blob: 40675e96818c8448069927c1824cee981f54353b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A {@link Module} represents a Starlark module, a container of global variables populated by
* executing a Starlark file. Each top-level assignment updates a global variable in the module.
* <p>Each module references its "predeclared" environment, which is often shared among many
* modules. These are the names that are defined even at the start of execution. For example, in
* Bazel, the predeclared environment of the module for a BUILD or .bzl file defines name values
* such as cc_binary and glob.
* <p>The predeclared environment currently must include the "universal" names present in every
* Starlark thread in every dialect, such as None, len, and str.
* <p>Global bindings in a Module may shadow bindings inherited from the predeclared or universe
* block.
* <p>A module may carry an arbitrary piece of metadata called its "label". In Bazel, for example,
* the label is a build label such as "//dir:file.bzl", for use by the Label function. This is a
* hack.
* <p>A {@link Module} may be constructed in a two-phase process. To do this, call the nullary
* constructor to create an uninitialized {@link Module}, then call {@link #initialize}. It is
* illegal to use any other method in-between these two calls, or to call {@link #initialize} on an
* already initialized {@link Module}.
// TODO(adonovan):
// - make fields private where possible.
// - remove references to this from StarlarkThread.
// - separate the universal predeclared environment and make it implicit.
// - eliminate initialize(). The only constructor we need is:
// (String name, Mutability mu, Map<String, Object> predeclared, Object label).
public final class Module implements ValidationEnvironment.Module, Mutability.Freezable {
* Final, except that it may be initialized after instantiation. Null mutability indicates that
* this Frame is uninitialized.
@Nullable private Mutability mutability;
/** Final, except that it may be initialized after instantiation. */
@Nullable Module universe;
// The label (an optional piece of metadata) associated with the file.
@Nullable Object label;
/** Bindings are maintained in order of creation. */
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> bindings;
* A list of bindings which *would* exist in this global frame under certain semantic flags, but
* do not exist using the semantic flags used in this frame's creation. This map should not be
* used for lookups; it should only be used to throw descriptive error messages when a lookup of a
* restricted object is attempted.
final LinkedHashMap<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings;
/** Set of bindings that are exported (can be loaded from other modules). */
final HashSet<String> exportedBindings;
/** Constructs an uninitialized instance; caller must call {@link #initialize} before use. */
public Module() {
this.mutability = null;
this.universe = null;
this.label = null;
this.bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.exportedBindings = new HashSet<>();
Mutability mutability,
@Nullable Module universe,
@Nullable Object label,
@Nullable Map<String, Object> bindings,
@Nullable Map<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings) {
Preconditions.checkState(universe == null || universe.universe == null);
this.mutability = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability);
this.universe = universe;
if (label != null) {
this.label = label;
} else if (universe != null) {
this.label = universe.label;
} else {
this.label = null;
this.bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (bindings != null) {
this.restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (restrictedBindings != null) {
if (universe != null) {
this.exportedBindings = new HashSet<>();
public Module(Mutability mutability) {
this(mutability, null, null, null, null);
public Module(Mutability mutability, @Nullable Module universe) {
this(mutability, universe, null, null, null);
public Module(Mutability mutability, @Nullable Module universe, @Nullable Object label) {
this(mutability, universe, label, null, null);
/** Constructs a global frame for the given builtin bindings. */
public static Module createForBuiltins(Map<String, Object> bindings) {
Mutability mutability = Mutability.create("<builtins>").freeze();
return new Module(mutability, null, null, bindings, null);
* Constructs a global frame based on the given parent frame, filtering out flag-restricted global
* objects.
static Module filterOutRestrictedBindings(
Mutability mutability, Module parent, StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
if (parent == null) {
return new Module(mutability);
Map<String, Object> filteredBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> binding : parent.getTransitiveBindings().entrySet()) {
if (binding.getValue() instanceof FlagGuardedValue) {
FlagGuardedValue val = (FlagGuardedValue) binding.getValue();
if (val.isObjectAccessibleUsingSemantics(semantics)) {
filteredBindings.put(binding.getKey(), val.getObject(semantics));
} else {
restrictedBindings.put(binding.getKey(), val);
} else {
filteredBindings.put(binding.getKey(), binding.getValue());
return new Module(
mutability, null /*parent */, parent.label, filteredBindings, restrictedBindings);
private void checkInitialized() {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability, "Attempted to use Frame before initializing it");
public void initialize(
Mutability mutability,
@Nullable Module universe,
@Nullable Object label,
Map<String, Object> bindings) {
universe == null || universe.universe == null); // no more than 1 universe
this.mutability == null, "Attempted to initialize an already initialized Frame");
this.mutability = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability);
this.universe = universe;
if (label != null) {
this.label = label;
} else if (universe != null) {
this.label = universe.label;
} else {
this.label = null;
* Returns a new {@link Module} with the same fields, except that {@link #label} is set to the
* given value. The label associated with each function (frame) on the stack is accessible using
* {@link #getLabel}, and is included in the result of {@code str(fn)} where {@code fn} is a
* StarlarkFunction.
public Module withLabel(Object label) {
return new Module(mutability, /*universe*/ null, label, bindings, /*restrictedBindings*/ null);
/** Returns the {@link Mutability} of this {@link Module}. */
public Mutability mutability() {
return mutability;
* Returns the parent {@link Module}, if it exists.
* <p>TODO(laurentlb): Should be called getUniverse.
public Module getParent() {
return universe;
* Returns the label (an optional piece of metadata) associated with this {@code Module}. (For
* Bazel LOADING threads, this is the build label of its BUILD or .bzl file.)
public Object getLabel() {
return label;
* Returns a map of direct bindings of this {@link Module}, ignoring universe.
* <p>The bindings are returned in a deterministic order (for a given sequence of initial values
* and updates).
* <p>For efficiency an unmodifiable view is returned. Callers should assume that the view is
* invalidated by any subsequent modification to the {@link Module}'s bindings.
public Map<String, Object> getBindings() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(bindings);
* Returns a map of bindings that are exported (i.e. symbols declared using `=` and `def`, but not
* `load`).
// TODO(adonovan): whether bindings are exported should be decided by the resolver;
// non-exported bindings should never be added to the module.
public Map<String, Object> getExportedBindings() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> result = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : bindings.entrySet()) {
if (exportedBindings.contains(entry.getKey())) {
public Set<String> getNames() {
return getTransitiveBindings().keySet();
public String getUndeclaredNameError(StarlarkSemantics semantics, String name) {
FlagGuardedValue v = restrictedBindings.get(name);
return v == null ? null : v.getErrorFromAttemptingAccess(semantics, name);
/** Returns an environment containing both module and predeclared bindings. */
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate in favor of explicit module vs. predeclared operations.
public Map<String, Object> getTransitiveBindings() {
// Can't use ImmutableMap.Builder because it doesn't allow duplicates.
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> collectedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (universe != null) {
return collectedBindings;
* Returns the value of the specified module variable, or null if not bound. Does not look in the
* predeclared environment.
public Object lookup(String varname) {
return bindings.get(varname);
* Returns the value of the named variable in the module environment, or if not bound there, in
* the predeclared environment, or if not bound there, null.
public Object get(String varname) {
// TODO(adonovan): delete this whole function, and getTransitiveBindings.
// With proper resolution, the interpreter will know whether
// to look in the module or the predeclared/universal environment.
Object val = bindings.get(varname);
if (val != null) {
return val;
if (universe != null) {
return universe.get(varname);
return null;
/** Updates a binding in the module environment. */
public void put(String varname, Object value) throws MutabilityException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Module.put(%s, null)", varname);
Mutability.checkMutable(this, mutability());
bindings.put(varname, value);
public String toString() {
// TODO(adonovan): use the file name of the module (not visible to Starlark programs).
if (mutability == null) {
return "<Uninitialized Module>";
} else {
return String.format("<Module%s>", mutability());