| // Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis; |
| |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; |
| |
| import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; |
| import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; |
| import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.Label; |
| import com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.util.BazelMockAndroidSupport; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Map; |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| import org.junit.runner.RunWith; |
| import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; |
| |
| /** Tests for StarlarkAttributeTransitionProvider. */ |
| @RunWith(JUnit4.class) |
| public class StarlarkAttrTransitionProviderTest extends BuildViewTestCase { |
| |
| private void writeWhitelistFile() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist/BUILD", |
| "package_group(", |
| " name = 'function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " packages = [", |
| " '//test/skylark/...',", |
| " ],", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeBasicTestFiles() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| getAnalysisMock().ccSupport().setupCcToolchainConfigForCpu(mockToolsConfig, "armeabi-v7a"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {", |
| " 't0': {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'},", |
| " 't1': {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'armeabi-v7a'},", |
| " }", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func, inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return struct(", |
| " split_attr_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps,", |
| " split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep,", |
| " k8_deps = ctx.split_attr.deps.get('k8', None),", |
| " attr_deps = ctx.attr.deps,", |
| " attr_dep = ctx.attr.dep)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'deps': attr.label_list(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', deps = [':main1', ':main2'], dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main2', srcs = ['main2.c'])"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckAttrDeps() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| testSplitTransitionCheckAttrDeps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckAttrDep() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| testSplitTransitionCheckAttrDep(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testFunctionSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| testSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTargetNotInWhitelist() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/not_whitelisted/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main', srcs = ['main.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/not_whitelisted:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent("Non-whitelisted use of Starlark transition"); |
| } |
| |
| private void testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDeps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception { |
| // Check that ctx.split_attr.deps has this structure: |
| // { |
| // "k8": [ConfiguredTarget], |
| // "armeabi-v7a": [ConfiguredTarget], |
| // } |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| Map<String, List<ConfiguredTarget>> splitDeps = |
| (Map<String, List<ConfiguredTarget>>) target.get("split_attr_deps"); |
| assertThat(splitDeps).containsKey("k8"); |
| assertThat(splitDeps).containsKey("armeabi-v7a"); |
| assertThat(splitDeps.get("k8")).hasSize(2); |
| assertThat(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a")).hasSize(2); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("k8").get(0)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("k8").get(1)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a").get(0)).getCpu()) |
| .isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDeps.get("armeabi-v7a").get(1)).getCpu()) |
| .isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a"); |
| } |
| |
| private void testSplitTransitionCheckSplitAttrDep(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception { |
| // Check that ctx.split_attr.dep has this structure (that is, that the values are not lists): |
| // { |
| // "k8": ConfiguredTarget, |
| // "armeabi-v7a": ConfiguredTarget, |
| // } |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep = |
| (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("split_attr_dep"); |
| assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("k8"); |
| assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("k8")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a"); |
| } |
| |
| private void testSplitTransitionCheckAttrDeps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception { |
| // The regular ctx.attr.deps should be a single list with all the branches of the split merged |
| // together (i.e. for aspects). |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| List<ConfiguredTarget> attrDeps = (List<ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("attr_deps"); |
| assertThat(attrDeps).hasSize(4); |
| ListMultimap<String, Object> attrDepsMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); |
| for (ConfiguredTarget ct : attrDeps) { |
| attrDepsMap.put(getConfiguration(ct).getCpu(), target); |
| } |
| assertThat(attrDepsMap).valuesForKey("k8").hasSize(2); |
| assertThat(attrDepsMap).valuesForKey("armeabi-v7a").hasSize(2); |
| } |
| |
| private void testSplitTransitionCheckAttrDep(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception { |
| // Check that even though my_rule.dep is defined as a single label, ctx.attr.dep is still a list |
| // with multiple ConfiguredTarget objects because of the two different CPUs. |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| List<ConfiguredTarget> attrDep = (List<ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("attr_dep"); |
| assertThat(attrDep).hasSize(2); |
| ListMultimap<String, Object> attrDepMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); |
| for (ConfiguredTarget ct : attrDep) { |
| attrDepMap.put(getConfiguration(ct).getCpu(), target); |
| } |
| assertThat(attrDepMap).valuesForKey("k8").hasSize(1); |
| assertThat(attrDepMap).valuesForKey("armeabi-v7a").hasSize(1); |
| } |
| |
| private void testSplitTransitionCheckK8Deps(ConfiguredTarget target) throws Exception { |
| // Check that the deps were correctly accessed from within Skylark. |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| List<ConfiguredTarget> k8Deps = (List<ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("k8_deps"); |
| assertThat(k8Deps).hasSize(2); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(k8Deps.get(0)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(k8Deps.get(1)).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeReadSettingsTestFiles() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " transitions = {}", |
| " for cpu in settings['//command_line_option:fat_apk_cpu']:", |
| " transitions[cpu] = {", |
| " '//command_line_option:cpu': cpu,", |
| " }", |
| " return transitions", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func, ", |
| " inputs = ['//command_line_option:fat_apk_cpu'],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return struct(split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main', srcs = ['main.c'])"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testReadSettingsSplitDepAttrDep() throws Exception { |
| // Check that ctx.split_attr.dep has this structure: |
| // { |
| // "k8": ConfiguredTarget, |
| // "armeabi-v7a": ConfiguredTarget, |
| // } |
| getAnalysisMock().ccSupport().setupCcToolchainConfigForCpu(mockToolsConfig, "armeabi-v7a"); |
| writeReadSettingsTestFiles(); |
| |
| useConfiguration("--fat_apk_cpu=k8,armeabi-v7a"); |
| ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep = |
| (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("split_attr_dep"); |
| assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("k8"); |
| assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("k8")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("k8"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a"); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeOptionConversionTestFiles() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {", |
| " '//command_line_option:cpu': 'armeabi-v7a',", |
| " '//command_line_option:dynamic_mode': 'off',", |
| " '//command_line_option:crosstool_top': '//android/crosstool:everything',", |
| " }", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func, inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu',", |
| " '//command_line_option:dynamic_mode',", |
| " '//command_line_option:crosstool_top'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return struct(split_attr_dep = ctx.split_attr.dep)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main', srcs = ['main.c'])"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOptionConversionCpu() throws Exception { |
| writeOptionConversionTestFiles(); |
| BazelMockAndroidSupport.setupNdk(mockToolsConfig); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| |
| @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
| Map<String, ConfiguredTarget> splitDep = |
| (Map<String, ConfiguredTarget>) target.get("split_attr_dep"); |
| assertThat(splitDep).containsKey("armeabi-v7a"); |
| assertThat(getConfiguration(splitDep.get("armeabi-v7a")).getCpu()).isEqualTo("armeabi-v7a"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testUndeclaredOptionKey() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func, inputs = [], outputs = [])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "transition function returned undeclared output '//command_line_option:cpu'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDeclaredOutputNotReturned() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu',", |
| " '//command_line_option:host_cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "transition outputs [//command_line_option:host_cpu] were not " |
| + "defined by transition function"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSettingsContainOnlyInputs() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " if (len(settings) != 2", |
| " or (not settings['//command_line_option:host_cpu'])", |
| " or (not settings['//command_line_option:cpu'])):", |
| " fail()", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = ['//command_line_option:host_cpu',", |
| " '//command_line_option:cpu'],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| assertThat(getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test")).isNotNull(); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidInputKey() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = ['cpu'], outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "invalid transition input 'cpu'. If this is intended as a native option, " |
| + "it must begin with //command_line_option:"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidNativeOptionInput() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = ['//command_line_option:foo', '//command_line_option:bar'],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "transition inputs [//command_line_option:foo, //command_line_option:bar] " |
| + "do not correspond to valid settings"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidNativeOptionOutput() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:foobarbaz': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'], outputs = ['//command_line_option:foobarbaz'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "transition output '//command_line_option:foobarbaz' " |
| + "does not correspond to a valid setting"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidOutputKey() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'cpu': 'k8'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = [], outputs = ['cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "invalid transition output 'cpu'. If this is intended as a native option, " |
| + "it must begin with //command_line_option:"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidOptionValue() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 1}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = [], outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent("Invalid value type for option 'cpu'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDuplicateOutputs() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "def transition_func(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//command_line_option:cpu': 1}", |
| "my_transition = transition(implementation = transition_func,", |
| " inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//command_line_option:cpu',", |
| " '//command_line_option:foo',", |
| " '//command_line_option:cpu'])", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist',", |
| " ),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent("duplicate transition output '//command_line_option:cpu'"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidNativeOptionOutput_analysisTest() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "my_transition = analysis_test_transition(", |
| " settings = {'//command_line_option:foobarbaz': 'k8'})", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule_test = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " analysis_test = True,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule_test')", |
| "my_rule_test(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "transition output '//command_line_option:foobarbaz' " |
| + "does not correspond to a valid setting"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testInvalidOutputKey_analysisTest() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/my_rule.bzl", |
| "my_transition = analysis_test_transition(", |
| " settings = {'cpu': 'k8'})", |
| "def impl(ctx): ", |
| " return []", |
| "my_rule_test = rule(", |
| " implementation = impl,", |
| " analysis_test = True,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " })"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:my_rule.bzl', 'my_rule_test')", |
| "my_rule_test(name = 'test', dep = ':main1')", |
| "cc_binary(name = 'main1', srcs = ['main1.c'])"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "invalid transition output 'cpu'. If this is intended as a native option, " |
| + "it must begin with //command_line_option:"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCannotTransitionWithoutFlag() throws Exception { |
| writeBasicTestFiles(); |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions("--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=false"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "Starlark-defined transitions on rule attributes is experimental and disabled by default"); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeBuildSettingsBzl() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/build_settings.bzl", |
| "BuildSettingInfo = provider(fields = ['value'])", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(value = ctx.build_setting_value)]", |
| "int_flag = rule(implementation = _impl, build_setting = config.int(flag=True))"); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl() throws Exception { |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/rules.bzl", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'BuildSettingInfo')", |
| "def _transition_impl(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//test/skylark:the-answer': 42}", |
| "my_transition = transition(", |
| " implementation = _transition_impl,", |
| " inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//test/skylark:the-answer']", |
| ")", |
| "def _rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(dep = ctx.attr.dep)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _rule_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist'),", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(value = ctx.attr.fact[BuildSettingInfo].value)]", |
| "dep_rule_impl = rule(", |
| " implementation = _dep_rule_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'fact': attr.label(default = '//test/skylark:the-answer'),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_fromDefault() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true", "--experimental_build_setting_api=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeBuildSettingsBzl(); |
| writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "int_flag(name = 'the-answer', build_setting_default = 0)"); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget dep = |
| Iterables.getOnlyElement( |
| (List<ConfiguredTarget>) getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test").get("dep")); |
| assertThat( |
| getConfiguration(dep) |
| .getOptions() |
| .getStarlarkOptions() |
| .get(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//test/skylark:the-answer"))) |
| .isEqualTo(42); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_fromCommandLine() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true", "--experimental_build_setting_api=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeBuildSettingsBzl(); |
| writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "int_flag(name = 'the-answer', build_setting_default = 0)"); |
| |
| useConfiguration(ImmutableMap.of("//test/skylark:the-answer", 7)); |
| ConfiguredTarget test = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertThat( |
| getConfiguration(test) |
| .getOptions() |
| .getStarlarkOptions() |
| .get(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//test/skylark:the-answer"))) |
| .isEqualTo(7); |
| |
| ConfiguredTarget dep = Iterables.getOnlyElement((List<ConfiguredTarget>) test.get("dep")); |
| assertThat( |
| getConfiguration(dep) |
| .getOptions() |
| .getStarlarkOptions() |
| .get(Label.parseAbsoluteUnchecked("//test/skylark:the-answer"))) |
| .isEqualTo(42); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_badValue() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_build_setting_api=true", "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeBuildSettingsBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/rules.bzl", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'BuildSettingInfo')", |
| "def _transition_impl(settings, attr):", |
| " return {'//test/skylark:the-answer': 'What do you get if you multiply six by nine?'}", |
| "my_transition = transition(", |
| " implementation = _transition_impl,", |
| " inputs = [],", |
| " outputs = ['//test/skylark:the-answer']", |
| ")", |
| "def _rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return struct(dep = ctx.attr.dep)", |
| "my_rule = rule(", |
| " implementation = _rule_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'dep': attr.label(cfg = my_transition),", |
| " '_whitelist_function_transition': attr.label(", |
| " default = '//tools/whitelists/function_transition_whitelist'),", |
| " }", |
| ")", |
| "def _dep_rule_impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(value = ctx.attr.fact[BuildSettingInfo].value)]", |
| "dep_rule_impl = rule(", |
| " implementation = _dep_rule_impl,", |
| " attrs = {", |
| " 'fact': attr.label(default = '//test/skylark:the-answer'),", |
| " }", |
| ")"); |
| |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "int_flag(", |
| " name = 'the-answer',", |
| " build_setting_default = 0,", |
| ")"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "expected value of type 'int' for //test/skylark:the-answer, " |
| + "but got \"What do you get if you multiply six by nine?\" (string)"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_noSuchTarget() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_build_setting_api=true", "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl(); |
| // Still need to write this file in order not to rewrite rules.bzl file (has loads from this |
| // file) |
| writeBuildSettingsBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "no such target '//test/skylark:the-answer': target " |
| + "'the-answer' not declared in package"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_notABuildSetting() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_build_setting_api=true", "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/build_settings.bzl", |
| "BuildSettingInfo = provider(fields = ['value'])", |
| "def _impl(ctx):", |
| " return [BuildSettingInfo(value = ctx.build_setting_value)]", |
| "int_flag = rule(implementation = _impl)"); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "int_flag(name = 'the-answer')"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "attempting to transition on '//test/skylark:the-answer' which " |
| + "is not a build setting"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testTransitionOnBuildSetting_aliasedBuildSetting() throws Exception { |
| setSkylarkSemanticsOptions( |
| "--experimental_starlark_config_transitions=true", "--experimental_build_setting_api=true"); |
| writeWhitelistFile(); |
| writeBuildSettingsBzl(); |
| writeRulesWithAttrTransitionBzl(); |
| scratch.file( |
| "test/skylark/BUILD", |
| "load('//test/skylark:rules.bzl', 'my_rule')", |
| "load('//test/skylark:build_settings.bzl', 'int_flag')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'test', dep = ':dep')", |
| "my_rule(name = 'dep')", |
| "int_flag(name = 'the-secret-answer', build_setting_default = 0)", |
| "alias(name = 'the-answer', actual = ':the-secret-answer')"); |
| |
| reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler); |
| getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:test"); |
| assertContainsEvent( |
| "attempting to transition on '//test/skylark:the-answer' which " |
| + "is not a build setting"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOptionConversionDynamicMode() throws Exception { |
| // TODO(waltl): check that dynamic_mode is parsed properly. |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOptionConversionCrosstoolTop() throws Exception { |
| // TODO(waltl): check that crosstool_top is parsed properly. |
| } |
| } |