workdir_with_tar_base" \
"8b9e4db9dd4b990ee6d8adc2843ad64702ad9063ae6c22e8ca5f94aa54e71277" \
function test_tar_with_files_base() {
check_layers "tar_with_files_base" \
"82ca3945f7d07df82f274d7fafe83fd664c2154e5c64c988916ccd5b217bb710" \
function test_base_with_entrypoint() {
check_layers "base_with_entrypoint" \
check_entrypoint "base_with_entrypoint" \
"4acbeb0495918726c0107e372b421e1d2a6fd4825d58fc3f0b0b2a719fb3ce1b" \
# Check that the base layer has a port exposed.
check_ports "base_with_entrypoint" \
"4acbeb0495918726c0107e372b421e1d2a6fd4825d58fc3f0b0b2a719fb3ce1b" \
'{"8080/tcp": {}}'
function test_derivative_with_shadowed_cmd() {
check_layers "derivative_with_shadowed_cmd" \
"4acbeb0495918726c0107e372b421e1d2a6fd4825d58fc3f0b0b2a719fb3ce1b" \
function test_derivative_with_cmd() {
check_layers "derivative_with_cmd" \
"4acbeb0495918726c0107e372b421e1d2a6fd4825d58fc3f0b0b2a719fb3ce1b" \
"e35f57dc6c1e84ae67dcaaf3479a3a3c0f52ac4d194073bd6214e04c05beab42" \
check_entrypoint "derivative_with_cmd" \
"186289545131e34510006ac79498078dcf41736a5eb9a36920a6b30d3f45bc01" \
# Check that the middle layer has our shadowed arg.
check_cmd "derivative_with_cmd" \
"e35f57dc6c1e84ae67dcaaf3479a3a3c0f52ac4d194073bd6214e04c05beab42" \
# Check that our topmost layer excludes the shadowed arg.
check_cmd "derivative_with_cmd" \
"186289545131e34510006ac79498078dcf41736a5eb9a36920a6b30d3f45bc01" \
'["arg1", "arg2"]'
# Check that the topmost layer has the ports exposed by the bottom
# layer, and itself.
check_ports "derivative_with_cmd" \
"186289545131e34510006ac79498078dcf41736a5eb9a36920a6b30d3f45bc01" \
'{"80/tcp": {}, "8080/tcp": {}}'
function test_derivative_with_volume() {
check_layers "derivative_with_volume" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
# Check that the topmost layer has the ports exposed by the bottom
# layer, and itself.
check_volumes "derivative_with_volume" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
'{"/logs": {}}'
check_volumes "derivative_with_volume" \
"08424283ad3a7e020e210bec22b166d7ebba57f7ba2d0713c2fd7bd1e2038f88" \
'{"/asdf": {}, "/blah": {}, "/logs": {}}'
function test_generated_tarball() {
check_layers "generated_tarball" \
function test_with_env() {
check_layers "with_env" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
check_env "with_env" \
"42a1bd0f449f61a23b8a7776875ffb6707b34ee99c87d6428a7394f5e55e8624" \
'["bar=blah blah blah", "foo=/asdf"]'
# We should have a tag in our manifest, otherwise it will be untagged
# when loaded in newer clients.
check_manifest_property "RepoTags" "with_env" \
function test_with_double_env() {
check_layers "with_double_env" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
"42a1bd0f449f61a23b8a7776875ffb6707b34ee99c87d6428a7394f5e55e8624" \
# Check both the aggregation and the expansion of embedded variables.
check_env "with_double_env" \
"576a9fd9c690be04dc7aacbb9dbd1f14816e32dbbcc510f4d42325bbff7163dd" \
'["bar=blah blah blah", "baz=/asdf blah blah blah", "foo=/asdf"]'
function test_with_label() {
check_layers "with_label" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
check_label "with_label" \
"eba6abda3d259ab6ed5f4d48b76df72a5193fad894d4ae78fbf0a363d8f9e8fd" \
'["{\"name\": \"blah\"}", "com.example.baz=qux", "{\"name\": \"blah\"}"]'
function test_with_double_label() {
check_layers "with_double_label" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
"eba6abda3d259ab6ed5f4d48b76df72a5193fad894d4ae78fbf0a363d8f9e8fd" \
"bfe88fbb5e24fc5bff138f7a1923d53a2ee1bbc8e54b6f5d9c371d5f48b6b023" \
check_label "with_double_label" \
"bfe88fbb5e24fc5bff138f7a1923d53a2ee1bbc8e54b6f5d9c371d5f48b6b023" \
'["{\"name\": \"blah\"}", "com.example.baz=qux", "{\"name\": \"blah\"}", "com.example.qux={\"name\": \"blah-blah\"}"]'
function test_with_user() {
check_user "with_user" \
"65664d4d78ff321684e2a8bf165792ce562c5990c9ba992e6288dcb1ec7f675c" \
function get_layer_listing() {
local input=$1
local layer=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}.tar"
tar xOf "${test_data}" \
"./${layer}/layer.tar" | tar tv | sed -e 's/^.*:00 //'
function test_data_path() {
local no_data_path_sha="451d182e5c71840f00ba9726dc0239db73a21b7e89e79c77f677e3f7c5c23d44"
local data_path_sha="9a41c9e1709558f7ef06f28f66e9056feafa7e0f83990801e1b27c987278d8e8"
local absolute_data_path_sha="f196c42ab4f3eb850d9655b950b824db2c99c01527703ac486a7b48bb2a34f44"
local root_data_path_sha="19d7fd26d67bfaeedd6232dcd441f14ee163bc81c56ed565cc20e73311c418b6"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "no_data_path_image" "${no_data_path_sha}"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "data_path_image" "${data_path_sha}"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "absolute_data_path_image" "${absolute_data_path_sha}"
check_layers_aux "check_parent" "root_data_path_image" "${root_data_path_sha}"
# Without data_path = "." the file will be inserted as `./test`
# (since it is the path in the package) and with data_path = "."
# the file will be inserted relatively to the testdata package
# (so `./test/test`).
check_eq "$(get_layer_listing "no_data_path_image" "${no_data_path_sha}")" \
check_eq "$(get_layer_listing "data_path_image" "${data_path_sha}")" \
# With an absolute path for data_path, we should strip that prefix
# from the files' paths. Since the testdata images are in
# //tools/build_defs/docker/testdata and data_path is set to
# "/tools/build_defs", we should have `docker` as the top-level
# directory.
check_eq "$(get_layer_listing "absolute_data_path_image" "${absolute_data_path_sha}")" \
# With data_path = "/", we expect the entire path from the repository
# root.
check_eq "$(get_layer_listing "root_data_path_image" "${root_data_path_sha}")" \
function test_extras_with_deb() {
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/extras_with_deb.tar"
local sha=$(tar xOf ${test_data} ./top)
# The content of the layer should have no duplicate
local layer_listing="$(get_layer_listing "extras_with_deb" "${sha}" | sort)"
check_eq "${layer_listing}" \
./usr/bin/java -> /path/to/bin/java
function test_bundle() {
# Check that we have these layers, but ignore the parent check, since
# this is a tree not a list.
check_layers_aux "no_check" "bundle_test" \
"125e7cfb9d4a6d803a57b88bcdb05d9a6a47ac0d6312a8b4cff52a2685c5c858" \
"42a1bd0f449f61a23b8a7776875ffb6707b34ee99c87d6428a7394f5e55e8624" \
"4acbeb0495918726c0107e372b421e1d2a6fd4825d58fc3f0b0b2a719fb3ce1b" \
"576a9fd9c690be04dc7aacbb9dbd1f14816e32dbbcc510f4d42325bbff7163dd" \
"82ca3945f7d07df82f274d7fafe83fd664c2154e5c64c988916ccd5b217bb710" \
# Our bundle should have the following aliases.
check_manifest_property "RepoTags" "bundle_test" \
"[\"bazel/${TEST_DATA_TARGET_BASE}:base_with_entrypoint\", \"\"]"
check_manifest_property "RepoTags" "bundle_test" \
"[\"bazel/${TEST_DATA_TARGET_BASE}:link_with_files_base\", \"\"]"
check_manifest_property "RepoTags" "bundle_test" \
"[\"bazel/${TEST_DATA_TARGET_BASE}:with_double_env\", \"\"]"
run_suite "build_test"